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New Sengoku Basara 3 Hype Thread

Real ages mean nothing in BASARA lol. Sekigahara took place in 1600. Tsuruhime lived in the early 1500s, Mori Motonari 1497–1571, Chosokabe Motochika 1538 – 1599, Kenshin 1530 – 1578, Oichi 1547–1583, etc...

Capcom takes interesting historical characters and then uses them however they want with their over the top flair in the BASARA series :D.
AdawgDaFAB said:
Real ages mean nothing in BASARA lol. Sekigahara took place in 1600. Tsuruhime lived in the early 1500s, Mori Motonari 1497–1571, Chosokabe Motochika 1538 – 1599, Kenshin 1530 – 1578, Oichi 1547–1583, etc...

Capcom takes interesting historical characters and then uses them however they want with their over the top flair in the BASARA series :D.

So by that notion I should punch-out guy & mister two spears just for the hell of it? Works for me.
Site updated. Maeda Toshiie and Matsu's voices are up, as well as the info about the health/strength/defense powerup items from defeating the base captains, 20 new pictures showing the Maedas, Fuuma Kotaro, Mogami Yoshiaki, Hojo Ujimasa, and a gameplay video showing skills and BASARA attacks from all the currently announced playable characters.

Here is the video on Youtube:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xyy1Uzrh0ls - Capcom uploaded this themselves to youtube and they have it available in 720p so I recommend watching that instead of on the SB3 site.

Next week we will be getting a Mori Motonari video as well as the voice updates for Ujimasa and Mogami.

I gotta say Mogami looks AWESOME, can't wait to try his stages out. Some of the new stuff from the video look super fun (it's a shame Oichi's part was so short, can't wait to see moar! lol), and I really want to find a way to rip that Kotaro seal attack picture to use as a new desktop wallpaper (anyone know how I could do that?).
I don't believe we will only have 15 playable because Kobayashi has been promoting the game saying it will have lots of new characters and the most characters in a SB game yet. Even taking NPCs into account, I don't see him doing only something like 15 PC + 17 NPC to surpass SB2 (22PC, 8 NPC) and SB2H (30 PC, 1 NPC). We will end up around 20-25 PCs and ~15 NPCs would be my current guess.
It appears that in the new video Keiji is fighting the Zabii and Otomo soldiers, while Shimazu is fighting the Amago and Oichi may be fighting the Kato.


Well someone answered my question on Capcom unity :(

Unfortunately, the answer is no. This was one of the questions that I posed during the Q&A at Captivate and we were told that neither version will include a Japanese voice track. They are striving to make the two versions identical in terms of content, and said that the Wii disc did not have enough room to support another voice track considering the large script already present. In order to keep the two games the same, they wouldn't be adding it to the PS3 version either...



Xater said:




rockman zx said:
How bad is Devil Kings?. I'm new to Sengoku Basara.

They completely stripped historical background and renamed all the characters. Some playable characters in JP. ver. are not playable.

The combat has been tweaked, adding new movesets to each characters.

It's still a good game, but absolutely atrocious localization.
Shadow780 said:
They completely stripped historical background and renamed all the characters. Some playable characters in JP. ver. are not playable.

The combat has been tweaked, adding new movesets to each characters.

It's still a good game, but absolutely atrocious localization.

Thanks, if I find it cheap I will buy it to get a taste of the gameplay.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
But they're already making the online co-op exclusive to the PS3 version... why can't they give it the JP voices too? I want to hear Date Masamune's Engrish, not Johnny Yong Bosch's Sanada Yukimura. I could buy Musou if I wanted to hear his Yukimura. :(
Kotaku article covering the heroes of the game & their real life counter parts.

Now fashionable samurais aside, I never really noticed the bishonen like tendencies(I really don't see it to be honest) this series apparently caters to. Then again I was never interested until recently


The New York Metro museum had a Samurai exhibition or something around Thanksgiving, and I came across this.


So awesome.


OMG OMG OMG, Chiaki Ishikawa is doing the ending theme for this game.


I am a big fan
and have all her albums so far
,while browsing her website to see if any new single is coming from her (as ''First pain'' came out fall last year) i stumbled across this :D . but this mean i have to wait till June for her next single :(

i hope this isn't old.

For People who don't know her, she did many Anime OP/ED including the fantastic OP of Bokurano: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNCXiMt1bR4
Wii box!

Is that the Wi-Fi Play Supported label, or something else?

Edit: It's different from the MH3 and MHG box, but the PS3 box has the same label and nothing else:

Shadow780 said:
I don't think so. I think it says Stylish Hero Action.

Heh, odd they'd label it like that.

Here's MH3's box:

Maybe that gray label is another genre label?

So... why doesn't the PS3 version have any online label, not even the PSN label?


They took it out? o_O
Hero of Legend said:
Heh, odd they'd label it like that.

Maybe that gray label is another genre label?

So... why doesn't the PS3 version have any online label, not even the PSN label?


They took it out? o_O

The PSN logo is normally on the spine of the box. So it should be there.
I don't think it has been mentioned here yet, but Sengoku BASARA: Samurai Heroes is in the Gamestop system for preorder showing October 1, 2010 as the release date (a Friday?) and $40 as the price. http://www.gamestop.com/browse/search.aspx?N=0&Ntk=TitleKeyword&Ntx=mode+matchallpartial&Ntt=basara .

The $40 price tag seems reasonable considering the NPCs and supposed lack of dual audio (Japanese versions are still $60 for Wii and $70 for PS3) and would make me much more receptive to buying DLC or an expansion like 2H in the future..


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
klee123 said:
Will import from Japan now. Thanks Capcom USA.

