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Next-gen Racing Graphics Face-off | (Next-gen means current-gen)


Because you have a habit of coming to DC and GT threads and Forza is always better in your opinion. Or did I just imagine that?

And you are unbiased, or what?

can be considered as that one was released in early gen and the other near the end .. ;)

That is true. But keep in mind that the PS4 is roughly 40% more powerful than the XB1. That makes the technical achievement of Playground a lot more impressive tbh.


Standard car in GT6

Because you have a habit of coming to DC and GT threads and Forza is always better in your opinion. Or did I just imagine that?
It is better in my opinion but that's irrelevant. We're talking about the graphics, not the whole game, and it's my opinion that Forza now looks better with FH3, the others didn't but had their moments where they looked better.


That must be a LOD bug surely?.

in the case of pictures of cars LOD problem does not arise, I'm right next to the car..
and for the scenery, not need much zoom either, to put in embarrassment

sorry Risk Breaker, as much for me some GT6 standard cars are better modeled XP


It has twice the time to render a frame...
I can agree on part but half the framerate to work with does wonders

And let's not act like FM6 looks that bad

Especially in motion it looks fantastic and with a locked 60fps
There is that...but it Horizon has an open-world to render, dynamic environmental effects with a full day-night cycle compared to a closed circuit racer with baked lighting and environmental effects.

Sorry, but mainline Forza is miles behind the curve. They've never had visual ambitions.

Look at the FH3 performcance thread, people with a GTX 970 play that game on Ultra settings @1080p/30fps, if you want 60fps though... even a GTX 1080 can't keep that 100% of the time in only 1080p.
Forza Apex on the other hand can get over 300fps on my PC on a mix of low/medium settings while still looking almost as good as the XB1 version.

Also Forza Motorsport 6 allows for 23 opponents on XB1 (15 for Apex on PC), FH3 only 11 in both versions.
I know it's illustrative but sorry Tyler...I really don't care about the PC space : (

Still the most impressive racer out there -no disrespect to the other teams' remarkable work.- I am not even sure that Polyphony is gonna be able to top it...
If any studio can top DriveClub it's Polypony Digital. What we've seen so far is looking good and on-track to do just that.


Dumb, if I'm not mistaken, you've moved away from the original camera zone to a non-player car, and also not "reset" the focus on that car with X, which is why the LoD is set wrong in those shots.
Dumb, if I'm not mistaken, you've moved away from the original camera zone to a non-player car, and also not "reset" the focus on that car with X, which is why the LoD is set wrong in those shots.

LoD doesn't update on AI cars when you focus, unfortunately. Your own car drops LoD when you focus on AI, but their car doesn't get smoother. When you focus back on your car you see it pop back to full LoD.
The movement looks off because they're using drone mode which bobs around, and they stabilized the gif so the terrain is steady but the sky bobs around a bit lol..

Unless you mean the formations.. as in the way the clouds roll?

Yes, that's what I mean, sorry.

Drone shot. Plus I had to resort to YT 'stabiize' image enhancement, hence the juddering on the clouds for some reason. Anyway, FH3's sunrise / sunset are breathtaking...


Dumb, if I'm not mistaken, you've moved away from the original camera zone to a non-player car, and also not "reset" the focus on that car with X, which is why the LoD is set wrong in those shots.

and if I did exactly the same configuration as for a picture of my car
Focus on the car etc ... close to my own car

no need to close our eyes, it is the limitations of the current hardware :/ obligation to overlook some aspect of the game, less visible in game..


and if I did exactly the same configuration as for a picture of my car
Focus on the car etc ... close to my own car

no need to close our eyes, it is the limitations of the current hardware :/ obligation to overlook some aspect of the game, less visible in game..

I was asking in response to your saying it's not a LoD trick. Was I mistaken? It was a sincere question. Your sentences are getting hard to follow.

Edit: Reading back, I intended my first post as more of a question. Re-reading it, it sounds matter-of-fact.
I still feel like Drive Club looks better to me, but FH3 definitely closed the gap big time. Considering FH3 is open world, it is overall the more impressive game technically IMO.


The one thing I don't like about the DC skybox is that the clouds are kinda always the same. Like big shapes of heavy fog. They don't have "official" cloud shapes. Other than that it's really cool.

dr guildo

The one thing I don't like about the DC skybox is that the clouds are kinda always the same. Like big shapes of heavy fog. They don't have "official" cloud shapes. Other than that it's really cool.












With the courtesy of DUmb and others screenshoters...


They're trying to say the cloud edges tend to look more like cirrus/nimbus than cumulonimbus. It's a characteristic of the plug-in Evo licensed for the tech (even though it still gives really cool results, especially combined with directional lighting).

