Finally made my Regios X Blademaster set. Now I've got to figure out how to gem it and which talisman to put. Hm...
Just did the same, I had an evasion +6 talisman so I gemmed in Evasion +3.
Finally made my Regios X Blademaster set. Now I've got to figure out how to gem it and which talisman to put. Hm...
Do you ever find gear, or is everything crafted from materials you find/buy/gain?
Also, is it feasible to use many different weapon types, or do you want to specialise early in one type?
Do you ever find gear, or is everything crafted from materials you find/buy/gain?
Also, is it feasible to use many different weapon types, or do you want to specialise early in one type?
Do you ever find gear, or is everything crafted from materials you find/buy/gain?
Also, is it feasible to use many different weapon types, or do you want to specialise early in one type?
Do you ever find gear, or is everything crafted from materials you find/buy/gain?
Also, is it feasible to use many different weapon types, or do you want to specialise early in one type?
What's the best GS route that people recommend?
What's the best GS route that people recommend?
I went with the metal series, the ones you make most from various ore via mining, devistator blade, ect. Used that until high rank where I made the red pincer from hermitar and used that through most of high rank. Then got the Cheda blade from seregios at the end of high rank and haven't stopped using it, upgraded it as I went in to G Rank and it's been awesome.
It has white sharpness and really high raw for a high rank GS.
What's the best GS route that people recommend?
Was I the only one here crazy enough to do the event Dah'ren quest eight times to make all three EX weapons?
There are several. So far, I've used Santoku Reaver > Funayuki Reaver, then Tiger Jawblade > Tigrex Great Sword. Dios Blade, Executioner (-> Cera), Red Pincer and the Magala path are interesting too.
Was I the only one here crazy enough to do the event Dah'ren quest eight times to make all three EX weapons?
Was I the only one here crazy enough to do the event Dah'ren quest eight times to make all three EX weapons?
Just got God's Isle... is it time to start gunning?!
Nope, I did it too, and an extra one just for fun.Was I the only one here crazy enough to do the event Dah'ren quest eight times to make all three EX weapons?
Just got God's Isle... is it time to start gunning?!
Me and a friend are farming chameleos, anyone wanna join?
For the God's Archipelago, Recoil Down +1, or maybe +2. Attach a silencer to bring recoil down another step. That should be enough to fire off the status 2 shots without recoil. Take the limiter off so you can load all the shots at once. Then once status is applied, fire off all the levels of crag and/or clust for a massive barrage of explosions.What are some good armor skills for status gunning besdies status atk +2?
(help I have no idea what I'm doing)
Around how many armor spheres does someone gain when doing the Dah'ren Mohran event quest?
Anyone up for some G1 and G2 stuff?
Anyone up for some G1 and G2 stuff?
Just a tup, posting "farming XYZ" isn't enough information. Is it high rank, low rank, G rank? Is it a guild quest?
This kind of stuff would be helpful to know. For example I have no desire to farm G rank chem, but I would love to do 120+ guild quests of him!
(but not right now, I'm going to the store)
Edit: thx for the fun advice!
Anyone up for some G1 and G2 stuff?
Cool. Room is 30-0176-0176-3329.I'm down.
got disconnectedn sorry Sammy Sammusu.
I'll stop here, work tomorrow.
Those were nice hunts, but quite expensive, used all my crag2 stock
Time to sell some parts because i'm losing like 2k per completed quest...
Ah ah, you all disappeared and left me fighting alone Black Gravios. I tried to do it solo but the bugger finally got me![]()
Still need to beat him up?
*quick edit: I don't understand the armor skills on gunner Black Gravios armor. In what dimension will guard up ever be useful for gunning?
Still need to beat him up?
Walks into low rank Testucabra hall.
"too weak bruh"
kicked. lol.
That I knew but I mean I thought guard skills didn't apply to that shield.You can attach a Shield to a Heavy Bowgun and guard with it.
Is it too late to look for a GAF group for Low Rank questing?
Currently HR3 and have only just got a chance to get in some online play.