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[Moore's Law is Dead] PlayStation 5 Analysis: Built to Develop New Worlds


GAF's Pleasant Genius
It's a 125% difference in speed at the drive itself, but you have no idea how Sony will parse data, how efficient or capable Sony's compression methods are or how the memory bus and bandwidth subsystems will interact with it to deliver that theoretical 125% throughput.

Microsoft may have a slower drive but a clearer path to practical performance given their methods of parsing, their methods of compression, given their bandwidth advantage, given their wider bus.

*Oh shit, maybe the SSD being over 2x the speed is not something I can just hand wave away... oh yes, I will make a scenario up where Xbox is faster at that too and PS5 has many actual bottlenecks. Fits neatly with the narrative around PS5 being a reactive PR misleading and shitty rushed design I am trying to sell, genius!”
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Another good reason to go back permanently to System Wars.

P.S. Vawn Vawn has children of his own and didn't suggest anything pedophilic but I would suggest to him not to make those kind of jokes regardless.

With the power of Xbox"s cloud and online features you can play SeX WITH kids!

I eat a lot of SubWay, I guess.


Vawn Vawn , look at what you did! You gave him a new excuse to change to the topic of hand which is him being a borderline Xbox shill that shills both on NeoGAF and on System Wars.

YOU DONE GOOF'D, Vawn Vawn !


Yeah but when your ceiling is universally higher and fixed you don't have to pick and choose to avoid crippling the other, you can parse your resources how you see fit and to their maximum on both fronts.
Then your are not min maxim correctly, no? There is overhead not used left.
I think many can agree PS2 had some amazing advances in 3D video game design, innovation and concepts. PS5 will be the same, only greater.

Take it to the bank.

That was in the early days of 3D though, there's no major paradigm shift here. Plus games are hard to make in 3 years to begin with, most studios aren't going to suddenly be able to double the effort in the same time frame.
-"saw the Xbox announcement and they said virtual memory but then I saw he speed I went oh boy Microsoft knows what Sony's planning and there you want to get ahead of the message they want to announce using virtual memory first so it looks like they can also do that which hey that's good marketing it just really bothers me how many people are falling for that spin"

Poor guy doesn't realize that there is no drive too slow to be used as virtual ram, every modern OS has been doing that for decades. Sony is only 2x faster in raw speed not 50x faster, what Sony can deliver via virtual ram in 1/2 a second, XSX can deliver in one second (based on bandwidth alone, iops are likely lower on the XSX also). Both will make use of virtual ram, and developers will use the feature in both. Next-gen GPUs from Nvidia and AMD will also be supporting virtual ram techniques via the prevalent APIs. News flash, they won't limit that to PCIe gen 4 only, too many systems with only gen 3 on board.


Poor guy doesn't realize that there is no drive too slow to be used as virtual ram, every modern OS has been doing that for decades. Sony is only 2x faster in raw speed not 50x faster, what Sony can deliver via virtual ram in 1/2 a second, XSX can deliver in one second (based on bandwidth alone, iops are likely lower on the XSX also). Both will make use of virtual ram, and developers will use the feature in both. Next-gen GPUs from Nvidia and AMD will also be supporting virtual ram techniques via the prevalent APIs. News flash, they won't limit that to PCIe gen 4 only, too many systems with only gen 3 on board.
I think you're missing the point of what he said entirely. Of course he knows you can put virtual RAM on a HD. Everybody knows that, but you're also kind of making his point for him: Microsoft's solution is just lifted from their PC background and they're using the SSD as a drop-in replacement for a standard mechanical HD and using the buzzterm "Virtual RAM" to try to get the lead on Sony, but MS's solution is actually a bog-standard solution whereas Sony's is far more advanced, custom and sophisticated.
My point wasn't that Sony's solution wasn't advanced or sophisticated, just that those features aren't a necessity for making use of an SSD in this way. XSX and PC will do just that, without using Sony's drive. If you look at the DX12U APIs and the storage based things they are working on, the idea that they plan on doing nothing in the space is a fallacy.

Sony's SSD sounds amazing without question.
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I only just started watching this myself, but Moore's Law is Dead is a dude. Very knowledgeable and unbiased.

Will be interesting to see what he has to say.

EDIT: GEEZUZ, PS lovers watch this video. Xbox lovers BTFO! The real winner: AMD.

