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New Halo 5 Coverage! (expect spoilers)

I won't even do campaign, I don't know anymore.


Halo 2 = Halo 3 (both have different strengths) > Halo: CE (this is the hardest to compare because it's so different) > Halo 4: MCC > Halo: Reach > OG Halo 4.

Halo 3 has been shat on a lot lately in this realm , but The Pit is objectively the best Halo arena multiplayer experience there has ever been. I should know, I had a divine experience when playing it and god told me it was the best.
I love all the Halos, each in their own unique way.

I think the less than, greater than wars are an even more mind numbing aspect of the console wars than list wars.
Thruster is nothing like its 4 counterpart, which was borderline useless. Sprint isn't coming back unchanged, and of course the engine carried over, you don't trash an engine, lol.

If you thought thruster was useless...I'm going to assume you didn't play much of 4 at a high level, which is fine since you thought it was trash, I wouldn't play a game if I thought it was trash either.

Just saying, you can't say "basically nothing carried over" and there's 3 very obvious things that are being carried over, albeit with tweaks, but that's how every sequel works, new things get brought in, then iterated on.
Boost/thruster and sprint and the entire engine...

EDIT: But furreal tho, has anyone pre-ordered from Bestbuy.com and got their game successfully delivered on release day?

Boost and thruster from 4 are Completely different (and far more functional) in 5 and they completely changed how the sprint mechanic worked.

They also got rid of load outs entirely as well as those stupid orbital drops... The only thing that feels kind of the same is the actual shooting which we already fantastically done in 4.
Halo 5 looks and sounds like 343 took the feedback from Halo 4 very seriously.

Everything points to them taking player feedback very seriously and a willingness to act on it. It's refreshing, and will be much appreciated if they're able to deliver on it.


However, Legendary Slayer is fucking incredible. BR starts, no AAs, wonderful.
Yep. Too bad nobody votes for it in the Halo 4 playlist. :/

If Halo 4 had better maps and turned the aim assist and bullet magnetism down a couple of notches, it would've been a nigh-perfect, classic Halo multiplayer experience.


If you thought thruster was useless...I'm going to assume you didn't play much of 4 at a high level, which is fine since you thought it was trash, I wouldn't play a game if I thought it was trash either.

Just saying, you can't say "basically nothing carried over" and there's 3 very obvious things that are being carried over, albeit with tweaks, but that's how every sequel works, new things get brought in, then iterated on.

Thruster barely moved you dude, it was awful.I used it exclusively because it was the least offensive of the AA's, but let's not act like it was as good as the thrust in 5.
Pretty set in my ranking of Campaigns now although a replay through MCC when I get it may change things around.

Halo CE >> Halo 3: ODST > Halo 3 > Halo 4 >> Halo Reach >>> Halo 2

First and foremost, I dig all Halo games camapign-wise, even though I have Halo 2 bottom, I've still re-played it more than any other non-Halo game (with teh exception of Bioshock, Mass Effect and Dead Space series)

For me the thing about the Halo campaigns in terms of ranking is to do with the 'greater than the sum of the parts' thing. Something about the CE campaign is just so RIGHT! (yes even The Library, great level!!)

Similarly if you take Halo 2 on a point by point basis, it does lots of things better than CE, but as a cohesive whole it just can't compete IMO.

ODST is probably the Halo campaign that keeps improving the more I play it - maybe Marty's score, or just the different pace, maybe even some Firefight bias, but ODST again just feels right - it has a great flow, and rarely puts a foot wrong.

Halo 3 was a monster package of a game, and is EASILY number one for overall value. Howevver, something about the campaign just didn't hit the overall high notes of CE for me. I think it's probably to do with Brutes, which I simply didn't find as much fun to fight as Elites (or even Prometheans). Fecking Gorillas in Space!

Halo 4 actually gets quite a lot wrong, but even with the missteps I think as a whole it is better than the sum of the parts. For all the disappearing weapons and CTEs, there was a narrative that wanted to tie in the extended universe, there was some gorgeous graphics, a ShieldWorld and Forerunners! And a compelling HUMAN story with Cortana. It resonated with me, even though I thought 343 dropped the ball in some ways. And it had the best feeling of 'alieness' since CE.

