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Next Super Smash Bros. discussion thread, Community Edition

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Maturity, bitches.
I felt sorry for Koji Kondo. They invite him to arrange a song and the song ends up being the Super Mario Bros theme. Let the poor guy do something else.

And then they ask someone else to arrange the same bloody song as well. Why?

All the while Super Mario Land 2's athletic theme is ignored for another decade.

I like Super Mario RPG's arrangement of the underground theme. A bit simple by today's standards, but it was the first time I recall it ever being made so funky.

Oh and I suppose Mario DDR's is automatically the funkiest of all.


Junior Member
Who said that?

Anth0ny called it a butchered remix and Nocturnowl called it questionable. I thought it was pretty good. I like that it differs from the original.

Nocturnowl said:
To Brawls musical credit it took a track that I am beyond tired of due to overuse and made the best and most oddly funky version of it yet.
That being the SMB Underground theme. Seriously though Nintnedo need to stop putting it in EVERY Mario game, whether a sport spin off or board game outing it always sneaks in somehow, it's had more use than the overworld from SMB at this point.

Another good arrangement of that song is in Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga. It definitely doesn't sound as good as Brawl's version, but I like that it's faster paced.
I felt sorry for Koji Kondo. They invite him to arrange a song and the song ends up being the Super Mario Bros theme. Let the poor guy do something else.

And then they ask someone else to arrange the same bloody song as well. Why?

All the while Super Mario Land 2's athletic theme is ignored for another decade.
the recent SML2 thread reminded me of that gem and also the star maze music, such a criminally ignored game.

Another good arrangement of that song is in Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga. It definitely doesn't sound as good as Brawl's version, but I like that it's faster paced.
Not one of my favourites that one, once again it's a staple of every Mario RPG as well.
I will give the Mario Party version credit for the percussion though.
Talking of music what are some song that people would be pleased to see arranged?

Wario Land 4's bizarre theme-song. If not because Wario Land 4's the best game on the GBA, then because there's was too little Land-related music in Brawl in the first place, though World(while being really disappointing for a Treasure-made Wario game) had a nice soundtrack too.

In terms of Donkey Kong related stuff I can't decide whether this or this is the best song from DKC2, but I love both dearly. A metal-remix of this would be neat
when K. Rool is shown off HEY TOGGLESWORTH
. Hope DKCR doesn't mean we're only going to get DKC remixes for the next Smash.

It'd be nice to get actual remixes from the Prime series this time. Also pretty partial to this underrated and creepy tune from Super Metroid.

Every single boss theme from Skyward Sword (Mind there's spoilers in the video names in those clips for people who haven't beaten the game yet!)

Lastly, a Super Mario RPG battle medley would be neat too.

Also I liked Stickerbush Stickerbrush Bramble Blast in Brawl, but I think the original is overrated anyway so it didn't feel as SACRILEGIOUS to do anything less than a full-on orchestrated remix (which barely any franchise got in Brawl anyways) as others made it out to be.

I like Super Mario RPG's arrangement of the underground theme. A bit simple by today's standards, but it was the first time I recall it ever being made so funky.
I'm honestly far more partial to the chase-variation you hear late in the game, though I wish it was a bit longer so it didn't loop as much.


Oh and I'm sure someone else already said it, but we call want Geno!




Junior Member
I think this is the most underrated Mario song. It's definitely not the best, but I still like it a lot. Also, I want to see more Mother music. This is my favorite song from Mother 3 but I don't know if it would work in a Smash Bros. game.


I think this is the most underrated Mario song. It's definitely not the best, but I still like it a lot. Also, I want to see more Mother music. This is my favorite song from Mother 3 but I don't know if it would work in a Smash Bros. game.

Well Duster has been confirmed as a playable character by Sakurai, so we can probably expect an arrangement of this gorgeous song.

kidding, but a boy can dream.

Azure J

Talking of music what are some song that people would be pleased to see arranged? It would be nice to see the GameBoy gets some more love since hearing these old songs redone with modern technology is half the appeal of the soundtrack.

One song I like is Blimp Off from Donkey Kong Land.

