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New Scribes on Rare's site


its nice they do this but whats the point when most of it is just jokes and no info what so ever. :|

I guess it cant be helped due to the fact they cant talk about their games open yet.


(more a nerd than a geek)
RARE! said:
What nobody seems to remember is that it wasn't us who said we'd crank out five games over two/three years - when we saw that reported we were all going "Five games? Really? Blimey."

Heh heh heh.


Having Perfect Dark Zero at the launch of Xenon would be so fucking cool. I'd buy one right away.


I surely hope they use the PD franchise soon cause they need it.


I was looking forward to KI3 but after this long wait I've found the replacement I've been longing for -> MK6. Rendered quality graphics, combos, combo breakers, stage fatalities and cool characters.

Not saying I wouldn't get it if it came out, but they have waited far too long. KI2/Gold sucked ass anyway.


Unconfirmed Member
Remember the Scribes after the M$ sale? Pure genius!


Prine said:
Perfect Dark Zero on Xenon. Shall be a glorious day

e3 2005 :D
A new Banjo is rumored too, to give Xenon a good mascot platform angle early on. Microsoft really needs to make inroads with the family market next generation if they want Xenon to become truly mainstream (like PS2).


Rare is now garbage.

Kameo will be garbage.

Conker: Live and Reloaded will be garbage.

Perfect Dark Zero will be garbage.

The next Banjo will be garbage.
Leviathan said:
Rare is now garbage.

Kameo will be garbage.

Conker: Live and Reloaded will be garbage.

Perfect Dark Zero will be garbage.

The next Banjo will be garbage.

Any word on Banjo Pilot for GBA or It's Mr. Pants? Garbage too?!
Dear Scribes people,
I'm just writing again with my usual babble. And of course, here is the required list format for the questions:
1) Are you irritated that EA are (ab)using the GoldenEye title to cover up a new Bond title that will quite clearly suck, because it clashes with all existing Bond story and timelines, hmm? It's not like they'll ever make anything as good as GoldenEye so they have to leech your genius.
2) E3 came and E3 went and still no sign of It's Mr Pants. I'm beginning to think you were joking about the title. And as you cut that bit out of my previous email, is It's Mr Pants just -
3) Is It's Mr Pants just a really good reason to have a game that can be referred to as IMP?
4) As you're allowed to develop for the GBA, will you be developing for the Nintendo DS and/or the Sony PSP?
Anyway, that's my numbered list for now, and I didn't even mention any PD Push Button codes. Huzzah for my ability to stay on topic.
Anyway, hope you'll reply before the release of Perfect Dark 0,
OS out
1) We're philosophical about it - we're just curious to see the end result. Personally, though, I think the justification for using the name is 'fantastic'.
2) Sorry, what? You keep breaking up. See if you can get a better signal outside.
3) I'm confused - why would anyone think that IMP was funnier than just calling the damn thing It's Mr. Pants?
4) Not this again. Alright, well, I'd have thought one was more likely than the other, but on the other hand I'm not aware of any sealed deals, so anything I say is pure speculation (and therefore a world exclusive 100% confirmed fact front page story on SPOnG).


TBH, i never liked banjo (the character). Id rather they make a new IP using banjo mechanics.

Like Rachet and Clank, i cant stand the main guy, they're just so ugly to look at
So, 2 years after MS purchased Rare can we finally agree that MS bought a dud and Nintendo came the better out of the deal? I mean come on, what does Rare have to show for itself? Sure Conker is looking great but it's been in the works since the middle ages, and it's only a remake. Let's not get into Goulies.

All in all, it's probably for the best really. MS has the financial means to sustain Rare while they take their sweet ol' time with their handful of games and Rare is happy to explore and do whatever it is they do... which is not releasing games, that's fo sho.
jarrod said:
A new Banjo is rumored too, to give Xenon a good mascot platform angle early on. Microsoft really needs to make inroads with the family market next generation if they want Xenon to become truly mainstream (like PS2).

OMG Micro$oft is TEH KIDDIE


huzkee said:
So, 2 years after MS purchased Rare can we finally agree that MS bought a dud and Nintendo came the better out of the deal? I mean come on, what does Rare have to show for itself? Sure Conker is looking great but it's been in the works since the middle ages, and it's only a remake. Let's not get into Goulies.

