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Neil Druckmann and Halley Gross Open Up About the Biggest Twists of ‘The Last of Us Part II’ **SPOILERS**


Joel's death and Ellie not killing Abby are the two most retarded things about the story.

Joel and Tommy forgetting about 30 years of survival skills in a totally out of character moment to justify an almost laughably over the top death scene is such an insult imo.

Ellie not killing Abby is so retarded I find it hard to believe that people can accept that ending. She literally kills a metric fuck ton of people just for an opportunity to kill this bitch and she doesn't do it because she has a vision of Joel? What? She decides that for some reason she can't kill Abby because killing her won't change anything or some dumb shit, but what about all the fucking people youve already killed for revenge you dumb twat? Did all those lives just not matter?

What was even THE POINT of all that murder, just to not kill the one person you have justifiable cause to murder???? You would think that seeing Joel in her minds eye when she's in the process of killing this bitch would make her want to kill her more. Especially after she BIT HER FUCKING FINGERS OFF. If I was Ellie and I was having doubts about killing this cunt, I certainly would have lost them after she bit my fucking fingers off.

How the fuck did Abby even have the strength to fight Ellie anyway? Shes lost considerable body mass, clearly hadn't be eating and was already at the brink.

There's just so much dumb shit here. This isn't good writing. They could have made this story work without these two points being so bad, but also if they had just made these characters likeable.

I don't sympathize with anyone in this game. They're all assholes who don't really learn much of anything over the course of this already threadbare plot.
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Here, people can reminiscent about the game and decide themselves whether ND lived up to your expectation or butchered their own IP.
Time stamp and all, reading some comments here and looking up the material to match, the characters are intentionally butt ugly or what the fuck?
What the hell is with Abby's face, build or the long ass nose girl - they made uglier than necessary for a reason or what's up with that because it stands out.

He failed.
He needed TLOU1 story team.

Link to my thoughts in the spoiler thread:
Graphically the game is beautiful but after beating the game the story was just crap.
I don't mind them killing Joel off but how they did it was poor writing.
Had they done that at the end of the game and in a different context that would give the ending more emotional weight.

The game should had started off as Abby understanding her as a character and her motivations.
They were close to having a decent story but they cut the story into too many chunks. Had they put Abby killing Joel at the end of the game and rearranged things. We would had a better understanding on her character before we are forced to play as someone who just killed a beloved character.


I really liked the game. I started my second run to platinum it. I think Druckmann could have been more cruel. Imagine starting and playing half of the game with Abby. Then do some golfing


Turning Abby into a shemale with gorilla torso certainly doesn’t help, at least make her look attractive and femine if they wanna make people fee empathy for her more.

It's pretty sad you feel this way. If you can only empathize with someone based off looks that's very superficial. It's a 'niceguy' thing to say.

I think it's pretty cool that she's jacked and it fits in the narrative. She's obsessed with killing Joel, hence the training and putting on muscle.
How the fuck did Abby even have the strength to fight Ellie anyway? Shes lost considerable body mass, clearly hadn't be eating and was already at the brink.

There's just so much dumb shit here. This isn't good writing. They could have made this story work without these two points being so bad, but also if they had just made these characters likeable.

I don't sympathize with anyone in this game. They're all assholes who don't really learn much of anything over the course of this already threadbare plot.

Oh god please it's already dead, stop clubbing. The hand to hand combat scenes were so unbelievable that I had to turn off my brain. At the end Ellie was with a fucking coke can amount of blood and Chris Abbyfield was crucified for what it seemed like days but they go at it like boxing champs.

Story is trash tier guys, there is no point defending it. Let's just move on and remember that Lev is trans. He/she/it is trans ok? Don't forget it. Lev is trans. In a videogame. Trans in a videogame. Also kinda asian. And Trans.

So there. That annoying fuck is trans.
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It's the point of the entire story. If you don't overcome the desire for revenge, you just contribute to the cycle of violence it produces.
Yes, i realized that point from the last 32 movies, games and books i've seen talking about the same thing. Which is why i'd usually expect at least good and interesting execution if i'm to see the same story again.
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If a game gives the player freedom to do what they want then my canon ending is Abby getting eaten by some failed QTE sequence. :)
I let Ellie get her which each different weapon she got lol. We need a Tommy DLC to properly finish the game.
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Yes, i realized that point from the last 32 movies, games and books i've seen talking about the same thing. Which is why i'd usually expect at least good and interesting execution if i'm to see the same story again.