Music Post time? Music post time:

Everything Super Mario Land 2 & 3 (Wario Land), but most especially:

SML2 Athletic Theme
Island Overworld
Space Zone Map
Star Road
Wario's Castle
Battle With Wario (Part 2)

Rice Beach Stage 1
Cave Stage
Aquatic Stage
Train Stages

Donkey Kong Land
Voice of The Temple (BEST version right here)

I mean really, there's a lot that has yet to be tapped into for soundtracks in the games. I couldn't begin to list everything, but thanks to the recent GB threads on GAF, these songs have been on my mind for a while.

Also, even though I omitted it from the quote, I agree with you. My dream Smash has a track in every genre from every franchise. Would love to see Hideki Naganuma rip some shit Jet Set Radio style for one, then you get the tried and true orchestrated from Masashi Hamauzu only to go full retro/bitpop with either Yuzo Koshiro or Hip Tanaka, then going back to something jazzy by Tomoya Ohtani only to give us something with a paced rock beat by Ippo Yamada. Basically go wild and surprise us. Also make sure that it gets an official album release with a complimentary making of Smash art booklet and I'd buy the shit out of it. ;)


Junior Member
Well Duster has been confirmed as a playable character by Sakurai, so we can probably expect an arrangement of this gorgeous song.

kidding, but a boy can dream.

Can you imagine his leg flailing around the whole match? It would be worth it just for that.

Azure J

The fact that no one even commented on the Mario Tennis GBC link I posted makes me :(

Game doesn't get enough love.

I liked the song, but I was always more of a Mario Golf guy:

Opening/Main Menu
Pick A Character (Coolest rendition of the 1-1 overworld theme on the GBC)
Marion Club Theme
Driving Range
Putts' Match
Palm Club Theme
Grace Match (Fucking love this one)
Dune Club Theme
Tiny Match Theme (This one's great too)
Links Club Theme (Perhaps the best theme in the game imo)
Gene Yuss Match Theme
Dormie Course

The game also had some awesome jingles for the actual scores:

Hole In One

Edit: Goddamnit, this is all the more reason we need Daisy as a Land series and Mario Sports representative.
I found it absolutely bizarre there wasn't a D.C.M.C. remix in Brawl, or any proper reference to Mother 3's fictional band for that matter considering how the Runaway Five seemed to cameo both in the original Smash Bros. and Melee's intro.


The fact that no one even commented on the Mario Tennis GBC link I posted makes me :(

Game doesn't get enough love.

Mario Tennis GBC is a top 5 GB/C game for me. Probably only after Pokemon Gens 1/2 and Wario Land 3. I played the fuck out of that game.

Admittedly, I had the sound off most of the time. Hopefully they rerelease it on eshop, I'd love to play through it again.

Masked Man

I said wow
Also, I want to see more Mother music. This is my favorite song from Mother 3 but I don't know if it would work in a Smash Bros. game.

The problem is that all of the music in Mother 3 is just so damned good! D: (The 3i arrangements are some of my favorite music of all time, for what it's worth.)
I was a little surprised that D.C.M.C.'s Theme didn't make it into Brawl. I dunno how much sway he has over what kind of music gets into the next game, but I'll do my best to persuade Sakai-san next time I see him.


If any part of SMRPG is used in anything, it better be Bowser wielding a chain chomp. That shit was the most badass weapon in the Mario-verse.
I do see Mario getting any new meat in SSB4.

Hell, there were no new Mario Characters in Brawl.
I do too, hence why I'd prefer a weird but at least original SMRPG character getting in over bland Toad, shitty Koopaling replacement Bowser Jr. or an alternate version of Mario who would fill a niche Game & Watch already does.

Though 3D-ifying a Paper Mario partner (Lady Bow, Vivian, Goombella or Bobbery would be neat), Fawful or Rosalina could also work.

Wario, bro.

So SSB WiiU will have started development at some point recently. I hope Nintendo gives Sakurai a team of a couple hundred so we get it quicker.

Also, they had better keep Ike in it, and give us Dillon as a playable character! If they decide to keep Sonic out of the game this time, they could move most of his moveset to Dillon without missing a beat.


Restating for dozens of pages later: I want Dunban. Unfortunately, if we get anyone from Xenoblade, it'll be Shulk.

Forever an assist trophy, if even that. ;_;
Fawful would be fun, but I would still prefer Geno to finally be playable.

Also, Shulk as a new fighter. Imagine the cool moves he could have using the Monado!
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