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New drunk. Thread. Hahahah fuuuuuuu.


i've had five cups of wine, a beer, and some rice wine from a guy on the street. I'm feeling pretty happy, but this leftover Four Loco watermelon tastes like shit. At least it's 12% so that makes it worth it.


erotic butter maelstrom
There's a lot of people and creatures that just want to know more of me and to feel my love but I've become so cold and detached due 2 th@ pain and now I don't know how to do anything but run away to a safe space where I can be alone and secluded.



2673 posts, 2673 days on GAF. wow
Why do i feel such strong ties between this thread and the "applying for jobs is soul crushing...."
Needless to say, ..... 7:20 am is a baaaaaad time to be drunk.


Sauced watching Love&Mercy. Not sure that's the best idea

That is a good movie, saw it in the theater. Somebody could make another movie or two about the rest of the Beach Boys stories. Kevin Love is the son of Stan Love, one of Brian's "bodyguards" in the 70s/80s. Stan was in the NBA for a little while, but he also did a bunch of shady shit. Him and another guy went to Dennis Wilson's house and beat him up over some drug deal. Charles Manson was involved with them, shit was cray.


Are you guys making anything for Thanksgiving? I'm going to try the turkey this year. Not sure if I am prepared for such an undertaking. I think morning white russians will be in order.


I'm spending it with some family that hasn't been a part of my life for like 15 years. We only reconnected from a family death about two months ago.

AKA I'm gonna need to be drunk too.


there is joy in sucking dick
That Bitch in Apartment 23 has to be one of my most favorite drunk shows. It can be so irreverent, and the humor just vibes with me.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I just dreamt that I got banned and the ban message expanded out into an infinite green spiral that said RELINQUISH YOUR IDEALEORELIGEOLOGY. Then I burned my gaf shirt in the dream fire and woke up to pee and immediately fell all the way down a flight of stairs.

I repeat: I just fell down a flight of stairs and have carpet burn in my knee.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
So, I worked the whole day and only my ankle and wrists are a bit sore. I definitely have some ugly carpet burn on my shin and knuckles. Well the knuckles aren't so ugly.

Anyway wow @ that
Platinum 7X.

I have not had many vodkas, but feel it is a lot smoother than svedka, smirnoff, and sobieski (the three I've tried).

Was wondering if you guys had any vodka recommendations.

I'm usually a whiskey/bourbon drinker btw.


generic post hbitching about after party lingerers

Fucking stood by the door for over an hour. Thank god for bourbon. Now to clean


I got tipsy and started flirting fairly obviously with my male roommate hoping to start something up and it went all the way up until we got to our bedroom doors getting ready to go to bed and he was like "welp goodnight!" and closed his door. :{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ cmon' now I wanna make a bad decision :V
GAF. GAF, GAF. what should I do right now?

i ran out of fried fish and im maybe kinda sorta hungry.

im too lazy to cook more.

what show should i watch?
i've had five cups of wine, a beer, and some rice wine from a guy on the street. I'm feeling pretty happy, but this leftover Four Loco watermelon tastes like shit. At least it's 12% so that makes it worth it.

bro i just drunk the same four loco, bro i love you bro, bro.

bro this shit just said to wait 5 seconds, what the fuck bro let me post.


there is joy in sucking dick
Been carefully maintaining a buzz for 8 hours. I feel like Joseph Gordon Levitt in that highwire film without the awful French accent


well not really...yet
Currently wondering when I'm gonna stop with the all night benders.

6:30 am and only just now am done with the drinking and boozing.
Been carefully maintaining a buzz for 8 hours. I feel like Joseph Gordon Levitt in that highwire film without the awful French accent

not bad. I've been going for about six, but I've overdone it now and it's really kicking in. I'm at that point where I can feel the rotation of the planet.

I spent two hours proofreading a post before hitting submit. in the "movies you've seen recently thread" because I wanted it to be eligible and not some drunk post nonsense, but if anybody from that thread is lurking/posting here, know this: I am totally drunk posting. Also, I'm really good at drunk posting.

The part that sucks is that it's 9am here and I still can't go to sleep. I work the night shift over the holidays so I'm kinda just stuck here. Everybody is asleep/waking up to greet their Sunday, but for me it's still Saturday night and I have nothing better to do than just KEEP DRINKING and waste hours lurking/posting on GAF and listening to kate bush on repeat.

if anybody is from Canada or whatever it was a four-pack of Beau's best of the year beers that I got into.

also my playlist is on babooshka but I just want to listen to running up that hill on repeate until I die.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Drinking a Nega Modela and standing in the kitchen typing on a Chromebook. I wish I had my own Chromebook, but there isn't quite the right one. Got two days off and feeling the ennui. Need to create a painting for a work party/gift exchange but also I just want to work on my dang computer/casemod but also thats tough too. I need to drill out some little countersunk rivet holes and its kinda scary because I don't want to screw up the pieces I've already cut. IDK. I'll get there. Smoking so much weed. So much weed. Just in general. Its really quite something. Well anyway, I haven't played games in a while but I really do like videogames. Someday my house will be in order and I'll have a Vive on the top floor. Someday soon.

Also I've been watching Westworld. @.@ Can't wait for the new episode tonight.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, I think I'm gonna pass on it. I'm definitely gonna check out the last guardian.
Slept in until 2pm today and then played some GTAV. Weird. Now I'm doing some chores and am gonna make nachos.


yeah I'm def getting Last Guardian next week

one of my bros is picking up a physical copy of FFXV so I'll just borrow it from him here in a couple weeks

I'm now high and drinking rye 😎 and need to catch up on the last couple Westworlds so I think thats how the rest of my evening is gonna go.....
I had cinnamon toast crunch shots a while ago with coworkers and it was actually pretty good???? confused since I only drink beer

they also mixed fireball and cider that was ok

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
My carpet burn scabs are pretty much dried up and ready to go fyi fyi


yeah I'm def getting Last Guardian next week

one of my bros is picking up a physical copy of FFXV so I'll just borrow it from him here in a couple weeks

I'm now high and drinking rye 😎 and need to catch up on the last couple Westworlds so I think thats how the rest of my evening is gonna go.....

Last Guardian is actually coming out? They announced that game like 8 years ago, I figured it was dead
Why the heck was today not friday, specially after going out with coworker/friends and getting plastered on st. bernardus and cheap ass 211. I'm having such a nice buss, but having to work in the morning is going to super suck.
Plus, wind advisory, and seriously cold weathr outside ,.... what the hell, ....
Riding the mellow tide of west indies porter from guiness. I think swiss gaf is flaking so i thought I try this den insteaaad.
Booze is good for writing, at least.
how come they don't make any angry orchard with NutraSweet? 20g of sugar per bottle.. Fuck me

They expect you not to care once you're drunk LOL.
I had the wife warn me about beer calories, ... once I down them darn beer bottles, I couldn't care less if I drank an entire week worth of calories. Better hit a can/pint than a lame gym.

I really need to stop it with the eggnog tho,... I just finished a bottle but I can't even remember opening it.
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