Well, for someone so in the know about it, one would assume you'd get it.

It seemed you hadn't, so I thought I'd point out.


Well, for someone so in the know about it, one would assume you'd get it.

It seemed you hadn't, so I thought I'd point out.
I did realize. I know they're trying to makes us feel empathetic towards Abby (its quite on-the-face actually), and somehow feel guilty for Ellie's actions.

It just didn't work. It was poorly executed.
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I liked the story and think it was the right move.

People who are upset joel died at all don’t understand the ending or the original. Joel is a complex figure who made a horrific choice. Even though we love him as a character, objectively speaking he did a bad thing, which the entire premise of the sequel rests upon. As for how he died, I’ll concede some criticism that he wasn’t being cautious enough but they did write a compelling enough reason to get him into that mansion (army of infected / winter storm) and if you remember TLOUI, he was pretty quick to trust Sam and Henry - even going as far to follow them to their people. Joel’s logic and descion making didn’t really change between the two games there. Either way, I agree with the fact that he died as the inciting incident of the narrative. If you want to nitpick his cautiousness, fine, but it’s still a compelling way to get us invested.

Someone who argues that they hate Abby for killing Joel but also wanted Ellie to kill Abby at the end is someone who only thinks subjectively and not objectively. The whole game is challenging that very idea. I’m not surprised that people are divisive about it since a lot of the world doesn’t think in terms of objectivity, but just unpack it:

Joel killed Abbys paternal figure, so Abby kills Joel, Ellie’s paternal figure. Ellie killed two of Abbys friends, Abby killed two of Ellie’s friends (Well, she thought she did anyway). Both characters are motived by the exact same thing and neither one is a better person than the other. I struggle to see how Abby is objectively so much worse, she just feels that way to us because she killed a character we love - which i find to be a kind of brilliant complexity.

If Ellie were to kill Abby infront of Lev, the cycle would never stop. She realized that when got to them and saw how defeated and famished Abby was. She had suffered so much at that point. To just kill her now would just pass that blood fueled anger and vengeance onto Lev and the cycle of blood and fear would go on forever. It’s a smart ending in my eyes.
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That's there whole goal.

Naughty Dog said they will never make another Uncharted game with Nathan Drake as the protagonist. Probably the reason why him and Elena had a daughter. Welcome to the new female fortune hunter.

Of course, the man hero in the Last of Us have to die, so they can bring in strong women. Who cares how they die, or the reasoning behind it. They just have to die, and go away.

Women are in charge now, and if you don't agree, then you must be insecure or afraid of women.

Welcome to the future of gaming.

Men are toxic, and gender is toxic. That's explain Abby's character, and Lily (Lev).

Genesis 5:2: He created them male and female.

They hate that. Their master hates that.

What’s so interesting about this is in the game the male characters (besides joel) are kind of the quiet heroes and the women are the ones being emotional and fucking everything up. Tommy, Owen and Jesse are like the three most logical and reasonable people in the whole narrative.

So while I agree that they leaned into female characters pretty heavy, it never felt anti-male to me in the same way that obnoxious feminism can be.
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I think Jesse would have been an actual cool main character to play as and should have been the new big character......... *shakes fist in air* But they just had to fuck him over to.

My biggest complaint about this game.

Is the hair style they gave Ellie in the farmhouse. Gross.

I haven't play the game, have no intentions, because I've tried that with other games, just to become dissapointed and stuff like that....however.....how does that work in post-apocalyptic world?
Shes a girl. That wants to be a boy. So she cuts her hair. So hes a boy now. Every character calls him he since the haircut pretty much makes him look like a boy. Thats all there is to it.
Theres only 3 rainbow people in the game. Ellie (gay), Dina (bi), and Lev (trans).
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Jon Neu

Abby was reading a David Benioff book.

For the people who doesn’t know, it’s one of the hacks who wrote the last seasons of Game Of Thrones.


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Jon Neu

People who are upset joel died at all don’t understand the ending or the original. Joel is a complex figure who made a horrific choice. Even though we love him as a character, objectively speaking he did a bad thing, which the entire premise of the sequel rests upon.

No, he didn’t.

He saved a child from being murdered for the alleged chance of a vaccine by some crappy terrorists in some abandoned hospital. I mean, you can’t literally make a vaccine that way.

