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New Sengoku Basara 3 Hype Thread

AdawgDaFAB said:
I don't know where this came from but here is an AWESOME new video with about 7 minutes of new video footage:


It basically has:
A new PV (starts at 2:18)
The Chiaki OP
An new trailer (starts at 8:05)

The new PV was some brief scenes / gameplay footage from the 15 announced characters + Kobayakawa, Tenkai, Mogami, Muneshige, Kojirou, Sasuke, and Sorin.

But DAMN was that new trailer awesome showing various gameplay footage (at one point Masamune does a mid air War Dance which transitions smoothly into a combo when he lands ^__^), Emaki mode stuff, story CGs, gameplay again focusing on "Sengoku Boost" and the base capture system, our first look at the 12 weapons systems in action!, clips of the support characters (including Utsunomiya Hirotsuna's white tiger ripping up an enemy mob!), some of the giant mech units in action, and lastly some co-op scenes.

That really got me hype for the game. Great stuff!

The weapon system looks like it will be similar to the item equipment from the previous games, just with 6 equiptable slots on the weapons (or at least on the weapon they showed Ieyasu setting up). Maybe the stronger the weapon you get the more slots it has?

In case anyone can't see the video here (or just prefers YouTube) I found YouTube uploads for both the new Characters PV http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJlcF1Lm94E and the new trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWEGOvuPdn4 .

Oh and Xater, you should update the OP with the videos you are missing ;). I made a list for you:

TGS 2009 Trailer - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ursxX1FllbA
OP 1 w/ Alt BGM - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7QbOCyEUlc
OP 2 w/ Alt BGM - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BauLXoAKD3A
Characters PV 2 and the new trailer I linked above.
Mori Motonari Gameplay - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXWHwmC4Ivg
Honda Tadakatsu Gameplay - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLKt9X4qVYs
Maeda Keiji Gameplay - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Us0C7CDKVAs

This isn't as important I suppose, but I would also suggest linking to these videos that Capcom uploaded themselves on CapcomChannel instead of the KOEIWarriorsMedia ones, since Capcom's uploads are much higher quality (720p)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nTjDyqTU_o - Jump Festa 2010 / (What you have labeled as Cutscenes)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5S7gGVjwRHA - Tokugawa Ieyasu Gameplay
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xyy1Uzrh0ls - Action PV / Special Moves Gameplay


AdawgDaFAB said:
Oh and Xater, you should update the OP with the videos you are missing ;)


I think we should probably make an official thread for the international release together. ;)


force push the doodoo rock
Got to play the demo as Ieasu today, was thoroughly pleased.

You get to have 3 specials at once which is awesome. There are two types of basara attacks (everything slow mo "create a combo" types and typical basara types). Whenever you take a guard post your army increases, which I thought was cool. Bigger enemies armor flies off as you beat them up, large type guys super armor isn't anywhere near as strong as it used to be. Ieasu as a whole was a really fun character, I can't wait to do his scenario when the game finally comes out. It's weird having Tadakatsu follow you around and not having to worry about him destroying you, lol.

PS3 version looked really good, despite it not looking like what a PS3 game should look like, I still think this is the version I'll get, just in case there is slowdown on the Wii version's 2P.


sprsk said:
Got to play the demo as Ieasu today, was thoroughly pleased.

You get to have 3 specials at once which is awesome. There are two types of basara attacks (everything slow mo "create a combo" types and typical basara types). Whenever you take a guard post your army increases, which I thought was cool. Bigger enemies armor flies off as you beat them up, large type guys super armor isn't anywhere near as strong as it used to be. Ieasu as a whole was a really fun character, I can't wait to do his scenario when the game finally comes out. It's weird having Tadakatsu follow you around and not having to worry about him destroying you, lol.

PS3 version looked really good, despite it not looking like what a PS3 game should look like, I still think this is the version I'll get, just in case there is slowdown on the Wii version's 2P.

Did you play an English version? What did you think of the localization? All we got so far where those trailers.


force push the doodoo rock
Xater said:
Did you play an English version? What did you think of the localization? All we got so far where those trailers.

JP version, they have it on display at electronics stores.
sprsk said:
Got to play the demo as Ieasu today, was thoroughly pleased.

