Maxed our my Red Mage to Sorcerer last night, my first max job. Wow job cards really get a power boost from that 4* transformation. I also did a few hours of multiplayer while watching TV. Most of it went pretty smooth for Tyro, but I also did a few rounds of Ifrit to buy up all the misc. time-gated rewards. I was only doing 1* fights since I was casually playing.
One time, I just so happened to get in a group with an AFK breaker and 2 ultra low level attackers, but it was probably the most epic multiplayer battle i've done yet. Since we had no breaker, and the 2 lowbie attackers didn't understand multiplayer, it took forever, and they died 2-3 times a piece, despite me healing every time I had the orbs for it. At the very least, they knew they were probably too low once it happened and kept using the "sorry!" stamp, and actually using Phoenix downs to res themselves. I was doing most of the damage and break gauge as healer, but I really didn't mind, it was actually really fun. Cheers to them for using the downs and sticking with it.
Anyways, I'm now working on Black Mage and leveling up the Fang & Vanille card. Man it's got some crazy damage. It's really nice to not have to worry about driving and attacking for life orbs anymore. It's so easy to get the right elemental attack orbs in comparison.