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Newly Elected Governor Strips 140,000 Of Voting Rights, Lowers The Minimum Wage

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My wife is in fact a social worker. What I do for a living isn't relevant, but I do volunteer my time as a firefighter and first-responder. On nights and weekends I get woken up at 3:00 AM to lift strangers out of puddles of their own shit, and I do it for free.

I'd wager I've been in more trailer houses and shitty 1 room apartments than most members of this forum. My opinions about the worst members of society, the meth heads and felons and deadbeats, is generally formed by my experience of them calling every Saturday night because they got liquored up and beat the shit out of their baby-mama again. Or my wife having to figure out who gets custody of their kids after they beat or molest them.

And for the record, in the area I live, the overwhelming population of worthless shitheads is white.

If this is true and you are not lying then I take back what I said. I have seen that kind of depravity but not as often as you. Yeah they can get disgustingly bad I am glad not to be around that anymore.

^guy above makes a good point


My wife is in fact a social worker. What I do for a living isn't relevant, but I do volunteer my time as a firefighter and first-responder. On nights and weekends I get woken up at 3:00 AM to lift strangers out of puddles of their own shit, and I do it for free.

I'd wager I've been in more trailer houses and shitty 1 room apartments than most members of this forum. My opinions about the worst members of society, the meth heads and felons and deadbeats, is generally formed by my experience of them calling every Saturday night because they got liquored up and beat the shit out of their baby-mama again. Or my wife having to figure out who gets custody of their kids after they beat or molest them.

And for the record, in the area I live, the overwhelming population of worthless shitheads is white.

But what does any of that have to do with felony disenfranchisement?

One of the goals of prison is rehabilitation and then allowing people to go back into the world after they do their time. Unfortunately, we attach a lot of punitive measures on top of people's own time that don't allow people to be properly integrated back into their communities. It's one of the reasons the recidivism rates are so high in America -- our justice system isn't actually doing anything besides locking people up and then throwing them out with a bunch of asterisks by their name that make it harder for them to get employed.

That doesn't mean that every person who ends up in jail and is released has the possibility to be a good, productive member of the society. There are some bad people. But that doesn't mean that the entire system has to be punitive and counter productive because of those people. There are also a lot of stupid people, people with lower IQs, people who think the world is 6000 years old, people who believe in ChemTrails, people who think Sandy Hook was a false flag operation. But no one is asking is for Ronda Rousey's disenfranchisement because she believes in a terrible conspiracy theory because that has nothing to do with giving one person one vote.
My wife is in fact a social worker. What I do for a living isn't relevant, but I do volunteer my time as a firefighter and first-responder. On nights and weekends I get woken up at 3:00 AM to lift strangers out of puddles of their own shit, and I do it for free.

I'd wager I've been in more trailer houses and shitty 1 room apartments than most members of this forum. My opinions about the worst members of society, the meth heads and felons and deadbeats, is generally formed by my experience of them calling every Saturday night because they got liquored up and beat the shit out of their baby-mama again. Or my wife having to figure out who gets custody of their kids after they beat or molest them.

And for the record, in the area I live, the overwhelming population of worthless shitheads is white.

Much respect to you. I can definitely see why you'd feel the way you do with your experiences.


Hopefully this will come to haunt the majority of KY so they won't do this again. Somehow I hope most have already realized they screwed up

Not a chance. These people have demonstrated over and over that they're willing to live in perpetual poverty as long as their elected officials promise to stick it to 'the gays' or 'the coloreds' or 'the liberals'. You can't fix that level of misinformed.
Why are people letting Slo blatantly troll them?

This isn't the first time he has done this. He comes into threads shitting on poor people and takes some months breaks just to do it over again so he doesn't get banned. Each time he comes up with a new story about some job his family member has and how it has him come closer to the experience of how shitty poor people are.
Sure, if you can figure out a way to decisively measure that someone is too stupid to participate in an election, then go ahead an implement it. She seems like Exhibit A.

