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Next Super Smash Bros. discussion thread, Community Edition

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So I just beat Kid Icarus, and I think the reason Sakurai wanted to make that game was just so he'll have a bunch of new characters to add to Smash Bros.
lol Ridley color/costumes will be funny, but a meta ridley costume will be amazing

Fucking around a bit in GIMP...

Could've made it look better, but as said... just horsing around lol.

What about that guy who asks if you remember him?

I think a large part of what characters will go into the next SSB will be determined by what the launch titles/projects are for the Wii U. We know there's probably going to be a Pikmin 3, so if there are any new characters introduced in that there might be some crossover/splash. Same for the 3DS lineup: you've got an upcoming Paper Mario game, Luigi's Mansion 2, NSMB2, Fire Emblem: Awakening...consider what's introduced/popularized by those games should be right around when this is going to start going into development.

Basically, unannounced things are going to influence the way the roster goes per new characters I'd say. If they're going to launch a new Pilotwings with Wii U, or a new F-Zero or Star Fox, a new character could show up for each of those franchises. Unless they're planning on relaunching a new F-Zero for Wii U, though, I doubt we'll see anyone past Captain Falcon.

I'd love to see Paper Mario, Rosalina, Bowser Jr., and Kamek...but that may make it feel too Mario heavy. I wouldn't be surprised to see at least two of those (Kamek being a representative for the Yoshi franchise would be nice, especially since he's shown up in recent spin-off games). I'd probably say Paper Mario and Bowser Jr. are the most likely, based on Paper Mario 3D and NSMB2 coming out soon. I'd expect one new character from the new Kid Icarus, but I think two is pushing it since it won't be as relevant when the new SSB comes out. On the other hand, it is a Sakurai game and he threw in two new Kirby characters for Brawl.

Overall, I'd be really surprised if we got more than 10 new additions. People were expecting, what...a 40-50 character roster for Brawl and we got 35. Considering we're starting to scrape the bottom of the barrel for worthwhile characters, I think around 45 is the maximum character list (although there may be more changing characters like a second Pokemon Trainer perhaps, or something else I can't think of). Maybe, maybe 50 but I think it's a long shot.


Paper Mario is a must. I'm surprised he wasn't in Brawl. Seems like an obvious choice with a unique potential move list.
Oh, also... Hi Ilpalazzo, you might remember me from SWF (though not with this nickname). :3

Who are you on SWF?

You don't need to list reasons why characters I mentioned got into SSB, I know just as well. The bottom line is sales figures is not any kind of accurate measurement of why characters have gotten to be in SSB games previously nor should it be used to predict who will or won't get into the future ones. The only thing that matters is what Sakurai thinks. Sakurai could put in Ryota Hayami from Wave Race if he wanted to and the reasoning would be he thought it would be cool or funny, not because Wave Race is some amazing selling franchise.

I don't agree with that. Sakurai doesn't just pick whatever characters he likes (although I'm not denying that some characters pretty much got in because of that). Nearly every character in SSB can have strong arguments made for their inclusion that aren't just "because Sakurai wanted them in". You were initially saying that Dedede and Medusa were directly comparable because they're antagonists from series that Sakurai worked on, but for the most part, series that have sold a lot and are really popular get more characters in Smash Bros. This isn't an absolute law that determines how many characters every series gets, but Medusa, who was only in one old beloved game and one new popular game, is not a shoo-in like Dedede, who was in a ton of big releases, was. If Sakurai decides that he really wants to put Medusa in this game, he could, but I think that it's reasonable to assume that Kid Icarus won't get more than one newcomer based on how things have gone in previous Smash Bros. games. That's all I was saying.
Paper Mario is a must. I'm surprised he wasn't in Brawl. Seems like an obvious choice with a unique potential move list.

Seriously. Sakurai better put him in. Hammer and partner based attacks. And for glide, he can turn into a motherfuckin' paper airplane.

The possibilities, man.


Also, I'd prefer Captain Syrup over any of the WarioWare cast, to be frank.

Truth. This should be stressed more. I can see the WW cast getting maybe another AT at the most.

