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Newly Elected Governor Strips 140,000 Of Voting Rights, Lowers The Minimum Wage

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For the same reason they can't own fire arms. They've proven themselves to be poor decision makers.

So did the woman who voted for the Republican even though she can't afford health care for herself and her son without the program that the Republican promises to destroy. Should we take away her right to vote or own firearms as well?
Am I wrong not feel bad for this women if she does lose her health insurance?

Kind of. She's been played by the constant narrative that liberal politicians aren't like her and don't understand her needs and are only interested in letting gay people and muslims take over the country at her expense. I'd guess that she's poorly-educated, not masochistic. While I find those views abhorrent, I don't think someone who literally votes to have their health insurance taken away is more worthy of scorn than pity.


That line in the 14th amendment is the dumbest thing that allows states to continue to deny felons the right to vote.

Exactly what is gained from keeping felons from voting, at least after the their time is served? If our goal is rehabilitate people back into society after time served, there seems to be no point in barring them from voting, or going through an arduous process of which to restore their voting rights.

I also don't see the reason of "they're bad decision makers" to really enter into any legitimate support of felony disenfranchisement when we don't allow any sort of test to vote. You don't have to be smart to vote, or even know who the candidates are or how old the Earth is. That's not the point.
That line in the 14th amendment is the dumbest thing that allows states to continue to deny felons the right to vote.

Exactly what is gained from keeping felons from voting, at least after the their time is served? If our goal is rehabilitate people back into society after time served, there seems to be no point in barring them from voting, or going through an arduous process of which to restore their voting rights.

I need Slo's thoughts on this.


GOP are like cartoon villains... Seriously, how can anyone with a modicum of intelligence support these fuckers?

Religion, white nationalism lite or 'tradition'. No gay rights, keeping imagined 'freeloaders' and 'welfare queens' down these are all in the GOP playbook they lay out to their dumbfounded flock.

Quite what people who's lives are usually shit and will remain shit and yet still vote against their own best interests time and time again get out of it I'm sure we'll never know.

Shame is also on the people who can make a difference but choose not to vote. And that's not saying the democrats are 100% perfect but compared to the shitshow that is the GOP it should be a no brainer.


Did Bevins run on an anti gay marriage platform or an anti abortion platform? That stuff is like catnip for dumbasses and it will make people vote against their own self interest. Anyone know?
Not a Kentucky native, so I'm not sure to what extent his actual campaign rhetoric was openly anti-gay (I'm guessing it was very much so) but he's made it clear he considers gay marriage to be the gateway to parent-child marriage and a thousand years of darkness because that's how his mind works.



Bevin is an asshole who is hated by the Kentucky Republican establishment and shouldn't have won his primary, let alone a state-wide election. Compare a Jack Conway to a John Bel Edwards and you see how badly the Democrats fucked up with their candidate selection.

I'd imagine as a possible deterrent to not commit a felony

But then what's the point after you're out of jail? Or even after parole? At some point, it becomes punitive and reinforces recidivism by divorcing the person from their community in small but meaningful ways.


Conway is basically unelectable at this point. I think he's dropped 3 quite easy elections so far. (No one expected Bevin to win in November, but abysmal voter turnout will do that)

Anyone on GAF voted for this Governor? Care to share your thoughts?

I didn't vote for him but the general rhetoric I see around here is the whole Conway = Obama thing. I'd imagine that's a big issue in other states as well, but specifically in Kentucky, there were plenty of ads that tied the two together. And as this is a huge coal-dependent state, Obama is generally disliked. It killed Alison Grimes when she ran against Mitch McConnell last year, too.

edit: and this is totally unrelated too, but Matt Bevin endorsed cockfighting recently. Thought it was funny.


Neo Member
$7.25 down from $10.10 sounds insane. Malicious, even.

