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NES Classic Edition Thread: Now You're Playing With Power* *Sold Separately in Europe


Just plugged mine in and started Mario 3 but I am getting a lot of weird graphical glitches at the far sides of the screen. It is the only game I have tried. Anyone else?

I am fairly sure that it is the way the NES cached tiles, and OG CRT's had the under scan and they were hidden.

I was referring to for what they are going for on ebay, not msrp.


I'm actually glad the save state is on the reset button. It keeps me from save-scumming.

Though I was temped in the 5th zelda dungeon with all of those stupid blue knights.


Sketchbook Picasso
Pppsh, playing Mario first... I bolted to Ninja Gaiden, Double Dragon 2, and then eventually Super Mario 2.

Didn't Mario 2 have alternating 2P originally? We're playing alternating on it, but I thought we were able to play each with a personal controller, with our own progression, originally...

...Anywho, I haven't played Ninja Gaiden 1 in basically FOREVER. I'm actually surprised "NES HARD" isn't as daunting as I'd like to remember. Unlike classic Atari or arcade complications, things like Double Dragon 2 and even NG seem like they have smart difficulty. Galaga feels a lot like the Arcade ports on other systems (solid conversion!), Gradius feels incredibly solid (I don't think I've ever officially owned an original Gradius?), and flashing sprites don't bother me, even this many years later, lol.

I still think DD2 feels better than some indie BEUs, heh. Some things feel oddly super precise, sure (getting POWER KNEE! after a jump, for example), but I love how well they place context into a wide variety of moves, only executed with 2 buttons. While-rising Uppercuts, turning mid-jump to kick people in the back of the head, turning and hitting with the back-kick to cause double-over for hair-grab throws, which actually has 3 options out of the grab itself, spin-kicking enemies JUST as they jump out of a helicopter of from a drop... the rhythm still feels familiar, even after all this time.

Also, Bubble Bobble runs better than I'd expect, lol. I never played the NES version, and I'm surprised what I'm able to do without making the entire thing choke itself to death.

It's just nice having something like this without any disappointment. The Neo Geo system from a few years ago was plagued with errors and issues, those Genesis and Atari Flashbacks are work pretty poorly in comparison to original hardware, the controllers feel shoddy... this thing just feels perfect.

I hope all those who got one get to enjoy it as much I am mine! :) And I hope they get easier to get as time goes on.
Any impressions of the EMiO NES Advantage controller? I saw some at Best Buy when I picked my console up this morning and I didn't buy it, but now I kind of regret it. Seems reasonable at only 25$
I'm insanely jealous of you guys who have it. I was bummed that the Amazon release was such a shit show.

Hopefully I can snag one from a new wave.
Frank Cifaldi said the sound is noticeably off to him and he's well familiar with NES and emulation of it including Wii U and community software.

He specifically said that most people won't notice anything, but people with sensitive ears like him will notice that the noise channel is off.

There is also some mild audio latency that is not present on original hardware, but it's emulated so that's not a shocker.

Frank's tweets were basically a plea to Nintendo to sublicense code from the community (as they did for MMLC's audio) where the NES has been pretty well reverse-engineered already. He then finished by saying he would shut up because of "glass house" reasons.
Any impressions of the EMiO NES Advantage controller? I saw some at Best Buy when I picked my console up this morning and I didn't buy it, but now I kind of regret it. Seems reasonable at only 25$

Guys, heads up!!

Amazon reviews and a couple people on AtariAge are reporting that the EMiO controllers (both the stick and gamepad) DO NOT WORK ON THE NES MINI. Some people are theorizing that EMiO developed their controllers with Wiimote hardware instead of a NES Mini in order to meet the launch date and so for some reason it's not compatible and it shipped without them ever having a chance to check it. I hope someone here can confirm or tell us otherwise, but until then, be careful.
I need a cheat sheet faq..
These games are WAY to hard haha..

Just tried zelda that game is hard as nails

GameFAQs man :)


Instead I HIGHLY encourage you to read the manual, and while playing either jot down notes or draw yourself a map. If you do this I promise you that it will become not only easier, but also enjoyable. The first Zelda expects you to put in some legwork and experiment and discover as you go. The game opens itself up wonderfully if you do this.

For Zelda 2, embrace death Dark Souls-style and keep in mind that there is a high skill curve in the game. Only consult a FAQ if you are stuck for a long time on one puzzle. That game expects you to poke around on every world tile that you can walk on.

