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Next-Gen PS5 & XSX |OT| Console tEch threaD

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And also if you get a fancy new 8K TV the OS and the UI/HUD in games is rendered at native 8K (many Pro games do this, the actual game may be sub-4K but UI and HUD are native 4K). Actual games in 8K, I don't see that happening.

If they do any kind of 8K gaming, it will probably involve Checkerboard Rendering (CBR) to 8K and not run natively at that resolution, but even that is going to be a long shot in my opinion.


Do you realize that if the game target is low-power hardware it will look much worse than the game that targets 2x hardware?
Even in 1080p.
It's the baseline, i.e. minimal hardware to run.
Why would it target lower end hardware? Why not target Anaconda/PS5 at 4K and then scale it down to 1440/1080p (which means only rendering 30-40% of pixels of top consoles)?


Would be lovely to have a more powerful Sony console (since it's what i would buy anyway) gotta be objective here don't act like a fanboy, you have no proof that Sony is more powerful than MS so chill out, wait for the reveal before claiming stuff, i don't know why you say that they are not in Sony's corporate meetings (nobody said that btw) you acting like you are in those meetings hence the rage, nobody cares about you giving them the benefit of doubt, this is business, anything can happen.
If Sony has a more powerful console = good.
If MS has a more powerful console guess what it's still good, just don't cry about it and be objective.

Lol back at it again.

Follow what you preach aka don't be a hypocrite. I see you though my g 👀👀👌


Yes it will. Look at PS4 v Xbone. 50% more TFLOPs, advantage in resolution = 1080p v 900p.

If Lockhart is 4-4.5TF and Anaconda is 10TF (both Navi with RT hardware), everything else the same, there will be NO issues with scalling.

If you cannot run some effect or material in 1ms on 4tf console it won't be added to 10tf console either. You will get overall much lower image quality.


And also if you get a fancy new 8K TV the OS and the UI/HUD in games is rendered at native 8K (many Pro games do this, the actual game may be sub-4K but UI and HUD are native 4K). Actual games in 8K, I don't see that happening.
You do realize that the games will be output in 8K!


If you cannot run some effect or material in 1ms on 4tf console it won't be added to 10tf console either. You will get overall much lower image quality.
What a fuck are you people even talking about? We are talking about EXACTLY same consoles where one will run at 4x resolution. You will NOT have headroom to do fancy effects in 4K that you will not be able to replicate on 50-60% slower GPU and 1440/1080p and lower settings.

RDR2 is by many seen as best and most impressive looking game and it runs from 2080TI in 4K to Xbox One in 900p and everywhere in between.

This is not early 2000s anymore...
It's doubtful this was done as some 4D chess thing. If what we keep hearing about power levels being very similar it's probably just a decision borne out of the desire to win at least on one front for certain at launch, as in price.

And I don't think a sandwiching of Sony like with a $599 Scarlett would fly. People will just go for the middle ground, or whatever has the best value in price/perf.
I agree in theory but I think a couple things need to be clarified. If PS5/Scarlet are as similar in performance as some repo
I'd suggest looking at what RDR2 looks like with the lowest settings....it's far from pretty.
Oh, I know it's not pretty. That's the whole point. How pretty it doesn't look at the lowest settings compared to highest settings show it's been downscaled. And yet the Ultra settings user isn't effected by that downscaled version of the same product.

We have to assume at some point consoles will get to the same point where games are downscaled as the norm for lower powered machines. It already happens with some regularity. FH4 on Xbox X compared to OG or S, GoW on PS4 compared to Pro, Madden on both. This already happens. It becoming the norm next gen is definitely within the real of possibility and if it does become the norm then Lockhart's resolutions and GPU and TFLOPS are possibly meaningless to the higher end consoles. Again, we already see this in PC gaming and the Xbox One X and PS4 Pro. Xbox can develop games for Scarlet, downscale for Lockhart and then this "Microsoft is ruining my next gen experience because they create a low baseline" complaint is irrelevant. That's what I'm saying. We have no reason to act like this ruins next gen when there's a perfectly reasonable possibility that we already know exists in PC gaming and exists for current gen.
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Anaconda/PS5 4k high settings or 2k checker board with crazy graphics.

Lockhart 1440p or 1080p medium.

This is not 2000 or 2005, there are no VMUs or SPEs/Unified Shaders. Its all gona be the same tech just scalled up/down.

Concern trolling is getting out of hand tbh. If Xbox with 1.3TF didnt limit RDR2 to be best looking game this gen, then there is no fear.

You keep forgetting the S exists. There is a large gap between S and X.
Experts who are analysing hardware from two competing companies have a long history of being sponsored by one of those two companies, and you don't see why people are suspicious of their judgement?

No wonder the 2007 crash happened.

xD. No but seriously tho, I don't see too big a concern. There's potential for concern, sure, but nothing from DF's reporting leads me to think they are abusing that dynamic. Plus imho Sony and MS aren't really that much in competition with each other. You know, duopolies and all that jazz (but that's just a personal opinion).

