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New Sengoku Basara 3 Hype Thread

sprsk said:
Probably another case of "blame the Wii."

I will be getting this game day 0, no doubt.

That will probably be Capcom's excuse. Then I look @ Samurai Warriors 3 and glare back @ Capcom. Not only is that a Wii game but it has Dual Language audio AND Online coop. *tisk tisk*.

Either way as we both have said, day 0 indeed ^__^. This is by far my most hyped game of the year. Do I wish it had more? Of course. Am I gonna throw a bitch fit or cancel all of my preorders? Nope.


Xater said:
I really hope for some impressions from the Japanese version as soon as this is out. I am looking at you sprsk! :D

I'm gonna post my impressions too but you guys know far more about the series than me so they'll probably be pretty useless :D
mujun said:
I'm gonna post my impressions too but you guys know far more about the series than me so they'll probably be pretty useless :D

The more the merrier ^__^.

Nine Demons Yoshitaka from KoeiWarriors said:
According to some 2channers who translated the Korean info script, Nobunaga has returned from Hell, possessing the power of the Demon King of the sixth heaven.

His objective, of course, is to wreak havoc upon Sekigahara....

Well, Nobunaga couldn't have had a different story, after all....

There is also an AWESOME new Dengeki scan out focused on Nobunaga (they also rated the game 75-90-80-80). Here is a partial translation:

Nine Demons Yoshitaka from KoeiWarriors said:
If you charge Enrai Haruka (Distant Thunder) the bullets acquire scattering properties

New Skills:

Suikaku suru Rokuma (The Six Slumbering Demons)

This skill awakens the "6 demons' power" dormant within Nobunaga's body.

After using this skill s-string and skill change, and follow-up attacks become possible.

An even more aggressive style to crush the enemy.

Hametsu no Shoudo (Scorched Earth of Annihilation)

A secret skill that evokes the "King of the 6 Demons" behind Nobunaga. Its power his massive, but its activation gradually depletes the life bar.

I am SO hype now for Nobunaga. He still has his sword/shotgun/cape shenigans and NOW also has all this sweet demon stuff too. I love playing as Nobunaga so I'm gonna love this new stuff so much, possible plot irrelevance or not

Really, the only thing that made me angry before was how they blatantly lied to everyone about him the whole time. Only to then go and pull this out at the end when people were expecting / hoping for Hisahide/Musashi/SomeoneNew due to knowing we had 1 last character and going by the "rules" seemingly set in place. If we had known about him from the start (or at least they never said the whole we are moving on from the Oda people/story stuff before) then I wouldn't have been mad AT ALL about it since I love Nobu's gameplay.

Nobunaga has conquered death and returned from hell, but he wasn't content. He had to hijack the BASARA 3 website as well!

Here is a translation of the new stuff from the site update this week:

Nine Demons Yoshitaka from KoeiWarriors said:
Tadakatsu's story: seems kinda comical. He handles all requests of joining the eastern army, going first to Tsuru's and then Yoshiaki's place.

Oichi's story: sole (lol) survivor of the Honnoji incident, she wanders the land, hailed by the Oda remnant faction as Demon Queen of the 5th heaven, fleeing from her harsh reality. But she eventually gets caught up in the Conflict dividing he land (love Yoshitsugu's face there). The mysterious man Tenkai talks to Oichi. A certain "something", inviting destruction, is on the move...

Kotaro's story: following Ujimasa's orders, he travels around to convince Ieyasu in letting the Hojo join the east. He meets Tsuru in his travels. Whatever will happen to them...?

Battle Styles

Keiji: same as SB2 (maybe powered up?), with Koi no Kakehiki (Love Tactics) you can cancel attacks/rolls/etc into it, and it will change every time.

Motochika: Isshoku gains multi-hit properties after level up.

Yoshihiro: Holding down the attack button lets him walk around with his sword raised. You can then strike the enemies with the timing you prefer.

Kotaro: as long as you can keep hitting enemies, his skills will keep him airborne forever.
dragonflys545 said:
The voice lol... import it is!

Yeah, I'm glad I will play the game in Japanese first xD. However I did love Motonari, Otani, and Mogami's VAs. Keiji and Kanetsugu were well done, but just couldn't come close to matching their Seiyu.

I will say tho, I think these English videos are showing WAY more sweet gameplay stuff than the Japanese ones. WATSUPWITDAT! :lol. But for real, Otani looks WAY more nasty now.
Xater said:

Heh, I saw that before when I posted the Motonari and Otani vids but didn't link it. While that IS what they showed for CC, it is not really new. It is the exact same thing as this video which was uploaded on May 26:

Xater said:
I think the English voices are alright, except for some of the secondary characters.

I find the dub to be is decent overall.

