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Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate |OT2| I'm Felyne Eggs-tatic!


Junior Member
Oh, and for HBG with pierce shots you're going to need to get the weapon's recoil level down to "some" to fire them without recoil. For the Destiny's Arm and Gigacannon that means Recoil Down +1, and +2 to use the Furia Sedition as a pierce gun.

So my pierce shot sets have three skills I want upfront (Evade Extender, Pierce Up, Recoil Down) which doesn't leave me a lot of options for other things! It's hard to make a set that doesn't mix in Grand Mutsu/Amagi parts somewhere.
Thank you. I'll finish up some hr quests first with a rath soul armor set for now. Interesting weapon after maining gs over the last 500+ quests.
Yo MonHunGaf. Finally back from my ridiculously long vacation. I was ready for it to be over like, 6 days ago. Went from Texas to Seattle to Canada to Alaska. Did not find a single fellow hunter on the cruise ship :(. Hell, didn't even see a single other person with a 3ds. Not even children. Spent most of my time at the piano bar instead.

Too tired to play right this second, but I will absolutely be down to help out starting tomorrow.


Will do! I need to get around to playing online with you all!

I stopped at HR4 playing exclusively with a friend teaching him the ropes of the game.

I'm in. I'm stuck at 6 anyway and randoms hate me. Shoot me a PM with a day and time.

If these people have already been helped, then cool.

IMPORTANT: Can anyone tell me why Shengar was banned? I looked through his post history and the only thing I could think would cause a banning is his post in the DOTA minority thread. He's been banned awhile though, so I'm worried it's perm.

Shengar, if you're still reading the thread, do me a favor and post a comment on my video at the link below or send me a PSN message (PSN: AmethystEnd) to let me know what's up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPsN2IRS6Kk

Would hate to lose a hunting buddy permanently.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
Yo MonHunGaf. Finally back from my ridiculously long vacation. I was ready for it to be over like, 6 days ago. Went from Texas to Seattle to Canada to Alaska. Did not find a single fellow hunter on the cruise ship :(. Hell, didn't even see a single other person with a 3ds. Not even children. Spent most of my time at the piano bar instead.

Too tired to play right this second, but I will absolutely be down to help out starting tomorrow.


If these people have already been helped, then cool.

IMPORTANT: Can anyone tell me why Shengar was banned? I looked through his post history and the only thing I could think would cause a banning is his post in the DOTA minority thread. He's been banned awhile though, so I'm worried it's perm.

Shengar, if you're still reading the thread, do me a favor and post a comment on my video at the link below or send me a PSN message (PSN: AmethystEnd) to let me know what's up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPsN2IRS6Kk

Would hate to lose a hunting buddy permanently.
Im pretty sure it was the dota. That thread is like trying to iceskate uphill.
I'm progressing pretty slowly with the offline stuff because of work, but fought the first Seregios yesterday. Started out pretty scary because of how fast he moves and his strange patterns but wasn't too hard after a few mins of figuring out his stuff.

Is there a trigger for more low rank quests at some point? Heard you get a challenger after you do em all but I'm still on a silver tick after doing the frenzied Brachydios urgent.
I'm progressing pretty slowly with the offline stuff because of work, but fought the first Seregios yesterday. Started out pretty scary because of how fast he moves and his strange patterns but wasn't too hard after a few mins of figuring out his stuff.

Is there a trigger for more low rank quests at some point? Heard you get a challenger after you do em all but I'm still on a silver tick after doing the frenzied Brachydios urgent.

I'm not sure if this is the issue you're having but go back to the elder across the long bridge in Cathar (the 4th village). I ended up doing literally every offline quest wondering what I was missing. Turns out he has a request for you.


I'm progressing pretty slowly with the offline stuff because of work, but fought the first Seregios yesterday. Started out pretty scary because of how fast he moves and his strange patterns but wasn't too hard after a few mins of figuring out his stuff.

