Just started playing last night, and WOW! What a great little game.
If I didn't already own a 3DS, Nano Assault would sell me on it. Everything about the game just looks and feels so right, from the gorgeous, colorful graphics to the circle-pad movement to the level and enemy design, to the fantastic soundtrack.
The 3D is really impressive here, adding a natural-looking depth that works really well.
Obviously, it reminds me of a superior Super Stardust (I didn't care a lot for that game), but it also brings back loving memories of that early PSone classic, the FMV-driven Novastorm. That was a frantic little shooter with lush, lovely graphics, and Nano Assault scratches that spectacular-shooter itch very nicely.
This is going to be the perfect game for me to play in between bouts of Mario Land and Kart!