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Monster Hunter World (XB1/PS4, PC later, Early 2018) E3 info [Up: Effectively MH5]

Yeah, my opinion based on the impressions (the combat looks and sounds fine, which is very reassuring, the verticality is good, but the ecosystem stuff seems pointless - I want to fight the monster, not lure it around into environmental traps and/or watch another monster fight it; tracking is still something I'm not interested in, conceptually, in this series) is more or less locked in by the footage.


Yeah, my opinion based on the impressions (the combat looks and sounds fine, which is very reassuring, the verticality is good, but the ecosystem stuff seems pointless - I want to fight the monster, not lure it around into environmental traps and/or watch another monster fight it; tracking is still something I'm not interested in, conceptually, in this series) is more or less locked in by the footage.

Looking back on it now, I wonder if the original MH4 trailer was really more of a proof of concept for what they wanted to do with World than what they were actually going to be able to do with that game. Even the surprise appearance of Rathalos at the end of that trailer seems like a forecast for what they're doing here.


Yeah, my opinion based on the impressions (the combat looks and sounds fine, which is very reassuring, the verticality is good, but the ecosystem stuff seems pointless - I want to fight the monster, not lure it around into environmental traps and/or watch another monster fight it; tracking is still something I'm not interested in, conceptually, in this series) is more or less locked in by the footage.

I dunno. I mean, traps are good to use, environmental or not, and other monsters helping you is again, good. Like, doing the higher end monsters solo and being able to deal heavy damage indirectly via other monsters in the ecosystem is only beneficial for you as a solo player. Gonna have to see how it plays out in the final game but I never complained when Deviljho ate Qurupeco for me.


Yeah, my opinion based on the impressions (the combat looks and sounds fine, which is very reassuring, the verticality is good, but the ecosystem stuff seems pointless - I want to fight the monster, not lure it around into environmental traps and/or watch another monster fight it; tracking is still something I'm not interested in, conceptually, in this series) is more or less locked in by the footage.

I am sure the option to just run in there and batter the monster is right there. I can see the lure and environmental traps as either there for pure combat variation, or that fights might go on for much longer and you may need to utilise those extra things to win. The fact other monsters jump in, might be a sign of that.

Tracking seems to be an actual gameplay thing to do instead of running to the same numbered zone to fight the monster you know is there every time. Maybe they will have tracking gear to cut out that sniffing good/checking prints etc.
I am sure the option to just run in there and batter the monster is right there. I can see the lure and environmental traps as either there for pure combat variation, or that fights might go on for much longer and you may need to utilise those extra things to win. The fact other monsters jump in, might be a sign of that.

Tracking seems to be an actual gameplay thing to do instead of running to the same numbered zone to fight the monster you know is there every time. Maybe they will have tracking gear to cut out that sniffing good/checking prints etc.

See, I liked that part of the series. Monster Hunter as a fast paced, run right in, fight the monster, grab the drops, very "gamey" experience is what appealed to me.

(it might not be surprising that I'm a Switch Axe user)


See people were moaning about the flex, but slowing down for consumables is a much better compromise imo without largely impacting the gameplay.


See, I liked that part of the series. Monster Hunter as a fast paced, run right in, fight the monster, grab the drops, very "gamey" experience is what appealed to me.

(it might not be surprising that I'm a Switch Axe user)

SwitchAxe! Ban Him! /joke

Yeah, I am hoping that the gear/armour skills will be present which just do the racking for you. I love the idea of really tracking a monster but after the 100th time, I would rather get in the and batter it. :D


See people were moaning about the flex, but slowing down for consumables is a much better compromise imo without largely impacting the gameplay.

I'm left wondering what the point of S/S is going to be with these healing changes. Feels like the entire (non-Felvine exploit) healing trade-off is pretty much gone.

Tracking seems to be an actual gameplay thing to do instead of running to the same numbered zone to fight the monster you know is there every time. Maybe they will have tracking gear to cut out that sniffing good/checking prints etc.

But that's why some of us played these games, to run in and fight monsters with new weapons, strategies, or item combinations, or just naked. Not to track them around and play cat and mouse.

The tracking, environmental things, and the monster vs monster fighting which seems to make you into a spectator while they kill each other are either entirely meaningless or bad to people who wanted to play like above. The monster vs. monster is especially onerous. Its an addition for spectacle not for gameplay, it actually detracts from gameplay because you turn into an onlooker.

Many of these additions just come off as "wow" factor additions for forum posts like we see here with short-lived actual value for gameplay before they just become tedious interruptions.
That leaked video looks really good outside of the obvious tutorial stuff and some weird QTEs.
That "ecosystem" stuff seems pretty mediocre, between what was already there and the broken system between big monsters. They have time to fix that though.

Not taking into account the marketing voiceover full of buzzwords as well obviously.

The only QTE I saw was the mounting one, which kind of existed in MH4U.


But that's why some of us played these games, to run in and fight monsters with new weapons, strategies, or item combinations, or just naked. Not to track them around and play cat and mouse.

