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New Halo 5 Coverage! (expect spoilers)


Noticing a lot of stuttering and framerate issues during cutscenes. I'm hoping it's just these streams though.

I remember seeing in the blue team cutscene, a lot of jittering on the close ups. Specifically when you see the Chief holding his helmet, or his hand on the throttle. Pixels were dancing around all over the place.
Yeah, and the not too subtle focus on her daughter in the framed image.
I really like that they include little details like that. You don't need to be a Halo nerd to remember
the journal.

The amazing thing about that
is that I had no idea Miranda was her daughter
I'm slippin on my Halo lore.
So is anyone else seeing stutter randomly on the GB stream? Kinda jarring, hope it's the stream.

Also character shadows during gameplay are really bad.
Man, the Giantbomb Youtube stream comments are the WORST.




Watched the latter portion of Blue Team, and a bit of the subsequent mission on IGN's live stream just now. Game looks incredible.

Lol @ that struggle on normal difficulty though. Wow.

Gotta stop now. Can't look at anything else. >_<


You know, I've already been having a hard time convincing myself that I don't need an Xbone next week. Watching the GB stream is not helping. D:


I haven't played Halo on normal in a long, long time but has it always been this easy? (watching Giant Bomb stream)

Halo 3 was the starting point of dumbed down normal difficulty. The firefight modes on Normal in both ODST and Reach were pretty decent though because of the more aggressive nature of firefight.

Lan Dong Mik

And why would I want them?
Super impressed with the amount of variety I've seen so far in the campaign missions. Lots of different vehicles, guns, enemies, etc. The 3 campaign levels look very different from one another and great!! Not a huge fan of some of the alien weapon designs but honestly I never really have been. Game is looking fucking great so far.
Died like 5 times to hunter, so total reached 12 now.

Keeps shooting the hunter's head wtf

We get it, you're John Spartan.

They aren't exactly taking it seriously.

Edit: I have no idea what master chief is called, for some reason that name came to mind but then I realised that's from Demolition Man.
Game looks awesome and the best part is that these streams don't even show the glory of 60fps.

Can't wait to get my hands on this and see the missions they've been holding back for spoilahs.
I will never understand how its your job to play and review games yet you have the gaming skills of a 8 year old. I guess if your over 35 you have a 80% of being awful at FPS's.
I will never understand how its your job to play and review games yet you have the gaming skills of a 8 year old. I guess if your over 35 you have a 80% of being awful at FPS's.

You both spell and act like an 8 year old.

Here are some facts about their studio streaming setup:

-Not using huge TVs (would block camera or lights)
-TVs are a little far away (so as not to be in the shot)
-They have bright studio lights pointed at them

Also, everyone knows that Heroic is the best balanced difficulty, but they have a loose policy of going with whatever the default is because that's what the consumer is likely going to choose. The general public, who will buy 80% of the copies of this game, will just pick the default option. They're serving the public better by doing the same.
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