That card had more subs than a deli.
Wtf, 5??!
Did they just pick guys with zero ground defense to fight all these Brazilians?
That card had more subs than a deli.
LP, you were talking about the fur in Witcher 3:
better in motion.
The fur you see in the video(and probably what you'll get on consoles) is what they show at 0:09, the good looking stuff is fancy NVIDIA tech that won't be on consoles.
The fur you see in the video(and probably what you'll get on consoles) is what they show at 0:09, the good looking stuff is fancy NVIDIA tech that won't be on consoles.
I have a feeling PS4 will drop late October or Early Nov.
I don't like FF but FFXV looked pretty damn appealing to me.
One of the two will take the easy marketing opp with the 11/12/13 date.
WiiU is perfect for a secondary console. Bayonetta 2, X, Mario, Zelda and Donkey Kong. I also assume No More Heroes 3 will be on the WiiU. A $250 price point seems more than reasonable.
To be honest, I'm only looking forward a few games funded by kickstarter and Witcher 3. When those are out I'm ready to quit gaming.
The problem is that console is still $350 with no games to play until August. I can't believe their holiday lineup is Wind Waker HD, Mario Land and DKC.
Do you even listen to some of the nonsense you say? You were losing your shit over Mirror's Edge 2 and now you've already forgotten it.
The Portugal get no hespec from Microsoft.
Yeah, pretty bad for a holiday line up. Hopefully the price will drop to $299-$250 within the next year.
I remembered it's an EA game, thus, it will require Origin.
Edit: And they announced it'll be open world.
and how is the bball goat averaging 16 ppg in the finals?
and how is the bball goat averaging 16 ppg in the finals?
And some games will now require buying a new 400 or 500$ box.
Mirror's Edge 2 being open world is a good thing.
Mental Midget. Greatest Front Runner of ALL TIME!
I set origin games up to be launched by steam and it works quite well. Ubisoft recently got their shit together with uPlay and now those games can launch directly from Steam as well.I remembered it's an EA game, thus, it will require Origin.
Edit: And they announced it'll be open world.
It's not inherently good nor bad, but I'm skeptical because way too many devs botch open world games.
and how is the bball goat averaging 16 ppg in the finals?
DAT ESPN NARRATIVE. lebron has always been a joke. i really hope miami loses this series.
As big of an ass-whooping the Spurs gave us last night, it only counts for 1 loss. We can still pull this series out and should we do so, what I will do to this thread will make McKayla pic spam look like child's play. When game 2 in 2011 was horrifically choked away, I knew the series was a wrap. I felt the team couldn't recover mentally from it. I don't feel that with this team. I think they'll respond well for game 4. I don't know what the hell happens in 5 though.
Who the hell overrates Spo? He gets routinely killed by fans everywhere as he should because he's a mediocre coach.He came into the NBA already crowded. MJ, Magic, Kobe, Dream, Duncan, and all the other greats earned their spot.
I want the Spurs to win because Pop and Duncan are about to retire. I also hate Spo and think he is overrated as fuck. Rose doesn't get hurt and the Bulls win next year.
There shouldn't be any excuse for a racing game on PS4 or XBone to run at 30FPS.The showfloor reports on DriveClub haven't been glowing. I'm sure the game will shape up though (currently at 35% apparently) or else I'll be playing Need for Speed at launch.
Who the hell overrates Spo? He gets routinely killed by fans everywhere as he should because he's a mediocre coach.
There shouldn't be any excuse for a racing game on PS4 or XBone to run at 30FPS.
Drive Club currently runs at 30FPS. Fuck that. Looked pretty close to a last gen game IMO.
The Portugal get no hespec from Microsoft.
Wii U is essentially only Nintendo games going forward. even shovelware kings Ubisoft are abandoning the thing.
I didn't know you played for the Heat?
Let's break this down.
399 USD for PS4 at launch. To use the console, the consumer is forced into paying 60 USD annually to play online. Let's assume the average user will sub to PS+ for 4 years to utilize the console's online capabilities, we're talking around 650 USD cost of ownership for the PS4.
At that price I can get a 780 gtx or the eventual 880 gtx.
I'm going to keep my PS4 preorder, but if I see the scalper market is strong this holiday season, I may try to flip it for PC components. My PC can also use an upgrade.
I watch the games at work, we don't have any audio from the games on since music is playing instead.You don't pay attention during games? "Spo is on his way to being a HoF coach" has been said throughout the fucking playoffs. It's part of the narrative. Future HoF player+Future HoF coach going on a run is the story.
Haslem has guarded Duncan well and has re-discovered his money mid-range jumper. We need to go to him a little more. Bosh was missing wide open elbow jumpers from his money right side that he usually makes. We need to run more curls with Ray Allen. Defensively, a lot of rotations were sloppy rotations and the Spurs simply being hot. Too much watching and not enough reacting by Cole and Miller, a lot of miscommunication as well for weakside help. The Birdman missed a lot of rebounds he usually gets. LeBron was pure passive mode and Wade vanished at halftime. Yesterday was a combination of the Spurs playing beast mode and the Heat playing like pure shit. The Heat are the ultimate "when they lose they're cans, when they win they're unstoppable" knee-jerk reaction analysis team. Spo made adjustments in game 2, as mediocre as he is I expect some for game 4. Let's not make the Spurs invincible either, this is a team that lost 4 straight to OKC last year and Pop got outcoached by fucking Scott Brooks of all coaches. Also, we don't know how Parker will do with his strained hammy.Bro I think Spo is about to get fucked. How do you adjust to this? Start rushing the shooters and you leave Duncan in the post and Parker open for the drive. Really listening to Bron on ESPN he understands what needs to be done but I don't think he can do it. Kawhi's length is too much for him and Green is too quick. Pop's adjustment to Bron has been outstanding this series. If Heat win it will be in the 7th game after losing game 6 because they will not lose twice in a row at home.
I financially support the team by attending games, buying merchandise, and the team is a representative of the city I live in. It's always been stupid to me when people bitch about fans using "we". Without fans there is no team unless the owner is cheap prick who hoards revenue sharing, keeps a low payroll, and can keep his team profitable anyway.don't you hate it when fans refer to a sporting team as "WE"?
Let's break this down.
399 USD for PS4 at launch. To use the console, the consumer is forced into paying 60 USD annually to play online. Let's assume the average user will sub to PS+ for 4 years to utilize the console's online capabilities, we're talking around 650 USD cost of ownership for the PS4.
At that price I can get a 780 gtx or the eventual 880 gtx.
I'm going to keep my PS4 preorder, but if I see the scalper market is strong this holiday season, I may try to flip it for PC components. My PC can also use an upgrade.
I financially support the team by attending games, buying merchandise, and the team is a representative of the city I live in. It's always been stupid to me when people bitch about fans using "we".