And I do think the devs will keep that option in there but most players did play cat and mouse when you had to chase monsters around the zones because they dug into the ground/ran off scared/getting some sleep.

The tracking just seems to be a gameplay element instead of popping Psychoserums or having to equip gear to do it. Again, hopefully you can toggle some of this stuff so pro's do feel like they have to do things.

I hope the monsters gang up on you again instead just being completely distracted by another while you whack it's tail.

Fighting Rathian and Rathalos jumps in is a great reason to have them tag-team you.


And I do think the devs will keep that option in there but most players did play cat and mouse when you had to chase monsters around the zones because they dug into the ground/ran off scared/getting some sleep.

The tracking just seems to be a gameplay element instead of popping Psychoserums or having to equip gear to do it. Again, hopefully you can toggle some of this stuff so pro's do feel like they have to do things.

There is no cat and mousing in throwing a paintball at a monster, and most of them were patterned anyway so you knew exactly where they went after they ran.

Here, you have to basically partake in a minigame to then be told where it went. And if it *is* patterned anyway, then the addition is entirely superfluous and the definition of meaningless.


Ask of the devil and you shall receive.

https://www.bilibili.com/video/av11376919/?zw (Leaked Gameplay)

IDK if if was the person demoing it or not, but it looks really stiff even by monster hunter standards, and lacking the visual/impactful feedback when hitting a monster. But this was a closed doors thing, so maybe when they show it for real it will look better, or they'll have someone who's "better" at the game playing/showing off combos (this is all GS related). It just looked unsatisfying to watch. Not really a fan of the radial wheel or QTE stuff either. The mounting changes look awkward too, with poor telegraphs. The traveling stuff seems neat in concept, but looking at when they show the map and stuff, it seems like a whole lot of nothing between point A to B, something that really turned me off of similarly open-type games.

While the monsters fighting each other is cool for the first 2 minutes, hopefully there's a way to separate them, though that seems like it'd be difficult with how the areas blend.

Still though, despite feeling pretty down on the gameplay, the visual spectacle at least looks cool.
See, I liked that part of the series. Monster Hunter as a fast paced, run right in, fight the monster, grab the drops, very "gamey" experience is what appealed to me.

(it might not be surprising that I'm a Switch Axe user)
Obviously the platform change has a lot to do with the gameplay design, but this definitely doesn't seem intended to be a pick up and play game anymore, something I liked too.


See, I liked that part of the series. Monster Hunter as a fast paced, run right in, fight the monster, grab the drops, very "gamey" experience is what appealed to me.

(it might not be surprising that I'm a Switch Axe user)

I think it's entirely possible that monsters will still work more or less the same way in terms of spawn points and movement. They seem to be stressing that certain monsters have territory that they stick to.

I've watched a lot of new players try MH for the first time and the most common complaint is 'how am I supposed to know what area it's in'. I immediately thought of that Giantbomb video with Jason trying to teach Brad how to Monster Hunter. The only real answer is to just play the game more and learn where certain types tend to hang out. But I'd imagine that's not good enough if they want the game to immediately grab more people.

So maybe your first time fighting a monster you'd have to follow its tracks and such, but once you're familiar then you know it starts in area 8 and goes to area 4 when it's hungry etc. So you could take a shortcut and head it off. I mean that's how it works now, but with more open environments it could be more important.


There is no cat and mousing in throwing a paintball at a monster, and most of them were patterned anyway so you knew exactly where they went after they ran.

Here, you have to basically partake in a minigame to then be told where it went. And if it *is* patterned anyway, then the addition is entirely superfluous and the definition of meaningless.

I do wonder if things are in the same place, since that would be a little meaningless. Hopefully they have some randomised system since the maps are massive, you might actually have to see where it went before engaging.

Anyway, I love the build-up to a hunt but when 4 players are running around, people just want to get into the fight and carve the ass/tail off something.


Yeah, my opinion based on the impressions (the combat looks and sounds fine, which is very reassuring, the verticality is good, but the ecosystem stuff seems pointless - I want to fight the monster, not lure it around into environmental traps and/or watch another monster fight it; tracking is still something I'm not interested in, conceptually, in this series) is more or less locked in by the footage.

Tbh, I hope they implement it properly. Like, it could be helpful to some of the village quests where you need to slay a big number of monsters alone, and for all we know there could be quests with 4-5 monsters simultaneously. I'd also say the territory stuff works positively when you're introduced to new monsters, like you're hunting a Jagras and suddenly it gets devoured and you have a new mission objective. In the long term, interacting with the environment might be more tedious than exciting, but thankfully it seems optional.
IDK if if was the person demoing it or not, but it looks really stiff even by monster hunter standards, and lacking the visual/impactful feedback when hitting a monster. But this was a closed doors thing, so maybe when they show it for real it will look better, or they'll have someone who's better at the game playing/showing off combos (this is all GS related). It just looked unsatisfying to watch.

The person playing sucked.


I wonder if World retains the other QTEs as well like when monsters pin you or when Nibelsnarf eats a bomb.
It seemed like that there was supposed to be one when the monster grabbed the player with its mouth, but it didn't seem like it triggered properly. I'd be shocked if pinning doesn't return, especially since it does have some benefits for the rest of the party.


