Hmm.. so I remembered a video Richard did on the PS5 specs using Hitman 2 that showed some pretty lame performance gains when using the 5700 at higher clocks. It made me think if this game is just bad on AMD cards so I decided to watch Alex's video again to see if the XSX is also underperforming relative to its tflops count, and low behold it does.
its performance is only 3% better the the 5700xt which is a 9.6 tflops AMD gpu. and only 23% better than the 5700 which is only 7.9 tflops.
A 12.1 tflops XSX is 53% more powerful than the 5700 and 26% more powerful than the 5700xt, but only offers 23% and 3% more performance? A 12.1 tflops gpu is basically performing like a 9.9 tflops gpu.
This explains why the 10.2 tflops PS5 GPU is only performing like a 8.6 tflops gpu. I mean the fact that the XSX is not able to even match the 2070 super which is around 10% slower than the 2080 the xsx GPU is supposed to match, it is clear to me that ALL AMD PC and console GPUs are underperforming here by a massive 20% margin.