What the fuck do you people want? Just wait until 2005 for fuck sake before making such harsh judgements. I swaer you nbots keep repearting the same tired old shit over and over again. YES, OK NINTENDO GOT SOME MONEY AND GAVE UP RARE.

And its not as if you people are anticipating Rare's Xbox titles anyway. Stop ruining Rare threads you cocks.
Prine said:
What the fuck do you people want? Just wait until 2005 for fuck sake before making such harsh judgements. I swaer you nbots keep repearting the same tired old shit over and over again. YES, OK NINTENDO GOT SOME MONEY AND GAVE UP RARE.

And its not as if you people are anticipating Rare's Xbox titles anyway. Stop ruining Rare threads you cocks.

just let them be happy its a "dud".. it really makes them feel good, because all n-bots own Nintendo stock and henceforth were estatic at the savings nintendo could make and the value in their stock/ownership..

i dunno why the hate on ghoulies, i loved that game. not amazing 10/10, but really fun.


None of you picked up on this?

"We certainly can't complain about the level of coverage that Live & Reloaded's been getting so far. And the fact that the Xbox's successor is coming so soon means that the Xbox development scene hasn't had time to decline to the state that the N64's was in by the time 2001 rolled around, so the potential for marketing and sales is already a big step up from there. Beyond that kind of broad assumption, though, we can only wait and see."
OMGWTF Xenon Spring 2005! :p


i dunno why the hate on ghoulies, i loved that game. not amazing 10/10, but really fun.
Same here.

The funny thing is that half of the people saying Ghoulies suck hasn't even played the game. It suck because it's Rare.


I've been steadily losing faith in Rare since Star Fox Adventures. I really want Perfect Dark Zero to rock since the first one did so hard. I'm not putting too much faith into Kameo, but Conker will be good if the main game's changes are only for good. Then again, I've played Conker and there will have to be some noteworthy additions to the single player for a second purchase. :\
Deepthroat said:
Same here.

The funny thing is that half of the people saying Ghoulies suck hasn't even played the game. It suck because it's Rare.

I guess I am in a weird position here as I never played RARE games outside of Killer Instict, which I really liked, and some Donkey Kong Country on SNES.. I didnt have a N64, but I did go over to a buddys alot to play Goldeneye deathmatch.

I didnt get to play their other N64 games and then sfadventures, but when I saw MS bought them, I figured i'd give them a chance and picked up GBTG as it looked like a fun game and it was.. it was great, it felt like playing a 8 or 16 bit game but updated to todays standards of control and graphics/sound/production... i consider it a classic!

any of you GbtG haters out there should really pick up the game and give it a go, its like $20 everywhere now and it really is awesome.


I guess I am in a weird position here as I never played RARE games outside of Killer Instict, which I really liked, and some Donkey Kong Country on SNES.. I didnt have a N64, but I did go over to a buddys alot to play Goldeneye deathmatch.

I didnt get to play their other N64 games and then sfadventures, but when I saw MS bought them, I figured i'd give them a chance and picked up GBTG as it looked like a fun game and it was.. it was great, it felt like playing a 8 or 16 bit game but updated to todays standards of control and graphics/sound/production... i consider it a classic!

any of you GbtG haters out there should really pick up the game and give it a go, its like $20 everywhere now and it really is awesome.

You really need to go out and check Banjo-Kazooie, Jet Force Gemini, and Perfect Dark. Really.

Hell, I still need to check out Blast Corps.


AniHawk said:
I've been steadily losing faith in Rare since Donkey Kong Country.
Fixed. The magic wore off once I played Yoshi's Island and I hated their "me too" N64 EAD knockoffs.


jarrod said:
Fixed. The magic wore off once I played Yoshi's Island and I hated their "me too" N64 EAD knockoffs.

Even though both DKR and Banjo were better than the EAD titles they knocked off?