Ieyasu = Solid, if a bit too old sounding.
Mitsunari = Fantastic. My favorite of all the dub voices.
Date = Solid. At first I wasn't feeling Dante in the role, but more recent videos (like the E3 one) made me embrace it.
Yukimura = Solid, but I'm tired of hearing JYB in every game.
Sasuke = Ok, a bit too generic sounding.
Motonari = Fantastic.
Magoichi = Unsure. I really liked her voice in her video and the E3 trailer, but didn't like it much in Tadakatsu's video. For some reason I keep thinking Lightning's VA from FF13 would have fit her perfectly.
Ujimasa = Perfect for lulz ("EEEEEEEEEVEN BETTER THAN THAT! I have many stories I wish to share with you" = LOL WAT).
Kanbei = Fantastic.
Kanetsugu = Meh, trying too hard to be funny imo.
Keiji = Ok. His speaking voice is great, but his dramatic voice feels too forced and unfiting.
Otani = Fantastic. Wish we heard more from him.
Mogami = Fantastic.


The thing that will probably affect me the most for the dub really is just that I felt Devil Kings had MUCH better dubs for almost all the roles from both games and I will probably always be reminded of that while playing. For example, I LOVED Sasuke's voice in DK while he feels too generic in this game and Kenshin had a fitting voice there, while here he sounds like a damn alien >_<.

Also edited my post before with more translated info on the site update.


No online really dampened my enthusiasm but i'll still probably get this as i've wanted to try this series. More excited for SW3, though you guys should know the only reason that game has online is because of Nintendo. Koei is way too lazy to do it themselves.
MoxManiac said:
No online really dampened my enthusiasm but i'll still probably get this as i've wanted to try this series. More excited for SW3, though you guys should know the only reason that game has online is because of Nintendo. Koei is way too lazy to do it themselves.

I did compare them before just as a "Koei could do online and dual audio on the Wii so WTF CAPCOM!" but in reality ... the online in SW3 is pretty horrible and meaningless. It is only for Murasame Castle mode, which is the worst part of the whole game. :lol


AdawgDaFAB said:
I did compare them before just as a "Koei could do online and dual audio on the Wii so WTF CAPCOM!" but in reality ... the online in SW3 is pretty horrible and meaningless. It is only for Murasame Castle mode, which is the worst part of the whole game. :lol

whhaaaaat? I thought it was full co-op :(

what the fuck :(

dissapointments everywhere. It's like capcom, koei and nintendo got a round table together on how to screw over their fans


MoxManiac said:
whhaaaaat? I thought it was full co-op :(

what the fuck :(

dissapointments everywhere. It's like capcom, koei and nintendo got a round table together on how to screw over their fans

Maybe they will do a SB3 Heroes and sell us the Co-op that way. :lol
I can actually see something like that happen :(
The interview started a little early. We didn't learn too much but there was mostly more confirmation of things we already knew.


- First question was about if he was influenced by classic Samurai movies. He said that it was more just researching the time period and his/lots of others on the staff's love of Shounen manga that had more influence on the game.

- My question was next asking "Are we going to see Matsunaga Hisahide ever become a playable character? He has been an NPC twice already in the series." Kobayashi seemed shocked I even knew who Hisahide was, and thought I was Japanese :lol . Anyways he said that unfortunately Hisahide did not show up in this game, but in the future he may and he made mention of him being in the anime. Koba is apparently a big fan of Hisahide.

- Third question was about Dual Audio and they basically blamed the Wii version for lack of DA saying it was a disc space issue, but they would love to have DA in a future title.

- They reconfirmed no online play claiming Japanese players don't play games online much compared to the English markets. He said "maybe next time" if the international version does well.

- They also reconfirmed there will be no DLC for the game. So no audio DLC, no NPC -> PC characters DLC, etc... My guess with that being confirmed is that more than likely we will just get a SB3 Heroes in a year or so.

- When someone asked why Nobunaga was in the game when he was said to be dead to allow them to move the story forward and focus on the current stuff Koba was again shocked.
"We just released this info in Japan, how do you guys know this stuff?
You are right, he is dead, but he is kind of a Demon/Ogre King so guess what, he is back! It is actually in the story, we do explain why he comes back already."
is what the translator girl said. For some reason I laughed at Demon Ogre King.

Next question was about why only 16 characters? Was the game rushed to meet a deadline?
Originally they were going to make 30+ characters but realized they didn't have enough time so they focused on the ones that we got.

When asked who he most identifies with Koba said he feels the characters are all weird and quirky but out of them all he most identifies with Masamune.

Koba and Yamamoto both love anime and were happy to see the series become an anime and introduce a larger audience of people to the series.

