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Most Disappointing Game Ending

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
OoT had a terrible ending sequence, i felt totally let down after id played for 2 weeks solid to complete it, expecting some scene of epic proportions and all i got was this lame wave goodbye from all the characters.

The ending is like 11 minutes long, and it's more than just the credits portion you are mentioning. You should check it out again, seems like you missed alot.

Most people don't even remember the scene where Link meets Zelda again, or what it means anyway.
What? No mention of Final Fantasy Chrystal Chronicles? For me, it wasn't so much the disappointing ending sequence as much as the whole setup for the ending. There's no save point in the last hour and a half of the game, which meant several repetitive hours of gameplay. My general feeling wasn't, "I'm glad I've beaten the game." It was, "I'm glad that's over."


Gold Member
Rescue: Embassy Mission (NES) by Kemco-Seika:
"WTF, the ending comes five minutes after I started playing and there is nothing more to do?"
Jet Force Gemini. Because I refused to do 3 crappy controlling mini-games to get the final 2 ship parts needed. I realize this doesn't count, but considering very few people actually beat JFG for a number of reasons (Rescuing Tribals as another... though I did do that), it's valid in my book.


Recently...I'd say Wind Waker. The game's plot goes to another freaking dimension before and during the final fight, and then...we are given poop. WHAT ending? There is no ending. "Link goes on adventures with his pirate friend". Oh, yay. Really, it seems like they ran out of creativity at that point. Also, the credits sequence is veeeeeeery subpar compared to what Nintendo gave us in Oot(until the tribal dance, anyway) and in Zelda 3 specially.

Chrono Cross's ending disappointed the hell out of me, too. Nothing like a bunch of text for an ending, huh. Bleh. I'm talking about the "good" ending, btw.

Onimusha 2 & 3 have shitty endings too. I don't think I need to explain why.


Dr.Guru of Peru said:
Ganon faces off against Link to gain the final piece of the Triforce, and bring Hyrule back. He defeats Link, and uses his piece to form the Triforce. But when the Triforce forms, the king gets to it first and orders the gods to drown Ganon and Hyrule forever. Ganon goes crazy, and then tries to kill Link and Terta/Zelda.

You see, I believe I have to address this. All that you just said is NOT part of the actual ending. :p


Recently...I'd say Wind Waker. The game's plot goes to another freaking dimension before and during the final fight, and then...we are given poop. WHAT ending? There is no ending. "Link goes on adventures with his pirate friend". Oh, yay. Really, it seems like they ran out of creativity at that point. Also, the credits sequence is veeeeeeery subpar compared to what Nintendo gave us in Oot(until the tribal dance, anyway) and in Zelda 3 specially.

The ending of the game begins when Link opens the doors to Ganondorf's chambers. Even after those incredibly well written scenes (and after the final battle), I still think the ending held up well.
Particularly Link swimming against the current to save Daphnes, and Daphnes lowers his hand. The final scene with Link and Tetra sailing off for a new land was done a LOT better than OoT (which, to the best of my knowledge, was just probably a scene to lead into MM). What a better way to end the game which was about salvaging the past, than the two main characters sailing into the uncertain future.

It's the whole message of the game, and it's done very well.


Sucks at viral marketing
jett said:
You see, I believe I have to address this. All that you just said is NOT part of the actual ending. :p
I would consider the set up for and conclusion of the final boss fight as part of the ending. Especially in Wind Waker's case, where the bulk of the games plot is tied together and its outcome actually is the basis for the final battle.

I was disappointed in MGS' ending. It was strectched out too long and way to preachy.

Also, Pac-man's ending really sucked. ;)


Soul Reaver gets my vote. Kain was a push over considering some of the challenges preceeding the confrontation.


I can't believe nobody has said this yet: METAL GEAR SOLID 2: SOL!!!!!!!!!!!! Worst build up and ending EVAR in the history of video games!
I can't believe nobody has said this yet: METAL GEAR SOLID 2: SOL!!!!!!!!!!!! Worst build up and ending EVAR in the history of video games!

Well if the build up was bad, what made you expect the the conclusion would be any better? :) It should've been a good hint of what to expect.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I can't believe nobody has said this yet: METAL GEAR SOLID 2: SOL!!!!!!!!!!!! Worst build up and ending EVAR in the history of video games!

Nah, that was one of the best endings. I much prefer absurd stuff like that over simple endings with a bunch of characters waving at you. I actually DID enjoy it...

White Man

Whatever your opinion on MGS2, you've got to admit that a lot of effort at least went into making the ending. That's a lot more than I can say for most VG endings.


