Prepare to be disappointed.
I'm a Nintendo fan so I'm never disappointed by what they do. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Prepare to be disappointed.
I agree, honestly. Get this shit out in 2014 at the latest, and don't get my hopes up unreasonably high with a Dojo ; _ ;
I actually wouldn't mind this myself. I have a 3DS that I want to play games on and even if I didn't SSB would be a system seller for me, but I feel a bit antsy about Sakurai splitting his attention between two versions of the game. I'm worried that it'll detract from the quality of both titles, and would rather he put all his effort into making one spectacular game instead of two pretty good ones. Plus he's mentioned that he wants the 3DS version to be a more "personal" single-player experience, and while it would be cool to see that executed well, it seems like Smash is the type of game that isn't particularly built well for that style of play. Double plus, work on the 3DS version means that the Wii U one will take longer to come out whether it's rushed or not, and I'm way more intrigued about how HD Smash will look than 3D Smash.
Oh well, we'll see.
I'm not sure if you read through the posts I made but I said that I think Kid Icarus is a shoe in for two newcomers for SSB4 and people proclaimed that Kid Icarus isn't popular enough or sells enough to warrant that. I'm not saying popularity has nothing to do with it as that's how the series began but at this point any newcomers are going to be second tier choices compared to the ones we have now and Sakurai is pretty much the decider of what characters will get in.
Isn't a duel specifically defined as being between two persons, though?
Isn't a duel specifically defined as being between two persons, though?
sony all stars reminded me how excited i am for SSB4. Whoo, bring it on Sakurai!
I really hope that Sony Smash would give Sakurai the motivation that he need to make his SSB4 way better. Hopefully, he would get few idea that might benefit him for the game. I don't mind dual nintendo universe stages.![]()
Yep.Eh, I think the mashed universe stages makes the all stars game look like complete ass due to clashing art styles and color palettes. I have a bit more faith in nintendo's artists though, and they also have the benefit of having universes with brighter colors, so maybe it could work.
I wonder if Smash would be allowed to have more threads like Sony All Stars or if it would be confined to a single thread.
Spoilers related to Kid Icarus Uprising
Some kind of stage featuring Hades from Uprising needs to be in the new smash. He could beat you down with dialogue and super shoryukens. That or they could just have him as a playable character.
Just replace Hades withHades
BOOM. Best stage ever.
Just replace Hades withHades
BOOM. Best stage ever.
The Brawl modding community never ceases to amaze me.
The Brawl modding community never ceases to amaze me.
Why are we spoiler tagging a character that's in an avatar on this very page?
I'm still waiting for a rhythm heaven stage.
Micaiah needs to be in this game so she can look like this.
The Brawl modding community never ceases to amaze me.
Just replace Hades withHades
BOOM. Best stage ever.
I don't know who that is.
Micaiah, from Fire Emblem fame!
Full character IMO. I'd rather have a background stage of humans warring andSpoilers related to Kid Icarus Uprising
Some kind of stage featuring Hades from Uprising needs to be in the new smash. He could beat you down with dialogue and super shoryukens. That or they could just have him as a playable character.
Micaiah needs to be in this game so she can look like this.
The Brawl modding community never ceases to amaze me.
If we just get music track hopefully they are on a relevant stage like Wario Ware.Seriously. We at least need a few music tracks.
I would find it hilariously ironic when Shoryuken accepts Sony All Stars despite seemingly being similar to Smash (which they loathe). They're fucked up like that.
...near field communications.
Personally I think he's gonna try to make it a case where the 2 games work so closely that the they're basically 2 parts of a whole. So yeah, I think the 3DS version will basically be an expanded SSE with w/e customization system he puts in place and the WU title may have all the vs fighting and online stuff.
Micaiah needs to be in this game so she can look like this.