Well, I meant it's getting roughly the same/lower scores than the last game, when I expected it to be a marked improvement.
Seriously, you trust those tasteless casual game reviewers? It's not like it was all reviewed by the same person that reviewed the last game anyway.
Dark Souls 2 got 91 on metacritic while Dark Souls 1 only got 89, and yet DS2 is considered a huge disappointment and insult to 98% of Souls fans.
Stop using idiot's opinion to determine a game's value. Review score is a joke and you shouldn't take them seriously, an 85 game on metacritic isn't any better than a 82 game, period. The PS3 version of Sleeping Dogs gets an 83 on Metacritic while the Definitive Edition on PS4 only gets 77. Does that mean PS3 version provides a superior experience and everyone who owns a PS4 should just play the PS3 version instead?
''but..but..but....83 is like 6 POINTS higher than 77....''
With all due respect, please use your brain before reading review scores.