You get to have 3 specials at once which is awesome. There are two types of basara attacks (everything slow mo "create a combo" types and typical basara types). Whenever you take a guard post your army increases, which I thought was cool. Bigger enemies armor flies off as you beat them up, large type guys super armor isn't anywhere near as strong as it used to be. Ieasu as a whole was a really fun character, I can't wait to do his scenario when the game finally comes out. It's weird having Tadakatsu follow you around and not having to worry about him destroying you, lol.

PS3 version looked really good, despite it not looking like what a PS3 game should look like, I still think this is the version I'll get, just in case there is slowdown on the Wii version's 2P.

The bolded further solidifies a purchase. I really hope we see a good bit of gameplay from E3....I still hope Xater.


sprsk said:
Got to play the demo as Ieasu today, was thoroughly pleased.

You get to have 3 specials at once which is awesome. There are two types of basara attacks (everything slow mo "create a combo" types and typical basara types). Whenever you take a guard post your army increases, which I thought was cool. Bigger enemies armor flies off as you beat them up, large type guys super armor isn't anywhere near as strong as it used to be. Ieasu as a whole was a really fun character, I can't wait to do his scenario when the game finally comes out. It's weird having Tadakatsu follow you around and not having to worry about him destroying you, lol.

PS3 version looked really good, despite it not looking like what a PS3 game should look like, I still think this is the version I'll get, just in case there is slowdown on the Wii version's 2P.

Good stuff, thanks for your impressions!

It still hurts so very much that Koba went and cut characters (and so many of the new stuff that looks good is NPC'd), but it still looks damn fun...


force push the doodoo rock
I went back to bic to play as Ishida Mitsunari and had just as much fun :p

He kiiiiiiiiiiinda reminds me of Takenaka hanbei mixed with a little koujuuro. His style is a lot of fast sword slashes and the 3 specials you can use in the demo are a lunging slash where he kinda warps a few feet ahead and slashes, a back flip slash attack and a kind of super slash where he slashes a whole bunch at once and creates this web or whatever. Anyway, another fun character to play as.

Being able to combo specials is great, Mitsunari's lunging slash combos into the speed web slash almost perfectly.

Man, I wish they would release the demo on PSN, I'd play the shit out of it lol.


sprsk said:
Man, I wish they would release the demo on PSN, I'd play the shit out of it lol.

Why exactly are they not doing that? Seems lika no brainer if you have already invested all the time in doing a demo.


I'm gonna hunt a demo of this down on the weekend. Really looking forward to this game.

I had never played a Musou style game till Hokuto Musou (which I played a bunch of though it was crap) and this looks like a really good Musou style game with almost too much content. Nice price too.
Xater said:
Why exactly are they not doing that? Seems lika no brainer if you have already invested all the time in doing a demo.

They have a SB3 area up in their JPN Home aera and will most likely have the demo there, just a matter of when.


- A bunch of English Sengoku BASARA: Samurai Heroes videos surfaced today -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1gkCM3QuQc - Opening Movie 1 (Has the alt. music instead of the TMR song)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6_7TlK4JLw - New English Trailer
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WB325qgH7D0 - Kuroda Kanbei Gameplay
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yD2JO4AiHI - Magoichi Saika Gameplay
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNGuB-LVOG4 - Honda Tadakatsu Gameplay
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lta6F5d9L_8 - Kotaro Fuma Gameplay

The new English trailer is FANTASTIC! It only has the 8 people they did individual trailers English trailers for so far, but it shows a bunch of sweet new stuff: Ieyasu doing some of his "ultimate skills", Mitsunari fighting in his "devil trigger state", Yukimura doing a huge rolling attack, more of Kanbei's rolling attack, Maggie's lock on rocket launcher attack, some co-op stuff, and, IMO, overall MUCH better voices than the first English videos showed (especially Masamune). HYPE x 10 just from that! Although I did laugh @ them leaving out the i for Kanbei and spelling Saika as Saica.

Also SB:SH is playable at E3 with Ieyasu, Mitsunari, Masamune, Yukimura, Hondam, Kanbei, Magoichi, and Kotaro (aka all the ones showed in the English trailer) available for use.


- There is BASARA 3 in Famitsu this week so as soon as I have any info I will give it here. -

Last week I forgot to mention Famitsu since it was really nothing and just had some info we already knew on Yukimura and Masamune's fighting styles (like Yukimura can chain combos from his skills w/ proper timing and Date uses 6 swords during his skills).

The site update last week had added information on the weapons (looks like 6 different weapons with 2 "types" each, not sure what the "types" are tho) and armors (which it seems you might make in the shop from forging items gathered during gameplay). Both of them have slots to add items to (which I believe replaces the old item slots from before), with the later / stronger equips having more item slots.


