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Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate |OT| I Mounted It!

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Whenever Seregios is close to death, it's like it can't hit me anymore whenever I stand underneath it, it's weird. I think that I've got a pretty decent handle on the fight now though, did the Prickly Pair with a frenzy'd S. Zinogre and Seregios, S. Zinogre is still a lot scarier than good old Steve.

Edit: Also killed my first Molten Tigrex, really neat additions to the Brute Tigrex's moveset. Bio Researcher would be a big help though, I had to sheath a bit too often to get the Blastblight off of me while Lancing him.


Amethyst, why do you do this to me? D:
Just finished my assignment, just create the room and I'll enter lol

Do you play straight to Caravan *7 after finished with Shagaru Magala? In later *6 Caravan quests, there are some quest that featured monsters with high rank drop and damage, but health that similar to low rank monster. You also started from the base camp with whole supplies already delivered. The way how Capcom prepares new players moving from LR to HR is amazingly good compared to MH3U, though I agree that Emerald Congalala is pretty tough and can feel quite a jump due to its aggressive nature.

Ah, I see! Yeah, I skipped those. Thanks for the tip!


Do you play straight to Caravan *7 after finished with Shagaru Magala? In later *6 Caravan quests, there are some quest that featured monsters with high rank drop and damage, but health that similar to low rank monster. You also started from the base camp with whole supplies already delivered. The way how Capcom prepares new players moving from LR to HR is amazingly good compared to MH3U, though I agree that Emerald Congalala is pretty tough and can feel quite a jump due to its aggressive nature.
Emerald Congalala seems like a complete pushover to me... half his moves aren't very threatening at all and stench is almost a non-issue with how fast deoderant is to use. Not sure why people have trouble with it.


Emerald Congalala seems like a complete pushover to me... half his moves aren't very threatening at all and stench is almost a non-issue with how fast deoderant is to use. Not sure why people have trouble with it.

Somehow a Deviljho appeared out of the ground in the already cramped area 2 of sunken hollow while I was fighting him,which might be the reason I ragequit the quest for the first time in 60+ hours. Of course I didn't have any dungbombs.

I really couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that terrifying dude just clipping out of the floor. I guess that was my "welcome to high rank" moment.

I also just hate that dumb dirty ape. He's just so annoying that I have barely any patience when fighting him, unlike Tigrex for instance, who is just fun to look at.


God dammit, G Rank Zamtrios is one shotting me all over the place. This armour set has definitely taken me as far as it can.


I did a quick hunt session during lunch break, looks like their maintenance did something for stability, I didn't disconnect. Hopefully tonight I'll play more, I didn't quit my job like I assume you guys did (you did the right thing ^^).


Finally made it to Kecha Wacha. Great design. I haven't upgraded my gear or weapons and after 40 mins I'd used up all my mega pots and died. So frustrating. Welcome back to Monster Hunter I guess.


Finally made it to Kecha Wacha. Great design. I haven't upgraded my gear or weapons and after 40 mins I'd used up all my mega pots and died. So frustrating. Welcome back to Monster Hunter I guess.

Yeah he is an interesting fight. It shows off the new changes for MH4, so getting use to this fight makes other fights a little easier to adjust to.

If you find yourself getting a good kicking, it is usually a good sign that you need to upgrade your gear a little.

I just bought this, my first Monster Hunter. Looks pretty nice for a 3DS game and combat feels good.

Welcome aboard!


Same here with 175 hours clocked lol
Lot of my other activities and works abandoned because I just keep saying "one more hunt". As of now, I turned off 3DS, I hope it worked out well.

ugh, don't remind me. new uni semester starts next week. :<
i can already see myself sitting in class just thinking about drop-tables and armor skill distribution...

why can't there be courses like "Monster Hunting in an agricultural world - An anthropological perspective" or "Social and economic structures of Monster Hunter and Herb Gatherer societies" by Dr. Doodle.


~120h since release
Same here with 175 hours clocked lol
Lot of my other activities and works abandoned because I just keep saying "one more hunt". As of now, I turned off 3DS, I hope it worked out well.
Holy shit @_@

And here I thought I should take a break after 60 hrs of play.....apparently I need to catch my ass up!
Very productive night last night:
-Made it to 8* Caravan quests.
-Randomed with a guy in HR4 "Looking to raise HR" - went all the way, start to finish, through HR4 and beat Pink Rathian twice to make it to HR5. No failed missions too! I don't know who "Strata" is, but he/she is the coolest, and we had a blast.
-Got a lot better with the Hunting Horn. That thing is just freaking amazing.


Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
Is it important for a bow to have innate element? The chameleos bow looks like a good place to jump in because of its aesthetics.
Some really crappy connections playing tonight. Had a few disconnects too. Seemed like whenever I found a good group the game decides to shit the bed.


Nah, I'm at work right now.

Jk, I'm 50 hours in myself, I'm kinda nolifing the thing too by my standards. ^^

I'm having such a good fun with the hunting horn lately! I've never been a big hammer fan but boy the horn is my thing, I'm fast, it's pretty good for stuns, it's so aggressive! Can't wait to forge a nice HH collection.
Jk, I'm 50 hours in myself, I'm kinda nolifing the thing too by my standards. ^^

I'm having such a good fun with the hunting horn lately! I've never been a big hammer fan but boy the horn is my thing, I'm fast, it's pretty good for stuns, it's so aggressive! Can't wait to forge a nice HH collection.

The horn is awesome! I'm just getting into it as well.
That X+X song to speed up your swings is just awesome.
I always see people complaining about Congadong and Khezu (and I'm sure these people are leagues better than me) but I always giggle when I see complaints because I use light bowgun and just shoot at them from afar.

Khezu especially is hilarious knocking it off the wall or ceiling because it does this cartoonish Wiley coyote thing where it wriggles in the air before falling.


Where can I get throwing knives? I see a fair amount of combination recipes with it, but no idea where to get them.

And the Tigrex blades I was looking at before have a -20% affinity, so I'm gonna probably not get those. 1 in 5 chance of doing less damage, noooooope.
I always see people complaining about Congadong and Khezu (and I'm sure these people are leagues better than me) but I always giggle when I see complaints because I use light bowgun and just shoot at them from afar.

Khezu especially is hilarious knocking it off the wall or ceiling because it does this cartoonish Wiley coyote thing where it wriggles in the air before falling.

Khezu is pretty easy with me when I use LBG, BUT! When I fought him in HR the first time, I was schooling all over him, dodging every shot, and then I got cocky. One electric shot took me from full to almost dead. That's why he's scary - he hits like a truck unless you prep for it.
Jk, I'm 50 hours in myself, I'm kinda nolifing the thing too by my standards. ^^

I'm having such a good fun with the hunting horn lately! I've never been a big hammer fan but boy the horn is my thing, I'm fast, it's pretty good for stuns, it's so aggressive! Can't wait to forge a nice HH collection.

Definitely get stamina thief, HH is a beast in exhausting monsters. Dealing the final blow on a B.Tigrex with a rectal is the best btw..


ugh, don't remind me. new uni semester starts next week. :<
i can already see myself sitting in class just thinking about drop-tables and armor skill distribution...

why can't there be courses like "Monster Hunting in an agricultural world - An anthropological perspective" or "Social and economic structures of Monster Hunter and Herb Gatherer societies" by Dr. Doodle.


~120h since release

Guildmarm holding the course, my attendance would suddenly skyrocket. Real talk, a course discussing mechanics, strategies and all that other interesting MH stuff for a semester would be awesome. Make it an elective at every university around the world.

~95 hours since release, really needed to force myself to concentrate on my studies the last few days. Which just led to having a twitchstream of people playing MH4U running while I tried to learn stuff. That Noobert(?) guy has an entertaining channel.


Man I stayed up way too late last night playing, I'm feeling it this morning. I'm slowly knocking my way through HR5 quests and decided to stop and grind out the zinogre S set. After I got it, I noticed with my weapon and talisman, I had 13 decoration spots to play with. Truly an embarrassment of riches. I ended up with thunder attack up, sharpness, evade+1, artillery, and whatever else the zinogre stuff has by default. Now I just need a blue kelbi horn to gem away taunt, and I'll have a damn near perfect HR charge blade/gunlance set. I plan on riding it out until azure rathalos set or maybe beyond. Also, it looks cool.


Holy crap at high rank, frenzied, rage-mode Brachydios. And with seregios trying to fuck everything up too.

Proud to have beaten that without carting.


The horn is awesome! I'm just getting into it as well.
That X+X song to speed up your swings is just awesome.