And for the Mario series I think Bowser Jr has a good chance. And Toad would be pretty cool the more that I think about it but he's very unlikely.
It's kind of hard for me to imagine Bowser Jr. in Smash Bros. It seems like the only reason he'd get in is because he's currently the most important Mario character aside from the ones who are already in Smash Bros., but I don't feel like that's enough (I do think that's enough reason for, say, Krom and whatever generation 5 Pokemon to get in, but those series are different from Mario, which is already pretty well-represented by the four or five characters already in Brawl). I can't really see him bringing much to the game from a gameplay standpoint.


It's kind of hard for me to imagine Bowser Jr. in Smash Bros. It seems like the only reason he'd get in is because he's currently the most important Mario character aside from the ones who are already in Smash Bros., but I don't feel like that's enough (I do think that's enough reason for, say, Krom and whatever generation 5 Pokemon to get in, but those series are different from Mario, which is already pretty well-represented by the four or five characters already in Brawl). I can't really see him bringing much to the game from a gameplay standpoint.

Bowser jr. could work as a lighter, weaker, yet faster Bowser as a starting point or he could possibly get a new moveset based off the paintbrush he used in Sunshine. They could make him unique if they put some effort into it. Plus he would be another villain added to the roster.


It's kind of hard for me to imagine Bowser Jr. in Smash Bros. It seems like the only reason he'd get in is because he's currently the most important Mario character aside from the ones who are already in Smash Bros., but I don't feel like that's enough (I do think that's enough reason for, say, Krom and whatever generation 5 Pokemon to get in, but those series are different from Mario, which is already pretty well-represented by the four or five characters already in Brawl). I can't really see him bringing much to the game from a gameplay standpoint.

The thing is y'know that any version of Bowser Jr. would at least be a Bowser that doesn't suck. Even if they went the uncreative way and just made him lighter and faster and didn't give him any unique moves, Smash just favors that kind of playstyle.


I don't agree with that. Sakurai doesn't just pick whatever characters he likes (although I'm not denying that some characters pretty much got in because of that). Nearly every character in SSB can have strong arguments made for their inclusion that aren't just "because Sakurai wanted them in". You were initially saying that Dedede and Medusa were directly comparable because they're antagonists from series that Sakurai worked on, but for the most part, series that have sold a lot and are really popular get more characters in Smash Bros. This isn't an absolute law that determines how many characters every series gets, but Medusa, who was only in one old beloved game and one new popular game, is not a shoo-in like Dedede, who was in a ton of big releases, was. If Sakurai decides that he really wants to put Medusa in this game, he could, but I think that it's reasonable to assume that Kid Icarus won't get more than one newcomer based on how things have gone in previous Smash Bros. games. That's all I was saying.

Your entire argument around character selection pretty much crumbles due to the fact that Kojima contacted Sakurai personally and begged him to get Snake in, which finally happened with Brawl. I don't understand why you're trying to de-emphasize Sakurai's involvement in Smash Bros. considering the fact that Iwata said that they wouldn't have been able to make a new game without him. Certainly there are outside factors like popularity and requests that he takes into consideration but ultimately it's Sakurai's decision on who winds up in the game.

I assume you read the Iwata Asks for Super Smash Bros. Brawl, correct?

Sakurai: Correct. I know I’m the one who’s being interviewed, but I’d like to ask you how Nintendo felt about having outsiders in the game.

Iwata: You mean, whether or not it was okay?

Sakurai: Right.

Iwata: Everyone understood for the most part since that’s the nature of Smash Bros. However, there were debates about where to draw the line. For the most part though, it was readily solved since we were comfortable that you were in charge for the selection. I myself thought it was best to make the game as inclusive and entertaining as possible since festive opportunities like Smash Bros. come along only once in a great while.

Sakurai: I’m glad everyone felt they could trust me. For my part, I have no regrets about incorporating Snake and Sonic into the game and I think their inclusion was well worthwhile.

How can you even try to deny the fact that if Sakurai wants something in the game, it's going to happen?
How can you even try to deny the fact that if Sakurai wants something in the game, it's going to happen?

Are you pretending to know what Sakurai wants, or what?

What exactly is your argument? That Sakurai is so biased towards his own series that he's going to put two Kid Icarus newcomers in? I really don't understand what you're disagreeing with.