Is there a trigger for more low rank quests at some point? Heard you get a challenger after you do em all but I'm still on a silver tick after doing the frenzied Brachydios urgent.

You need to be online HR 7 for the last LR quests I think, beyond what Amethyst told you.


Finally did the Caravaneer's Challenge this morning. I have end-game equipment so I guess it was a bit of a mismatch lol. Still, I had failed at it a couple times when I first tried it last weekend, mostly due to surprise at the way the mission was structured.

I didn't actually triple cart in my failed attempts (I don't think I even carted a single time actually), instead I had gone in thinking I would be able to keep them apart with smoke bombs, but each time they were right at the entrance so I quit out once they both spotted me and started double-teaming me.

I tried reading up on the mission a bit, and I saw that people either succeeded at getting them to stay apart with smoke bombs, or just perpetually ran and allowed them to kill each other. Going into my run this morning I didn't know exactly what to expect, but I felt confident that I would be able to kill them given my ability and equipment.

Upon entering, they again were at the entrance so my smoke bombing was for naught. I decided to just play defensively and only attack when I was confident that I wouldn't get hit by the other monster. I painted them both and focused on the map on my lower screen. Even though it wasn't my deliberate strategy, the Zinogre ended up dying at the hands of the Rajang after 8-10 minutes. The Ranjang died soon after that and the Shageru Magala was a joke. Again, end-game equipment.

The Caravaneer's Challenge fits into such a weird spot in the game. Because I switch between playing online and off, I didn't end up unlocking it until I already had G-Rank equipment. A part of me wants to try it again with a cap of rarity level 7 equipment. But mostly I just want to move onto other things in the game, lol. And then there's the Master's Test, lol. I really need to finish up these offline missions.


Finally did the Caravaneer's Challenge this morning. I have end-game equipment so I guess it was a bit of a mismatch lol. Still, I had failed at it a couple times when I first tried it last weekend, mostly due to surprise at the way the mission was structured.

I didn't actually triple cart in my failed attempts (I don't think I even carted a single time actually), instead I had gone in thinking I would be able to keep them apart with smoke bombs, but each time they were right at the entrance so I quit out once they both spotted me and started double-teaming me.

I tried reading up on the mission a bit, and I saw that people either succeeded at getting them to stay apart with smoke bombs, or just perpetually ran and allowed them to kill each other. Going into my run this morning I didn't know exactly what to expect, but I felt confident that I would be able to kill them given my ability and equipment.

Upon entering, they again were at the entrance so my smoke bombing was for naught. I decided to just play defensively and only attack when I was confident that I wouldn't get hit by the other monster. I painted them both and focused on the map on my lower screen. Even though it wasn't my deliberate strategy, the Zinogre ended up dying at the hands of the Rajang after 8-10 minutes. The Ranjang died soon after that and the Shageru Magala was a joke. Again, end-game equipment.

The Caravaneer's Challenge fits into such a weird spot in the game. Because I switch between playing online and off, I didn't end up unlocking it until I already had G-Rank. A part of me wants to try it again with a cap of rarity level 7 equipment. But mostly I just want to move onto other things in the game, lol. And then there's the Master's Test, lol. I really need to finish up these offline missions.

It was an endgame quest back in MH4, but wasn't scaled up for 4U.


It was an endgame quest back in MH4, but wasn't scaled up for 4U.
Well, yeah. Which makes it a wonky inclusion in MH4U in its current state.

So I'm guessing I should do Caravaneer's Challenge with HR armor and weapons then?
If you want to replicate the challenge from MH4, you could limit yourself to rarity level 7 equipment, meaning weapon, armor, charm, and jewels. That said, MH4U has it's own end-game content that is meant to make use of it's own end-game equipment. The Caravaneer's Challenge is just a weird oddity. I wouldn't get too hung up on it.


Finally did the Caravaneer's Challenge this morning. I have end-game equipment so I guess it was a bit of a mismatch lol. Still, I had failed at it a couple times when I first tried it last weekend, mostly due to surprise at the way the mission was structured.