Even the father or Abby couldn’t answer the Marlene question when she questioned him: what if she was Abby?

That right there is the fucking moral double standard.

If you want to nitpick his cautiousness, fine, but it’s still a compelling way to get us invested.

They wrote him out of character of sheer incompetence. This are the same writers that literally wrote the scene in which when Dina asked Ellie why the Abby group didn’t killed her, she responded with: maybe they are dumb.

Well, they are as smart as the people who wrote them.

Someone who argues that they hate Abby for killing Joel but also wanted Ellie to kill Abby at the end is someone who only thinks subjectively and not objectively

Joel saved a little girl (and himself) from being murdered, Abby tortured Joel to death in front of Ellie just because she wanted revenge.

It’s not the same thing at all, but you have to actually be objective to see it.

Joel killed Abbys paternal figure, so Abby kills Joel, Ellie’s paternal figure. Ellie killed two of Abbys friends, Abby killed two of Ellie’s friends (Well, she thought she did anyway). Both characters are motived by the exact same thing and neither one is a better person than the other. I struggle to see how Abby is objectively so much worse, she just feels that way to us because she killed a character we love - which i find to be a kind of brilliant complexity

She hulk is a psycho because her friends died. Ellie too.

Impressive complexity. And totally a novelty.

If Ellie were to kill Abby infront of Lev, the cycle would never stop. She realized that when got to them and saw how defeated and famished Abby was. She had suffered so much at that point. To just kill her now would just pass that blood fueled anger and vengeance onto Lev and the cycle of blood and fear would go on forever. It’s a smart ending in my eyes

The ending is literally retarded. Ellie has killed half the population of America by then to get to Abby, but Abby bites her fingers off and somehow Ellie remembers Joel mid fight and stops wanting to kill Abby because “what if revenge was bad? EXPECTATIONS SUBVERTED”.

Again, the script shits on any kind of coherence or plausability for the sole purpose of a cheap edgy twist.
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I did realize. I know they're trying to makes us feel empathetic towards Abby (its quite on-the-face actually), and somehow feel guilty for Ellie's actions.

It just didn't work. It was poorly executed.

That's the problem with nearly everyone I've discussed the game with: you can have the first part of that sentence without the second.

The game is trying to make you feel empathetic towards Abby. Period. It's not trying to make you feel guilty for Ellie's actions. It's a tragedy, not something to feel guilty about. The game is justifying both of them, showing the player (who, in this case, is omniscient) the inner workings of how one violent act leads to another to all involved.

For Joel, that surgeon was nobody. But he was someone's father. That person kills him, another nobody named Joel Miller. But he was Ellie's father figure. So, of course, it triggers Ellie to fuck shit up. If Ellie had killed Abby and left Lev, he would come after her eventually.

She broke the cycle for herself, while some Rattler probably raped it out of Abby.
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That's the problem with nearly everyone I've discussed the game with: you can have the first part of that sentence without the second.

The game is trying to make you feel empathetic towards Abby. Period. It's not trying to make you feel guilty for Ellie's actions. It's a tragedy, not something to feel guilty about. The game is justifying both of them, showing the player (who, in this case, is omniscient) the inner workings of how one violent act leads to another to all involved.

For Joel, that surgeon was nobody. But he was someone's father. That person kills him, it triggers Ellie to fuck shit up. If Ellie had killed Abby and left Lev, he would come after her eventually. She broke the cycle...
At the same time, it's trying to make players feel sad about the Ellie situation because this path that Ellie is on is something that Joel would never want for her.
The problem is, it didn't work for a lot of people, the game wasn't able to make them feel empathy for Abby or sad for Ellie, because the game failed on the execution.
Again, for you it didn't, but for others it did.
That's why it's so polarizing.

The difference with the first one is that no matter what you thought of the story, the gameplay, the music or the atmosphere. There was one thing that people generally agreed on, that the relationship between the characters, especially Joel and Ellie is special.
On the second game you don't have the interactions between them to carry the game even for those that didn't like everything else, so the game crumbles.


The problem is, it didn't work for a lot of people, the game wasn't able to make them feel empathy for Abby or sad for Ellie, because the game failed on the execution.
Again, for you it didn't, but for others it did.
That's why it's so polarizing.

Oh, I can appreciate someone not liking something, but not liking something doesn't make that thing objectively shit. If the first thing that pops into your head when something displeases you is: "hey, this is shit!" or "ah, this is trash...", then there's something wrong there.

