Great article about narrative-driven kds, face and vio.
Some skill components in games have the effect of making me feel less involvedespecially when I am asked to repeat tasks to the point of absurdity.
What's worse the virgins saying they hope OP doesn't have HIV now or the ones not knowing what the OP said because of the slang?
I recommend Man of Tai Chi. Fun MA movie.
He lost focus,
He was joking around. It was too much. When you do funny business like that you need to move your feet, instead of just leaning back.
It wasn't just with Weidman either, but with his corner. As his coach I can't accept something like that. Maybe he wasn't trying to be disrespectful, and just trying to brake Weidman's plan but he lost sight and went too far.
He regretted it after the fight, and didn't know what to do. Three months of work out of the window. He's a complicated guy, because he has a lot going on around him. We had a problem in the academy (with a student) recently, and I told him his breadwinner was his hand, his leg and he shouldn't buy into the ideas of others. He's not a Hollywood star and shouldn't forget where he came from. He's a champion and a star inside the UFC, but outside he must keep being his good and humble self. I didn't understand what was happening with him, and I told him. He asked if I really thought that, and I told him yes and that he was being crude and that success was getting into his head.
He did the same with Demian and later regretted it. Said he wouldn't do it again but fights later he did, and this time his gamble proved too costly.
After the fight he told me he had fucked up, and was ready to listen. Right now it doesn't matter, what has to be done will be done in Rio when we get back in the training. A lot will have to change, the funny business has to end. These days he has 40 coaches around him, each one with their own ideas. Less is more.
Feijao was hard on him, told him to stop joking around because he was going too far. In that instance he should have gotten slapped, then he would've stopped fooling around. But his corner didn't have the guts to do it. Ramon Lemos also told him to stop, and when he started doing it I said it was going to backfire. Rogerão said he knew what he was doing, and then we all saw what happened.
Too many voices around him have taken away his focus. As I see it, there are people that shouldn't even be around him, but he's the boss what am I going to do?
He wants the belt back, he promised. At the moment it happened he wasn't able to handle the pressure. Didn't want the rematch. He comes from a humble family, it's all getting heavier on his shoulders.
I believe it will be 100% different. He entered the second round still playing, took one and Weidman grew confident. The cross he hit him with, not even he believed it had landed from what he said after the fight. If Silva gets his head straight, he's going to finish Weidman.
"Fight Master" time slot on blast. I know what I'll be watching.
"Fight Master" time slot on blast. I know what I'll be watching.
There was an interview with Silva's long time coach, Cesário that is pretty interesting. Some choice quotes, not a direct translation but essentially what he means:
Meh, Weidman might have not quite believed how he had knocked out Silva, but that combo was straight from practice.
Straight Rocky 3 level BS with him trying to be a celebrity, hanging out with Usher and shit
Canderson's head is definitely gassed up. Straight Rocky 3 level BS with him trying to be a celebrity, hanging out with Usher and shit. What the fuck is Usher doing with you backstage before and after a fight? Just dumb stuff.
I honestly thought the whole Usher thing was bullshit, and thought it was just his older son dressing like Usher.
Then I saw the video.
Silva apparently went on Brazilian TV and said Weidman didn't beat him, he beat himself...these dummies are still fooling themselves instead of realizing that the Whiteman is up there with the Oreo from Endicott in terms of talent. I wish online gambling was possible in Naziland, best fight odds since Overeem vs Diverticulitis Bork.
The way I see it Canderson has three options:
a) be aggressive, get taken down at will, made humble
b) keep his hands down to stuff shots and get hit wit a mean one
c) Kaleb Starnes
but I just read the best piece of fiction today.
You wish it was. Cowgirls are fucking crazy.
The way I see it Canderson has three options:
a) be aggressive, get taken down at will, made humble
b) keep his hands down to stuff shots and get hit wit a mean one
c) Kaleb Starnes
Jerry please don't make me eviscerate your fiction.
Now bros, I need to know something. Do I come off as arrogant during chat? I'll explain later.
Kick off that fat slob Seagal and Usher out of your crew. Come on Anderson...get rid of your leeches...
How many more million dollar vegas prize fighters have to go down the shitter financially because of these cash leeches. Andy dont let it happen to you!
Are there any black people in the black culture thread?
No more arrogant than anyone else on the net.
Now bros, I need to know something. Do I come off as arrogant during chat? I'll explain later.
In spite of any brag material, no, not at all.Now bros, I need to know something. Do I come off as arrogant during chat? I'll explain later.
Shogun's Back
Seagal took Anderson to the next level, let's not rewrite history because your false idol has fallen.
How? Did he show him some moves from hard to kill or out for justice? Come on brah!
Oh it's about a girl. That makes more sense, I would say that if you treat and talk with a girl the same way you talk about a girl then you are either arrogant or a playboy in her eyes. I guess you got a girl on the cards that doesn't buy into the playboy scene.
Since we are talking about girl stories.... Two days ago I went to work, same shift as my girl that day. My sister hooked her up, she hooked me up if you need to know. Anyway, she tells me stories about co-workers and she told me some about how boring this gal she works with was, and ugly to boot. So when we get there, it's the first time I actually see the gal, as we are replacing her and this guy who is one of the owners of the franchise.
She was lively, and not ugly AT ALL. All smiles and shit, and I admit I caught myself trading stares with her. She comes to say goodbye, I blink at her and she does the take one last look before you're out of sight. Tell my girl she doesn't seem boring at all, and she tells me this wasn't normal and the gal was more lively than she had seen her before.
Yesterday she was on the same shift as her. She didn't knew I was her boyfriend, so she starts talking about me and says I'm really cute. The gal ends up asking my gf about her boyfriend, and she tells her. The gal plays it off.
Am I about to get in trouble folks? Or am I about to get in trouble?