Do you bring home less than $100k a year?

Did you vote Republican?

If the answer to both questions is yes, you're too dumb to vote or own a firearm.



I mean, I don't even have to call into question what Slo is claiming to know his conclusion doesn't follow. So, I guess I don't really give a shit what they claim to have seen because their conclusions are still wrong.


Christian shariah. Been going strong (in some regions at least) for 40+ long years now. Even asshole Goldwater warned Conservatives about the religious right.

People who cry about the encroachment of Sharia law yet support essentially the same theocratic laws when they are supposedly based on Christianity strike me as a particularly unfortunate example of a failure of reading comprehension.

Hell, many of them advocate for religious laws even more extreme than Dharia law - though at least those ones could retroactively justify themselves as being so set against Sharia law because it is too progressive from their perspective on the far reaches.


I'm totally okay with felons not being able to vote. Can't think of a good reason to let them.

Maaaaaybe the argument could be made in the context of while they are serving their time. But even then it's pretty shaky consider the state of justice these days. And really it feels punitive and prejudiced because it's not a deterrent nor are hardly any elections decided by the votes of a handful of former convicts.

What's the reasoning behind it in modern 300 million population America? Like do they think they're all gonna band together and vote themselves into office and issue pardons to their buddies? I'm pretty sure only major corporate industries pull that racket.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
I'm totally okay with felons not being able to vote. Can't think of a good reason to let them.

Why should someone lose the ability to vote simply because they have a criminal record?
You can't do anything but laugh at the madness at this point. Kentucky has the representative it deserves.

Also, Slo is only missing the w from his name, don't bother with him.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I like how you can serve the full time in a corrections facility and later not be officially recognized as corrected enough to vote.

Perhaps a more compelling punishment would be to have that disenfranchisement pass on to their children. They could have a badge identity them for convenience. Possibly a brightly colored "F"


70% of Kentucky voted for this guy?

Fucking lazy democrats. I'm feeling like they deserve this shit. Hopefully the pain of this will push them to fix their error next time.
I don't give a fuck how much you've seen and done when you can't realize that disenfranchising people is only going to lead to a higher chance of them returning to crime. We might as well just execute felons with the way they apparently deserve to be treated after they are out since apparently they deserve no rights.


I don't give a fuck how much you've seen and done when you can't realize that disenfranchising people is only going to lead to a higher chance of them returning to crime. We might as well just execute felons with the way they apparently deserve to be treated after they are out since apparently they deserve no rights.

Many members of the GOP would be in favor of this actually. I mean look at the police.
What's his plan for dealing with all the starving and homeless people that will inevitably arise when the wage rates trend to zero? Poverty leads to an increase in birth-rate, which means that supply of workers will increase as demand decreases. A worker will typically only find out whether the market thinks they needed to be born in the first place after they've already reached working age.

I thought there was a Federal Minimum Wage that would apply no matter what. Then states can set a minimum wage higher than that if they wish.

So I don't see how wages would tend to zero.


No idea why people vote against their own interest. Why would people now ever vote for a Republican? This is so dumb.


The GOP has groomed a good segment of the population that black people are to blame for everything and they are just freeloading complaining criminals.

Nixon and Reagan really ran buckwild with Lee Atwater's southern strategy. Most of Gen X and all millennials grew up hearing black people and other 'non-model' minorities ain't shit in various ways; which probably helps explain why a lot of young (40 and under) white progressives aren't actually progressive in terms of racial issues.

Socially liberal and fiscal conservative my damn ass.

Hey Dude

Don't states with higher minimum wages tend to have better economies? I remember that's what happened in Minnesota. Minimum wage went up along with taxes, and the entire state benefited from it.

Or did I straight up hallucinate an economic philosophy?
Pretty sure the economy is fucked everywhere. Even obama admitted it in his npr interview.


Both parties are the same and only serve corporate interests or something. Etc.Etc.

