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Movies you've seen more than once in theatres

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Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
So we had the "Movies You Have Walked Out Of" Topic recently so I figured hey, lets do the flip side. What are the movies that you thought were so good that you went back to the theatre to see them again?

Here are mine:

Mortal Kombat (2 times) - This was the first time I ever wanted to see a movie twice.
Spiderman (2 times)
Spiderman 2 (2 times)
Dawn of the Dead 2004 (3 times)


That I can remember:
AI (2 times) - promised a couple different people to go with, didn't really love it that much, especially that ending after the ending crap.
Truman Show (2 times) - adored that movie.
Amelie (3 times) - initial time with a friend because we thought it looked good, dragged parents to it, they loved it, and dragged some more friends to it, also loved it
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (3 times) - see above :)
Toy Story 2 (2 times) - it rocks plain and simple.

And there was probably others but I can't think of them.


-Star Wars (original release)
-Aliens (6 times O_O )
-Terminator 2
-Little Mermaid
-Beauty and the Beast (2nd time was IMAX release)



Damn dude 3 times to DOD 04? WOW

me crap the ones that come to mind:

Jurasic Park (4)
The Matrix (8)
Star Wars Special Edition Trilogy (i sat through all 3 movies for 7 days in a row)
Toy Story (2)
Lost World (3)
Bringing down the House (2)
Special Midnight Showing of 120mm EVIL DEAD (4 in one night)
Special Showing of Army of Darkness with Dawn of the Dead (2 back to back, dont know why they paired these two up)
Various Universal Horror movies (two nights from 12 to 8am, second night they mixed up the films)
Perfect Storm (2 times yeep two times, i slept through both on two horribly hot summer days while we didnt have ac)
Momento (10 segmented cuts made by different students, very interesting work)
Brazil (2)
Tron (3)
Oliver and Company (2)
ID4 (5)
Beauty and the Beast (6)
Abyss (7)
Aliens (2)

thats all i can remember.


Let's see--

AI (2x)
Gladiator (2x)
Pulp Fiction (3x)
The Matrix (2x)
The Fifth Element (2x)
Schindler's List (2x)
Titanic (2x)
EDIT: forgot. Fellowship of the Ring (2x)
The Two Towers (2x)
The Phantom Menace (5 times)
A Bugs Life (5 times)
Terminator 3 (3 times)
Final Fantasy (3 times)
Attack of the Clones (3 times)

Most summer movies I'll see twice if they are reasonably decent. In a big effects show I'll see multiple times and just look at the details of the production. After the 2nd time I see a film I don't even follow the movie I just look at the screen.


The Lion King (Regular and IMAX)
The Lord of the Rings - Entire Trilogy twice a piece.
Spiderman 2 (IMAX and Regular)
Attack of the Clones (IMAX and Regular)
Matrix Reloaded - 3 times
Matrix Revolutions - 2 times
Star Wars Episodes 1 - 9 times
Episode 2 - 3 times
Matchstick Men - 2 times
Signs - 2 times
Gladiator - 2 times
Mr. Deeds (NO IT WASNT BY CHOICE) - 2 times
Unbreakable - 2 times
Lord of the Rings FOTR - 9 times
Two Towers - 7 times
ROTK - 3 times
Kill Bill Vol 1 - 2 times
Kill Bill Vol 2 - 2 times


Jurrasic Park
Matrix/Reloaded/Revolutions (re-release at the IMAX)
Big Fish
Star Wars: Episode 1/2

Others too, just can't recall at the moment.
Amelie (three times)
Princess Mononoke (twice)
My Big Fat Greek Wedding (twice)
Phantom Menace (five times)
Attack of the Clones (three times)
X-Men (twice)
Memento (twice)
Donnie Darko (three times)
Before Sunset (twice)


Hang out with Steve.
I've seen so many movies twice I can't recall them specifically. Usually it works out that I see a movie with a group of friends, and then see it again with my dad and/or another group of friends.
Gimme a sec to look thru my old ticket stubs...

Spider-Man 2 (3x)
LotR: Return of the King (2x)
X2: X-Men United (2x)
Spider-Man (3x)
X-Men (3x)
Gladiator (2x)
Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (8x) - What the hell was I thinking?!?
The Matrix (2x)
Saving Private Ryan (3x)
Godzilla (3x)
Star Wars: Special Edition (2x)

I only started keeping ticket stubs in 1995 though. I'm positive I saw the original Jurassic Park multiple times too; I was such a total dinosaur nut back then.


I dont get it... maybe I dont like movies enough.. but I would NEVER goto see a movie multiple times. I mean... 8 times??? Thats fucking insane.

I have a hard time buying movies on dvd cause I know I'll only watch them once.