The first two Zeldas are amazing games, but they demand more of a player than the later ones. And they expect you to play differently. It would be best to let go of your previous Zelda game experiences while playing them, and tackle them from a viewpoint of not being sure how things "should" play out.

Good luck!
Frank Cifaldi said the sound is noticeably off to him and he's well familiar with NES and emulation of it including Wii U and community software.
I too have noticed that issue. I counted 14 frames of sound lag in Super Mario Bros. and up to 25 frames (so almost half a second) of sound lag in Mega Man 2.

It's not too annoying, but it's noticeable.
Got an email blast from Nintendo saying "NES Now Available Buy it Now!!"

And all the retailers are sold out.

Thanks for rubbing it in Nintendo, you jerks
Heads up for anyone who plans on using two controllers with extension cables: A couple people in the reviews for the Insignia cable sold at Best Buy mentioned that if you use the extension cable on controller one, the clear piece of plastic at the end of the cable prevents you from plugging in a second controller. Here's an image of the cable:

All of the extension cables that I've seen being sold appear to have the same piece of plastic screwed in at the end. Looking at this picture, though, I'm curious if you can simply remove the two screws, take off the clear piece of plastic, then screw it back together and use the cable without issue. I can't really see what the practical use of that clear piece of plastic is.

Regardless, just something to keep in mind.


Guys, heads up!!

Amazon reviews and a couple people on AtariAge are reporting that the EMiO controllers (both the stick and gamepad) DO NOT WORK ON THE NES MINI. Some people are theorizing that EMiO developed their controllers with Wiimote hardware instead of a NES Mini in order to meet the launch date and so for some reason it's not compatible and it shipped without them ever having a chance to check it. I hope someone here can confirm or tell us otherwise, but until then, be careful.

Same story on Reddit. It's a shame because it seems like it would be the best product with the nice long cord and turbo fire. It makes me wonder how many third party controllers actually work on the NES Classic, such as those Hori Gamecube style Classic Controllers or I have a Hori Tatsunoko vs Capcom stick from way back.


I was referring to for what they are going for on ebay, not msrp.

I know what you're going for, and some of these games I suspect are dirt cheap and 4-500 dollars is probably way too high, but I'd reckon just Mario 3 and Punch-Out alone would probably eat most of that 60 dollars.

Zelda and Zelda 2 would most definitely put the cost well over the top, and that's just 4 of the 30 games.


Heads up for anyone who plans on using two controllers with extension cables: A couple people in the reviews for the Insignia cable sold at Best Buy mentioned that if you use the extension cable on controller one, the clear piece of plastic at the end of the cable prevents you from plugging in a second controller. Here's an image of the cable:

All of the extension cables that I've seen being sold appear to have the same piece of plastic screwed in at the end. Looking at this picture, though, I'm curious if you can simply remove the two screws, take off the clear piece of plastic, then screw it back together and use the cable without issue. I can't really see what the practical use of that clear piece of plastic is.

Regardless, just something to keep in mind.

My backup plan is.... my dremel :)
Guys, heads up!!

Amazon reviews and a couple people on AtariAge are reporting that the EMiO controllers (both the stick and gamepad) DO NOT WORK ON THE NES MINI. Some people are theorizing that EMiO developed their controllers with Wiimote hardware instead of a NES Mini in order to meet the launch date and so for some reason it's not compatible and it shipped without them ever having a chance to check it. I hope someone here can confirm or tell us otherwise, but until then, be careful.

Many Best Buy reviews are backing this up too. What a fucking scam this company pulled.

I too have noticed that issue. I counted 14 frames of sound lag in Super Mario Bros. and up to 25 frames (so almost half a second) of sound lag in Mega Man 2.

It's not too annoying, but it's noticeable.

25 frames of sound lag? What the actual fuck?
So what happened with Amazon, did the site crash or something?
Yeah, for a bit. And then when it was actually back up, I had the option to add it to my cart, but when I clicked the button, it said my cart was empty. Apparently that was a common problem for a lot of people.

It was a frustrating 10 mins of hoping that when you clicked that button, it would actually work. I'm just hoping I'll have a better chance next time. Perhaps I'll try to go to a store like Walmart...


Heads up for anyone who plans on using two controllers with extension cables: A couple people in the reviews for the Insignia cable sold at Best Buy mentioned that if you use the extension cable on controller one, the clear piece of plastic at the end of the cable prevents you from plugging in a second controller. Here's an image of the cable:

All of the extension cables that I've seen being sold appear to have the same piece of plastic screwed in at the end. Looking at this picture, though, I'm curious if you can simply remove the two screws, take off the clear piece of plastic, then screw it back together and use the cable without issue. I can't really see what the practical use of that clear piece of plastic is.