Again, just for clarification...I love MGS2's gameplay.

I think right after the point where you meet "Mr. President" is where I just gave up on the storyline. I could stomach most of the other stuff, but I just couldn't take it anymore after that.

Hopefully Hideo got rid of that crack smoking habit he had while making the second one. I have high expectations for MGS3.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Again, just for clarification...I love MGS2's gameplay.

I think right after the point where you meet "Mr. President" is where I just gave up on the storyline. I could stomach most of the other stuff, but I just couldn't take it anymore after that.

Hopefully Hideo got rid of that crack smoking habit he had while making the second one. I have high expectations for MGS3.

Oh, I know you enjoyed the gameplay...but I seriously DID like the story of MGS2 a lot. Sure, it was goofy as all hell...but at least Kojima and crew put a lot of time and effort into making something unique. Most of the plot elements DO work themselves out, so it isn't as if there are a ton of holes or anything.

MC Safety

I agree Beyond Good and Evil's ending, the one shown at the end of the credits, is fairly horribly done.

My personal vote is for Konami's Shadows of Destiny (and I apologize if I got the title wrong). It was a PlayStation 2 game about this guy who goes in and out of time. As I recall, I beat the game on its "bad" ending, and watched, almost horrified, as the lead character sat down, mused about how great life was, and got run over by a car. Thanks for playing!


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Disco Stu said:
I agree Beyond Good and Evil's ending, the one shown at the end of the credits, is fairly horribly done.

My personal vote is for Konami's Shadows of Destiny (and I apologize if I got the title wrong). It was a PlayStation 2 game about this guy who goes in and out of time. As I recall, I beat the game on its "bad" ending, and watched, almost horrified, as the lead character sat down, mused about how great life was, and got run over by a car. Thanks for playing!

That's terrible, actually, as Shadow of Destiny actually has some REALLLLY good endings that will make you think very differently about the game. The two endings that I saw where lengthy and extremely rewarding. I never actually knew about that particular ending you mentioned, though, and I would agree that it sounds terrible (and COMPLETELY different)...
Disco Stu said:
My personal vote is for Konami's Shadows of Destiny (and I apologize if I got the title wrong). It was a PlayStation 2 game about this guy who goes in and out of time. As I recall, I beat the game on its "bad" ending, and watched, almost horrified, as the lead character sat down, mused about how great life was, and got run over by a car. Thanks for playing!

God, Shadow of Destiny deserves a special award for Awesomeness Beyond the Call of Duty in its various endings. There's five different endings, each which reveals a different part of the plot, and then once you get all five endings you can get this super secret ending where, armed with the knowledge of the entire story, you are permitted to just jump around in time and beat the game in like 10 minutes and totally own everyone. Incredibly rewarding.

I don't think the "run over by a car" ending is one of the actual endings, either, though it has been a while.

MC Safety

JackFrost2012 said:
God, Shadow of Destiny deserves a special award for Awesomeness Beyond the Call of Duty in its various endings. There's five different endings, each which reveals a different part of the plot, and then once you get all five endings you can get this super secret ending where, armed with the knowledge of the entire story, you are permitted to just jump around in time and beat the game in like 10 minutes and totally own everyone. Incredibly rewarding.

I don't think the "run over by a car" ending is one of the actual endings, either, though it has been a while.

Yeah, I went back and checked Gamefaqs.com . I got this:

"C - After a run in with Momma Wagner, Hugo meets a crushing end (har har). Margie
decides to go home alone, to continue her life. Eike comes back and returns the
Digipad to Homunculus, who congratulates him. Eike finally realizes how special
he is, and how much he knows life has to be appreciated. He lies down to look at
the stars... and... Its just too funny, you have to see it for yourself."


Add me to those who loved Wind Waker's ending...it fit the story of the game, and agree with AniHawk on this one.

I'm going Metroid Prime, because it is supposedly so blah that I have yet to bother going through the Impact Crater and taking on Metroid Prime for the simple reason that I know there is little waiting for me. For such an amazing game, that says something.


Memles said:
Add me to those who loved Wind Waker's ending...it fit the story of the game, and agree with AniHawk on this one.

I'm going Metroid Prime, because it is supposedly so blah that I have yet to bother going through the Impact Crater and taking on Metroid Prime for the simple reason that I know there is little waiting for me. For such an amazing game, that says something.

I see nothing wrong with the ending in Prime. It was pretty much like the games before it.


