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Next-Gen PS5 & XSX |OT| Console tEch threaD

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You really need to stop with this narrative. Sure the Github can be accurate, but its most likely to be outdated info. I’m 100% certain this was supposed to be the chip for 2019. It makes 0 sense to release 9.2TF in 2020 at $399 when they could’ve released it this year.

Care to bet a game on the 9.2TF since you’re so sure of this info?

Here’s what I think happened. Sony planned on doing midgen refresh again but they probably saw that the midgen refresh didn’t sell as well as they’d hoped so they scrapped that idea and also didn’t want to lose the power advantage to MS again. 8K won’t be here by midgen refresh either. The PS4 Pro was a test bed for them.

Insiders have stated the PS5 is more powerful, xbox chip designer most likely got sacked and ended up at intel. You don’t leave like that when the console is almost out. If you consider it done already, then that means MS aren’t making any changes 1 and a half year before release. Target specs points to PS5 being stronger.

Insiders >>> DF
Mark Cerny >>>>>> John Sell
Honestly I don't know why people still take the Github leaks as gospel when Matt came out and basically debunked it.

Not sure how one can come to the conclusion that the github leak is accurate when others have poked holes in it including Digital Foundry.
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You've been doing this with everyone who has information that may point in another direction.

It's perfectly fine if you don't believe him or think he's complete fraud, but there's no need to keep repeating yourself whenever his information is posted. The fact is, he has been verified, which means he at least knows something. Is his information old? Is it new? It still remains to be seen.

Just sit down and wait because what you're saying can completely blow up in your face.
The fact that you havent been doing that yourself is more of a problem than me doing it. You should take everything said by a person on a forum as bullshit until it is proven by facts. There have been leaks that I think are correct, such as the one back on Reddit that said Xbox had two consoles, Anaconda and Lockhart, and it had all the specs listed including tflops, RAM ans CPU speeds. At the time I took it with a peice of salt as it was some random on an internet forum. However, as time has gone on those leaks have proven correct. However, unlike the Reddit leak, not one of these so called insiders you have bet your life on have said even one spec. Not one. That's hardly a credible leak is it? Vague isnt something you should put your bets on. Now the AMD leaked benchmarks are 100% true, from the makers of the chip themselves. Sure Sony could have made some changes, but it is quite the head shaker that you have having a go at me because I am only putting stock in stuff that comes from a good source (AMD vs internet poster who said nothing) or has been proven correct (Reddit leak).
You are choosing to believe whatever backs your desire. If the AMD leaks showed PS5 putting out 13tflops, I bet you would be 100% in favour of the accuracy of the leaks. And if the leaks said that, then I would also be thinking it's most likely correct.
In the end however, wishful thinking wont make things so. PS5 and XSX will be what they will be. If Sony have upped the PS5 specs since the leaks I wont be upset, not be proven wrong. I havent said that I know PS5 is 9.2tflops, as I dont. I have said the only real leaks of credibility are the ones from AMD, and that tends to point towards a 36cu, 2.0ghz GPU. It also tends to show a XSX GPU having 56CUs, but thats all. The AMD leaks didn't say anything about Ray Tracing, by Cerny said it has hardware accelerated RT, so I believe it does as Cerny is more credible than something missing from a leaked benchmark. As I said, I am forming my "opinion" on what the specs maybe by taking into account only the most credible leaks. Klee doesn't make that list. Sorry.


You really need to stop with this narrative. Sure the Github can be accurate, but its most likely to be outdated info. I’m 100% certain this was supposed to be the chip for 2019. It makes 0 sense to release 9.2TF in 2020 at $399 when they could’ve released it this year.

Care to bet a game on the 9.2TF since you’re so sure of this info?

Here’s what I think happened. Sony planned on doing midgen refresh again but they probably saw that the midgen refresh didn’t sell as well as they’d hoped so they scrapped that idea and also didn’t want to lose the power advantage to MS again. 8K won’t be here by midgen refresh either. The PS4 Pro was a test bed for them.

Insiders have stated the PS5 is more powerful, xbox chip designer most likely got sacked and ended up at intel. You don’t leave like that when the console is almost out. If you consider it done already, then that means MS aren’t making any changes 1 and a half year before release. Target specs points to PS5 being stronger.

Insiders >>> DF
Mark Cerny >>>>>> John Sell
I'll take your bet that the ps5 is less TFs on the GPU than the XSX, the winner gets a next gen system, ps5 or xsx, of their choice?
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Can't forget about Reiner and Moriarty. Journalists with legit industry connections.