Reach and Halo 2 both have some great bits/segments, but the overall feeling I have of them is of what I'd change. Not much resonated with me in either game with the exception of the end of Reach which elevated it past Halo 2 IMO. Halo 2 is still a good game, but it suffered from 1) being too close to earth (lost Alien feel) 2) cheese difficulty in Cairo Station and Sniper Alley 3) A pretty ridiculous story that wasn't framed very well. 4) Cliffhanger / unfinished ending 5) Dual wielding (broke the triangle) 6) Brutes

My 2 c

Can't wait for 5! I'm hopeful that considering Halo 4 resonated for me as it did, even with all the flaws, it was 343's first Halo and a tough ask - transition from Bungie, lots of pressure. Halo 5 I'm hoping will be 343 flexing their muscles and saying - here's what we REALLY can do.

Boost and thruster from 4 are Completely different (and far more functional) in 5 and they completely changed how the sprint mechanic worked.

They also got rid of load outs entirely as well as those stupid orbital drops... The only thing that feels kind of the same is the actual shooting which we already fantastically done in 4.

I know, in my other post, 4 initiated some big changes to Halo, to say that they're bringing nothing over from 4 is a misgnomer, thrust/sprint are pretty big changes, 5 iterates on them, but they got their start in 4, that's all I meant.

They tried too hard to chase the COD crowd, which I am a part of, but...keep that shit out of my Halo.

Yep. Too bad nobody votes for it in the Halo 4 playlist. :/

If Halo 4 had better maps and turned the aim assist and bullet magnetism down a couple of notches, it would've been a nigh-perfect, classic Halo multiplayer experience.

It gets voted in enough I think once you get to a certain rank.

There's literally only 2 top tier maps, Adrift and Haven, then a couple of "good" ones, Solace, Skyline, Monolith, and Landfall, everything else is terrible. Pitfall is good too...cept it's an H3 map.

I actually didn't think the aim assist was all that "sticky" compared to other titles. It was nice to have hitscan back.


Any way you wanna look at it, it really just boils down to the first 3 games being the only good games (for MP).

People may have had some fun/good times with Reach or 4, and that might affect the way you look at it, but in retrospect, they were pretty trashy Halo games (strictly speaking MP).

I mean, Arena and Armor Lock in Reach pretty much was the worst thing ever, and don't even get me started with Halo 4...


Any way you wanna look at it, it really just boils down to the first 3 games being the only good games (for MP).

People may have had some fun/good times with Reach or 4, and that might affect the way you look at it, but in retrospect, they were pretty trashy Halo games (strictly speaking MP).

I mean, Arena and Armor Lock in Reach pretty much was the worst thing ever, and don't even get me started with Halo 4...

I love trolling with it tho
Any way you wanna look at it, it really just boils down to the first 3 games being the only good games (for MP).

People may have had some fun/good times with Reach or 4, and that might affect the way you look at it, but in retrospect, they were pretty trashy Halo games (strictly speaking MP).

I mean, Arena and Armor Lock in Reach pretty much was the worst thing ever, and don't even get me started with Halo 4...

Honestly looks like Halo 5 could regain the series' popularity as far as MP is concerned. There's really no competition for the rest of this year.


Honestly looks like Halo 5 could regain the series' popularity as far as MP is concerned. There's really no competition for the rest of this year.

It's absolutely the best MP in a Halo game since 2 for me.

My ONLY issue is the lack of content at launch.

Map count is skimpy and gametypes being absent is a real buzz kill.
ZBNS though

I'm not sure what was worse for BTB, 3x scope DMRs pinging people across maps causing de-scope and flinch, or the new vehicle health system where you have to try and judge how much smoke is coming from your engine before it suddenly blows up on you.

Nah, definitely Armor Lock. "Aw shit, I'm losing a fight let me just pause the battle real quick". Very clever, Luke Smith.


Haven't been following all the fighting, but I'm gonna go ahead and plop the probably unpopular opinion of Reach being my favorite campaign to go through, overall.


I only played the first 2 missions yet so I can comment only on that. But the combat in this game is godtier. From the constant big open spaces that let's you choose how to deal with it ( and that has enemies using the whole space to their advantage), the gunplay in which every weapon feels unique and fun ( and for the first time every gun feels usefull, the new abilities, to the AI that has a few new tricks. This could even be the best Halo combat yet but I want to play some vehicle sections first before giving that judgement. Congratz 343
Reach was my favorite Campaign/MP wise after I got passed the "OMFG jetpack/armor lock" and after the TU/NBNS. Could've used a slightly lower range DMR and no ease mode Sniper though...

It seems SWAT/Breakout split the same player base...hm. I would of thought they took out SWAT and nudged people into Breakout...only has 5 maps hope it doesn't get stale.
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