Regardless, just something to keep in mind.

The plastic was to hook the Wii remote wrist strap cord into.

That's obviously unnecessary with this console.


Heads up for anyone who plans on using two controllers with extension cables: A couple people in the reviews for the Insignia cable sold at Best Buy mentioned that if you use the extension cable on controller one, the clear piece of plastic at the end of the cable prevents you from plugging in a second controller. Here's an image of the cable:

All of the extension cables that I've seen being sold appear to have the same piece of plastic screwed in at the end. Looking at this picture, though, I'm curious if you can simply remove the two screws, take off the clear piece of plastic, then screw it back together and use the cable without issue. I can't really see what the practical use of that clear piece of plastic is.

Regardless, just something to keep in mind.

Yeah I bought one this morning. It looks like it can be removed. Was a lifesaver btw. Makes the cord around 8 and a half feet instead of two and a half.
I too have noticed that issue. I counted 14 frames of sound lag in Super Mario Bros. and up to 25 frames (so almost half a second) of sound lag in Mega Man 2.

It's not too annoying, but it's noticeable.

Mega Man 2 was indeed the game I saw the most evidence of it in. It's not as bad in, say, Donkey Kong Jr. Someone tweeted about it, which is how I know. I forget the name, sorry.
Mega Man 2 was indeed the game I saw the most evidence of it in. It's not as bad in, say, Donkey Kong Jr. Someone tweeted about it, which is how I know. I forget the name, sorry.

DKJr is worse than a half-sec? Jeez. No wonder Frank was bitching about Nintendo not licencing good code.


We're going to get more...right?
At some point in the future but no one knows when or how many so scalping will continue.

supply is low (artificially) and demand is extremely high.

Amazon was a straight up shit show today. At best people can yell online at Nintendo, doubt there's much more people can do. BBB maybe but I don't know much about their actual power or how they operate.
On the book: (softcover versiom)

You missed my literary classic in the making:



I made a separate "retro" OT for the Zelda games, (I really hate when I waste time in the office, lol)

but I don't think I'll post it. It was a fun trip down memory lane though.

The front and back cover looks great. It nails that 'Nintendo Power' look.


If people are so desperate for a mini NES, I cant begin to imagine the demand for a mini SNES.

I'm pretty sure the NES, in general culture, is far more popular than the SNES. Especially since, in the gaming community, people then split off into Genesis vs SNES, where as the NES might as well have been the only system of that generation.
Mines showing up Tuesday at the latest. Amazon.ca, what a shitshow it was dealing with the site going down,then it was sold out,but I was determined and kept refreshing anyways. Some magically became available and managed to snatch one up. Now just need to hunt down a extra gamepad.


Any impressions of the EMiO NES Advantage controller? I saw some at Best Buy when I picked my console up this morning and I didn't buy it, but now I kind of regret it. Seems reasonable at only 25$
You mean that stick right? Don't it has terrible reviews on Amazon
Got an email saying my TRU order is being cancelled :(

Guess I'll be waiting a while for more to come in stock.
What they should do is place your order on backorder so when they do get them they send you one. Stupid companies.


Neo Member
Google is saying that a bunch of Targets and Toys R Us has them in stock in Vegas. Doubt it, but going tk try to call a few later today.
Chances of Nintendo being able to patch this thing? Or if they're even going to be bothered too

Please see Wii U's current firmware status (wide open to piracy for almost a full year), and its VC (dreadful graphical and audio performance since launch) and resubmit your question.

In other words: nope.
DKJr is worse than a half-sec? Jeez. No wonder Frank was bitching about Nintendo not licencing good code.

No, DK Jr. is better, less latency there. (I think you might've added a word to my post while reading it.)

The "Playing With Power" book is cool but for $60, I think I'd rather have Pat Contri's Ultimate Nintendo: Guide to the NES Library.

I think the paperback one is only $20, which is what we sold ours for. I would consider it at that price but there's not a lot of exclusive content (probably the coolest thing is that in the SMB3 portion each world is divided by the same piece of art the NP SMB3 guide was).


The "Playing With Power" book is cool but for $60, I think I'd rather have Pat Contri's Ultimate Nintendo: Guide to the NES Library.

Yeah I have Pat Contri's book (I backed it on Kickstarter since I love watching the videos of his podcast at work) and it's amazing quality. Highly recommended.
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