And since nothing has changed since E3 after the target specs leaked, that basically tells you enough.
Yeah forgot Reiner and Moriarty as well, thanks.

Reiner's tweets around E3 last year caused a massive uproar on Resetera when he posted that PS5 is more powerful.
He got so much abuse on twitter for his PS5 tweet that he took a break from posting any more information.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
The fact that you havent been doing that yourself is more of a problem than me doing it.

I have.

I've stated multiple times that there's too many things pointing in different directions that it's hard to rule anything out.

You're ruling everything out and attacking the credibility of other insiders and trying to point them out as frauds.

However, unlike the Reddit leak, not one of these so called insiders you have bet your life on have said even one spec. Not one. That's hardly a credible leak is it?

Did you read my post where I said i'm leaning it towards being 9-10TF?

Looks like you missed that one.

I'm not betting on those insiders being right, I've stated that I consider it a possibility since they are connected within the industry.

You are choosing to believe whatever backs your desire. If the AMD leaks showed PS5 putting out 13tflops, I bet you would be 100% in favour of the accuracy of the leaks. And if the leaks said that, then I would also be thinking it's most likely correct.

If I said I'm on the fence and I'm leaning towards the leaks being correct, then what does that say?

It would say that your assumption is wrong.

I don't go around telling how people they're delusional or wrong for considering what these insiders are saying could be true. I'm sure if these insiders are correct, guys like you are going to disappear because you're going to be so embarrassed that you put so much faith in those Github leaks.

That's not going to be an issue for me because I'm just pointing out that Klee and other insiders are saying similar things that could be a possibility.

My post prove that I'm considering all scenarios and instead of the one you're accusing me of.


Seems more and more People are saying PS5 reveal is pointing towards February.

On month a week or two and some days ..... stated earlier no one paid any attention.

Stating this again for emphasis
I'm even more confident that all of the this system is better than yours and industry bias towards certain companies is going to play out very differently this time around, as unfortunately things are going to get very Sony FFVII = Nintendo and SE relationship around here very soon.

maybe impossible but 499 is not. and if sony is 499 as well. its checkmate.

499 you say


On month a week or two and some days ..... stated earlier no one paid any attention.

Stating this again for emphasis
I'm even more confident that all of the this system is better than yours and industry bias towards certain companies is going to play out very differently this time around, as unfortunately things are going to get very Sony FFVII = Nintendo and SE relationship around here very soon.

499 you say

Not understanding this, can you elaborate? Are you saying SE will favor Nintendo over Sony or will it just be Sony+Nintendo?

crazy buttocks on a train

quite possibly the greatest username

iz this thng on??
Because suit their needs...

Or because they're the only leaks that have actually been deleted offline which implicated some possible truth to the details contained therein.

Either way, we'll find out soon where these systems actually fall. But insinuating almost everyone who sees credibility in them having an agenda is pretty lame. All the same, if you want to say some people doing so have their own agenda, the same can be said for some of those buying into the other rumors that favor their own preferred platform out of this.

Both sides have their zealots but (this is just from what I've noticed), there's a lot more bark back from some in the Sony camp against the Github leaks then there were some in the Microsoft camp against the 13TF PS5 10% more rumors going around just earlier.

As someone who doesn't have a dog in this race on either side so far, it's very funny to watch it unfold but also funny to see how the tendencies play out.
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Hey MS, you're either first or last! Shake n bake or you stand no chance.
Well, let me just quote the late, great Colonel Sanders who said, I'm too drunk to taste this chicken.

What's that got to do with this?

I got a message for all of them. Ready?
Shake and Bake!

What does that do? Does that blow your mind? That just happened!

What is that, a catch phrase or is that epilepsy?

Shake and Bake.


Shake and Bake.


Gold Member
Or because they're the only leaks that have actually been deleted offline which implicated some possible truth to the details contained therein.
There are countless of 'leaks' that get deleted dude... They're being selective in what they want to believe. Thats all.
Not understanding this, can you elaborate? Are you saying SE will favor Nintendo over Sony or will it just be Sony+Nintendo?
My guess is Kingdom Hearts/Dragon Quest related.
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On month a week or two and some days ..... stated earlier no one paid any attention.

Stating this again for emphasis
I'm even more confident that all of the this system is better than yours and industry bias towards certain companies is going to play out very differently this time around, as unfortunately things are going to get very Sony FFVII = Nintendo and SE relationship around here very soon.
So "never come back," you say?

Or because they're the only leaks that have actually been deleted offline which implicated some possible truth to the details contained therein.