Which, interestingly, is also one of the game's themes: dealing with disappointment. Don't hate what you don't like instantly, try to understand it and meet it halfway. This will make life a lot easier and a lot more pleasurable...

And if even after trying you still can't come to terms with it, walk away. Staying locked into what you hate is a waste of life.
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Oh, I can appreciate someone not liking something, but not liking something doesn't make something objectively shit. If the first thing that pops into your head when something displeases you is: "hey, this is shit!" or "ah, this is trash...", then there's something wrong there.

Which, interestingly, is also one of the game's themes: dealing with disappointment. Don't hate what you don't like instantly, try to understand it and meet it halfway. This will make life a lot easier and a lot more pleasurable...
Oh, i don't mind that people loved, and i don't hate it either but i still would give it a really, really low score.

The only thing i liked about this experience was the music and the graphics to a point. I don't like the gameplay (I don't like aiming with a controller at 30fps in general), the opening drawers and looking in every corner for crafting materials, the pacing especially the pacing..., i don't like the story, i don't feel nothing for these characters, there's only one of them that interests me. i don't like how they want to tell you a realistic story where there's a lot of scenes that just break your immersion.

What was incredible about the first one, is that even for me, someone that usually wouldn't like the game absolutely loved just because of the interactions between the characters especially Joel and Ellie.

I think the biggest problem with TLOU2 is that the first one exists.
Myself and a lot of other people wouldn't have played this game if the first one existed, and the reception would have been a lot better.


Oh, i don't mind that people loved, and i don't hate it either but i still would give it a really, really low score.

The only thing i liked about this experience was the music and the graphics to a point. I don't like the gameplay (I don't like aiming with a controller at 30fps in general), the opening drawers and looking in every corner for crafting materials, the pacing especially the pacing..., i don't like the story, i don't feel nothing for these characters, there's only one of them that interests me. i don't like how they want to tell you a realistic story where there's a lot of scenes that just break your immersion.

What was incredible about the first one, is that even for me, someone that usually wouldn't like the game absolutely loved just because of the interactions between the characters especially Joel and Ellie.

I think the biggest problem with TLOU2 is that the first one exists.
Myself and a lot of other people wouldn't have played this game if the first one existed, and the reception would have been a lot better.

Yeah, well people low in trait openness still exist in buckets, so what do I know...
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I think a lot of people would have rather had the whole game be like that museum scene and to me it would have been boring like that. I love Joel to but he is not Batman or some super hero. He is a flawed protagonist with understandable motives just like Ellie and even Abby are. I am glad the game isn't some feel good Disney Joel and Ellie story. If you keep rehashing yourself you get stale.


Yeah, well people low in trait openness still exist in buckets, so what do I know...

i hope you don't think just because someone doesn't enjoy something that you do, that they are rigid and close minded.

I think a lot of people would have rather had the whole game be like that museum scene and to me it would have been boring like that. I love Joel to but he is not Batman or some super hero. He is a flawed protagonist with understandable motives just like Ellie and even Abby are. I am glad the game isn't some feel good Disney Joel and Ellie story. If you keep rehashing yourself you get stale.
I slightly agree with you, glad you enjoyed.
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I've mentioned this in the OT but one of biggest moments where the characters just blatantly do the dumbest things ever is when your riding a horse as Ellie in the middle of the street in a down town area.

As the player you know this is a bad idea, Ellie learned the hard way about doing dumb stuff like this the first game. As the player your just like.


It's entering horror movie trope levels of stupidity. Ellie would never do something stupid like that after all she's been through.
Oh god please it's already dead, stop clubbing. The hand to hand combat scenes were so unbelievable that I had to turn off my brain. At the end Ellie was with a fucking coke can amount of blood and Chris Abbyfield was crucified for what it seemed like days but they go at it like boxing champs.

Story is trash tier guys, there is no point defending it. Let's just move on and remember that Lev is trans. He/she/it is trans ok? Don't forget it. Lev is trans. In a videogame. Trans in a videogame. Also kinda asian. And Trans.

So there. That annoying fuck is trans.
MGS4 had grandpas fighting each other at the end and the fanbase celebrated it.