Yup. Looks like I am too.

Hero of Legend said:
Heh, odd they'd label it like that.

Here's MH3's box:

Maybe that gray label is another genre label?

So... why doesn't the PS3 version have any online label, not even the PSN label?


They took it out? o_O

The grey label on the MH3 box says "Hunting Action". It's Capcom's genre labeling system.


AdawgDaFAB said:
I don't think it has been mentioned here yet, but Sengoku BASARA: Samurai Heroes is in the Gamestop system for preorder showing October 1, 2010 as the release date (a Friday?) and $40 as the price. http://www.gamestop.com/browse/search.aspx?N=0&Ntk=TitleKeyword&Ntx=mode+matchallpartial&Ntt=basara .

The $40 price tag seems reasonable considering the NPCs and supposed lack of dual audio (Japanese versions are still $60 for Wii and $70 for PS3) and would make me much more receptive to buying DLC or an expansion like 2H in the future..

Ok for 40 buck I wouldn't even think twice about getting the western release. I hope this is true and will also apply to Europe. Well if not I can always buy US import.
On one hand I lose JPN voices.
On the other hand the game is only $40.

Yeah I'll deal. No sense in paying $70ish just to have Japanese voices.

Wait is Johnny Young Bosch actually doing any voices? Maybe I'll wait for a price-drop. =/
I watched episode 1 of the anime.....now I'm hooked. I have to hunt down the first game & become more familiar with the series.....thanks alot guys!
Urban Scholar said:
I watched episode 1 of the anime.....now I'm hooked. I have to hunt down the first game & become more familiar with the series.....thanks alot guys!

Don't really bother playing the first game. I would recommend getting Sengoku BASARA 2 and Sengoku BASARA 2 Heroes (if you can get the Wii version they are a double pack that share the same save data, whereas the PS2 version just lets you, one time, carry over SB2 data -> SB2H). Play SB2H for everyone's story modes and SB2H for all the characters (8 NPCs from 2 were made playable in 2H), new stories (Kojuro, Oichi, Nagamasa), side-stories (Kotaro, Motochika, Keiji, Masamune, Yukimura), and new gameplay features (co-op & priming system).

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
As a noob to this series, but as somebody who enjoyed Dynasty Warriors 3 .. what makes this franchise better?
AdawgDaFAB said:
Don't really bother playing the first game.

Trust me I would but I don't have an import PS2, although I could search for the PSP iteration though. I know Devil Kings isn't true to the original content but I think I can find it for $6.
Raging Spaniard said:
As a noob to this series, but as somebody who enjoyed Dynasty Warriors 3 .. what makes this franchise better?

I don't think a straight comparison would do either series justice. I guess when it comes down to the actual battles SB is simply more fun.

Otherwise there's just too much to account for. With the Warriors franchise you've got the anime/manga spinoffs, the Empires series, Samurai Warriors, the clusterfuck Orochi games, and now those Monster Hunteresque games. Unless SB3 does something I don't know about it's still all for fighting, comboing, and herding bad guys into balls of flesh to be juggled endlessly with crazy special moves as their life slowly wittles away.

MoxManiac said:
Yes, he is doing the voice of every single character in the game, even the female ones. Sorry.

Guess I'll hold out until Capcom pays me to take a copy then.


PepsimanVsJoe said:
On one hand I lose JPN voices.
On the other hand the game is only $40.

Yeah I'll deal. No sense in paying $70ish just to have Japanese voices.

Wait is Johnny Young Bosch actually doing any voices? Maybe I'll wait for a price-drop. =/

Yes, he is doing the voice of every single character in the game, even the female ones. Sorry.


AdawgDaFAB said:
lol, I linked to that last Thursday when they updated the site. Falling being Xater ;). Plus Capcom themselves uploaded it (which is what I linked to) and have it available in higher quality (up to 720p even).

Totally missed that. :(


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Raging Spaniard said:
As a noob to this series, but as somebody who enjoyed Dynasty Warriors 3 .. what makes this franchise better?

For the most part, it's the fact that the game relies more on crazy combos and flashy specials, and injects a lot of of that trademark Capcom flair into an otherwise well-tread series.

I like the character design more, the base battle system and a lot of the extra items you collect over time that change your characters in little ways.
Urban Scholar said:
Trust me I would but I don't have an import PS2, although I could search for the PSP iteration though. I know Devil Kings isn't true to the original content but I think I can find it for $6.

If you can't play SB2 or SB2H then Devil Kings is the next best thing. Do stay away from the PSP game, horrible dreck that it is.

In reality DK did remove change all the names and tried to make it a "darker" setting, but the translation job is pretty loyal to the original BASARA minus the changed names: Frost is still referred to as the War God and talks about Bishamonten (I believe called the Northern God in DK but I can't remember 100%), they have YUUUUUUKIMURA-OYAKATASAMA silliness (SCOOOOOOORPIO - MY LOOOOOOOOOOORD!), etc... Not to mention they have, IMO, a FANTASTIC dub job by Ocean Group. The biggest change was the gameplay, which had positives and negatives.
Positive: Created the priming system as a secondary combo string for all the characters (later tweaked to be incorporated into certain skills in SB2H), increased the difficulty, and added a bunch more enemy unit types.
Negative: In making the prime system they changing the skills around and removed a lot of character's best skills. Also they cut some playable characters.

Devil Kings isn't an amazing game, but it can serve as a decent introduction (especially for such a cheap price) to BASARA if you can't get the real stuff. My cousin originally got into the series through DK, and then watched the anime, and eventually just HAD to softmod his Wii and import the double pack lol.
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