While the footage is potato quality, MHWorld looks amazing. Bow players ignite arrows by scrapping them on the ground, and it looks dope as fuuuuccccckkk
Just skimming through the leaked footage

My god its awesome. Looked just like a true MH fight especially during the co op session

Definitely gonna turn off the Tutorial girl and damage numbers

Though I have to say... Seeing the damage numbers in action wasnt as offensive to my tastes as I thought they would be

Oh.. and as a Bow user.... Fucking hype the new bow looks awesome




FUCK didn't they show this in the first place

This looks freaking amazing.

Parts of it look unfinished/unpolished, and on closer inspection you can see raises other concerns. I am starting to doubt they can launch this early 2018 and I bet they want this out before FY ends.


Parts of it look unfinished/unpolished, and on closer inspection you can see raises other concerns. I am starting to doubt they can launch this early 2018 and I bet they want this out before FY ends.

Why are they showing it to the public on Tuesday then?


Parts of it look unfinished/unpolished, and on closer inspection you can see raises other concerns. I am starting to doubt they can launch this early 2018 and I bet they want this out before FY ends.

Part of me wonders if they're just going away from the more arcade-style feel that's been so prevalent the last few entries, with X obviously being the peak in that direction.
See, I liked that part of the series. Monster Hunter as a fast paced, run right in, fight the monster, grab the drops, very "gamey" experience is what appealed to me.

(it might not be surprising that I'm a Switch Axe user)
Isn't this more or less what the arena exists for? Just pure boss-fight style encounters without any of the fluff. Assuming it will be in MHW anyway.


Why are they showing it to the public on Tuesday then?

What does that have to do with what I said? You'd want something unfinished/unpolished looking to be your lead in on the main stage of E3?

Displaying it publicly after a reveal is very different.

I swear, you treat this as if they were paying you to be their PR.

Part of me wonders if they're just going away from the more arcade-style feel that's been so prevalent the last few entries, with X obviously being the peak in that direction.

I think that that is a given at this point. The gameplay is shifting to a more involved style. Its looking like X/Portables and MHW are going to diverge rather significantly going forward assuming the X/XX vintage is maintained in the Portable line.


Can you not run and charge your bow anymore? Maybe it's just his playstyle but I don't think I saw him charge a shot outside of the aim mode. I could have just missed it


What does that have to do with what I said? You'd want something unfinished/unpolished looking to be your lead in on the main stage of E3?

Displaying it publicly after a reveal is very different.

But this looks better than the reveal trailer. A lot better.


Well leaked footage has me full hype for this! Just started getting into MonHun recently(playing MH3U on my WIi U) and the gameplay is finally "clicking" for me. Just happy to see the series coming back to consoles.


Part of me wonders if they're just going away from the more arcade-style feel that's been so prevalent the last few entries, with X obviously being the peak in that direction.
I mean, it's always has a pretty arcade-like feel since the first game. It'd be a pretty massive break from its roots if that's the intention.


What does that have to do with what I said? You'd want something unfinished/unpolished looking to be your lead in on the main stage of E3?

Displaying it publicly after a reveal is very different.

Not to mention Japan could have a farther along actual build, or even a more polished slice since it doesn't have to be localized.
I mean, it's always has a pretty arcade-like feel since the first game. It'd be a pretty massive break from its roots if that's the intention.
Oh, definitely. But like, with each entry they always increased that rhythm, where this seems to take it down a notch.
I think that that is a given at this point. The gameplay is shifting to a more involved style. Its looking like X/Portables and MHW are going to diverge rather significantly going forward assuming the X/XX vintage is maintained in the Portable line.
Yeah, it really seems like they're making a "home console tailored experience" rather than pick-up-and-play fun. Hopefully it works out for them, but honestly i'm more interested in whatever will come next with the X/XX line of things, should they be working on a followup to the portable series' style of gameplay.


Isn't this more or less what the arena exists for? Just pure boss-fight style encounters without any of the fluff. Assuming it will be in MHW anyway.
Arena doesn't allow for all of the environmental diversity that helps to make the fights as diverse as they can be.


Neo Member

That speed
Can you not run and charge your bow anymore? Maybe it's just his playstyle but I don't think I saw him charge a shot outside of the aim mode. I could have just missed it

It looks like a lot of the players were just goofing around outside of maybe the longsword user

The bow looks mostly the same except for some of the new flourishes!

It has charge, doubleshot, and Arrowrain from previous games

THe explosive arrow charge shot is new


It looks like a lot of the players were just goofing around outside of maybe the longsword user

The bow looks mostly the same except for some of the new flourishes!

It has charge, doubleshot, and Arrowrain from previous games

THe explosive arrow charge shot is new
Yeah, I saw all the new stuff and it looks nice. Looks like you can have both arrowrain and powershot at the same time. Hopefully you're right and they were just messing around.


I wonder if we're just not even going to see something like a straight up Hunter vs. Shagaru Magala in this game.
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