If you really wanted to boil absolutely everything down to "you don't know, Sakurai does, end of story" then there would be no discussion in this topic at all.
I'm also pretty sure that Nintendo themselves have influence over the roster. I doubt they'd let Sakurai drop Mario just cause he can't stand fat Italians.


Maturity, bitches.
If we got a teaser trailer for Smash U at E3 then I expect that any new characters shown will be ones from series with recent releases with perhaps one surprise resurrection. If they decide to bring back other characters from Nintendo's past I expect all of those to be hidden characters and we will not hear about them for a long long time, perhaps all the way till launch.

Conor 419

Wasn't there rumours that SSBU would be heavily third party focused, with these being the predicted additions?


Saki Amamiya
Airan Jo




Chun Li
Chris Redfield
Jill Valentine


Solid Snake
Big Boss


Tony Hawk

Square Enix

Cloud Strife
Aerith Gainsborough

Electronic Arts


Namco Bandai

Lloyd Irving
Genis Sage

I quite like the idea myself.


Are you pretending to know what Sakurai wants, or what?

What exactly is your argument? That Sakurai is so biased towards his own series that he's going to put two Kid Icarus newcomers in? I really don't understand what you're disagreeing with.

If you really wanted to boil absolutely everything down to "you don't know, Sakurai does, end of story" then there would be no discussion in this topic at all.

Yeah, it's kind of funny how without Sakurai there wouldn't be Super Smash Bros. at all.

My argument is that it's up to him who makes the cut for the games based on who he thinks would be a good fit, not the sales figures for the respective game series.


Wasn't there rumours that SSBU would be heavily third party focused, with these being the predicted additions?

I quite like the idea myself.

that's the worst rumor ever.

This isn't Gaming all stars smash bros.

It's Nintendo all stars smash bros. + a couple guest
Wasn't there rumours that SSBU would be heavily third party focused, with these being the predicted additions?

I quite like the idea myself.

Hope not. Also, it'd be hilarious if they did this and like that list there were tons of characters who have none or one appearance on Nintendo hardware to their name.

If we're going to have third party characters keep it simple and keep it old school. Capcom; Mega Man and Ryu. SEGA - just pull Knuckles or Tails to go alongside Sonic. Konami - keep Snake and add a NES/SNES era Castlevania character.

I feel like those three companies are the only three I'd actually want to see represented third-party wise. I won't be sad if there's no third party folks this time around, though.

If Square were in, Sora is the obvious choice, I suppose. Also obvious would be somebody from Dragon Quest considering Nintendo's now taken over publishing duties for that in Europe/NA. People wishing for Cloud, Sephiroth etc are retarded.


Yeah, it's kind of funny how without Sakurai there wouldn't be Super Smash Bros. at all.

My argument is that it's up to him who makes the cut for the games based on who he thinks would be a good fit, not the sales figures for the respective game series.

I agree with you on the fact that his success does give him the right to do whatever he wants, but that worries me a bit. Such a massive game needs a more collaborative effort with Sakurai at the lead of course. The fact that he is letting others help in the balancing is a good sign that he realizes he can't do it all himself..maybe.


I agree with you on the fact that his success does give him the right to do whatever he wants, but that worries me a bit. Such a massive game needs a more collaborative effort with Sakurai at the lead of course. The fact that he is letting others help in the balancing is a good sign that he realizes he can't do it all himself..maybe.

Yeah, I'm thinking that the burden of an HD Super Smash Bros for Wii U plus the fact there is another Super Smash Bros for 3DS is just way too much for him to be responsible for the majority of both games. He even said that with Melee he was spending the majority of his time on the game and rarely even going to his own home for anything more than sleep.
lol Tony Hawk in your list

do it Sakurai, the 900 is Tony's final smash

i think Rayman has a legit shot of making it, what with origins but then again, dem rabbids might get the ubisoft rep
Chris and Jill? Big Boss? FF7 characters? Hah. You even had me going up until Tony Hawk, where I burst out in laughter.

If Square were in, Sora is the obvious choice, I suppose. Also obvious would be somebody from Dragon Quest considering Nintendo's now taken over publishing duties for that in Europe/NA. People wishing for Cloud, Sephiroth etc are retarded.

