Nothing wrong with making gear because it's cool and has some nice features. The Seregios HBG is a minor step below the M. Tigrex HBG I already had, but I forged it anyway because I thought its auto-reload was pretty neat and it comes in handy against nimble opponents. And the Chaos Gore HBG's affinity feature might not be much use most of the time, but I like how it absolutely destroys frenzied monsters.So I've spent some serious time with my most recent GS creation, which is the Gog one. I'm pretty stoked with the sleep status it has. Even in MP I can sleep a monster around 90% of the time. I mostly made it cause it looked really awesome and had higher raw than what I was using at the time.
I know it isn't the bread and butter choice and it's raw is lower than a few other options. All that said, the natural purple sharpness, respectable raw and the bonus of the sleep status has made it my favorite GS thus far. I like not having to sweat handicraft as well. I really feel like everything is starting to gel really well on my character and it's making the game even more fun.
There's too much nice equipment in the game to just stick with what has the best attack power all of the time.