The new English trailer is nice. And yes the voices did sound better than in the first trailer. My faith in the localization is somewhat restored.
Jsun said:

No Online play whatsover, only Offline Co-op. More playable characters will be announced and BASED OFF THE ANIME. I was told it would be characters who are very important to the anime series and won't be announced till a few weeks before the game releases. The game will include anime cutscenes as well.

I got all these details from one of the Capcom product managers at the booth. So yeah expect to see some more characters.

ALSO, Europe will be getting a Special Limited Edition of the game that will come with the Anime DVDs.

That news made me really, really sad (had friends buying PS3's just to play Co-op online w/ me) and really happy (seemingly lots of new characters).


Capcom has been continuing to slowly add the BASARA videos to their youtube account in 720p. Here are the ones they recently added:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAiHer6SdLM - Ishida Mitsunari
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWM-CNuvYzk - Date Masamune


Site update for this week:

- Information tab updated with:
Some news about T.M.R's Naked Arms (the opening song) single coming out 8/4.

- Systems tab updated with:
Summary of Ieyasu, Mitsunari, Masamune and Yukimura's playstyles (nothing really new here)

- Video tab updated with:
Shimazu Yoshihiro's video
Shimazu Yoshihiro's video with subs

I really loved Chesto's video. We got to see a lot of cool stuff too: The stage seems fantastic (as has been the trend lately), when dashing you can run through boxes to break them, his skills are VASTLY improved, the new skills give him the ability to combo much better since they can be chained together with each other / his s-string, the horse fight looked sweet, I think this is the first time we have seen a boss intro that features soldiers who will change based on the player's chosen character, and the clash mechanic looks cool in action.

Also NDY mentioned this when translating the video: "It appears that Shima Sakon and Ukita Hideie were confirmed as being among the enemy generals." So it looks like they aren't going to be PC/NPCs this time around.


Jsun said:
Alright today at the Sengoku BASARA E3 Booth I didn't get too many answers. The ones I did get however will disappoint many people.

Confirmed Details
No DLC has been planned yet so far. The Capcom rep told me that alternate outfits probably won't be featured. He said if they do plan to have them it will be for DLC, but he pretty much said "no" on the alternate outfits. DLC has a very low possibility for this game it seems.

Apparently, Capcom's plan for this game is to release it around the same time the anime comes out.

When I asked about Oda Nobunaga, Hanbei, and Toyotomi Hideyoshi he pretty much said they're confirmed, but probably won't be playable. Any characters that were presented in the videos will be in the game.

The good thing about today (I'm sure no one cares) was that the Wii version of the game is really fun to play regardless of the graphics. In fact, the graphics make SW3 look like a PS1 game.

Finally, the North American/European release date will be announced in late July around when the game comes out in Japan. So don't expect any details to pop up soon with that.


Played the demo today in Sofmap.

Graphics are pretty bad, but that's to be expected.

Plays great though, really feels nice and fluid, lots of depth too, especially compared to Hokuto Musou. Can't wait to dig into all the different characters and try them out.

Seems like it's going to have a whole lot of game packed in as well. Definitely one of my most anticipated games for the near future.


AdawgDaFAB said:
I did laugh @ them leaving out the i for Kanbei
I actually wonder why so many people put an "I" there...
But then again, it should really be "Kanbē", not just "Kanbe".

and spelling Saika as Saica.
That one seems completely gratuitous. Is "saika" a dirty word in some language, or what?
Erigu said:
I actually wonder why so many people put an "I" there...
But then again, it should really be "Kanbē", not just "Kanbe".

Technically both ē and ei would be correct ways to write a long e like in that name. However, just Kanbe is wrong and what I was laughing at. Should have been more clear.

Then again looking at how they use Hojo vs Hōjō or Houjou and Fuma vs Fūma or Fuuma it isn't very surprising.

Erigu said:
That one seems completely gratuitous. Is "saika" a dirty word in some language, or what

This on the other hand ... *facepalm*.


The 6/24 website update:

- Battle Styles tab (New) -
Tokugawa Ieyasu, Ishida Mitsunari, Date Masamune, Sanada Yukimura, Saika Magoichi, Kuroda Kanbei, Otani Yoshitsugu, & Tsuru-hime individual traits listed
Tokugawa Ieyasu and Ishida Mitsunari have combo videos

This will be fun to follow the next few weeks. Looks like they will be adding combo videos for every character showing how to utilize their individual traits and chain together different skills to do cool combos.