Either way, we'll find out soon where these systems actually fall. But insinuating almost everyone who sees credibility in them having an agenda is pretty lame. All the same, if you want to say some people doing so have their own agenda, the same can be said for some of those buying into the other rumors that favor their own preferred platform out of this.

Both sides have their zealots but (this is just from what I've noticed), there's a lot more bark back from some in the Sony camp against the Github leaks then there were some in the Microsoft camp against the 13TF PS5 10% more rumors going around just earlier.

As someone who doesn't have a dog in this race on either side so far, it's very funny to watch it unfold but also funny to see how the tendencies play out.
You have to be joking right? The so called 'bark' regarding the github leaks is warranted as many have poked holes in its validity if you kept up with this thread and the one over on Resetera. So the bark is warranted. The data is not conclusive at all and should not be taken as confirmation on the final specs of either machine.

Also didn't you see how Reiner's twitter feed got nuked after E3 last year when he mentioned he heard that PS5 was more powerful? The man vowed to stop posting because of all the backlash from Xbox fans.
The fanboyish console war crap stinks from both sides. Both sides can be equally vocal if the narrative fits.


Gold Member
On month a week or two and some days ..... stated earlier no one paid any attention.

Stating this again for emphasis
I'm even more confident that all of the this system is better than yours and industry bias towards certain companies is going to play out very differently this time around, as unfortunately things are going to get very Sony FFVII = Nintendo and SE relationship around here very soon.

499 you say

Yep and info coming sooner then later, my guess anyhow :)


MS buyout of some Japanese studio?

And didn't SE go PS exclusive because of CDs over carts? So what's the parallel here.
I believe Ninty got upset at SE when they elected to put FFVII on the Playstation instead of N64. And basically told them they didn't want them on their platforms ever again.


Not understanding this, can you elaborate? Are you saying SE will favor Nintendo over Sony or will it just be Sony+Nintendo?

I believe Ninty got upset at SE when they elected to put FFVII on the Playstation instead of N64. And basically told them they didn't want them on their platforms ever again.

If Osiris isn't being literal with the SE reference, then I think he might be trying to say that big studios and/or franchises will go exclusive to either side. The beginning of money hat wars.

What would be on the same level as SE FF going PS exclusive? GTA on PS only??
On month a week or two and some days ..... stated earlier no one paid any attention.

Stating this again for emphasis
I'm even more confident that all of the this system is better than yours and industry bias towards certain companies is going to play out very differently this time around, as unfortunately things are going to get very Sony FFVII = Nintendo and SE relationship around here very soon.

499 you say
Are you alluding to some sort of betrayalton or exclusive that's going to piss people off?
There are countless of 'leaks' that get deleted dude... They're being selective in what they want to believe. Thats all.

Not necessarily in regards to PS5 and XSX though. The Github deletions are the most notable ones, and the fastest at that. And yeah, there're people on both MS and Sony sides being selective in what they want to believe....I've just been noticing there's a somewhat larger number of the latter doing that the past week or so, that's all.

You have to be joking right? The so called 'bark' regarding the github leaks is warranted as many have poked holes in its validity if you kept up with this thread and the one over on Resetera. So the bark is warranted. The data is not conclusive at all and should not be taken as confirmation on the final specs of either machine.

Also didn't you see how Reiner's twitter feed got nuked after E3 last year when he mentioned he heard that PS5 was more powerful? The man vowed to stop posting because of all the backlash from Xbox fans.
The fanboyish console war crap stinks from both sides. Both sides can be equally vocal if the narrative fits.

That's literally what I made mention of in my post so what are you getting so worked up about?

Also you're doing the same thing I have Fake quoted as saying in the post above yours here, so there is also that. People looking for confirmation bias on both sides will make a big deal and call out those on the other side engaging in the same thing.
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On month a week or two and some days ..... stated earlier no one paid any attention.

Stating this again for emphasis
I'm even more confident that all of the this system is better than yours and industry bias towards certain companies is going to play out very differently this time around, as unfortunately things are going to get very Sony FFVII = Nintendo and SE relationship around here very soon.

499 you say

Good day. I'm curious if you have any insights you might like to share about that random Reddit rumor of Sony looking to acquire Zenimax. Is this related to what you're talking about?


If Osiris isn't being literal with the SE reference, then I think he might be trying to say that big studios and/or franchises will go exclusive to either side. The beginning of money hat wars.

What would be on the same level as SE FF going PS exclusive? GTA on PS only??
He specifically says "around here." So I'm taking that literally. But then again, only Osiris knows at this point.
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