Go Go Neo Rangers!
I think a lot of people would have rather had the whole game be like that museum scene and to me it would have been boring like that. I love Joel to but he is not Batman or some super hero. He is a flawed protagonist with understandable motives just like Ellie and even Abby are. I am glad the game isn't some feel good Disney Joel and Ellie story. If you keep rehashing yourself you get stale.

I haven't seen a single person claim they wanted the game to be a feel good story.
They killed Joel like a dog, they wouldn't let Ellie take revenge, they forced that empty fucking piece of shit killer to endear us with a most stupid scenario I've ever seen in my whole damn life. More and more. Fuck this game, seriously. After finishing, my only thought was to feel regretful that I started. I want to remember TLoU only with the first game.


It's entering horror movie trope levels of stupidity. Ellie would never do something stupid like that after all she's been through.
To be fair, i'm starting to find this whole story actually enjoyable because of that. Tho over-the-top violence and stupidity is entertaining in a B-movie sort of way. Seeing Abby suffer through her playthrough also gives me some strong schadenfreude feelings.
In the end, its a good game, but not for the reasons Druckmann wanted us to think. Definitely not a masterpiece either.
Its a 5/10 at worse and a 8/10 at best. Journos giving this 10/10 should be thrown away from the list of trustworthy sources.

But then, i never had strong feelings about the first TLoU. I'm pretty sure seeing their beloved story and characters being reduced to a gory horror b-movie must be pretty infuriating to some fans,
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So they did want you to feel empathy for Abby. I think thats where the story failed for me and a lot of people.
Yeah, same for me. Besides the fact that she looks like an angry retarded duck I could get past her and her endearing playable scenes if it wasn't in the shadow of her beating Joel with a golf-club after luring him into a cabin with her goons. No matter how cruel Joel got in his pursuit of keeping Ellie safe he never did something so conspicuous. It happened as it went and as his emotions boiled over, and after the situation he would end up in. Doesn't mean he's innocent, but Abby targeted him, arranged it, and after that you're supposed to just find it endearing that she's talking about movies with a Neil Druckmann clone and saving the Kids of Diversity from the Halley Gross forest of weird people.

But I sorta saw it coming in a way. I strongly suspected back in E3 2018 or whenver they showed the "Torture porn" stuff that they made that stuff without a bigger picture, just to get off a blank page (and the first trailer showing Joel talking to Ellie about revenge, suggested a different plot too) that this story was cobbled together from all sorts of ways. It's like Death Stranding and how Kojima used the first 2 years of development to showcase actors he had acquired for it, and I really think some of the actual plot came super late in development. This was not a passion project like the first game. This was a "we have to make a sequel" project, cuz Sony, cuz money, and because Neil probably started resting on his laurels too much, and also Bruce Straley and other important people started leaving. When they made Neil VP of the company I felt something was irrecoverably going in the wrong direction. You want Neil as a the smart guy in the room who pushes for narrative purity and intellect, but you don't want a room with only Neil and neil fan-dogs because then he becomes more like Kojima, a guy who isn't held by his ear and just does what he wants, and wastes a lot of money and time on something not very valuable.
I absolutely loved the game overall though understand people’s grievances with the story, I didn’t think it was perfect but I was absolutely enthralled from around the mid way point to the end.

I felt like the ending itself was just kinda like “Ok...” and didn’t feel particularly satisfying but I had too much of a blast getting to that point to care, then immediately started new game plus.

I get bored of games easily nowadays and rarely see one through to the end. This game managed to grip me - especially in the second half. Even though my first run was just under 30 hours, I could have easily had it be 10+ hours longer and not gotten sick of it. I usually struggle to bother with story progression in games that are half as long, so feel like they did something right. And the gameplay is utterly sublime once you get into the groove of things, anyone who fronts on that is deluding themselves.

I managed to avoid spoilers completely and I was shocked beyond belief when Joel died. I thought Dina was going to die early in the game and be kinda like the equivalent of Sarah in the first game.
The first game made me cry a couple of times - the intro and more than anything, Henry and Sam.

When Joel died, I didn’t cry, but I physically felt it in my heart - in a way that no other video game event has ever impacted me. I said out loud something along the lines of “I am so fucking angry”, and saw Abby and co. as disgusting, contemptible trash. I felt super thirsty to avenge what had happened, and assumed that of course I was done playing as Abby now...