I believe they added all most/all of the individual traits stuff to the Systems Tab last week, but now it has it's own tab.
The Ieyasu video is old as well, but moved over to fit with the new tab. Mitsunari's combo video is certainly new.

Next week we are getting a new trailer video. Looks like it will be http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJlcF1Lm94E , which leaked a while back.

Also, I recently found out from people who played the demo, at e3 or Japanese stores, that to do activate the dash / faster run you just double tap forward. I was thinking from videos like Shimazu's that it was gonna be activated after running a small bit, so this is nice. Instant fast run after a combo should help moving around stages from mob to mob holding combos better.


The 6/29 Famitsu leak had some SB3 news:

There is some information about Ieyasu, Mitsunari, Masamune, Yukimura, Magoichi, Kanbei's stories. It shows what looks like a picture of the many different branches you can take in a persons story path (might show each of the 6's paths but I have only heard the info, not seen the pictures myself). Also those 6 will apparently be the ones unlocked from the start.

- Capcom also recently updated their youtube page -
Yukimura - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtXNYs6pMnI
E3 2010 SB:SH Character's Trailer - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IG1dre9s03w


Site update for 7/1:

- Information Tab updated -
More information on Chiaki Ishikawa's single for the game's ending theme coming out August 4th.

- Characters Tab updated -
New selection added to Ieyasu, Mitsunari, Masamune, Yukumura, Magoichi, and Kanbei's profiles showing 3 pics of them interacting with various characters from their story modes.

Nine Demons Yoshitaka from KoeiWarriors board said:
Story Details.

Ieyasu: He goes to recruit the Saika, but finds Mitsunari there and has a brief skirmish with him.

Mitsunari: Goes to recruit the Saika, but finds Ieyasu talking with Maggie. Thus thinks she's an enemy and fights her.

Masamune: Starts his revenge tour by fighting Yoshiaki.

Yukimura: Is shown by Masamune what it means to be a province's leader, gets lectured by Kenshin and Sasuke.

Maggie: Both Ieyasu and Mitsunari ask for her cooperation. Where she will decide to go?

Kurokan: Starts his advance from the south, but is quickly defeated and subdued by Yoshitsugu (lol)

Takeda Shingen and Toyotomi Hideyoshi added in a tiny section right next to the Area Warlords called Drama Generals. So my guess would be they will be NPCs that only appear in other people's story mode cutscenes.
Shows pics of them from the alt opening (and thus from different story CGs) where Shingen was either all sick or on his death bed and Hideyoshi was fighting Ieyasu / dying in Mitsunari's arms.

Seems that Hanbei was the first of the two Hs to die (from his sickness). Then Toyotomi decided to go conquer world which is what lead to Ieyasu rising up and revolting against him

- Video Tab updated -
The second Characters PV that was leaked a while back. Here is Capcom's upload of it:
So I was thinking of importing the Asian PS3 version which play-asia has for $50, but I can't find a lot of details on it. The voice is still Japanese I'm sure, but I'm wondering what text languages are available. I'd have a much easier time with Japanese menus than Chinese. Some Asian versions have English text too, which would be even better.
TelemachusD said:
So I was thinking of importing the Asian PS3 version which play-asia has for $50, but I can't find a lot of details on it. The voice is still Japanese I'm sure, but I'm wondering what text languages are available. I'd have a much easier time with Japanese menus than Chinese. Some Asian versions have English text too, which would be even better.

It will probably be identical to the Japanese version with an additional English/Chinese language instruction sheet.


Well I just got a mail from Capcom that the game will launch on Europe on October 15h!

We’ve just confirmed that Sengoku BASARA: Samurai Heroes will launch in Europe and Australia on October 15, 2010 for PlayStation 3 and Nintendo Wii.

From the producer of Devil May Cry 4 and Resident Evil 4, Hiroyuki Kobayashi, Sengoku BASARA: Samurai Heroes finds players picking up the arms of more than a dozen samurai heroes, each with their own unique weapons and battle styles. Players take on hundreds of worthy opponents and combat fantastic bosses across numerous battlefields in a quest to rule all of 16th century Japan. Utilizing upgradeable weapons, masterful special moves and deadly BASARA arts, players leave their mark re-writing Japanese history in blood.

