Shaquille O'Neal. O'Neal's extra pounds limited his effectiveness in his last days in Los Angeles. But, heading to Miami with a chip (or, rather, a rice cake) on his shoulder, O'Neal has used a combination of diet and his most intense offseason exercise regimen to drop serious pounds. He says he finished last season at 355 but is down to 315.
bishoptl said:Yeah, Lonestar posted the Vince news, but nobody pays attention to him.![]()
Shinobi said::lol :lol :lol I'm not even gonna bother quoting all the funny posts, there's so many I'd probably flood the forum. :lol
Not much new with the VC thing, save for him coming out himself and declaring it. Think that's a mistake on his part, but he obviously wants out of here with the quickness. Can't blame him in some long as that cunt lick Richard Peddie is part of the organization, I wouldn't want to be involed with them either. Having said that, he has to know that trades simply aren't gonna be happening a few weeks before training camp, and that his trade value isn't exactly terrific. Hell, Shaq was basically traded for Lamar Odom and some jellybeans...a Vince trade at this stage could only land us the jellybeans. :lol
As for Lonestar, he's only upset cause he knows there's a real possibility that VC could get flipped to the Sonics for Ray Allen. Which would mean having to suck VC's cock as he does for every player that wears those snot green colours. Don't know why he's so worried isn't like he hasn't been full of shit before. :lol
calder said:Holy shit, Shaq is putting out that 'Roger Clemens leaving Boston' vibe. :lol Way to go Lakers!
bionic77 said:VC would be a great fit for a lot of teams. The problem is like you said that no one is going to give up anything huge to land him. VC could really push a team like San An to the next level, VC, Kobe, and TMac are only a few of the 2 guards who are athletic and can shoot these days. I wonder if VC will cry as much as Shaq to get out of Toronto, I wish the Lakers would have shown a little backbone like the Raptors and not taken the easy way out by trading Shaq so quickly.
Ninja Scooter said:if it took getting traded to motivate his fatass to finally get in shape (apparently making $30 million a year isn't enough motivation) then we were lucky to get rid of his ass when we did. Whats his motivation gonna be the year after next? Or the year after that? Fuck Shaq for pulling this shit.
HalfPastNoon said:UH HELLO???!?!
HalfPastNoon said:the only redeeming quality in the oft-injured carter is that he's a fellow tar heel. other than that, he can blow me. god forbid he ever join the sonics, i think i'll have to find a new team.
Hell, Shaq was basically traded for Lamar Odom and some jellybeans...a Vince trade at this stage could only land us the jellybeans.
HalfPastNoon said:the only redeeming quality in the oft-injured carter is that he's a fellow tar heel. other than that, he can blow me. god forbid he ever join the sonics, i think i'll have to find a new team.
Drexler, 42, said Thursday he might consider returning to the NBA and lists the Nuggets as a possibility. The 10-time all-star who retired in 1998 was inducted into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame last weekend.
"If someone with a chance to win a championship would call, I'd consider it," Drexler said. "The Nuggets are certainly one of those teams. If you look at their young talent, they are phenomenal on paper.
"I know I could do it."
:lolDMczaf said:
Drexler, 42, said Thursday he might consider returning to the NBA
Loki said:It's been Clyde Drexler week on NBA TV, because he just got inducted into the Hall of Fame and all. Watching all the highlights and old games he played in, all I can say is WOW-- I knew he was good, but not like that. The guy was an incredible player. Even on the Rockets in '95 during the playoffs, he was unbelievable. He really knew how to play the game, and was a blur on the wing on the break-- he really streaked downcourt faster than most guys.
bionic77 said:I agree, he really was much faster then Jordan.
Ninja Scooter said:i just read the whole Kobe transcript. No way does he seem "arrogant" or incriminating like so many of those apologist bitches from Court TV were trying to hype it up, and THIS certainly wouldn't have helped the prosecution one bit had it been allowed IMO. Kobe's groupie learned a valuable lesson, in the words of Jodeci, "if you come up, get done up, inside and let me run up..."
Now the only question is whether Kobe will spend 5-10 million to defend his civil case and risk losing more or just settle for a few hundred grand?
Cloudy said:The only reason to settle was to keep the embarassing info out of the media. The prosecutors who leaked this stuff did it as a final "fuck you" to the chick cos he's not gonna settle now...
Cloudy said:Because if he settles, the media will make him out to be an MJ. If he fights it in court, even if he loses, everything about her will come out too and the public will know how she gets down as well. And there is a cap on lawsuits in Colorado so she can't get more than $1.5 mil at the worst. Will her lawyers continue to work on a contingency basis for years? I doubt it....
With this embarassing info out there, it'd be dumb to settle at this point IMO. $5-$10 mil is not too much for Kobe to pay to retain even a shred of dignity out of all this...
HalfPastNoon said:i've said since the beginning that this is yet another case of the white man holding a brotha down. it's happening to GP, too. poor guy.
bionic77 said:$5-10 mill of HIS money doesn't sound that much to you. If I were his lawyer I would just tell him to settle and get it over with. People have a way of forgetting things and people made up their mind about this case when it first came out, this won't change anyone's mind. Most people still think he is innocent anyways.
Cloudy said:You have a point there that no one's mind will change eitherway but if there was gonna be a settlement, her lawyer's would not have been on tv trashing Kobe after the case was dismissed. And the chick's lawyers are probably looking for $5-$10 of Kobe's money. You think they'll be satisfied with a few 100 grand after the contract he just signed?
But seriously, why can't basketball players say no to sex?
Cloudy said:Cos they are human?
Sumidor said:I used to watch him all the time when he was playing with the Blazers, and he was pretty damn fast, and if you watch him play head to head with Jordan, they were pretty well matched up.
bionic77 said:All I have to say to that is A.C. Green.
Cloudy said:With this embarassing info out there, it'd be dumb to settle at this point IMO. $5-$10 mil is not too much for Kobe to pay to retain even a shred of dignity out of all this...
Cloudy said:Cos they are human?
Shinobi said:I agree with this...with everything out in the open now, I wouldn't pay a red nickel to this broad.
And who the fuck released these tapes anyway? The man isn't going to be tried, and this shit gets leaked anyway? It's absolutely disgusting. Kobe oughta sue the leak and every media outlet that's played this shit.
You dissin' my boy AC Green?!?
Don't sleep on him...cause he won't sleep with you.
Shinobi said:You dissin' my boy AC Green?!?
Don't sleep on him...cause he won't sleep with you.
DMczaf said:Shaq's summer workout revealed!