I know, right? Imagine, working a minimum wage job and coming in the next day to find you're making almost three dollars less. I'd be fucking livid. Luckily I live in a state where this sort of bullshit will never happen. I feel even worse for all those now disenfranchised. History will certainly not look highly upon this man.
Conway is basically unelectable at this point. I think he's dropped 3 quite easy elections so far. (No one expected Bevin to win in November, but abysmal voter turnout will do that)

I didn't vote for him but the general rhetoric I see around here is the whole Conway = Obama thing. I'd imagine that's a big issue in other states as well, but specifically in Kentucky, there were plenty of ads that tied the two together. And as this is a huge coal-dependent state, Obama is generally disliked. It killed Allison Grimes when she ran against Mitch McConnell last year, too.
Yeah, almost all the ads I saw here through the season were "I will fight Obama's anti Kentucky initiatives!" Or you could do a check box of how many times they said, "conservative" in each ad. They were hammering home any minor endorsement of Obama for anything as a negative. Meanwhile, I think we saw one Democratic ad for about every twenty "conservative" ads.


Yeah, almost all the ads I saw here through the season were "I will fight Obama's anti Kentucky initiatives!" Or you could do a check box of how many times they said, "conservative" in each ad. They were hammering home any minor endorsement of Obama for anything as a negative. Meanwhile, I think we saw one Democratic ad for about every twenty "conservative" ads.

My favorite part was the whole "controversy" over whether Alison Grimes voted for Obama. Same thing happened with Conway, I think.

Local/state politics are amazing and so frustrating at the same time.


Kentucky had a great thing going, and then this shit head came in and is literally undoing a a lot of progress in a typically backwards state. Such a shame he won. Seriously disgusts me.


Not a Kentucky native, so I'm not sure to what extent his actual campaign rhetoric was openly anti-gay (I'm guessing it was very much so) but he's made it clear he considers gay marriage to be the gateway to parent-child marriage and a thousand years of darkness because that's how his mind works.


Jezebel commentor said this:

There was a story in NPR about the election of this dude and how he was going to (or did) end the ACA Medicare expansion enacted by the previous governor.

A white woman/who was insured BECAUSE of the expansion-voted for the new dude. Why, you ask?

“Because stopping abortion and gay marriage is more important than me having insurance.” -_-


So did the woman who voted for the Republican even though she can't afford health care for herself and her son without the program that the Republican promises to destroy. Should we take away her right to vote or own firearms as well?

Sure, if you can figure out a way to decisively measure that someone is too stupid to participate in an election, then go ahead an implement it. She seems like Exhibit A.


Jezebel commentor said this:

There was a story in NPR about the election of this dude and how he was going to (or did) end the ACA Medicare expansion enacted by the previous governor.

A white woman/who was insured BECAUSE of the expansion-voted for the new dude. Why, you ask?

“Because stopping abortion and gay marriage is more important than me having insurance.” -_-

Amazing how some people care so much about who is marrying whom and what women do with their bodies. By the way, the Supreme Court settled gay marriage, so why even bring it up?


I need Slo's thoughts on this.

I'm sure his thoughts will be well reasoned and analytical.


To be blunt, I don't particularly care if felons ever have their rights fully restored. I'm not obligated to care. We separate crimes by severity. "Aw shucks I fucked up!" crimes are called misdemeanors. "I'm a second class citizen from here on out" crimes are called felonies.



To be blunt, I don't particularly care if felons ever have their rights fully restored. I'm not obligated to care. We separate crimes by severity. "Aw shucks I fucked up!" crimes are called misdemeanors. "I'm a second class citizen from here on out" crimes are called felonies.

Good thing I didn't expect much from you. Would've been disappointed if you actually seemed like a reasonable and rational "person"


Jezebel commentor said this:

There was a story in NPR about the election of this dude and how he was going to (or did) end the ACA Medicare expansion enacted by the previous governor.

A white woman/who was insured BECAUSE of the expansion-voted for the new dude. Why, you ask?

“Because stopping abortion and gay marriage is more important than me having insurance.” -_-

Christian shariah. Been going strong (in some regions at least) for 40+ long years now. Even asshole Goldwater warned Conservatives about the religious right.