Update: And it will be October 12th for North America

Source: http://www.capcom-unity.com/jgonzo/blog/2010/07/14/sengoku_basara:_samurai_heroes_launching_in_october!


Looks really great. I've never played a Basara/Devil Kings game, but it looks like the action is a lot better than the type in DW games.


And to discuss this:

Right in the middle of October might be rough to establish this basically new franchise in the west. I hope they do go for the lower price point, that could help the title.


Xater said:
And to discuss this:

Right in the middle of October might be rough to establish this basically new franchise in the west. I hope they do go for the lower price point, that could help the title.

On the other hand, October is basically the only opportunity they have. Aug/Sept has its own "rush", and Nov/Dec is even worse. If they couldn't some how push the game to be released within the "Summer Drought", pre-Black Friday in October is their best bet.


TreIII said:
On the other hand, October is basically the only opportunity they have. Aug/Sept has its own "rush", and Nov/Dec is even worse. If they couldn't some how push the game to be released within the "Summer Drought", pre-Black Friday in October is their best bet.

Maybe. August would have been awesome but that's way too early to get the localization out I think.
sprsk said:
Oh shit, undead Oda.

Wakamoto Norio is back!!!




All joking aside that demon better be part of his moveset / skills. I love using Nobunaga and all, but it would feel like we got cheated big time if he is in the game same as he was in 2/2H but Nagamasa, Hideyoshi, Hanbei, etc... all got the shaft because they died and aren't demons to resurrect themselves. <_< >_>

Not to mention Matsunaga Hisahide should have been the big final reveal, big bad mastermind behind everything. He was the only one still holding the NPC stick in SB2H, then Kobayashi says the PSP game is too minor a game to debut him in, and now possibly not even in SB3 ... >_<. Unless he still at LEAST is an NPC that plays a major part in the story, I'm be pissed if Hisahide got completely scrapped this time.

However, at the end of the day, I WILL still be getting the game day 1 because I love BASARA too damn much and all the new gameplay additions got me frothing at the mouth wishing I had a time machine to jump forward to next week already. Plus I KNOW I will use Odamoto Nobunorio a ton based on how much I've used him every single other SB game. I'm only really angry because Hisahide might have got the shaft again.


force push the doodoo rock
Do we know if there are going to be any secret characters?

Edit: I guess Oda was probably the one.
Madden 2011 comes with a $20 credit from Amazon, which I plan on using to grab this for $19.99! :D

This looks absolutely fantastic. Wasn't blown away by DW: Strikeforce or Ninety-Nine Nights 2, so I hope this delivers. My buddy made me aware of this thread, previously had never even heard of this game. Can't wait!
sprsk said:
Do we know if there are going to be any secret characters?

Edit: I guess Oda was probably the one.

I think it was from the listing for the strategy guide but I'm not 100%, either way there was SOMETHING that was found saying the game would have 16 playable characters and Dairokuten Maou = #16.

We could get some surprises on the NPC front (like I'm hoping for so that Hisahide could still be involved in the story and have a stage or 2) but it looks like the playable character camp is Game, Set, Match.
Shadow780 said:
Wait...so the JP PS3 ver. has online co-op, but NA does not?!

Apparently no version has it. Looks like it was announced when the game itself was (or around that time) and then dropped somewhere along the line and never talked of again.


I really hope for some impressions from the Japanese version as soon as this is out. I am looking at you sprsk! :D
Xater said:
I really hope for some impressions from the Japanese version as soon as this is out. I am looking at you sprsk! :D

I should be able to play the Japanese Wii version day 1 as well if all goes well ^__^.


AdawgDaFAB said:
I should be able to play the Japanese Wii version day 1 as well if all goes well ^__^.

Sweet. I'm not confident enough in my understanding of the game to get the Japanese version. :(


AdawgDaFAB said:
Apparently no version has it. Looks like it was announced when the game itself was (or around that time) and then dropped somewhere along the line and never talked of again.

This sucks, like cancel pre order sucks. Online coop would make this so awesome, wonder what capcom was thinking with this.


AdawgDaFAB said:
Apparently no version has it. Looks like it was announced when the game itself was (or around that time) and then dropped somewhere along the line and never talked of again.



force push the doodoo rock
JudgeN said:
This sucks, like cancel pre order sucks. Online coop would make this so awesome, wonder what capcom was thinking with this.

Probably another case of "blame the Wii."

I will be getting this game day 0, no doubt.
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