Edit: I posted this before the image link was fixed, so it's a little redundant now, lol


np Dr guildo ;)

yes the light is there for many but there is indeed a cloud of diversity, it may be missing the big cumulonumbus ^^

I think the impression of seeing the same clouds in Driveclub just because many images are made by bad weather unlike FH3, is more sexy with good weather with more fragmented sky ;)
but even though I find the FH3 skies less diversified, they nevertheless remain more photorealistic in general <3



It kills me knowing we won't get DC2 i mean if this is their first go at it, i can't imagine how the sequels would have been :(


DriveClub looks incredible at times.

The issue is the fact that it looks incredible "at times". I find that it's quite an inconsistent looking game.

It goes from almost being photo realistic to looking ok.

With regards to the Forza games I personally don't think they ever hit the highs DriveClub does, but they generally tend to consistently maintain the same level of fidelity in the graphics.

No more Motorstorm too. :(

If given a choice I wish DriveClub had never been released and they focused on a motorstorm game. Driveclub for me is the best racer on the PS4 but I'd have given anything to have a new motorstorm. Drving the Wombat gave me a taste of what could have been.

Just imagine how good motorstorm would have been with dynamic weather, mud deformation etc At this stage I'd be happy with a 60fps remastered Motorstorm trilogy, but that is NEVER going to happen.

My only hope now is Codemasters release something similar. I could totally see them publishing that type of game.


I know forums are about opinions but this is a shitty one - in my opinion and just wrong.
That's fine but you need to explain why it's 'shitty'. Sure, the visuals in Forza Motorsport are more than serviceable but they have never been cutting edge. Feel free to provide examples of when they have been ahead of the competition. I mean this example...
The overcast lighting is incredible.

...is showcasing a platforms visual capability. To my mind Forza Motorsport has never had this type of visual impact.













With the courtesy of DUmb and others screenshoters...
And that seals it, nothing, nothing gets close right now. With every new racer released, you have people coming in and compare it to DC, sometimes the very same people we have here, declaring any new release the new graphics king amongst racers. I saw it with Forza6, I saw it with FH2, I saw it with NFS and now we're seeing it with FH3, only to become quickly shot down with pics and footage/gifs. You have to be really disingenuous to present FH3 against DC and say with a straight face that FH3 is better visually.

Look, you have people discussing clouds, where the volumetric clouds in DC is much better as it relates to movement and flow, notwithstanding it's just better on a technical level. Can you imagine if FH3 had volumetric clouds, how this conversation would be reversed?

Lighting is not even a question, when I said Forza looks cartoony in a prior thread, it had nothing to do with cartoony in the traditional sense but rather the plastic looking nature of Horizon's cars and certain environmental details. That dune buggy looks like plastic on many angles and in general the detail on the cars in FH3 is lacking and does not give off a realistic look in comparison to other racers. Interiors are not close to being as good as DC and that also includes the driver, the baked and less impressive lighting in FH3 does not do it any favors in a comparison either.

So less detail on cars and environments, worse lighting, worse weather effects, worse
lod and draw distance detail in FH3. As for the last point, look at any picture of FH3, how far do you really see into the distance, try to resolve intricate detail in the distance as you can in DC. The draw distance is much better in DC, and you can see detailed mountains in the distance, detailed foliage in the distance. Then when we compare the immediate environment in DC, and yes that has been put under the lens many times, the detail in the immediate environment is staggering in DC compared to other racers, even under high zoom.

I've heard two things that seems to get propagated in these threads.

1.) The water splashes are better in Forza Horizon.

No, there are water puddles specifically placed in the environment in FH3, just like Forza 6, they don't look at all realistic when your car go through them, if anything it's a very cheap looking effect that looks the same and sprays the same volume everytime. It's been the first thing that stood out to me as odd when I first saw FH3. Another thing with those pools of water is how static and flat they look before you approach or engage them. They almost look 2D in nature on approach. Driving towards water sources look really odd to me in FH3 and this again lends to the lack of detail you can resolve into the distance in the title.

2.) The IQ is better in FH3....

I believe this can be argued, because the IQ in DC have been improved quite a bit from launch. People keep saying that, but even at launch DC was never a jagfest of a game, it had some good AA coverage, but that has improved since then.

I hear people keep bringing it up, but it's easier for me to sport Jaggies in the Horizon titles than I can in DC. That's why I have maintained that the 4xMSAA in FH3 is dynamic and not fixed. Try to pick up jaggies on the cars in DC as opposed to the cars in FH3, Look at the envronments and try to pick up jaggies on the powerlines and distance objects in DC. I think we can all agree that DC is a very clean game in that respect.....

Which brings me to the next point, maybe people are referring to AF and this is an area that I believe DC can improve, but is FH3 using Aniso? or is it using more Aniso than DC. I don't think so. We have seen many instances where it looks like they may be using trilinear, no AF or very low, so on the count of IQ, I do not think FH3 wins here either.


