G-rank reached![]()
well, it's pretty much a freebie on that armor. But if you get heavily into SnS, DS or bowguns it's worth looking into situational elemental sets.
Whoohoo!! Way to go! I'm slowly working my way up. How many hours you estimate it took you?
Wait wait wait. I'm leveling up 6-7 Greatswords, Insect Glaives, Charge Blades and SwitchAxes for each type. Are you saying most people just grab a weapon and use it? =\ hrmm. Have I been wasting my time making dozens of weapons I won't use? I just figured having one of each element maxed out'd be useful, but I don't seem to go for elemental weaknesses that often...hrmm.
I can not beat the Zinogre + rath quest. One is easy peasy, but the Zinogre is impossible for me. Bleh, any tips?
Maybe time for better armor? What's good for 5/6star village? I use charge blade.
I make all kinds of random crap for fun, but I don't get serious until G-rank. I'll sometimes make a set specifically for farming a monster.
Example that comes to mind is back in FU I had a fire dual sword set for killing Chameleos. It did so much damage to him that you could stagger his legs repeatedly and he couldn't fight back. I didn't do it for his gear, but because he was a good source of elder dragon gems.
Likewise for bowguns I make sets for ammo types. I rarely use elemental guns anymore, but I'll definitely use pellet, pierce or normal up if I'm using those shots. Bomb and combination armor skills if you're using clust, crag, etc. Bowguns are all about preparation and you generally need more than one gun and armor set. That Lucent Narga gun in 3U was an exception because it was so nasty you could murder everything with it.
Shall anyone join my lobby?
I can not beat the Zinogre + rath quest. One is easy peasy, but the Zinogre is impossible for me. Bleh, any tips?
Maybe time for better armor? What's good for 5/6star village? I use charge blade.
I can not beat the Zinogre + rath quest. One is easy peasy, but the Zinogre is impossible for me. Bleh, any tips?
Maybe time for better armor? What's good for 5/6star village? I use charge blade.
Use charge thrust more and be a bit patient, is all I can give you. Use the super when there is a real opening.I can not beat the Zinogre + rath quest. One is easy peasy, but the Zinogre is impossible for me. Bleh, any tips?
Maybe time for better armor? What's good for 5/6star village? I use charge blade.
jesus christ this game is fucking impossible to buy at a store
looks like there are no copies in all of fucking LA
Hit high rank now and already have the Jaggi S set and was wondering what armor set was worth aiming for next for both Charge Blade and Insect Glaive, alternatively, what skills are best for those weapons?
I'm curious, how many of you actually have Power charms and/or power talons in your inventory? How about armor charms and/or armor talons?
I'm curious, how many of you actually have Power charms and/or power talons in your inventory? How about armor charms and/or armor talons?
Of course. Not talons yet though as I haven't met Deviljho yet.
I'm curious, how many of you actually have Power charms and/or power talons in your inventory? How about armor charms and/or armor talons?
Just bought an armorcharm because as a gunner every tiny bit of armor is a godsend.
Would you be interested in joining my HR5 lobby?
You mean you combined one, right? I don't think you can buy armor talons >.<
Stealth edited right after posting because that was a mistake, bought the charm![]()
Another disconnect it seems, but that may have worked out alright, don't think I would have had time for doing the Urgent anyway. So I'll be back on in about an hour or so if anyone wants to do the HR2 urgent Gore
Another disconnect it seems, but that may have worked out alright, don't think I would have had time for doing the Urgent anyway. So I'll be back on in about an hour or so if anyone wants to do the HR2 urgent Gore
Ah. What HR are you, my dear friend?
I can not beat the Zinogre + rath quest. One is easy peasy, but the Zinogre is impossible for me. Bleh, any tips?
Maybe time for better armor? What's good for 5/6star village? I use charge blade.
I did it yesterday in Gore to!I did it about an hour ago with the worst possible armor for this(Gore). I nullified the fire weakness but I still had -15 thunder weakness. In case you didn't, have plenty of Dung Bombs and traps can really help you. Try beating Zinogre first. I had the S. Magara LS with dragon element, it's good for both but you could bring an ice sword or something with neutral element and more power. Also, eat for Defense in case you get carted thrice.
I'm not sure what else I should say, I beat it easily to my surprise.
HR4, just tried my first hr hunts. I need a full party to survive...
Nope, i mined it in the highrank double velocidrome hunt from a miningpoint in the final areaI'm sure this has been answered, but is the ONLY way to get Heavenly Crystal by mining Basarios in High Rank?
Should I always be charging my shield with the Charge Blade? I always use my phials on axe attacks instead but I'm wondering if that's inefficient.
Should I always be charging my shield with the Charge Blade? I always use my phials on axe attacks instead but I'm wondering if that's inefficient.
Anyone up for HR5? ID is 53-7258-1537-2695 and code is 1234
Anyone up for HR5? ID is 53-7258-1537-2695 and code is 1234
Anyone up for HR5? ID is 53-7258-1537-2695 and code is 1234
I can kinda charge the shield ... but after I charge it I can never understand how to actually DO the ultimate.
Alright the game is downloading. Someone wanna give me a pointer or two to think about for a complete newb? As I mentioned early I'm quite terrible with the combat but would love to know the best way to get used to it and maybe a preferred weapon to choose from the start. I have no problem starting over once I get things down a bit, if that's advisable. I'm going to watch some of the videos linked in the OT as well.