The Matrix - 4 times

Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace - 2 times (although I slept through parts of it the 2nd time)

Star Wars: A New Hope Special Edition - 2 times (also slept through parts of it the 2nd time)

I dont think I'll ever watch the same movie twice again.
It has to be really that good, and hell, back in 1999, The Matrix was great.
(And still is, sorta. Reloaded/Revolutions....oh the tragedy.)


GAF's Bob Woodward
Spiderman (twice)
The Return of the king (twice..really regret the second viewing now. i was willing it to end..there were so many endings I had FORGOTTEN some of them from the first time round).
dem said:
I dont get it... maybe I dont like movies enough.. but I would NEVER goto see a movie multiple times. I mean... 8 times??? Thats fucking insane.
Yeah, I did get carried away with Phantom Menace. IIRC I saw it 3 times on opening day, 2 more times with coworkers and friends, 2 more times with family, and 1 time when visiting family in Tennessee. By summer's end I never wanted to see it again.
I hate seeing movies more than once. Every time it's just a film I wind up getting dragged to against my will. Stuff like Texas Chainsaw Massacre. What a fucking awful movie.

The only one I willingly saw again was Kill Bill Vol. 2.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
My brother almost never watch any movie more then once. Be it in the theatre or at home. there are like 4 movies he likes to watch over and over. One of which is Office Space.


Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring (7 freaking times)
The Matrix (2)
Spider-Man (2-3?...)
The Phantom Menace (5...kept trying to convince myself that I liked it)

Uhh...I'm sure there have been others but those are the only ones that come to mind immediately.
Kill Bill
The Matrix Reloaded
The Matrix Revolutions
Star Wars Episode I
Star Wars Episode II - 4 times
Star Wars A New Hope SE
Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back SE
Star Wars Return of the Jedi SE
Final Fantasy the Spirits Within - I fell asleep the first time
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
X-Men 2
Lord of the Rings
Lord of the Rings The Two Towers
Lord of the Rings Return of the King
Alien Resurrection


Transformers: The Movie - 3
Who Framed Roger Rabbit - 2
Batman: The Movie - 2
The Little Mermaid - 4
Rescurers Down Under - 2
Beauty and the Beast - 4
Aladdin - 2

Seth C

I used to do it all the time. For example, even crap to so-so movies like....

Star Trek Generations
Street Fighter

And I think that was all in one summer.


I never gone and paid for seeing a movie more than once.

But recently I saw Spiderman 2 and saw it a second time in a free screening from Nokia for the N-Gage game.

That would be it.


Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.
Boogie9IGN said:
Titanic (2)
Man In The Iron Mask (2)
Attack of the Clones (2)
Return of the King (7)

How the hell did you sit through that boredom 7 times!


Shit, lots. The ones that I can remember just from this year are Anchorman, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Fahrenheit 9/11 and The Corporation. I'm sure I'll see The Life Aquatic like three times in the one week of calendar year 04 that it has, as well.

Edit: my record is seven theatre viewings for 12 Monkeys, in case you were curious.


The LOTR movies are the only ones:

Fellowship 2x
Two Towers 2x
Return of the King 3x

I'm more of a DVD nut than a movie nut - I prefer watching them in the comfort of my room, even though I have a crap setup. For me having other people in the movie theatre is kind of like having someone else read a book over my shoulder.


Matrix: Reloaded (4 times)
Kill Bill: Vol 1 (6 times)
Matrix: Revolutions (3 times)

There are tons more, but that's all I can remember off the top of my head right now.


Aladdin x 2
Lion King x 3
Charlie's Angels x 3
Spiderman x 3
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone x 2
Monsters, Inc x 2
LOTR: TT x 3
Spiderman 2 (5 times)
Braveheart (2)
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (13)
Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban (2)
X-Men 2 (2)
Kill Bill Vol 1 (2)

I think that's it.


well not really...yet
Jurassic Park (10 times at least, you know back at that dinosaur loving age)
LOTR FOTR (3 times)
Matrix reloaded (3 times)
matrix revolutions (twice)
Spiderman 2 (twice)

those are mostly recent ones, aside from JP, theres tons more but cant remember, though many already mentioned


I haven't done this in many years, the last time I went to a movie multiple time in theatres was when I was still in school, and was drug to fucking Titanic five or six times.

Some of it was fine with me, but for the most part any sane person can understand my plight, and why exactly I detest this movie with every fiber of my being,


Unconfirmed Member
South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut: 7 times
Fight Club: 6 times
Kill Bill Vol. 1: 2 times
Kill Bill Vol. 2: 2 times
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind: 2 times
Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back: 2 times

I hope that I can see Cannibal! The Musical in the theatre again. Hopefully with a good crowd this time.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
HUNDREDS, literally too many to even know where to begin, though I've toned it down a lot lately.
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