When asked on the differences between the Japanese and English version he said the only differences are the language/dub obvious and that the JPN version defaults difficulty to easy while the ENG version defaults to normal. He also said on higher difficulties the enemies carry stronger weapons. The interview ended with him laughing and agreeing with the interviewer that US players are more hardcore than Japanese players.


Overall not much learned except for the default difficulty thing, the fact that it looks like Hisahide is not going to be in the game at all, possibility of online coop in the next game if SB:SH sells well and that it seems like the production team was rushed.



Here are a few more videos for SB:SH.

Look at the character / stage select screen. I like how they have the Individual Game Completion % shown for each character and how they show the map/boss/win/lose stipulations when picking a stage.

1 min Mitsunari vs Hondam video from the e3 floor demo.

Coop English E3 gameplay. Nothing special tho, Kanbei player spams the dropkick skill, Mitsunari player uses nothing but his S-string.


AdawgDaFAB said:
That will probably be Capcom's excuse.
I don't think they need an excuse, as I don't believe they ever said anything about online, actually. 'Not sure where that came from.


Erigu said:
I don't think they need an excuse, as I don't believe they ever said anything about online, actually. 'Not sure where that came from.

It was in a press-release that they released months ago. And that was the last and only time we've heard of since then. :lol

Any way, so the basic answer for a lot of the game's setbacks can indeed be chalked up to "blame the Wii". Sucks that they didn't have more time for the 30+ characters...
Wonder if anyone will answer what inspired Tokugawa being made into a boxer in a game/series of samurai action? Still curious on that part.


The way Capcom is handling this is so lazy. BS answers like "blame the Wii (because they're just copying & pasting the iso over, right?)" and "well online isn't important in Japan (even though they're trying to push this in the west)" are kind of insulting to the audience.

I liked Basara 2, but I won't be giving them any money for this new one.


Bebpo said:
The way Capcom is handling this is so lazy. BS answers like "blame the Wii (because they're just copying & pasting the iso over, right?)" and "well online isn't important in Japan (even though they're trying to push this in the west)" are kind of insulting to the audience.

Well, the "Blame Wii" answer works because they said from the jump that they wanted to make the two versions "the same". So therefore, the main reason we don't have Dual Audio and etc. is because they had to account for the Wii's limits.

I mean, I'm disappointed to, but at least this stuff wasn't a surprise. They've been talking the same talk about this since many months ago, into last year.

Any way, I'm hoping that the fujoshi will surprise me, and buy the PS3 version over the Wii's. Then maybe Koba and the rest will get the hint about what would likely serve the series better.


TreIII said:
It was in a press-release that they released months ago. And that was the last and only time we've heard of since then. :lol
But who was behind that press release? Capcom, or... Capcom USA?

Urban Scholar said:
Wonder if anyone will answer what inspired Tokugawa being made into a boxer in a game/series of samurai action? Still curious on that part.
Are you new to the series? :lol

Bebpo said:
well online isn't important in Japan (even though they're trying to push this in the west)"
Then again, it pretty much is a single-player game at heart... I wouldn't say online is "important" anyway, here.


Overall not much learned except for the default difficulty thing, the fact that it looks like Hisahide is not going to be in the game at all, possibility of online coop in the next game if SB:SH sells well and that it seems like the production team was rushed.

Well we learned that still a lot of Japanese developers don't know how the internet works. Doesn't matter where you release information the hardcore crowd is going to know it.
TreIII said:
Well, the "Blame Wii" answer works because they said from the jump that they wanted to make the two versions "the same". So therefore, the main reason we don't have Dual Audio and etc. is because they had to account for the Wii's limits.

I mean, I'm disappointed to, but at least this stuff wasn't a surprise. They've been talking the same talk about this since many months ago, into last year.

Any way, I'm hoping that the fujoshi will surprise me, and buy the PS3 version over the Wii's. Then maybe Koba and the rest will get the hint about what would likely serve the series better.

Except Wii game have had online co-op before...and dual audio. It's a BS reason.
Just saw this SB3 dev vid which shows the menu system and some Mitsunari gameplay.


- I am not sure of the order, but I read that the main menu shows Emaki Mode, Free Mode, Gallery, Options and something else (Looks like no Daibudokai this time).
- We see the menu system for Emaki mode and for setting up characters before a battle.
- Lastly, I couldn't help but LOL @ the girl's "KONYARO, KONYARO-KONYARO! KONYARO-KONYAROOOOOO!" when she first started playing.


Zoramon089 said:
Except Wii game have had online co-op before...and dual audio. It's a BS reason.

Apples and oranges (especially if you're going by Samurai Warriors 3).

