Since getting off the PEDs she is starting to look more like a girl.
I bet she has a firm grip.
PS4 "Launch" edition seems to be sold out. Scalpers gonna scalp.
Nate Marquardt
Bible study after training today. (2nd wrestling practice) Elevation Fight Team
Well he's a Republican.How is it a good idea to say things like that when you're in that position? I mean, so soon after Nate and Meathead had their fiascos. I can only assume that Punk is either stupid, or he hates gays so much that he just can't help himself.
LeFraud, plain and simple.
Stats aside, this is not the mentality of a GOAT contender in my eyes. Moist as dude with no poise.
Thomson's line of thinking is off in several areas:
- We can throw "adults marrying children" and "marrying animals" right out of the discussion. Children and animals are not consenting adult humans. So yes, there is a pretty clear line that can be drawn there. And, while Thomson stated in his Facebook posts at one point that he "wasn't comparing homosexuals to animals and children" he actually is. When you create a line of logic that says gay marriage has some similarity on a moral level to pedophilia, bestiality and incest, that is exactly what you're doing.
- There are some valid lines of thinking that polygamy should be legalized based on the fact that the government shouldn't regulate marriage. Again, the consenting adult card could be played here. And, it's worth remembering that much of the initial decision to outlaw the practice was based on nothing more than moral objections. However, there are some issues with the practice that complicate the 'should it be legalized?' discussion. Such as the fact that in most cases the societies which embrace the practice actually only embrace polygyny (one man, multiple wives) and not the reverse. Or they allow for restrictions on who can marry, in many communities restricting the ability to marry to "high status" individuals while lower status individuals are not allowed to marry. There's also the fact that, in many cases, the polygamy results in men marrying underage girls. But, there is still some valid lines of thinking to allowing consenting adults to engage in a "multiple marriage."
who gives a fuck what these human cockfighters have to say outside the cage? if they were more intelligent they wouldn't be getting punched and kicked in the head for a living.
who gives a fuck what these human cockfighters have to say outside the cage? if they were more intelligent they wouldn't be getting punched and kicked in the head for a living.
FACE, it's happening!!!!
that was classic intercourse.
and yeah, don't rag Thomson since some of you already got a child for an avatar. you're worse than him.
I hope his next opponent is Elton John.
I'd put the name of a gay fighter there, but I don't want to type "gay UFC" in the google at work.
I hope his next opponent is Elton John.
I'd put the name of a gay fighter there, but I don't want to type "gay UFC" in the google at work.
Promise Ring cover your gay fighter needs.
also, gaming side has a really hard time understanding game companies are a business just like auto or clothing manufacturers.
sony cares about us!
This cuban cigar thing is alright.
Im off today and still ended up waking up in time for work.
My initial reaction was as such until I recalled that there are possible ramifications or blowback from outside the sport. Wrassle-GAF of all folk should understand the importance of image.who gives a fuck what these human cockfighters have to say outside the cage? if they were more intelligent they wouldn't be getting punched and kicked in the head for a living.
I'm the same way, but I'm perfectly content to sleep in a few hours on my days off even if it means I'm still getting up around or before 6am.I dont do my exact time but I end up waking up around 6:15 or 6:30 on my days off anymore. Feels bad man.
I dont do my exact time but I end up waking up around 6:15 or 6:30 on my days off anymore. Feels bad man.
At the end of the day it's still a relationship, and the way these companies mediate these relationships reflects the outcome.
Reciprocity will be evaluated by both parties, so it's normal that at times company and customer won't see eye to eye.
For example Nintendo treats their customers like an older woman treats her boy toy, Sony is treating them like an ex wanting to get back in those arms, and MS is treating them like an high maintenance gold digger.
I'm high as shit.
am i the only hyped to see Fitch and Volkmann get KTFO tomorrow?
What I want to know is how come you Portuguese are the only Romance people who "get" English and at least don't refuse to speak/learn it. Undubbed TV shows? Too melancholic to be outrageously arrogant/ignorant about foreign languages?
My initial reaction was as such until I recalled that there are possible ramifications or blowback from outside the sport. Wrassle-GAF of all folk should understand the importance of image.
Dudes talking about diminishing returns while saying they're most impressed by Mario Kart and X. These fucking people are so transparent.
What I want to know is how come you Portuguese are the only Romance people who "get" English and at least don't refuse to speak/learn it. Undubbed TV shows? Too melancholic to be outrageously arrogant/ignorant about foreign languages?
And then I want to know what rapper/phenom Chief Keef is alluding when he speaks of "macaroni time"? That question's for everyone.
Well who has ever been hyped for a Rashad Evans main event?I just found out there's a ppv on saturday, zero hype
Well who has ever been hyped for a Rashad Evans main event?
Dan Henderson bored me half to death last time, too - and I like the guy.
Rashad Evans boasts the most consecutive boring rounds in the UFC for the time being (thirteen, last I counted). Other fighters may have broken that streak in the past, but Evans is the current MMA headliner most likely to put the fans to sleep.
See GSP is almost certainly the all-time champion - but I'm not one of those people who found Condit v. St-Pierre boring. There's an argument that the Diaz squash match sucked, I can give that - but I still liked that one, too.Disagree, sir. Rush is riding a ridiculous 30 (arguably 40) consecutive boring rounds streak, a record that will never be broken.
We're in total agreement. Lyoto shares a lot of the blame for making that one a boring fight. He goes to the Lions as well.Well to be fair that was mostly due to Lyoto "Zero Budo" Machida bouncing away and never committing and point fighting for three rounds. Hendo woulda slang those bungalows if he could've kept up with Machida. Not sayings not a valid strategy for Machida to employ (because it obviously works) its just not fun to watch.