Sora? I dunno. I think a Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest character seem the likely choice. In the Mario spin-off games that Squeenix developed for Nintendo, there actually have been characters from exactly those 2 franchises, with the FF characters not being named ones but generic White Mage, Black Mage, Ninja, as well as a Moogle and Cactuar, and a Behemoth as boss. DQ had named characters and slimes in the Itadaki Street series, iirc.
If Squeenix made it in, I'd actually wager on exactly these FF character choices - Black Mage and Moogle seem the most likely to me. Maybe a Chocobo.

I do agree that people wishing for FF7+ characters are retarded, though.


If Capcom didn't want the world to forget Mega Man exists I would say he'd be a shoe-in for a guest challenger.
Yeah, it's kind of funny how without Sakurai there wouldn't be Super Smash Bros. at all.

My argument is that it's up to him who makes the cut for the games based on who he thinks would be a good fit, not the sales figures for the respective game series.

Of course it's up to Sakurai, no one is doubting that. But to deny that series popularity has anything to do with character selection is just silly. There's a reason why Mario, Zelda, and Pokemon have consistently been the series with the most representation (characters and otherwise). Series popularity is a rather large part of how a series is represented, and sales are a rather reasonable barometer for popularity (how else does one gauge series popularity?). It's not the only factor, but it absolutely is one. To deny that is just being willfully ignorant.


Maturity, bitches.
A list of bollocks.

If Konami got another representative it should be Twinbee.

If Capcom didn't want the world to forget Mega Man exists I would say he'd be a shoe-in for a guest challenger.
Simon Belmont would be a better choice.
Veteran Nintendo fans have more nostalgia for Simon Belmont than, say, Marth, dude's a fucking shoe-in if they fancy throwing in 3rd party characters beyond Mega Man. To use KevinCow's terminology, he's an honourary Nintendo character. (Ryu Hyabusa too.)

Also Rayman would rock, Sam Fisher or The Prince would be a much more appropriate 2nd pick than Altair (or Ezio) and EA can go fuck off.
Whenever Castlevania stuff comes up on GAF and people say Simon Belmont when Capcom is mentioned, I am never sure whether they are trolling or are seriously believing that Castlevania belongs to Capcom. ._.
Whenever Castlevania stuff comes up on GAF and people say Simon Belmont when Capcom is mentioned, I am never sure whether they are trolling or are seriously believing that Castlevania belongs to Capcom. ._.
Considering it harkens back to an old, 2005 NeoGAF topic/meme, I'm fairly certain they are being facetious.

Although it does raise the question of whether or not a given company can offer multiple franchises worth of characters. If so, I'd gladly go for a Belmont. (Simon, Trevor, Richter or Julius would suffice. I'd suggest Alucard, but it's not like we need MORE sword users in the game.)

Not sure who Sega's second rep could be - while I'd be pulling for Tails based on his versatile arsenal (as I already went into in detail), if it had to be somebody from another series... huh. Axel Stone? Blaze Fielding? Akira Yuki? Vyse the Legend? Vectorman? Ryo Hazuki (yes I know Shenmue never released on a Nintendo console shut up)? NiGHTS? The Heresy Dragon/Lagi (might be a bit big)? Man, there are a lot of Sega characters to call back to.

Capcom's second rep, assuming the first would be Mega Man, would be exeedingly obvious: Ryu.
SEGA should go in with a Golden Axe character, imo, preferably Gilius Thunderhead. Or Space Harrier.

Also, Mario is a shoto clone. He has all the special moves that Ryu has - a dragon punch, a hurricane (albeit not a kick), a fireball. And he has black hair and red head gear, and one of the most straight forward movesets in the game. :3

BTW, Captain N would be awesome in this game, especially if we got Mega Man and Simon Belmont.

Meta and Omega Ridley, dawg.

I just did recolors on those, and both Meta and Omega Ridley aren't mere recolors, they actually wear armor and shit. I probably could've changed his torso to grey or something, but I'm a lazy fuck, and that wasn't meant to be accurate anyway, just an example of what it could be, y'know?
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