Holy shit guys, I just had my best MH moment in years.
I was in an expedition (G) looking to wreck a Basarios because he's a joke, and all of a sudden I see a second monster on my map. At this point I'm wearing full Velociprey X armor because I just got to G and haven't fought anything else yet.
Anyway, it's a Jho. And it's mad that I am killing this poor, poor Basarios. So of course it attacks, and the bastard has the sheer gall to steal my kill. I dung bomb his ass and he runs so I can get my carves. But now I'm mad. He stole my kill! This I couldn't forgive, so I did the only logical thing: I hunted the Jho.
He hit me. Once.
I collected my spoils from his lifeless corpse (and tail), and the MH gods were well pleased with my performance. I was rewarded with 2 Jho Crooks, a Lrg Wyvern Gem (lol Basarios), and a Fey Wyvern Gem (lol Velocidrome).
God damn, that feels good.
Imgur album of the corpse, my gear, and my loot if interested. I'm gonna call it a night... No way am I gonna surpass that.