-Xbox Series X is powerful through brute force

-Neither console will cost as much as people think

-Many leaks but Sony was becoming more and more tight-lipped as we got closer to when they would have to announce something

-No matter what Sony announced it was gonna be designed with a philosophy that's unlike any console we've seen in recent memory

-not going to be an apples to apples comparison like it was last gen

-a lot of hot takes going on about the PlayStation 5 and Xbox now but people have not gone out of their way to remove emotion from their initial gut reactions

-developers actually working on the consoles are happy with the specs they've seen they think it's every bit as impressive as the Xbox series X

-Xbox led with twelve teraflops they know of all the specs that's the one that they have an advantage with

-the customizations in the PlayStation really do make it greater than the sum of its parts

-"saw the Xbox announcement and they said virtual memory but then I saw he speed I went oh boy Microsoft knows what Sony's planning and there you want to get ahead of the message they want to announce using virtual memory first so it looks like they can also do that which hey that's good marketing it just really bothers me how many people are falling for that spin"

- "they're [devs] finding that when they run games for the most part they're getting about the same frame times between consoles"

-"people will just disregard it [PS5 superiority] call me a fanboy and its cuz they're fanboys and if you want to be a fanboy and root against companies against evidence good for you I just hope you know more about gaming hardware than the people who built battlefield games because that's the type of people I'm talking to

-playstation 5 doesn't need to use the CPU to ping things as often due to how its organized

-XSX may have an advantage in RayTracing

-10% reduction in [GPU] power consumption doesn't reduce the clock speed by more than a few percent thus suggesting this isn't probably even gonna drop below 2.1 gigahertz even in hard to run games

-how can this run at such a high clock speeds? it's because it's RDNA 2.0 and this isn't some off-the-shelf graphics card that Sony chose they helped AMD design it

-if you're wondering how Sony can get an rDNA card that clocks that fast it's because that's how fast it was designed from the start for Sony and for me it's truly pathetic how many people are clearly letting fanboyism block themselves from the major story: RDNA 2.0 could be Redeon's Pascal moment

-fact of the matter is having faster speed and less cores is more efficient for rendering games. It's more efficient for doing actually just about everything, but games benefit from this the most

-AMD example that I think is incredibly apt, a perfect example is comparing the 10.5 teraflop Vega 56 to the 7.1 teraflop RX 590 hardwareunboxed found that the RX 590 was only 24% slower than the Vega 56 and it's because of the massive core clock speed difference and keep in mind that the Vega 56 has 56% more compute units, double the ROP and a monstrous amount more bandwidth... clock speed really does matter that much in games

-Vega 56, 7870, these are compelling examples of cards with a far larger disparity in teraflops performing pretty close to each other and so when you consider the bandwidth advantage which the xbox definitely has

-[XSX RAM] not really as efficient of a design but bandwidth improvement is there

-"I don't think it's [PS5] going to be some blazing hot console I just don't think they would do that but it's something to watch but you shouldn't assume these ridiculous fanboy you know that say "oh for sure it'll overheat"

-they can probably make four Playstations for every three xbox's manufactured and Playstation's buying up more capacity as well so they want to crowd out Xbox and they also want to sell for a decent price point

-"this is about a war not a battle Sony wasn't planning to win the "on paper" battle they were planning to win the console war - that's what they do"

Then there is a lot about cost-cutting measures. That's the best I could do man. Enjoy.


-worst case scenario you're looking at about a 15% rendering advantage for the Xbox but likely less than 10%

:pie_thinking: :pie_thinking: :pie_thinking: :pie_thinking: :pie_thinking:

You know... without giving away anything... I heard of a developer running their game with identical settings on both machines @90+ fps. A multiplatform title. Guess that makes sense with those numbers We shall see.



:pie_thinking: :pie_thinking: :pie_thinking: :pie_thinking: :pie_thinking:

You know... without giving away anything... I heard of a developer running their game with identical settings on both machines @90+ fps. A multiplatform title. Guess that makes sense with those numbers We shall see.