I wish I had more time to do a more comprehensive post with pics et. al, but I think much can be deduced with the pics we have spread out in this thread and other threads. Just look at any FH3 pic/vid and check it's LOD as I mentioned, try to resolve detail far out. Tbf, just in the last page or two, I've seen people post FH3 pics with huge amounts of fog masking detail with a very small draw distance even, and we must remember, this is an open world game, yet DC's draw distance and detail is much more impressive.

Anyway, look at this video....


Splashes don't look dynamic, it's all the same, as for what I said about 2D looking puddles. Look at the hummer, during cockpit view or inside view you can see those flat pools of water splashing water on the windscreen. Hmmmm...this is a hummer folks, how would it even reach, which shows how fake lots of things are. Also, looking at the hummer from side angles as it treads through water, you can see those flat pools of water splashing near or pass the height of the hummer...and yes, you bet, that looks very odd too, but that's not the biggest take..... Look at the hummer towards the end of the video, you realize how dry that hummer is which just got splashes of water all over the windshield is now dry with no water drip, tires which just went from water to sand are now squeeky clean and black as if just bought, and the very comical indentation or trails in the sand from the back cam is now gone when the camera loops around the car and environment in the last few seconds?

Yes, all of these things make FH3 deficient in the visual department and these are but a few of the anomalies I've noticed........FH2 had some low res grass effects as you plied through vegetation seen through a low back cam, but I would think that was fixed in FH3, I mean it had to be, but I haven't checked.....
I got another great overcast picture earlier that I might as well post here.


The sheer IQ and the lighting are unbelieveable. In direct sunlight it looks amazing like AC under diffuse lighting it's just on another level.
1.) The water splashes are better in Forza Horizon.

No, there are water puddles specifically placed in the environment in FH3, just like Forza 6, they don't look at all realistic when your car go through them, if anything it's a very cheap looking effect that looks the same and sprays the same volume everytime. It's been the first thing that stood out to me as odd when I first saw FH3. Another thing with those pools of water is how static and flat they look before you approach or engage them. They almost look 2D in nature on approach. Driving towards water sources look really odd to me in FH3 and this again lends to the lack of detail you can resolve into the distance in the title.
Yeah, the splashes are nothing to write home about.

The effect that water has on your handling is damn nice though.You can really feel your sink and pull.


Yeah, the splashes are nothing to write home about.

The effect that water has on your handling is damn nice though.You can really feel your sink and pull.

The helicopter creates ripples on the water as it flies over. That and cars create a wake as they drive through water.

Also Driveclub's image quality has not been improved from launch, as has been shown in this thread many times.
I still think DC is technically and overall more impressive, but FH3 is much prettier, and has better skies.

I mean, they're literally real skies...



The helicopter creates ripples on the water as it flies over. That and cars create a wake as they drive through water.

You know that's fake right? The helicopter is not doing anything, but I understand that's the impression they want to give, but it looks so fake and bad. A proper ripple from rotoring blades from a heli flying this low would send ripples to the other end of the pool. Look how static that ripple effect is and it's it's pretty fixed to the first half of the pool whilst the outerhalf is un-affected. Seems like it was a perfectly measured effect for half of the pool. I can tell you that this is not dynamic and moreover it's static and looks bad.

Noobcraft said:
Also Driveclub's image quality has not been improved from launch, as has been shown in this thread many times.
Is that pic showing that DC has bad IQ?


You know that's fake right? The helicopter is not doing anything, but I understand that's the impression they want to give, but it looks so fake and bad. A proper ripple from rotoring blades from a heli flying this low would send ripples to the other end of the pool. Look how static that ripple effect is and it's it's pretty fixed to the first half of the pool whilst the outerhalf is un-affected. Seems like it was a perfectly measured effect for half of the pool. I can tell you that this is not dynamic and moreover it's static and looks bad.

Everything in every game Is fake... just the level of approximation varies. Driveclub's (almost gel-like) rain is fake as fuck, but nobody cares because we're only concerned with how it looks.. and FH3's puddles look damn good.

Is that pic showing that DC has bad IQ?

That's one hell of a swerve.


That picture of the Focus RS reminded me of how impressed I was with Forza Horizon 3's car models. The radiator and intercooler are modeled so intricately.

Also Driveclub's image quality has not been improved from launch, as has been shown in this thread many times.

That's my only complaint regarding DC. Anti-aliasing is decent enough, but the lack of AF is mind boggling. Sometimes it looks really bad.

In that regard FH3 triumphs greatly with its 4xMSAA+1080p.


That's my only complaint regarding DC. Anti-aliasing is decent enough, but the lack of AF is mind boggling. Sometimes it looks really bad.

In that regard FH3 triumphs greatly with its 4xMSAA+1080p.
Yeah. Most of those issues are resolved in the rain, where it generally looks fantastic, but Driveclub can look pretty muddy at times. It would've been pretty great to see a PC version or a Pro version before they shuttered Evolution. Downsampling, higher res textures, and a good AF solution would have fixed my biggest issues with the visuals.
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