The script for BASARA 3 looks to be quite immense, since there's multiple story mode routes for each of the 16 playable characters (there's looking to be about like 4 main branches per character), and many lines of dialogue for all of the characters in the game. So the fact that they couldn't fit in dual audio does make sense in this light. Unless you wanted them to compress the audio, some how.

And as for online? Well, what more needs to be said here, really? It's the Wii. Not everybody wants to fool around with it, and I'm guessing Capcom backed out from the prospect altogether. Especially since they're already doing a lot to sell the game at a loss in the West (where online would be perhaps more appreciated), and most of the major "news" outlets have already passed their judgment on the game.
Forkball said:
So if I hate Dynasty Warriors is it safe to assume I will also hate this game?

No. Outside of menu's and very generalized big picture ideas, this is a very different game with a completely different feeling battle system and a more action-game oriented level set up. But the bigger question is is you have an absolute hatred for DW, what even makes you bother to ask about this game?
Forkball said:
So if I hate Dynasty Warriors is it safe to assume I will also hate this game?

Not at all. I actually first started playing BASARA BECAUSE I hated the Dynasty Warriors games (later I became a huge fan of the Samurai Warriors and Orochi games, lol).

The combat in BASARA is much more fluid and freeform, focused on huge combos, while the Musou combat is generally more ridged. Musou gameplay is more focused on large scale battlefields, (in the case of the Samurai Warriors games) multiple objectives to complete in every stage (like protect X character, kill Y enemy before this or that happens, etc...) and the possibility of failing a battle because an NPC General in your army died. On the flip side, BASARA stages are much more straight forward, as the game is built more like a 3D evolution of side scrolling beat-em up games where its all about you taking on tons of enemies and then beating the big bad stage boss. Each stage generally does have some objectives you can do, but most of the time they are optional and used as ways to get bonuses and what not. Also, the only way to lose in SB is if your character dies.

I believe there should be a PS3 demo coming sometime soon so whenever that hits you can try that out and see if you like the gameplay.
Slightly off topic:

FUNimation announced that the entire first season of the anime will be released in a set on the same day as Samurai Heroes in the US (October 12). The odd thing here is in the casting:

"Date Masamune - Robert McCollum
Oda Nobunaga - John Swasey
Sanada Yukimura - Johnny Yong Bosch
Ranmaru Mori - Maxey Whitehead
Nagamasa Asai - Christopher Bevins
Oichi - Laura Bailey
Kasuga - Stephanie Sheh
Uesugi Kenshin - Greg Ayres
Akechi Mitsuhide - Vic Mignogna
Sarutobi Sasuke - Michael Sinterniklaas
Takeda Shingen - Christopher Ayres"

It is not the same as who is doing the game (I would have thought CC and FUNi would work together on that front), and it looks like they are going to preserve the western naming order (although Ranmaru and Nagamasa was written backwards ).

Is there a list yet of who has been revealed for the game's dub so far?


force push the doodoo rock
AdawgDaFAB said:
Just saw this SB3 dev vid which shows the menu system and some Mitsunari gameplay.


- I am not sure of the order, but I read that the main menu shows Emaki Mode, Free Mode, Gallery, Options and something else (Looks like no Daibudokai this time).
- We see the menu system for Emaki mode and for setting up characters before a battle.
- Lastly, I couldn't help but LOL @ the girl's "KONYARO, KONYARO-KONYARO! KONYARO-KONYAROOOOOO!" when she first started playing.

Ahh it confirms that you can play 2p in the main story mode!
sprsk said:
Ahh it confirms that you can play 2p in the main story mode!

You can read Japanese right? Do you know what the other main menu option is?


Koba interview about the game. No new footage, and since I don't understand what he is saying IDK if he reveals anything unknown. However those posters @ 11 min = Do want :lol .

http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm11520721 use http://mmcafe.com/nico.html if you don't have a nico account.


force push the doodoo rock
AdawgDaFAB said:
You can read Japanese right? Do you know what the other main menu option is?


Koba interview about the game. No new footage, and since I don't understand what he is saying IDK if he reveals anything unknown. However those posters @ 11 min = Do want :lol .

http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm11520721 use http://mmcafe.com/nico.html if you don't have a nico account.

I believe the 4th one its either an item gallery or like a history gallery. The last one is options.
mujun said:
It's not out in Japan for another two days. Do they normally ship before release date?

Yeah they do. Lots of times, with the fastest shipping, people have gotten games from them on the actual release date.


sprsk: I knew there was a Gallery mode there, but isn't there another menu option? Emaki Mode, Free Mode, ?, Gallery, Options (not sure if its in that order or not tho).


Kobayashi playing the game @ Comic Con.

Horrible commentary is horrible tho.
*Facepalm* @ "That's what Sengoku BASARA means, stylish war" >_< >_< >_<
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