It doesn't seem like I can use it.Hmm, I was going to link it but this google doc on gamefaqs is better:
Check the gamefaqs thread on how to use it. It's fairly straightforward.
It doesn't seem like I can use it.
How about 434 attack, white sharpness, 330 element and
Element Attack +3
Critical God and Challenger+2?
My element setup gets Sharpness+1 so some of my weapons can get white sharpness. With the critical setup and no Sharpness+1, a couple of them have blue sharpness.
Welcome, fellow bowgunner! After many hours in 4U, I still never tire of them.I can't believe that after nearly 170 hours on MH4U, I've only thought of looking for an official thread today...
Hai MonHun gaf... Light Bowgun hunter here...
"This file will be deleted soon" along with a Sign In button.Hmm, maybe try the other calculator. Here's a link to the program I used:'s+But+v0.01.exe#39;s_But_v0.01.exe
It's a bit limited compared to the other one though.
What does the one from gamefaqs say when you try to open it?
I can't believe that after nearly 170 hours on MH4U, I've only thought of looking for an official thread today...
Hai MonHun gaf... Light Bowgun hunter here...
Hmm, maybe try the other calculator. Here's a link to the program I used:'s+But+v0.01.exe#39;s_But_v0.01.exe
Okay, I got this one to work, but element doesn't seem to be changing any of the numbers except for one labeled EleOutPut, which says "7 / 2" or "8 / 2" depending on the number I input.
Anyone mind helping me get to g rank?
Room 67 2807 8477 5680, pass 1111
Sorry 'bout that. My net's being very uncooperative right now.I got disconnected and I'm getting errors trying to get back on. : <
I'm starting to think apex tigrex is impossible to kill. I've tried it at LEAST 20 times with pubs and we've gotten close a few times but someone always gets careless and dies. 9 times out of 10 we have a guy (usually a gunner) that will cart mere seconds into the fight from a charge and then quit out of the quest. I can't remember a time I've tried the entire fight with 4 people off the top of my head.
I need some drops from G-rank savage joe... Is my searching correct that these things are only found on rare, G-rank expeditions???
fuck monster hunter tho
It's the guild quest I've been using to farm dual blades from. I leveled it up to 136 to max out the treasure areas, but since then I've been unable to beat it and finish leveling it to 140 because the pubs I've been getting are so, so, so, so bad. I don't have any reason to level it to 140, really, but I've been at a point in my hunting career where I need to do a LOT of 140 GQ's in general and specifically ones with apex monsters because I need zenith stones and divine armor spheres en masse so I just post it in public halls when I'm bored and want to try it out again and it always ends in disaster.
Both MH4 and MH4U t-shirts came to the UK, not all models though.I hope these come over to the UK, I missed out on picking up a MH4 collaboration item.
The Kiranico guide has three damage charts for Gogmazios. Am I right to assume that the first represents Gogmazios in its normal state, the second its rage mode, and the third its boiling state?
Wut? That's a typo! It should be Nyancook, this guy:Can someone explain the "nyancock" t-shirt?
Wut? That's a typo! It should be Nyancook, this guy:
The way the english work "Cook" has been transliterated as コック in japan does actually sound closer to cock than cook, IMO.
Hard to do that with DBs, though. Honestly, I was looking for monsters that would be easy to kill with the Enduring Surrender dual blades. I was looking for an excuse to make them and I was hoping that massive element would be good for something.Probably. Just get a dragon weapon and aim for the head though, huge damage in all states.
Okay, but sometimes you have to look at it from another perspective and acknowledge that while it may be more phonetically accurate, one means cat penis and one means cat cook, and those are vastly different. Just y'know... throwin' it out there.
I never alluded to the contrary, Mr. Fish
How does this combination sound?
Relic DBs with
434 attack
330 fire (with awaken)
10% affinity
Massive blue sharpness, tiny chunk of white sharpness
Fire Attack+3
Razor Sharp
Should I even bother with Razor Sharp? Is blue sharpness a deal breaker? I've been farming lvl. 140 Teostra for better DBs for hours with no success. Tons and tons of relic weapons and not one of them was worthwhile.
Blue sharpness is so so so bad. Trash them knives.
I hate this relic weapon system. I hope they either change it to make it fair or get rid of it entirely for the next game.
It is gone from MHX at least
I hope glowing weapon's return, but yeah the relic system is awful.