I've been insanely lucky with drops. So much so I first though drop rates had been increased.
Low rank Gore, 3 plates. 1 from tail, 1 from shiny. 1 from rewards.
High rank Rathalos, 2 rubies. 1 from tail, 1 from carving.
High rank Deviljho, 2 gems. Both from rewards.
G rank Rathalos, 2 mantles. Both from rewards.
G rank Shagaru, Ukanlos, Akantor, Rathian. Only fought them once and got gem/mantle from them right away.
Chameleos, quit the fight via subquest and got large elder dragon gem as a reward (2%, lol).
The list goes on and on. The only thing I've farmed so far is the Gore mantle, and that only took about 4 kills. The only monster I don't have rare stuff from is Brachy. All my MonHun friends hate me. This makes up for 3U though, where I was always very unlucky.