Feel sorry for the people of Kentucky who voted against this.
Nixon and Reagan really ran buckwild with Lee Atwater's southern strategy. Most of Gen X and all millennials grew up hearing black people and other 'non-model' minorities ain't shit in various ways; which probably helps explain why a lot of young (40 and under) white progressives aren't actually progressive in terms of racial issues.

Socially liberal and fiscal conservative my damn ass.

Pretty much why in that one thread about how whites are starting to feel the effects of conservative/republican actions I felt very little sympathy for them.
The GOP has groomed a good segment of the population that black people are to blame for everything and they are just freeloading complaining criminals.
So fucking idiotic. Vote against your self interests because you resent the idea of a lazy or undeserving black getting government assistance.
Why the fuck are Americans so hung up this myopic hatred for social welfare that benefits anyone other than the people in their own racial or class grouping.


Why should someone lose the ability to vote simply because they have a criminal record?

Again becuse a felony is a huge thing it's not a misdemeanor or violation. Again, it's a deterrent for not committing a crime. Voting is a fundamental and privileged/honored thing to do - to have someone's voting right taken away IMO is a big deal.


Again becuse a felony is a huge thing it's not a misdemeanor or violation. Again, it's a deterrent for not committing a crime. Voting is a fundamental and privileged/honored thing to do - to have someone's voting right taken away IMO is a big deal.

You're contradicting yourself. It's a right, not a privilege.


Again becuse a felony is a huge thing it's not a misdemeanor or violation. Again, it's a deterrent for not committing a crime. Voting is a fundamental and privileged/honored thing to do - to have someone's voting right taken away IMO is a big deal.
No it's a right. If former felons have finished their sentences, they should be able to vote just as easily as everyone else.


Again becuse a felony is a huge thing it's not a misdemeanor or violation. Again, it's a deterrent for not committing a crime. Voting is a fundamental and privileged/honored thing to do - to have someone's voting right taken away IMO is a big deal.

While they are felons they lose their right to vote. Once they paid their debt to society they should get it back. Otherwise you are branding a person perpetually as a felon. if that's the case, why even bother letting them go?


Bevin hinted that he would prefer the state have no minimum wage at all: “Wage rates ideally would be established by the demands of the labor market instead of being set by the government,” he said.

Yeah, fuck this dude.

I would not be surprised in the slightest if he gets corruption charges leveled at him in the future.


Does America even have a national minimum wage or can all States set their own?

If so thats crazy. Any State could just decide to do away with minimum wage entirely!
Again becuse a felony is a huge thing it's not a misdemeanor or violation. Again, it's a deterrent for not committing a crime. Voting is a fundamental and privileged/honored thing to do - to have someone's voting right taken away IMO is a big deal.

Is there any evidence that voting right penalties cause any statistically noticeable amount of deterrence?
high on smoking blue grass.

The Federal should have a standard minimum wage minimum. If States want to raise them, fine but States should not be allowed to lower them under the Federal minimum. That is my take.

Fuck State's rights. States are not countries
Again becuse a felony is a huge thing it's not a misdemeanor or violation. Again, it's a deterrent for not committing a crime. Voting is a fundamental and privileged/honored thing to do - to have someone's voting right taken away IMO is a big deal.
Do you really think anyone is thinking about their voting rights like this?

The reasons why this is done and why black Americans are disproportionally arrested are real clear.


Does America even have a national minimum wage or can all States set their own?

If so thats crazy. Any State could just decide to do away with minimum wage entirely!

There is a national minimum wage, I believe it is 7.25. I'm pretty sure that takes precedence over any state wage, but maybe there are exceptions I'm not aware of.
Does America even have a national minimum wage or can all States set their own?

If so thats crazy. Any State could just decide to do away with minimum wage entirely!

As other have said the min wage is $7 25 on the federal level; basically no can go lower than that (though people have tried) here in CT the min wage is $9.15 will be $9.60 in 2016, and then $10.10 by 2017 thanks to a bill to raise the minimum wage. Hopefully our next governor doesn't pull any shit like this
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