I didn't actually triple cart in my failed attempts (I don't think I even carted a single time actually), instead I had gone in thinking I would be able to keep them apart with smoke bombs, but each time they were right at the entrance so I quit out once they both spotted me and started double-teaming me.

I tried reading up on the mission a bit, and I saw that people either succeeded at getting them to stay apart with smoke bombs, or just perpetually ran and allowed them to kill each other. Going into my run this morning I didn't know exactly what to expect, but I felt confident that I would be able to kill them given my ability and equipment.

Upon entering, they again were at the entrance so my smoke bombing was for naught. I decided to just play defensively and only attack when I was confident that I wouldn't get hit by the other monster. I painted them both and focused on the map on my lower screen. Even though it wasn't my deliberate strategy, the Zinogre ended up dying at the hands of the Rajang after 8-10 minutes. The Ranjang died soon after that and the Shageru Magala was a joke. Again, end-game equipment.

The Caravaneer's Challenge fits into such a weird spot in the game. Because I switch between playing online and off, I didn't end up unlocking it until I already had G-Rank equipment. A part of me wants to try it again with a cap of rarity level 7 equipment. But mostly I just want to move onto other things in the game, lol. And then there's the Master's Test, lol. I really need to finish up these offline missions.

That's weird, what are the unlock conditions of The Caravaneer's Challenge? I just got it yesterday and I too play both single and multiplayer, and no, Im not in G rank yet, I have only beat 2 quest of HR 7.


I picked 4U up again after leaving it in the dust for no reason other than more games back in March.

My Hunter is a fashion mess, but I have Attack Up XL. I like the long-battles of MonHun sometimes, but the quicker pace XL and my Hammer gives me makes for a much easier pick-up-and-play.

I'm HR5 online, and offline I just beat the Gold Rathian and am about to move on to the Red-Icon Deviljho. I've had a surprisingly fun time getting back in. If that Gold Rathian was the first thing I had to fight in picking the game back up, though? Screeeeew that. Way too many combos due to palicoes and walls. Lots of roar into wind pressure into no-tell charge or poison tail.

I don't want to Wiki things because then I look up everything and take away a bit of the fun, but I would like to know if Gogmazios and Dalamadur can be fought Offline. Is that the case, or do I need to move over to the Guild Hall and start working on that HR?


I don't want to Wiki things because then I look up everything and take away a bit of the fun, but I would like to know if Gogmazios and Dalamadur can be fought Offline. Is that the case, or do I need to move over to the Guild Hall and start working on that HR?
Gogmazios and Dalamadur are Guild Hall-only opponents; they're G rank urgents, essentially. You can still fight them offline, of course, but their fights are balanced for a couple of hunters.


Gogmazios and Dalamadur are Guild Hall-only opponents; they're G rank urgents, essentially. You can still fight them offline, of course, but their fights are balanced for a couple of hunters.

Hm. Then it sounds like I need to get my brother back in so that we can take on our next "Ukanlos." Reaching and fighting him in Unite alongside my brother is one of my favorite gaming memories. Even if there was a lot of yelling at PSP screens from both of us along the way. :p

Gogmazios a fun fight? I know Dalamadur has a lot of hitbox issues and clipping ahoy, but I still want to face him for the sheer fact he's a snake the size of a freaking mountain.


The red icon Deviljho is actually Savage Deviljho. :p Wishing you good luck, my first time with him was not a good one. Took me 10-15 minutes to take him down.

Gogmazios a fun fight? I know Dalamadur has a lot of hitbox issues and clipping ahoy, but I still want to face him for the sheer fact he's a snake the size of a freaking mountain.

Gogmazios is great fun since you will probably take full use of the area you are fighting him in, that means jump attack, cannons, the demolisher, the ballistas, really everything that you have. It's really fun taking that big oily guy down. More fun than Dalamadur, imo.


