NeoGAF Pokémon Showdown Gym League


I have added a highly exciting incentive to collect flags and to strive hard not to lose your own!

  • Every Flag beyond the first that your Gym owns boosts EXP gain for every member of that Gym by 50%!
    [*]Gyms with 0 Flags will have their EXP Gain reduced by 50% for every member of that Gym!
    [*]For example, defeating a Challenger while having 2 Flags nets 30 EXP and with 0 Flags only 10 EXP!


Even if this thread doesn't seem very active, we are battling, team building and chatting together every day!

So if you have any interest at all in learning about competitive battling, there are many opportunities here to learn and improve.

All of our Gyms are open and filled with experienced battlers. Pick one and join us!


Thinking on joining on as elec leader, but with a doubles format. Getting a team together, will apply momentarily (unless someone jumps in before me)


With Kwame120 we now have our first Gym Leader who offers Doubles format battles!

Both of our first tournaments are progressing well, with only a few rounds left to go! Who will conquer the most flags, and who will be our first 4 Elites?


Looking for people to join the electric gym, as illustrated earlier we're a doubles gym, if you wish to flex those doubles muscles!
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