Redbeard said:
Even though both DKR and Banjo were better than the EAD titles they knocked off?
Actually they weren't. Rare's been EAD's ugly kid sister since the partnership started in 1994... maybe they'll finally blossom under MGS.


jarrod said:
Actually they weren't. Rare's been EAD's ugly kid sister since the partnership started in 1994... maybe they'll finally blossom under MGS.

Oh, they were indeed.

As a racer, MK64 was a joke in comparison. DKR's battle mode wasn't as fun as MK's (both sucked in comparison to SMK) but DKR trumped it in every other respect.

And Banjo was better than SM64, though I don't really expect anyone to admit it given how people worship the latter title.


Rare were up there with nintendo on the N64. Which is when i became a fan

Anyway, here's a snippet from scribes:

Nevertheless, we'd probably have gone for it if it wasn't for the fact that with all the activity over the last few years, it hasn't exactly been business as usual. Teams have been restructured and sized up, projects redesigned and/or carried over to the new system, all this first in preparation for the acquisition then afterwards in an attempt to find our feet in the MGS line-up - and it didn't make things any easier that we'd jumped right into the middle of a console's lifecycle. Anyway, the dust is still settling, but our internal schedules are looking pretty solid now and over the next year or so we'll really start getting back into our stride.

i thought as much. Cant wait to see what Rare have instore for Xenon. Hopefully at least 2 titles in Xenons first year.

PDZ will most probably be Microsofts equivalent to Halo, they'll be pushing this the most. Then some sort of new IP making use of Xenons new features and Xbox Live version 4


Redbeard said:
Oh, they were indeed.

As a racer, MK64 was a joke in comparison. DKR's battle mode wasn't as fun as MK's (both sucked in comparison to SMK) but DKR trumped it in every other respect.

And Banjo was better than SM64, though I don't really expect anyone to admit it given how people worship the latter title.

Banjo was a really fun game, but it wasn't as good as SM64. I thought Rayman 2: The Great Escape was a fantastic platformer as well, but wasn't as good as SM64. SM64, to my memory, had much better level design, boss battles, and secret areas. B-K had more variety to the gameplay, but that doesn't necessarily make it better (just look at B-T or DK64).


Redbeard said:
As a racer, MK64 was a joke in comparison. DKR's battle mode wasn't as fun as MK's (both sucked in comparison to SMK) but DKR trumped it in every other respect.
Mario Kart 64 is a better multiplayer game than SMK even to be honest. 1 player was pretty limited sure, and DKR wins over in that area thanks to variety mainly but MK64 still had tighter mechanics and balance. It's just a better made game.

Redbeard said:
And Banjo was better than SM64, though I don't really expect anyone to admit it given how people worship the latter title.
Mario 64 was revolutionary, and as above it had far tighter mechanics and control. Banjo lost itself in mindless collection also, while Mario's overall game design still holds up today.

Really the only area these games can be considered "better" is in visuals. EAD's games are by far the more playable and polished products though, despite releasing years earlier and being notably rushed.


jarrod said:
Mario Kart 64 is a better multiplayer game than SMK even to be honest. 1 player was pretty limited sure, and DKR wins over in that area thanks to variety mainly but MK64 still had tighter mechanics and balance. It's just a better made game.

Tighter mechanics and balance? You've got to be kidding. Those are the main areas in which MK64 fell flat on it's face. The horrible sprite racers gave no sense of weight or inertia, you just sort of zipped all over the tracks like it was a mode-7 game that happened to be using polygons. Then there's the crappy cheating AI, uninspired track design, etc... I thought it was a pretty lousy game overall.

Don't know what to say about Mario 64 and Banjo. I think Banjo one-upped Mario in almost every way, and where it didn't they were easily on par.




Anyway, Rare's games has been going down the crapper quality wise since Donkey Kong 64. Rare has also been a joke this generation and it only takes the most hardcore Xbot to deny this. What happened to the powerhouse Rare used to be? Is it because many of their most talented people left? Who knows.

I have no faith in Rare anymore. Yes, they may put out some great games in the future, but at this moment I am not optimistic about them. BTW, Diddy Kong Racing was an awesome game. Four-player battle in the the Icicle Pyramid was a blast. :D


How come, whenever Rare loses people its "talent" but the ones that remain are nobodys?

Gotta love nbot logic
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