Hm. Then it sounds like I need to get my brother back in so that we can take on our next "Ukanlos." Reaching and fighting him in Unite alongside my brother is one of my favorite gaming memories. Even if there was a lot of yelling at PSP screens from both of us along the way. :p
I predict lots more yelling at screens in your future!
Gogmazios a fun fight? I know Dalamadur has a lot of hitbox issues and clipping ahoy, but I still want to face him for the sheer fact he's a snake the size of a freaking mountain.
Gogmazios is hellish to gun, but he's a largely conventional fight and some people really enjoy bringing him down. Dalamadur is more like the Mohrans: a few moves to watch out for but mostly he's just a big punching bag.
Finally got a gravios pallium after 20 tries. Needed to make my Searulean Firebath. Killed and capped a lot. Eventually stopped trying to finish the quest and focused on shooting slicing shots at the tail and abandoned quest if I didn't get any carves. At least I've gotten good at solo HBG-ing him.


That's weird, what are the unlock conditions of The Caravaneer's Challenge? I just got it yesterday and I too play both single and multiplayer, and no, Im not in G rank yet, I have only beat 2 quest of HR 7.
I'm well over 400 hours into this game and don't even know what quests unlock the caravaneer or master tests. I skipped a bunch of HR3-7 quests, so I guess I need to go through them one by one.
Does anyone else enjoy making gimmicky full armor sets for fun/aesthetics?

I just spent the better part of the day farming for the Butterfly X armor set. While it's definitely not the best set in the game, it looks pretty and you can change the color to match it with the weapons you're using. Right now I've got Evasion +3, Status Atk +2, Gathering +2 and Detect as a filler skill until I can figure out what to spend five slots on. It's alright for casual fun hunts and whenever I feel like messing around in G1.

Oh, and what's a good status Charge Blade if any exists?


That's weird, what are the unlock conditions of The Caravaneer's Challenge? I just got it yesterday and I too play both single and multiplayer, and no, Im not in G rank yet, I have only beat 2 quest of HR 7.
Beat all available low rank caravan quests.
Gogmazios a fun fight? I know Dalamadur has a lot of hitbox issues and clipping ahoy, but I still want to face him for the sheer fact he's a snake the size of a freaking mountain.
Gog is a joke if you have a semi-competent glaive user.


Oh, and what's a good status Charge Blade if any exists?

For sleep there's Nerscylla and Gog, poison has Nerscylla again and Rathian, and for para I like using Schwartzchild but that one needs awaken so the Tigerstripe Zam CB is typically the go to (Gog CB also has para but it also needs awaken and the final upgrades require DLC).


That's weird, what are the unlock conditions of The Caravaneer's Challenge? I just got it yesterday and I too play both single and multiplayer, and no, Im not in G rank yet, I have only beat 2 quest of HR 7.
To be more specific, the issue is the way that I switched between offline and online. I was virtually 100% offline-only up through 10-star caravan, then I switched to virtually 100% online-only up through G Rank, and now I'm returning to finishing up the offline bits.

Regarding the unlock conditions, I believe you need to be up through 6-star caravan offline, HR-7 online, and then complete all the quests leading up to it in the 6-star "post-game" content.


Junior Member
Beat all available low rank caravan quests.
And look for random NPCs that make you talk to them. When one doesn't unlock, cycle thru the stages (val harbar, snugsnug, ect) and look in your house for a day with an afro and the old guy in the back of the sanctuary in the sky. Those are the ones not readily apparent nor pop up on the bottom screen with that yellow alert.

I just finished it a few weeks ago.


And look for random NPCs that make you talk to them. When one doesn't unlock, cycle thru the stages (val harbar, snugsnug, ect) and look in your house for a day with an afro and the old guy in the back of the sanctuary in the sky. Those are the ones not readily apparent nor pop up on the bottom screen with that yellow alert.