Very aware of the architecture improvement, how can't one be at this point if you frecuent this site? I just don't believe the bs just bcus it's coming from a so called authority figure, life doesn't work tht way for me. And I Def dont listen to ppl tht think thy are know it all either and have a response for everything 😁

We've got...A Rebel Without A Cause 😏


xD. No but seriously tho, I don't see too big a concern. There's potential for concern, sure, but nothing from DF's reporting leads me to think they are abusing that dynamic. Plus imho Sony and MS aren't really that much in competition with each other. You know, duopolies and all that jazz (but that's just a personal opinion).

We've got...A Rebel Without A Cause 😏

Aplauso we got a smart ass know it all 👏👏👏😉😁


Most PS4P games offer 2x resolution boost compared to standard PS4, so it looks like developers can scale resolution for weaker or stronger GPU's. However I'm not an expert, and maybe there are some calculations (maybe RT) that cant be done as fast on weaker GPU's even at lower resolution.
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She 😅 and yes, missing in action....

Edit: there is always the possibility that this is Sony ninjas work, spread bullshit to capture inside leakers 😁

It have been known that these "leakers" say they are girls or trans, while they are just men. So dunno what is the truth.

They do it because it is their tactics as if someone says they talk trash: "omg you are just misogynist/transfobic!" And they know that idiots will defend them.

English is just too obsessed by gender, just use one word for men and women like in many languages, much easier and removes gender bias from the talk


Gold Member



But Warren said the console is nowhere near done. They are planning to surprise Sony.

It seems like it plays current gen games natively.
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Unfortunately not..... it's PS4 pro comparable according to the devs.

It's going to run circles around the PS4 pro in games. The dev is only thinking pure compute.

4TF Navi is around 6TF Polaris, +25% gains in conservative rasterization, VRS and RPM, devs have probably squeak out double the perf.

The pro only had enough bandwidth for ~3.5TF anyways.
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The MS devs were scrambling looking for the one devkit they have while Phil sneakily took it home to play on it.

Hey Phil, take a screenshot of it while you're at it and post it on 4chan.



Phil Spencer is not president of USA, or some really big fish, so there should be ways to break into his house. All we need is his adress and maybe a donation, because we need to hire a true professional like Agent 47 (hitman) or Sam Fisher and these guys arnt cheap.


BTW- of course I was joking, please guys dont call the police :messenger_tears_of_joy:, xbox scarlett is not worth life sentence, and especially since you cant play games in jail.
Phil Spencer is not president of USA, or some really big fish, so there should be ways to break into his house. All we need is his adress and maybe a donation, because we need to hire a true professional like Agent 47 (hitman) or Sam Fisher and these guys arnt cheap.


BTW- of course I was joking, please guys dont call the police :messenger_tears_of_joy:, xbox scarlett is not worth life sentence, and especially since you cant play games in jail.
Maybe he's lying to get some attention, everybody is speaking about the Ps5 leaks and Dev kits, he see & plays it everyday at work why would he bring that home, to keep him away from family time ? Nope.


He who believed there's no one with devkits is a fool.
You can't launch a console with no games.
Games takes 3/4/5 years to make.
Do the math.

They definitely got kits of some sort, but maybe they were really generic PCs or something up until recently. MS probably thinking they should try and hide their cards as much as they can til the last second.
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Mass Shift

He who believed there's no one with devkits is a fool.
You can't launch a console with no games.
Games takes 3/4/5 years to make.
Do the math.

Alright I'm simplifying things but lets say for example you've been developing your game for 2 years so far. MS or Sony see your game, offer to publish it as an exclusive and you agree to the arrangement. Up until now, your game hasn't been reliant upon anything other than the PC/Workstations you've been using. But now you have to scale for a console. That's what the dev kit is primarily used for.

Thankfully game development is not a cloistered domain, other computers are used. Often very POWERFUL computers. The dev kits are primarily used for compiling code and optimizing to whatever unique features the console may have. And as long as things don't become too exotic (complicated memory or gpu pipelines), and they are provided with decent depth of documentation and have the time to become familiar with the software tool chain studios can relatively scale their games without too many issues.

Anyone can develop a game on PC and plug in a consumer Xbox One for an ID@Xbox game with no extra fuss if they wanted to self publish and join the ID program.

I don't want to sound like I'm diminishing the importance of dev kits. They are absolutely vital and game development for consoles simply could no be completed without them. But nothing would stop studios from making their games if they didn't have them to get started. They in fact have kits now, what they don't have and what it appears that Phil and co. are keeping from them are kits with final silicon. Because they would blab and leak it all.


They definitely got kits of some sort, but maybe they were really generic PCs or something up until recently. MS probably thinking they should try and hide their cards as much as they can til the last second.

Whats the point in hiding their cards till the last second?. Not much can change at this point and I really don't see either console manufacturer doubling their RAM this time.
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