Red Arremer
Ridley will be here, you'll see. You'll all see.
Not losing hope despite the disappointment of his absence in Brawl.
I was holding for him out till the game was released.
Ridley will be here, you'll see. You'll all see.
Not losing hope despite the disappointment of his absence in Brawl.
lol Ridley color/costumes will be funny, but a meta ridley costume will be amazing
What about that guy who asks if you remember him?
On the other hand, it is a Sakurai game and he threw in two new Kirby characters for Brawl.
No that's not Adam.
Was it... Anthony?
Paper Mario is a must. I'm surprised he wasn't in Brawl. Seems like an obvious choice with a unique potential move list.
Nothing from Other M should ever be in anything ever again
Oh, also... Hi Ilpalazzo, you might remember me from SWF (though not with this nickname). :3
You don't need to list reasons why characters I mentioned got into SSB, I know just as well. The bottom line is sales figures is not any kind of accurate measurement of why characters have gotten to be in SSB games previously nor should it be used to predict who will or won't get into the future ones. The only thing that matters is what Sakurai thinks. Sakurai could put in Ryota Hayami from Wave Race if he wanted to and the reasoning would be he thought it would be cool or funny, not because Wave Race is some amazing selling franchise.
Nothing from Other M should ever be in anything ever again
Who are you on SWF?
Red Arremer as well, though formerly known as Spadefox (among other things).
Paper Mario is a must. I'm surprised he wasn't in Brawl. Seems like an obvious choice with a unique potential move list.
Also, I'd prefer Captain Syrup over any of the WarioWare cast, to be frank.
It's kind of hard for me to imagine Bowser Jr. in Smash Bros. It seems like the only reason he'd get in is because he's currently the most important Mario character aside from the ones who are already in Smash Bros., but I don't feel like that's enough (I do think that's enough reason for, say, Krom and whatever generation 5 Pokemon to get in, but those series are different from Mario, which is already pretty well-represented by the four or five characters already in Brawl). I can't really see him bringing much to the game from a gameplay standpoint.
It's kind of hard for me to imagine Bowser Jr. in Smash Bros. It seems like the only reason he'd get in is because he's currently the most important Mario character aside from the ones who are already in Smash Bros., but I don't feel like that's enough (I do think that's enough reason for, say, Krom and whatever generation 5 Pokemon to get in, but those series are different from Mario, which is already pretty well-represented by the four or five characters already in Brawl). I can't really see him bringing much to the game from a gameplay standpoint.
I don't agree with that. Sakurai doesn't just pick whatever characters he likes (although I'm not denying that some characters pretty much got in because of that). Nearly every character in SSB can have strong arguments made for their inclusion that aren't just "because Sakurai wanted them in". You were initially saying that Dedede and Medusa were directly comparable because they're antagonists from series that Sakurai worked on, but for the most part, series that have sold a lot and are really popular get more characters in Smash Bros. This isn't an absolute law that determines how many characters every series gets, but Medusa, who was only in one old beloved game and one new popular game, is not a shoo-in like Dedede, who was in a ton of big releases, was. If Sakurai decides that he really wants to put Medusa in this game, he could, but I think that it's reasonable to assume that Kid Icarus won't get more than one newcomer based on how things have gone in previous Smash Bros. games. That's all I was saying.
Sakurai: Correct. I know Im the one whos being interviewed, but Id like to ask you how Nintendo felt about having outsiders in the game.
Iwata: You mean, whether or not it was okay?
Sakurai: Right.
Iwata: Everyone understood for the most part since thats the nature of Smash Bros. However, there were debates about where to draw the line. For the most part though, it was readily solved since we were comfortable that you were in charge for the selection. I myself thought it was best to make the game as inclusive and entertaining as possible since festive opportunities like Smash Bros. come along only once in a great while.
Sakurai: Im glad everyone felt they could trust me. For my part, I have no regrets about incorporating Snake and Sonic into the game and I think their inclusion was well worthwhile.
How can you even try to deny the fact that if Sakurai wants something in the game, it's going to happen?
Saki Amamiya
Airan Jo
Chun Li
Chris Redfield
Jill Valentine
Solid Snake
Big Boss
Tony Hawk
Square Enix
Cloud Strife
Aerith Gainsborough
Electronic Arts
Namco Bandai
Lloyd Irving
Genis Sage
Are you pretending to know what Sakurai wants, or what?
What exactly is your argument? That Sakurai is so biased towards his own series that he's going to put two Kid Icarus newcomers in? I really don't understand what you're disagreeing with.
If you really wanted to boil absolutely everything down to "you don't know, Sakurai does, end of story" then there would be no discussion in this topic at all.
Wasn't there rumours that SSBU would be heavily third party focused, with these being the predicted additions?
Wasn't there rumours that SSBU would be heavily third party focused, with these being the predicted additions?
I quite like the idea myself.
Wasn't there rumours that SSBU would be heavily third party focused, with these being the predicted additions?
I quite like the idea myself.
Yeah, it's kind of funny how without Sakurai there wouldn't be Super Smash Bros. at all.
My argument is that it's up to him who makes the cut for the games based on who he thinks would be a good fit, not the sales figures for the respective game series.
I agree with you on the fact that his success does give him the right to do whatever he wants, but that worries me a bit. Such a massive game needs a more collaborative effort with Sakurai at the lead of course. The fact that he is letting others help in the balancing is a good sign that he realizes he can't do it all himself..maybe.
You are a bad person. I've been dreaming of a portable Smash Bros since the GBA came out.(I'm secretly wishing the 3DS version gets canned.)
(I'm secretly wishing the 3DS version gets canned.)
If Square were in, Sora is the obvious choice, I suppose. Also obvious would be somebody from Dragon Quest considering Nintendo's now taken over publishing duties for that in Europe/NA. People wishing for Cloud, Sephiroth etc are retarded.
If Capcom didn't want the world to forget Mega Man exists I would say he'd be a shoe-in for a guest challenger.
Yeah, it's kind of funny how without Sakurai there wouldn't be Super Smash Bros. at all.
My argument is that it's up to him who makes the cut for the games based on who he thinks would be a good fit, not the sales figures for the respective game series.
Simon Belmont would be a better choice.If Capcom didn't want the world to forget Mega Man exists I would say he'd be a shoe-in for a guest challenger.
Simon Belmont would be a better choice.
Considering it harkens back to an old, 2005 NeoGAF topic/meme, I'm fairly certain they are being facetious.Whenever Castlevania stuff comes up on GAF and people say Simon Belmont when Capcom is mentioned, I am never sure whether they are trolling or are seriously believing that Castlevania belongs to Capcom. ._.
Fucking around a bit in GIMP...
Could've made it look better, but as said... just horsing around lol.
Meta and Omega Ridley, dawg.