90fps on console? That f'in nuts. Bottom line, NOBODY is gonna be complaining about their console of choice. All those Xbox people thinking PS fans are losers because PS5 has less Flops... smh. It's all in jest though with most, but some take it way too seriously I think. haha
The problem around here is people are conflating weaker as being bad, and that's simply not the case. The PS5 can be the weaker machine but still a good console.
I was hugely impressed with the Series X when they announced 12TF RDNA 2, I still think it's insane. But then again, PS5's ssd is also insanely fast. And 10.3TF RDNA 2 is not bad by any means.

Both having very fast SSDs, Ryzen 2 CPUs, 3D audio and RDNA/RT is something incredible IMO and everyone is in for a treat.


This guy is an idiot. I'm pretty sure it was this dude that was going on about how 20-Series RTX was going to be obsolete once AMD came out and announced their RT architecture....

...and now we have DX12 Ultimate announced which shows DX12 adopting and standardizing every single hardware feature that Nvidia brought forward with Turing... uniting both Turing/Ampere and RDNA2 GPUs, as well as Series X under a common featureset.. The irony of course being that the 20-Series RTX GPUs are 100% DX12U compliant.... as of 2 years ago... :messenger_tears_of_joy:

He was also dead-on about Ryzen while the majority were still talking up Intel. He's been right about the continued security issues with intel as well.

You win some you lose some.
He was also dead-on about Ryzen while the majority were still talking up Intel. He's been right about the continued security issues with intel as well.

You win some you lose some.
lol.. calling out security issues with intel is like foretelling that the sun will rise again tomorrow...


lol.. calling out security issues with intel is like foretelling that the sun will rise again tomorrow...

He was right about companies ditching Intel en masse for AMD too for server hardware. That was something a ton of analysts said companies would just stick with Intel since it was a "known".

I mean, before the new Ryzen chipsets launched, people STILL thought AMD was never going to make any headway.
I was hugely impressed with the Series X when they announced 12TF RDNA 2, I still think it's insane. But then again, PS5's ssd is also insanely fast. And 10.3TF RDNA 2 is not bad by any means.

Both having very fast SSDs, Ryzen 2 CPUs, 3D audio and RDNA/RT is something incredible IMO and everyone is in for a treat.

Once the consoles are out and the games are being played its really only going to be the hardcore zealots sincerely arguing. Next gen is gonna be awesome


GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
I was hugely impressed with the Series X when they announced 12TF RDNA 2, I still think it's insane. But then again, PS5's ssd is also insanely fast. And 10.3TF RDNA 2 is not bad by any means.

Both having very fast SSDs, Ryzen 2 CPUs, 3D audio and RDNA/RT is something incredible IMO and everyone is in for a treat.
Exactly, thats why im gonna buy them both. But people here are really in denial and make no sense. X is stronger than V, games will run better and look better on X. But that doesn't mean that games on V will look bad or perform bad. Sony's first party studios created some of the best looking games on a 1.84tf old gcn gpu with super low powered 1.8ghz jaguar cores with 50mb hard drives. It would be stupid to think that they can't create something even more amazing with 10.3tflops RDNA2 gpu with highly clocked 3.5ghz zen 2 cpu with 5.5gb sdd. Its just a massive difference on its own if you don't compare it directly with X. The X however is even more amazing but both are incredible upgrades from this gen and should be appreciated.
Poor guy doesn't realize that there is no drive too slow to be used as virtual ram, every modern OS has been doing that for decades. Sony is only 2x faster in raw speed not 50x faster, what Sony can deliver via virtual ram in 1/2 a second, XSX can deliver in one second (based on bandwidth alone, iops are likely lower on the XSX also). Both will make use of virtual ram, and developers will use the feature in both. Next-gen GPUs from Nvidia and AMD will also be supporting virtual ram techniques via the prevalent APIs. News flash, they won't limit that to PCIe gen 4 only, too many systems with only gen 3 on board.
how about the bottlenecks? On pc the bottlenecks keep ssds from living up to their potential. Sony claims there are a lot of them and they've removed them from ps5. How many bottlenecks has series X removed?
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how about the bottlenecks? On pc the bottlenecks keep ssds from living up to their potential. Sony claims there are a lot of them and they've removed them from ps5. How many bottlenecks has series X removed?
There are no real bottlenecks in the XSX, the machine is extremely well balanced. Of course a bit more Ram would be welcomed for both consoles .

The XSX is the most impressive console hardware I have seen since the days of the first Xbox.


Well hype is bigger for PS5.

No no, you're confusing hype with damage control.

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