They have. Though it's easy to forget now, stuff like G rank Jhen Mohran, G rank Alatreon, and Super Brachy were all free DLC rolled out over time in 3 Ultimate. But I think Capcom's doing a better job of advertising it and making the big monthly packs look interesting this time around.Totally agree, but haven't they been doing this DLC stuff for years?
They have. Though it's easy to forget now, stuff like G rank Jhen Mohran, G rank Alatreon, and Super Brachy were all free DLC rolled out over time in 3 Ultimate. But I think Capcom's doing a better job of advertising it and making the big monthly packs look interesting this time around.
I just looked at the armor skills for Star Knight set.
I now understand why there is big demand for this.
I just looked at the armor skills for Star Knight set.
I now understand why there is big demand for this.
The Destiny's Arm only needs Recoil Down +1 for all levels of pierce shot and Trajectory is nice to have in general. Though a Recoil Down +2 set would be handy for using the Furia Sedition as a pierce gun.With 8 free slots (once I make a Destiny's Arm). I'm planning on going Trajectory in there, from my understanding that will help with the pierce shots being crit distance even as they pass through. Or should I push to Recoil +2?
The Destiny's Arm only needs Recoil Down +1 for all levels of pierce shot and Trajectory is nice to have in general. Though a Recoil Down +2 set would be handy for using the Furia Sedition as a pierce gun.
Yea I helped you with black gravios and those other keys quests, had to go off earlier than expected, my character is Krusche.
Oh man, I've been switching between the Brachy and Chameleos SAs and I'm so sorry for thinking this weapon was slow. I only wish there were quick transition attacks between the two forms, like what the CB has.
Side note, thank you Brachydios SA for not needing an immortal reactor to get up to your maximum power.
Oh man, I've been switching between the Brachy and Chameleos SAs and I'm so sorry for thinking this weapon was slow. I only wish there were quick transition attacks between the two forms, like what the CB has.
Side note, thank you Brachydios SA for not needing an immortal reactor to get up to your maximum power.
There are, you can draw into Sword with R+X+A, you can go from Axe to Sword with Forward+X, R. And from Sword to Axe with A, R. Or to swap between the two mid combo, you just need to do it after that same animation as the above. For example, X, X, Forward+X (or really holding forward for all three X's), R will do overhead axe chop, side chop, trust, switch to downwards sword slash. From Sword, the A horizontal attack is the one to watch for, so any combo of X and A flow together, but after the left to right horizontal A swipe hit R to go into the side chop with axe.
There are transition attacks that you can use to switch between forms while attacking. Did you not know?
Nope! Just started using it, watched Gaijin's tutorial vid a while ago so the basics are still there (X+A/X while standing for the upper chop, followed by A repeatedly to swing the axe like a nutter, finish with R; X+A while in sword for the finisher), but I couldn't get the quick switches I'd gotten so used to with the CB.
What's the best/easiest way to get Divine Armor Spheres? I've seriously slacked on that.
Level 126+ Guild Quests.
Any guild guest? I got a few different answers from Google so I figured I'd try here![]()
Any guild guest? I got a few different answers from Google so I figured I'd try here![]()
Any one!
On paper, yes (supposedly). By my experience, you get a lot more from harder monsters like Jho, Rajang, and elder dragons. I mean, I did level 140 Velicdrome many times and didn't get one.
Is there an armor that asks for more rares than the Temptest stuff?
EX Escadora would like a word with you.
EX Escadora would like a word with you.
You can get them on quests that are lower than 126. I don't know the exact number, though.Level 126+ Guild Quests.
You can get them on quests that are lower than 126. I don't know the exact number, though.
Agreed. Deviljho, rajang, shagaru, teostra seem to drop a lot.Indeed, but again it has to be really tough monsters.
Agreed. Deviljho, rajang, shagaru, teostra seem to drop a lot.
Killin' Raging Brachy and Apex all up in here.
lol I thought that was Brach not Rajang.
I did say "and Apex"
Room for one.
I already have the Double Gore set, but would it be worth spending time making a Tetsucabra S set, too? I want something I can use for dragons without getting utterly ruined by fire, and my Velociprey S set is getting a little old.
I use a Hammer, by the way.
Hey Twelver? When it's available, I'm sure someone will post it.
Sorry, it's just been you posting that pretty much constantly every time you come in here, and it's getting real annoying.
Achy Breaky until my soul is broken.