Man, ChronoCross did it for me too. Admittedly, I didn't bust my ass to get any special endings, but what the fuck, roll credits? Still liked the game though.
Disco Stu said:
Yeah, I went back and checked Gamefaqs.com . I got this:

"C - After a run in with Momma Wagner, Hugo meets a crushing end (har har). Margie
decides to go home alone, to continue her life. Eike comes back and returns the
Digipad to Homunculus, who congratulates him. Eike finally realizes how special
he is, and how much he knows life has to be appreciated. He lies down to look at
the stars... and... Its just too funny, you have to see it for yourself."

Ah, right. That was the first one I got, too.

Well ... the thing about Shadow of Destiny is that none of the endings make much sense in isolation. There's actually a very good reason you end up getting hosed in ending C - but the answers are contained in the other story paths. The game is designed around multiple playthroughs and unlocking all the story paths - I would argue that if you've only seen one ending, you haven't actually completed the game at all.
Jak & Daxter

and even after collecting all those damn orbs. The game was fun as hell tho.

And Spider-man 2's "ending" almost was the worst. Thank god for that swinging engine.


works for Gamestop (lol)
carpal said:
Man, ChronoCross did it for me too. Admittedly, I didn't bust my ass to get any special endings, but what the fuck, roll credits? Still liked the game though.

I thought my game's disc was defected and forgot to include the ending or something. That's before I realized I got the bad ending
Che said:
ChronoCross. No game ending damnit!!! I heard there's an ending if you do some combinations or something but it's too late now.

You didn't miss much. Doing the elements in whatever order it was just showed some ending dealing with Kidd. It really was stupid...they had her in like some modern day city...it is like where the fuck did that come from? It then kinda goes into some romantic fling with Serge...or implies it at least(if I remember correctly) and I'm like there was no hint at romance in the game between the 2 whatsoever.

Yeah...THAT ending was horrible and it was the "good" ending. Chrono Cross will forever be the best idea gone wrong in videogame history. HORRIBLE HORRIBLE GAME. Mitsuda's music was the only good thing about it.

way more

Shogo: Mobile Armor Division

The ending wasn't that bad, but it lacked a conclusion and was begging for a sequel.

MC Safety

JackFrost2012 said:
Ah, right. That was the first one I got, too.

Well ... the thing about Shadow of Destiny is that none of the endings make much sense in isolation. There's actually a very good reason you end up getting hosed in ending C - but the answers are contained in the other story paths. The game is designed around multiple playthroughs and unlocking all the story paths - I would argue that if you've only seen one ending, you haven't actually completed the game at all.

I seem to recall Eike (was that the guy's name?) becoming his own grandfather or something. He deserved to get smushed!

(Actually, I may be thinking of a Futurama episode.)


Fuck the MGS2 ending is the worst ending i've ever seen by far... I LOVED the game up to that point, would have been one of my favourites of all time if it weren't for the ending. I guess it wasn't the ending itself, but the fact that they ended the game without resolving ANY of the story, they spent the entire game building up the story into a huge climax and then...they end it and give me a whole bunch of bullshit about "teaching the children well" or some shit, i mean WTF DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH THE REST OF THE GAME??
MGS1 had shit like that too at the end, but that was perfectly fine with me because by that point the story had been resolved (
after liquid finally died and metal gear was destroyed naomi has her lecture about how genes don't have to affect our future
But In MGS2 in the middle of the damn climax it cuts STRAIGHT to the "teach the children well" shit
and doesn't say what the fuck happened to liquid/ocelot or anything, you just see snake dive in after him while hes getting away in ray, and then the scene changes to new york, where raiden makes up with his girlfriend, and when raiden asks snake what happened with liquid/ocelot, hes just like "uhh nevermind that now, what's important is you teach the children well"
I DONT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOUR SENTIMENTAL GARBAGE SNAKE, I WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED IN THE HUGE COMPLEX STORY I JUST LISTENED TO FOR TEN HOURS!!!! It's as if they ran out of time half-way through the game they were going to make, so they just decided to cut straight to the ending and make sure that the game makes absolutely no sense. I felt so angry that i wasted my time playing MGS2 after i finished it, MGS3 had better make up for it.


DrForester said:
Jurrasic Park for SNES

It's the opening in reverse.

yiou fucking beat me to it. If there were ever a game that needed a battery for saving or passwords, this would be it next to Super Mario Brothers 3. Seriously, you had to leave the system on if you wanted to beat it, only to get that fucking screen. I think we did a thread like this at TNL, and some of the responses had pics to go with it, and looking back, if I had beat some of these games when they came out, I would have Hulked out and destroyed parts of the US.