That was my big error in 3U, I never realized how vital Speed Movement was and I was like: "Well it's the basic song they all have, I should focus on the cool songs people always play online" so I was slow as fuck :( now I did my homework and I know what to do, it's great.

Definitely get stamina thief, HH is a beast in exhausting monsters. Dealing the final blow on a B.Tigrex with a rectal is the best btw..

I know! They're always tired, it's really the best thing ever, just like all the weapons. :)


Khezu is pretty easy with me when I use LBG, BUT! When I fought him in HR the first time, I was schooling all over him, dodging every shot, and then I got cocky. One electric shot took me from full to almost dead. That's why he's scary - he hits like a truck unless you prep for it.

I was cleaning out some high rank quests and one of them was lagombi/red khezu. Using HBG, which normally obliterates both those monsters quickly. Lagombi was dead before it could even do anything, and Khezu went well at first. I didn't take a single hit and when it was below 50% health, I followed it into the caves. It was on the ceiling so I decided to take some potshots and knock it down, but I got clipped by the very edge of one of its lightning balls. I'm not even weak to thunder but it did exactly half my hp - then while I was paralyzed it shot another one. I was just kinda stunned into silence after that. Didn't get hit again at all but still.

That's the thing about gunners I guess, you can completely dominate a fight but one wrong move and it's to the kitty cart with you. Maybe that's why I like it so much.

Definitely get stamina thief, HH is a beast in exhausting monsters. Dealing the final blow on a B.Tigrex with a rectal is the best btw..

tee hee


Feels weird that the second set I'm working on (first was Velociprey) already has Handicraft (Ceanataur + Gore). I don't think this was even possible before at least Caedeus in MH3U.


So I completed the S.Magala in singleplayer and now I'm in high rank. I'm getting my ass handed to me in my Najarala set(gemed in HG earplugs) but I have yet to find an armor set I like more than the one I'm using. So really, what armor set should I be looking for in high-rank? And are there any sets which have either fencing, razor sharp, or handicraft? I'm just a bit peeved that I can't forge anything with blue sharpness yet( I use Insect Glaives and Longswords).


I think I want to try and use the Charge Blade, any tips( more than just the in game tutorial) and armors I could create to try it out?


Feels weird that the second set I'm working on (first was Velociprey) already has Handicraft (Ceanataur + Gore). I don't think this was even possible before at least Caedeus in MH3U.

Handicraft was never rare before third gen, just annoying to get. In MHFU you could get it on full low rank Ceanataur if you were willing to get four Monoblos hearts to make the gems needed.

You really shouldn't be using third gen as any sort of barometer for this game as it has much more in common with the second.


I think I want to try and use the Charge Blade, any tips( more than just the in game tutorial) and armors I could create to try it out?

Mono S armor (Monoblos is the urgent to reach 8*) gemmed for attack up xl and adrenaline +2. Always have your axe mode charged (I'm not talking about the phials). Never use the ultra unless you're both sure it will hit and your charge is running out. Elemental damage really matters on this weapon so you'lll need to make a lot to remain effective. Master your guard points, they'll really save your ass and be a good way to damage a monster where other weapons can't.


So I completed the S.Magala in singleplayer and now I'm in high rank. I'm getting my ass handed to me in my Najarala set(gemed in HG earplugs) but I have yet to find an armor set I like more than the one I'm using. So really, what armor set should I be looking for in high-rank? And are there any sets which have either fencing, razor sharp, or handicraft? I'm just a bit peeved that I can't forge anything with blue sharpness yet( I use Insect Glaives and Longswords).

I think you can, but you should use either the MH Dex or karanico to look fr a set with those skill.. just take into account that those skill are very special ones and you might find them until later sets

what I'm trying to say is that you might need to build another set before one with those skills
So I completed the S.Magala in singleplayer and now I'm in high rank. I'm getting my ass handed to me in my Najarala set(gemed in HG earplugs) but I have yet to find an armor set I like more than the one I'm using. So really, what armor set should I be looking for in high-rank? And are there any sets which have either fencing, razor sharp, or handicraft? I'm just a bit peeved that I can't forge anything with blue sharpness yet( I use Insect Glaives and Longswords).


I think I want to try and use the Charge Blade, any tips( more than just the in game tutorial) and armors I could create to try it out?

Read this: http://gaijinhunter.tumblr.com/post/74038704409/mh4-understanding-charge-blade


How is the sword and shield line that you get after recruiting the Cowardly Felyne? The one that you pull out form the stone?
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