Weirdly, the story (which waned at times for me in the first half, though getting lost/stuck a lot as I tend to on first play throughs is probably a factor) started to grip me waaay more in the second half when you learn more about Abby and why she did what she did. Of course I like Joel more as a character than her and expect most people do, but I didn’t find her as unlikable and repugnant as most seem to.
I had just replayed Remastered in the week leading up to the new games release so all of that was still fresh in my mind.

I think that made it even more upsetting initially, but about 12 hours of gameplay later, I was (more or less) at peace with something that I was legitimately angered and disgusted by when it happened.

I stopped wanting revenge, felt like the desire for it was nullified by the developing story and ultimately having Abby die in the end would have done nothing to make me feel better. I found it annoying when Tommy wanted Ellie to track her down, after she had finally gotten settled into a more peaceful life, and after she’d already been spared twice.

I wrote this on my phone over the last two hours in between doing other stuff, I could go on for twice as long but enough said I guess.


i hope you don't think just because someone doesn't enjoy something that you do, that they are rigid and close minded.

I slightly agree with you, glad you enjoyed.

I wouldn't hold against people something they can't control.


What time is it?
I think Jesse would have been an actual cool main character to play as and should have been the new big character......... *shakes fist in air* But they just had to fuck him over to.


I like him too. He was well acted and written for. His death was a little unceremonious which I kind of liked as that shows restraint not found a whole lot in the game.

I was pretty annoyed with Tommy going to Seattle alone followed up by Ellie and Dina going to Seattle alone followed up by Jesse going to Seattle alone.


I wouldn't hold against people something they can't control.
At least that's something.
When somebody partakes in something that i enjoy, be it games, food, movies, sports activities even if they end up not liking it, i'm happy because at least they gave it a shot. I wouldn't call them rigid and close minded. I just accept that there are people with different tastes.


At least that's something.
When somebody partakes in something that i enjoy, be it games, food, movies, sports activities even if they end up not liking it, i'm happy because at least they gave it a shot. I wouldn't call them rigid and close minded. I just accept that there are people with different tastes.

Good for you, man!
That's there whole goal.

Naughty Dog said they will never make another Uncharted game with Nathan Drake as the protagonist. Probably the reason why him and Elena had a daughter. Welcome to the new female fortune hunter.

Wouldn't that be Lara Croft though? Am I supposed to believe they wanted to make a male treasure hunter when we could've looked at a thick butt while exploring? It was just to avoid the Tomb Raider copycat comments.


I believe in order to qualify as "divisive", a significant portion of the audience has to disagree that it sucks.
Druckmann: Whatever we say here ultimately doesn’t matter. Everything you need to understand the story is in the game, and whatever players take from it… their interpretation is right. At least until if we ever make another game and then we can argue about it then.
They're literally saying that lots of stuff is open to the players interpretation and whatever you come up with in your mind is right... unless the general public comes up with shit they don't want, then they retcon it in Part 3.

This lazy writing is heralded as the 2nd coming of christ by some.
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They're literally saying that lots of stuff is open to the players interpretation and whatever you come up with in your mind is right... unless the general public comes up with shit they don't want, then they retcon it in Part 3.

This lazy writing is heralded as the 2nd coming of christ by some.

I guess that's one way to misinterpret that quote...
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I wish ND would just of made joel, had done something far worse

He was a pretty terrible person. He told Tommy to keep driving past the stranded family even though he and Sarah wanted to pull over. Next time we see him, he's an arms dealer, shooting anyone who gets in his way. We learn that he used to hang out with the Hunters, known for killing innocent people for supplies. Saving Ellie was basically his first and only noble act, which he did for mostly selfish reasons, and potentially deprived humanity of its last hope.

Honestly, he had it coming.


😂 and it did not work, to this day i give zero fucks about Abby and her child killing father, ZERO
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BUt it would of made a lot more sense as she could actually see that killing/achieving revenge had gotten her nothing. You expect me to believe she figured this out after leaving behind her significant other and child? If she understood Joel now and understands why he did he did to save her as the game wants you to believe she now understands, she never would have left to find Abby again.

This is turning into an assumption game. I think what we got is very Ellie. I think it fits her character beautifully. People can change. Both Eliie and Joel did. So did Abby. Also, the Abby she fights at the end is a different one. Say what you will, but while Abby deserves death, she did change.

He saved a child from being murdered for the alleged chance of a vaccine by some crappy terrorists in some abandoned hospital. I mean, you can’t literally make a vaccine that way.

Thats your professional opinion, doctor?
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