Heh, I played Shadow of Destiny enough times to get all the endings... there's a couple of really good ones. That's probably my favorite PS2 game to date.

I hand worst ending to Klonoa: Door to Phantomile...
you do all that stuff and then you end up being sucked out of the universe or whatever by the cleansing song... so even though you saved the kingdom/world, you're still considered an impurity. Huepow sucks.


Ratchet & Clank 2's ending was Lame. the Game felt half finished, the last last boss is a pushover if you have the right weaponry. the second play through allows you to beat him in about 3 seconds :(

Quark is Fizzwidget? Lame, didn't make much sense, and he was locked in a broom closet? The girl wasn't fleshed out enough, and Clank's Girl was just... 'there'.

The game really felt only half finished, needed double the levels.
Bobety said:
But In MGS2 in the middle of the damn climax it cuts STRAIGHT to the "teach the children well" shit
and doesn't say what the fuck happened to liquid/ocelot or anything, you just see snake dive in after him while hes getting away in ray, and then the scene changes to new york, where raiden makes up with his girlfriend, and when raiden asks snake what happened with liquid/ocelot, hes just like "uhh nevermind that now, what's important is you teach the children well"
I DONT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOUR SENTIMENTAL GARBAGE SNAKE, I WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED IN THE HUGE COMPLEX STORY I JUST LISTENED TO FOR TEN HOURS!!!! It's as if they ran out of time half-way through the game they were going to make, so they just decided to cut straight to the ending and make sure that the game makes absolutely no sense. I felt so angry that i wasted my time playing MGS2 after i finished it, MGS3 had better make up for it.

It's a cliffhanger. The series isn't like FF where every storyline has to be explained in that one game or else it'll never be explained. Certain things aren't going to be explained but they can be explained later on. Besides do you really expect Solid to know where he went? It's not like he can swim that fast. :p


Queen of Denmark
Ghost said:
OoT had a terrible ending sequence, i felt totally let down after id played for 2 weeks solid to complete it, expecting some scene of epic proportions and all i got was this lame wave goodbye from all the characters.
Muh?! The character-waving was pretty painful, but there was plenty more besides that! What about
Link and Zelda having to say goodbye to each other, because they wouldn't remember all that had happened?
them meeting up after the time had been turned back for the last time, and the scene creating the feeling that somehow, they knew?
In fact, I think I like OoT's ending just as much as Wind Waker's, and that's saying a lot.

I'd like to add the NES version of Rampage to the list. I beat every single fucking city, and the ending was "CONGRATULATIONS." White text on a black screen. I didn't even like the game.
Journeywalker said:
What? No mention of Final Fantasy Chrystal Chronicles? For me, it wasn't so much the disappointing ending sequence as much as the whole setup for the ending. There's no save point in the last hour and a half of the game, which meant several repetitive hours of gameplay. My general feeling wasn't, "I'm glad I've beaten the game." It was, "I'm glad that's over."

Generally my thoughts as well :( The game just wan't fun.

For most recent titles with bad endings, I'll go with Ratchet & Clank 2. It seems like a cliff hanger almost. I expected a super secret ending after upgrading and collecting EVERYTHING, but got nothing.

User 406

The correct answer is 1942 for the NES. It takes the crown over other black screen "CONGRATULATION" games due to its extreme length.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Ocarina of Time, how incredibly stupid.

Also Turok 2, it was a commercial for Turok 3.

I don't see any problem with Resident Evil endings, the whole goal is escaping, nothing else really until they take down Umbrella corp. Though I suppose the end of RE3 was fairly conclusive, kinda cool.


Sea Manky said:
The correct answer is 1942 for the NES. It takes the crown over other black screen "CONGRATULATION" games due to its extreme length.

Pfft, at least 1942 was an easy enough game to get to the end. Now, Mario Sunshine, referenced earlier in the thread...dear god. Whenever you put enough effort into getting everything, all you got was a still picture of all the models. Sure, it's not as lame as 1942, but it's more like a giant "Fuck you for even trying!" to the player.


ced said:
I cant be the only one who felt like Chronicles of Riddick ended abruptly. I figured they were headed to a new location, but nope that was it, felt completely out of place to me. In other words I had NO idea that was the end untill the credits rolled, and thats not a good thing.

Thats exactly what I was gonna say.
Eternal Darkness's "uber-ending" (what you see after beating all three paths on the same save file) is pretty short and lame considering the work involved to get it.
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