Many “Whelps”! Handle It!

A thread for movie lovers to share their thoughts about stuff they've seen in 2021 and discuss them with others
A NeoGAF reboot of the Good Movies Lately thread
Directed by Viewers Like You
Thread Guidelines
- Please be civil. Sometimes people like movies you dislike. Sometimes they may hate with a passion something you adore. Saul Goodman
- Any kind of movie is fair game, even made-for-TV. If it's a feature length film, it's a film
- Please mark spoilers for movies that are somewhat new (say, released within the past two years) or for movies that either rely on some kind of plot twist or has one that greatly affects the story
- Given that some movies are prescient political thrillers (X happened in real life, so let's make a movie based on it), political discussion is bound to occur - but let's try to keep that discussion confined to the events and message(s) of the movies themselves.
We have an entire forum for politics otherwise( UPDATE: Per new forum rules NO POLITICS ) - If you'd like something added to the OP just ask, PM is fine
Useful Resources
- Flick Metrix - Allows one to search for content by streaming service provider, date of release range, average ratings by various aggregators (such as IMDB), and genre
- FlickSurfer - Another search tool similar to Flick Metrix in the previous bullet point
- Movie Spin - This is similar to that short-lived suggestion tool Netflix had for a minute, in which one feeds it movies they've seen or liked and the AI crawls through streaming services to find something they may enjoy. Coax it in the right direction by giving the suggestions a smiley or sad face. Does not include all streaming services unfortunately
- Netflix by language - I'm sure we all love foreign films, wherever you may reside. But sometimes you just want to watch something in your native tongue. This is a link that allows one to browse Netflix's catalog by language
--- - Letterboxd - Social media for cinephiles. Create a profile, record a diary of movies you've seen, rate and review them, create public and private lists, and connect with other users
- If you want to rate movies here's a few star alt code icons to copy and paste: ★ ☆
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