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MMA-GAF |OT4| BangBros

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Passing metallic gas
a)He was drunk. b)He's a fucking idiot.

How did this whole shit even go down? Obviously i got no info from that video. What were the odds of him running into dudes that had beef with him at a random gas station? If he was posturing and trying to maintain his 'street cred' how sad. HIs friend got punched pretty heavily around 20 times after he lost consciousness. Sad.


How did this whole shit even go down? Obviously i got no info from that video. What were the odds of him running into dudes that had beef with him at a random gas station? If he was posturing and trying to maintain his 'street cred' how sad. HIs friend got punched pretty heavily around 20 times after he lost consciousness. Sad.

That chick in the beginning apparently blew him off and he slapped her afterwards, so she called her friends and shit went down.

Can't wait to see Weidman GnP some more 185ers. The sound his shots were making on the ground reminded me of when Fedor use to tee off on guys on the ground in Pride and even his short little shots sounded like bats hitting a cow carcass.



Not sure if that's the punch, but in his MMA Hour interview Weidman said he saw Anderson's eyes roll back in his head during the GNP. Candy-GAF will have you believe this was all a part of a master plan to prove his greatness, was unphased and actually just taking a break to take a taste of the orange wedge in his mouth.


No hyperbole, this has to be the most cringe-worthy MMA column I've ever read in my life.


For five years I’ve been a fan of mixed martial arts, and for five years I could count on Anderson Silva being the UFC middleweight champion the same way I could count on the turning of the earth. Anderson Silva, for me, has been the one immutable truth.

This past Saturday, of course, the indestructibility of Anderson Silva went the way of all immutable truths. Eventually time catches up to all myths and shows them for what they are: hopes, delusions, desperate grasps at meaning in a meaningless world. My reaction to Silva losing was far more emotional than I could have imagined because like a little kid dealing with the death of a grandparent I had been raised to trust that the champion’s immutability was someone thing I could believe in forever. It’s a weird thing waking up one morning and realizing that last night's reality no longer exists.

Still, I’m a reasonable guy, and I’d like to think I’m pretty comfortable with the idea that the ground beneath our feet is shaky. But the events of Saturday were so odd, so improbable and full of unanswered questions, that the whole evening feels like a blur. Chris Weidman is the new middleweight champion—that much we know--but the outcome felt like a half-victory. Weidman caught Silva clowning, hands down, chin out, dancing, faking wobbly legs, feigning fear, and no one—not Weidman, not his coaches, not his supporters—could possibly believe that he beat the best version of Anderson Silva. Rather, he beat the absolute worst version: the self-satisfied, cruel, showboating, indifferent Anderson Silva not even Silva's biggest fans can stomach. That lack of a resolution left me feeling unsatistfied at the end of the night, as I suspect it did Chris Weidman, who, no matter how long he wears the belt, will always have a voice in the back of his head nagging him: You didn’t beat the best; he beat himself.

The question, of course, is why. Why did Anderson Silva beat himself? Did he lose his passion for fighting, as some have theorized. Was he fed up with the expectations and responsibilities that come with being a champion—expectations and responsibilities he carried for seven years? Or did he honestly underestimate Weidman? Did he fail to realize that every man, even himself, can get caught on the chin when the stars, the fates, and the other fighter’s gameplan align? Did he believe his own hype?

On Friday I wrote that Anderson Silva is a genius—perhaps the only genius MMA has produced—and that genius should always be witnessed by those lucky enough to be living in its era. But what I didn’t say, and what I wasn’t even thinking about at the time, was that there is a downside to genius that should make our efforts to be witnesses that much more urgent: Genius can grow tired of itself. Michael Jordan took up baseball just to relieve the boredom of being a basketball genius, and I suspect that’s what happened with Anderson Silva: not that he got too cocky (though there’s some of that as well) but that he simply got fed up with being brilliant. For seven years, he existed on a different plan than everyone he came in contact with—faster, stronger, smarter, more technical--and after a certain point even geniuses want to live where everyone else does. Silva looked uninspired, which is the lingering threat hanging over the head of any great artist, particularly one for whom inspiration borders on the spiritual.

Last Saturday night, I think that Anderson Silva tapped into some deeper, subtler, and ultimately more deflating understanding of the universe and wanted to communicate to us that understanding: that there are no answers and there is nothing conclusive in this world: that the myths we believe in and rely on are just myths, castles built on clouds. Maybe he wanted to expose the lie he helped perpetuate—that some things are perfect, ideal, and untouchable. Maybe he wanted us to see that only fools look for assurances in this most elliptical of realities.
And I thought Machida losing at UFC 113 brought out the crazies.

Seriously. The same people who were all like "who cares if he got dominated for damn near 5 rounds, he choked Chael out in the end so therefore Chael sucks and Anderson is the best ever" are now trying to explain away why Weidman is still no good after knocking Anderson the fuck out in the 2nd round.


So Dana says he might move Anderson vs. Wildman 2 on the new years show and move Ronda vs Miesha 2 to the Jersey show. Seems smart.

Sounds great. And I really don't give two shits about the woman's division. I don't even bother watching the fights. It's good that UFC is free on cable here so I don't have to think about buying a card headlined by women.


it's 4th of July in my asshole
Sounds great. And I really don't give two shits about the woman's division. I don't even bother watching the fights. It's good that UFC is free on cable here so I don't have to think about buying a card headlined by women.

5 month turn around from a second round K.O in a fight where nothing happened. K.
The fight isn't even confirmed to be on. Or is it?

Any time Dana wants to set up a fight and Anderson is initially against it, he ends up taking the fight and I don't think this time will be an exception. Unless he wants to go back up to 205 to fight Igor Pokrajac instead.


Friends, playboys, favela tactitioners - Alien Anthology bluray is $19.99 on Amazon right now.

i bought this off the UK amazon site close to release for a really cheap price. i think with the conversion it was around 30 bucks. 20 is a steal. the set is pretty nice.


The rematch is a good idea because as dumb as it sounds now, I'll watch it anyways. Not only that, but I'll probably get hyped for it, too.


I remember when Silva was completely against a fight with Weidman. Hmmm, that and his talk prior to the fight makes me believe he knows Weidman has his number. He knows he can't win.


The rematch is a good idea because as dumb as it sounds now, I'll watch it anyways. Not only that, but I'll probably get hyped for it, too.

More importantly the rematch is a good idea because its the biggest money fight the UFC can make for Wildman. If Wildman beats Silver again, it legitimizes him amongst the casual audience and makes him a bigger star potentially. Like it or not, the mainstream view his win as a fluke and attribute it more to Anderson "losing" than Wildman "winning".

Uncle Dana doesn't want to book New Old Victor vs Wildman for 250k-300k ppv buys.


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
Edit: Wait, apparently "blew him off" doesn't mean what I thought it meant. What I should've said is "she rejected his drunken advances"

No, it means what you thought it meant. Grim was the one with the incorrect interpretation.


So your saying Anderson threw the fight so Machida could be a champion again? Machida got nothing for Bones and Anderson ain't fighting his bro.
So your saying Anderson threw the fight so Machida could be a champion again? Machida got nothing for Bones and Anderson ain't fighting his bro.

Not at all. Saying if Ryu doesn't want to fight Jones than he might as well fight Chris. Its a perfect stylistic match up for him. Unless he really wants to avenge that loss.

Andy has no interest in being champion again so he might as well give Machida his blessings


Passing metallic gas
Yup. Im boned. i got basically a tennis ball sized hematoma right in the middle of the top of my foot. Lad1eLock called her uncle who has a private practice. At least i'll get a free X ray. Fucking hell.
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