Wolf Akela
lol lucky we managed to take him down. You can still join the room if you want!
Did my last message go through just now? As soon as I said "gtg guys. ty for game", I get disconnected because of error 003-4099.
lol lucky we managed to take him down. You can still join the room if you want!
Still another free spot.Made a room for HR5 key quests.
Pw: 1234
3DS name and GAF username are the if I am already on your friend list.
Edit: 2 spots left.
You'll need the Awakening skill for its 180 paralysis to activate.I just upgraded my Bone Glaive to Bone Glaive+ which have 180 paralysis element, however for some reason the element is not highlighted, which is weird, can somebody explain me why the element is not activated?
Am I the only one that thinks that the ship quests were you fight this gigantic desert elder dragon are not fun? They are the only ones I don't enjoy
They break completely from the mh combat, it is its own thing. It's no big deal and there aren't that many. But I don't feel satisfaction or have fun doing those quests, it's boring
You'll need the Awakening skill for its 180 paralysis to activate.
I believe Harvest Tour: Heaven's Mount, which is 5* Caravan.When is the earliest access to Remobra? Need it to complete my Gore Magala set, but its Fire Res is so disgusting. -40??
Did my last message go through just now? As soon as I said "gtg guys. ty for game", I get disconnected because of error 003-4099.
10 points of Free Element activates the Awakening skill, which adds element or status properties to some weapons which don't have them otherwise. It's found on a number of different armor sets, but difficult to add using decorations.Thanks for the info, but what is the Awakening skill?
I believe Harvest Tour: Heaven's Mount, which is 5* Caravan.
When is the earliest access to Remobra? Need it to complete my Gore Magala set, but its Fire Res is so disgusting. -40??
Well you shouldn't just be bashing buttons since every weapon has certain moves and combos with different damage and properties for certain situations. The camera is fine, just tap and keep recentering with the target cam and make slight adjustments depending on what you're targeting. Learn to dodge monsters, knowing their attacks is the most important part of the fight, once you do that then you'll stop taking as many hits and start getting in more hits. You should also look up what monster points are and what elements they're weak to.New to the series, confused about the gameplay and not sure if I'm finding it fun. I kind of bash buttons, fight again the shitty camera and get hit countless times by big monsters until they die like an hour later.
I'm probably really bad at the game, but I don't find the combat satisfying at all (on the other hand I REALLY enjoyed dragons dogma, a game also by Capcom).
It seems really clunky and hitting a monster doesn't feel like an achievement, since the monster just stays there absorbing hits until after a million of them he maybe gets stunned or something.
Do you know of some good gameplay videos I can check to see what am I doing wrong? Because right now it just isn't really fun for me.
I liked the Mohran quest in Tri but soloing it is very boring. It was fun when you did it with 4 people and everyone had their job.
I got disconnected, but thanks a ton for that hunt. Was a close call.
Everyone download this. It will help with builds and Hunter Rank key quests.MH4U Database (Android) is super useful!
The feeling when all you want is the tail carve to actually be a tail instead of plates and rubies and shit
Everyone download this. It will help with builds and Hunter Rank key quests.
That is great. Wish it had food combinations, but I will be using this a lot.MH4U Database (Android) is super useful!
Fuck the laser!
edit: are you HR30+? If yes: you can take the HR7->HR8 (G-rank 1 permit) quest. I'm game if you want...
Yes you should. In the beginning of the game skills like sharpener are available to you and pretty crucial for dual blades as your weapon dulls fast. Never ignore skillsMounting is actually kind of fun. It sounded dumb when the game first explained it but it is actually pretty satisfying to climb up on crap and then mount a monster.
About when should i start worrying about skills? I've been focusing on just improving attack and defense, not really building sets or anything. Only on 3 star quests. Dual blades.
Yes, the only attack/defense buffs that don't stack off the top of my head are Demondrugs or Armorskin with attack/defense boosts from food. I'm not sure about Mega Demondrugs/Armorskin but Power/Adamant Seeds do stack.I've really enjoyed reading this thread so far. This is my first MH game and there have been a ton of good tips.
Quick question. Do food buffs stack with my armor skills? I currently have the velociprey armor and a couple attack gems to get it up to attack up (m) which i believe was 15 skill points. If I eat food and gain a attack up (s) does that just become a larger attack boost? Or is it a waste of a buff?
Yes, the only attack/defense buffs that don't stack off the top of my head are Demondrugs or Armorskin with attack/defense boosts from food. I'm not sure about Mega Demondrugs/Armorskin but Power/Adamant Seeds do stack.
Armor skills, cooking boosts, Power Charm, Power Seed, Hunting Horn buffs, etc. can add up to crazy numbers.
BTW, you can just check the status window before and after to see exactly how much your stats are being affected.
anyone up for some G1? :>
shall I join your game?
I will help too!
I have none open, you can host.
edit: Anura!
How far along in the story should you be before you hop online? Just fought Gore on the boat for the first time
Good day GAF,
Question: I got a really good wep drop last night, but it is rusted. How the hell do I polish it so that it can be used? I just recently got to the second town in the single player game if that helps.
Also this is my first monster hunter game so please be descriptive.
How far along in the story should you be before you hop online? Just fought Gore on the boat for the first time
How far along in the story should you be before you hop online? Just fought Gore on the boat for the first time