To be blunt, I don't particularly care if felons ever have their rights fully restored. I'm not obligated to care. We separate crimes by severity. "Aw shucks I fucked up!" crimes are called misdemeanors. "I'm a second class citizen from here on out" crimes are called felonies.

I feel like we should have a discussion on elected judges...

Sure, if you can figure out a way to decisively measure that someone is too stupid to participate in an election, then go ahead an implement it. She seems like Exhibit A.

Oh....actually I think I how you'll feel about it now. Missed this.



To be blunt, I don't particularly care if felons ever have their rights fully restored. I'm not obligated to care. We separate crimes by severity. "Aw shucks I fucked up!" crimes are called misdemeanors. "I'm a second class citizen from here on out" crimes are called felonies.

But, why? Why do we want anyone to be a second class citizen if they do their time? Calling someone as "second class citizen" is one excellent way for increased recidivism. We don't actually want people to go back to jail. Not allowing them to be full members of their community is a contributing factor in this.
But, why? Why do we want anyone to be a second class citizen if they do their time? Calling someone as "second class citizen" is one excellent way for increased recidivism. We don't actually want people to go back to jail. Not allowing them to be full members of their community is a contributing factor in this.
Exactly why this is all fucked up. Thank you.


It's easy to blame the dumb-as-a-brick republicans, but democrats who are too fucking lazy to vote in state elections are the ones allowing this sort of thing. Lazy assholes.

To be blunt, I don't particularly care if felons ever have their rights fully restored. I'm not obligated to care. We separate crimes by severity. "Aw shucks I fucked up!" crimes are called misdemeanors. "I'm a second class citizen from here on out" crimes are called felonies.

You always come off as some tough guy troll about not helping your fellow man, then you said your wife is a social worker what do you do for a living? Seems off unless I am reading things wrong.



To be blunt, I don't particularly care if felons ever have their rights fully restored. I'm not obligated to care. We separate crimes by severity. "Aw shucks I fucked up!" crimes are called misdemeanors. "I'm a second class citizen from here on out" crimes are called felonies.
Your lack of empathy is disturbing. No wonder the others named/referred to you.
I know, right? Imagine, working a minimum wage job and coming in the next day to find you're making almost three dollars less. I'd be fucking livid. Luckily I live in a state where this sort of bullshit will never happen. I feel even worse for all those now disenfranchised. History will certainly not look highly upon this man.

The workers who got a raise get to keep it, and I imagine "Fuck you, got mine" comes into play. I never understand why any government worker votes Republican. George W. once stopped a government worker automatic pay raise because the cost of the Afghan war was too high; funny how that was the only time he was fiscally responsible.
What's his plan for dealing with all the starving and homeless people that will inevitably arise when the wage rates trend to zero? Poverty leads to an increase in birth-rate, which means that supply of workers will increase as demand decreases. A worker will typically only find out whether the market thinks they needed to be born in the first place after they've already reached working age.

The idea is that a lower minimum wage would create more jobs, even if some people ended up with a lower wage. This would actually reduce the inequality between the "haves" and the "have-nots" among the poor. This is the same principle that dictates that rent controls will result in a lucky few that get the lower than market value accommodations while many others won't be able to rent at all. However, other research has shown that there could be net benefits to improving the wages of the poor. The way to achieve better wages for the poor with less market distortion would be along the lines of wage subsidies or a basic income.

Nelo Ice

Republicans gonna republican fucking hell. I live in CA but doing anything I can to get people at least paying attention to politics and then hopefully voting.


I feel like we should have a discussion on elected judges...

Oh....actually I think I how you'll feel about it now. Missed this.

You always come off as some tough guy troll about not helping your fellow man, then you said your wife is a social worker what do you do for a living? Seems off unless I am reading things wrong.

My wife is in fact a social worker. What I do for a living isn't relevant, but I do volunteer my time as a firefighter and first-responder. On nights and weekends I get woken up at 3:00 AM to lift strangers out of puddles of their own shit, and I do it for free.