I just finished it a few weeks ago.
Funky Felyne quests aren't LR.


to be more specific, the issue is the way that I switched between offline and online. I was virtually 100% offline-only up through 10-star caravan, then I switched to virtually 100% online-only up through G Rank, and now I'm returning to finishing up the offline bits.

Regarding the unlock conditions, I believe you need to be up through 6-star caravan offline, HR-7 online, and then complete all the quests leading up to it in the 6-star "post-game" content.

Makes sense. I actually enjoy offline more than online, so I got all the caravan content done already. I thought the condition would be something like "beat al the online contnet before G rank" that's why I was confused


Does anyone else enjoy making gimmicky full armor sets for fun/aesthetics?
I've done this a few times. One of my more successful creations has Uniqlo chest, waist, and legs pieces, Star Rook guards and a Chakra head piece. It's got Evade Extender, Challenger +2 and Normal Up with only high rank parts. I really like how it looks, too.


I've done this a few times. One of my more successful creations has Uniqlo chest, waist, and legs pieces, Star Rook guards and a Chakra head piece. It's got Evade Extender, Challenger +2 and Normal Up with only high rank parts. I really like how it looks, too.

Hey, what armor are you using for Pierce HBGs?


Makes sense. I actually enjoy offline more than online, so I got all the caravan content done already. I thought the condition would be something like "beat al the online contnet before G rank" that's why I was confused
If MH4U were offline only, it would still be my game of the year. But diving into multiplayer has made it one of my favorite games of all time.

I'm curious, what weapon(s) do you use?


Savage Jho went down after twenty-five+ minutes. Took so long since I was running away from him most of the time. His super rage mode hurts. A lot.

Does anyone else enjoy making gimmicky full armor sets for fun/aesthetics?

I love Fashion Hunter, but until G-Rank I'm holding off. Else wise I'd forever be in High. In Unite I had loads of sets that weren't actually very good but they looked cool.

Gog is a joke if you have a semi-competent glaive user.

I don't like Insect Glaives for this reason. So much of the game can be trivialized by its QTE's. That what I call it, the QTE Glaive. It also takes you out of the game for too long with how often a Glaive can keep bigger monsters down.

With all the other weapons it feels great to jump from somewhere, swinging your weapon towards the monster below.

just discovered Monster Hunter Swing. Why didn't I know about this before? : o

Brachydios Swing has been in my playlists since finding it a year ago. Everybody should listen to that one, even if they don't know/like Monster Hunter.


Hey, what armor are you using for Pierce HBGs?
For the Destiny's Arm:
For the Furia Sedition, something a little uglier until a godly charm turns up:
And for the Gravios Gigacannon, I've gone full clown since I don't use it often:
I've optimized them all with blademaster helms for more defense, but getting pierce shot sets to look halfway decent is hard.


For the Destiny's Arm:

For the Furia Sedition, something a little uglier until a godly charm turns up:

And for the Gravios Gigacannon, I've gone full clown since I don't use it often:

I've optimized them all with blademaster helms for more defense, but getting pierce shot sets to look halfway decent is hard.

Ugh, seriously, Grand Amagi clashes with everything and that's where all the Pierce skills are.

Mats not dropping are seriously killing my interest to continue playing this game. Maybe I need to take a break. When does the S.Jho quest become available anyway.


Ugh, seriously, Grand Amagi clashes with everything and that's where all the Pierce skills are.
I've never liked the looks of any of the G Jhen gunner armor, even as a whole set. Like Zinogre, it's one of those cases where the high rank one looks better. But it's going to take a 3 slot Pierce +8(!) charm to get rid of it on my Furia Sedition set, which will never happen.
Mats not dropping are seriously killing my interest to continue playing this game. Maybe I need to take a break. When does the S.Jho quest become available anyway.
It'd be nice if he's show up next Friday. I'd been cheesing G.Jho on expeditions with Fortify+Felyne Foodie, but he shows up so rarely that I gave up on him once I made his waist armor piece. Some of the requirements are so obnoxious that I started filtering Esurient Z pieces out altogether for now.
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