I'd wager I've been in more trailer houses and shitty 1 room apartments than most members of this forum. My opinions about the worst members of society, the meth heads and felons and deadbeats, is generally formed by my experience of them calling every Saturday night because they got liquored up and beat the shit out of their baby-mama again. Or my wife having to figure out who gets custody of their kids after they beat or molest them.

And for the record, in the area I live, the overwhelming population of worthless shitheads is white.

Racism summed up in the US to a tee.
My wife is in fact a social worker. What I do for a living isn't relevant, but I do volunteer my time as a firefighter and first-responder. On nights and weekends I get woken up at 3:00 AM to lift strangers out of puddles of their own shit, and I do it for free.

I'd wager I've been in more trailer houses and shitty 1 room apartments than most members of this forum. My opinions about the worst members of society, the meth heads and felons and deadbeats, is generally formed by my experience of them calling every Saturday night because they got liquored up and beat the shit out of their baby-mama again. Or my wife having to figure out who gets custody of their kids after they beat or molest them.

And for the record, in the area I live, the overwhelming population of worthless shitheads is white.

Do you think the War on Drugs is a good thing?
Sure, if you can figure out a way to decisively measure that someone is too stupid to participate in an election, then go ahead an implement it. She seems like Exhibit A.

Alright, I guess we just have different ideas about how important representation actually is in a representative democratic republic.

To be blunt, I don't particularly care if felons ever have their rights fully restored. I'm not obligated to care. We separate crimes by severity. "Aw shucks I fucked up!" crimes are called misdemeanors. "I'm a second class citizen from here on out" crimes are called felonies.

It sounds like you're taking a "tough on crime" stance without any consideration for the question, "Does this strategy make things better, or worse?" If your view on criminal punishment is "the harsher, the better" without any thought for why that is the case, you can't be upset when people don't take your views seriously. Detail what evidence or rationale has led to this hard-line stance and you might make a solid case. "I don't give a damn about felons because I don't give a damn about felons" isn't a reasonable stance. Their inability to secure employment or vote for elected officials who might be able to enact policies that reduce recidivism could ultimately result in, say, your house being burglarized. Their problems don't exist in a vacuum outside of your own life.


I really think these idiots don't understand the vicious the cycle of desperation, the exploitation of that desperation, which increases the desperation, and thus increases the exploitation of that further desperation.

The labor market is amoral. It does not reward hard work, merit, or character. It only rewards leverage.

They don't, obviously. Money makes the world go around, and the only limitation to human potential is will, because one has to tap into the souls God gave them. Like being a Power Ranger, I think.

I wouldn't pass this off lightly as one might, because we're in a bad fucking environment as is. This race to the bottom does not do shitbrained thinking like this governer has any favors. And that's what gets me: this is not the time or place to be regressive with our major social problems, but forward thinking. So long as modern Republican values can even be reasoned, we have problems because of how metastasized the views of that party have become. Milton Friedman they are not.


Hopefully this will come to haunt the majority of KY so they won't do this again. Somehow I hope most have already realized they screwed up


The Autumn Wind
My wife is in fact a social worker. What I do for a living isn't relevant, but I do volunteer my time as a firefighter and first-responder. On nights and weekends I get woken up at 3:00 AM to lift strangers out of puddles of their own shit, and I do it for free.

I'd wager I've been in more trailer houses and shitty 1 room apartments than most members of this forum. My opinions about the worst members of society, the meth heads and felons and deadbeats, is generally formed by my experience of them calling every Saturday night because they got liquored up and beat the shit out of their baby-mama again. Or my wife having to figure out who gets custody of their kids after they beat or molest them.

And for the record, in the area I live, the overwhelming population of worthless shitheads is white.
I work in an ER and am also a volunteer firefighter. I constantly see plenty of lower class and even homeless people come in or call for things that don't require a hospital. I don't let it color my view of people as a whole. You know why? Because I'm not a shitty person who uses anecdotal experiences and because I have empathy. The problem with Republicans is they find the worst example for something and use it to demonize the system as a whole. Constantly making perfect the enemy of good because their voters are stupid enough to think it's sound logic.

"Someone is abusing a service? Might as well just shut the whole thing down!"
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