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Next Super Smash Bros. discussion thread, Community Edition

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I don't think it's guarantee, punch out was rebooted and lil Mac was a support.
So many others, KI movement seems alot like the ones who said Kat was going to be in brawl :/
Did you -really- just say the Kid Icarus movement is like the one for Kat from friggin' WarioWare? Really??

Let's review the facts:

Kid Icarus: A triple-A title by the creator of Smash Bros. himself, and probably Nintendo's highest budget adventure game to date, with five of Japan's best composers on it and top-of-the-line script and voice acting, and backed by one of the biggest ad campaigns today, with a bundled-in stand, hundreds of AR cards, serialized 3D anime shorts from top Japan studios, even the first use of the special boxes wih the interior art in North America. Nintendo pulled all the stops for this game, which has a campaign that's effectively the size of three games in one, about 10 times the content and character count of Star Fox 64, including some incredible new characters with reams and reams of dialogue. And don't even get me started on the stellar multiplayer mode, the hundreds of weapons and infinite permutations, the 360 achievements with prizes, the 400+ figurines with descriptions in the idol gallery, etc.

This, vs:

Kat: Nobody knows who the fuck Kat is.

The Kat movement never made sense. But you can most definitely expect Kid Icarus characters. There's simply no comparison. From KI, I can easily imagine them adding Palutena, Magnus, Medusa,
. Any of those would work; they're all prominent characters with designs that lend themselves perfectly to Smash. Palutena is practically a shoe-in; from marketing to the game itself, she's the biggest Nintendo character at the moment and the biggest Nintendo character in ages.

And if
is in, he'll be a character, not an assist. Also, surprised by the disregard for spoilers, with someone even posting a certain character's picture up above.


Junior Member
Randomly stumbled across some of the "omg leaked characters!" vids while trying to get a PS All-stars blabla trailer for a friend. Laughing so hard at those. My favorite gotta be this one, though - "leaked character sketches" with art that is obviously traced from different official art, by someone who has the drawing abilities of a 5-year-old. Obviously official art from Nintendo!

I love how for the terribly drawn Paper Mario, it says that it could be an early rough draft of Mario. That was pretty hilarious, but Waluigi nearly killed me.


Greetings from the future of the year 2015!
I was transported from my timeframe to the year 2012 from a group of scientist to warn of an impending danger in your timeframe, but fuck them.

Instead I'm going to tell you about the alt.costumes each character in SSBU and SSB3DS have!

each character has 2-3 Alternate costumes, 1 default one, an unlockable costume and a DLC costume, however not all of the DLC has been released because Nintendo >.>

here's what each character got.

Mario - Dr.Mario, Tanooki Mario and Swimwear Mario from Sunshine
Luigi - Propeller Suit, Kitsune Luigi (3D land suit), and Strikers sports wear
Peach - Sports and Daisy.
Bowser - Dry Bowser, Dark bowser and Strikers Bowser

Wario - Classic overalls, D.I.Y design and Pajama Wario
Yoshi - Pirate Yoshi, Cowboy Yoshi and Strikers Yoshi (these 3 striker dlc are a pack)
DK - Funky kong look, DK jr. and Classic DK
Diddy kong - Hip hop diddy (backwards hat, and shades), Dixie kong alt

Link - Farm outfit, classic design and Fierce deity Link
Zelda/Sheik - OoT outfit, and Twilight Princess design
Ganondrof - Robes, Demise and Onyx (very cool I might add)

Kirby - Cutter, Beam and Super sword (from returns to dreamland)
Metaknight - Galacta knight, and Maskless
Dedede - Robot, Masked Dedede and a unique king dedede in a parka

Samus - Dark Samus, Varia suit and Light suit from echoes

Fox - Assault design, and his son from command (his fur is blue and stuff)
Falco - Assault again, a green jumpsuit and some weird suit
Wolf - Classic, and venom 2 design

Pikachu - Pichu, Raichu and Emolga
Jigglypuff - Igglybuff, Wigglytuff and Clefairy
Pokemon trainer - FR/LG Pkmn trainer and the female trainer from B/W2

Marth - The awakening 'marth' with the mask, and a more simple design

Ness - Pajama ness, alternate clothes with no cap, and robot ness
Lucas - Claus with masked man clothing (no helmet), pajama lucas, and cowboy lucas (looks like flints clothing)

Mr.Game & Watch - Fire fighter, Scuba diver and a wolf!

Pit - his armor design, classic look and Light fighter!

Olimar - Louie, the president and a secret one from Pikmin 3!

Ice climbers - No parka, swimwear design and King dedede suits :p

Captain Falcon - Black Shadow, Rick Stewart and no helmet Falcon

and that's it! some unique characters from Brawl were removed/replaced like Ike and R.O.B but Sakurai was able to include 10 new characters to the scene!

Samurai Goroh
Tony hawk


I don't like the idea of creating alternate character models as costumes. They might as well change their names and create clones at that point. (Wario's still the only character who needs an alternate costume, anyway.)
Kid Icarus I can see getting one new character. Beyond that I have my doubts.

Kid Icarus representation-wise I can see the following:

Playable: Pit and Palutena (Pit retains Dark Pit as alternate color changed slightly so his bow matches the color of the Silver Bow)
Assist Trophy: Eggplant Wizard and maybe Magnus
Adventure Boss: Medusa or

Beyond that I think people are just going to get their hopes dashed to the rocks.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Oh actually you're right, my bad. The other condition was scoring two strong hits on one character or two launchers on multiple characters in a certain combo window when you have high damage (100+%).

Yeah that's the requirement - deal strong blows/KO while in critical damage.

I always thought the silence with the Star Fox characters in SE was really strange.

You know, they should have some sort of part in the game where Wolf, Jigglypuff and Toon Link meet up and eventually end up in the final map wherein they stop Tabuu - essentially replacing Sonic's scene.


Not so sure about having Paletuana as a character, as she's an all-powerful Goddess.

What does that have to do with anything? This is a game where Mario, Pikachu, and Solid Snake fight each other on floating platforms. Logic is nonexistent. Canonical power is the least of anybody's worries.


Maturity, bitches.
And they can easily get round the issue of Pit's Final Smash by replacing the image of Paletuana with
whenever Paletuana is in battle.
Not so sure about having Paletuana as a character, as she's an all-powerful Goddess.
Goddamn, between this and "Paultena" up above...

Spoilers about KI:U:
Palutena fights in the game. She has a full moveset to pull from right there.

Plus, who cares if she's a goddess? It's not like this game is canon. No one should be able to hurt Ganondorf aside from Link and Zelda, right? Do you really think Ice Climbers have a chance against Bowser? It's a fanservice game. The only things that matter are that (1) it has a lot of fanservice and (2) it's fun.
Welp, I haven't even started my copy of Uprising yet. So thanks a lot for that.

I haven't started the game either and am not that bothered by it; knowing an extremely popular character of Greek mythology is in a game about Greek mythology or how he is characterized isn't gonna change anything regarding the enjoyment of the plot.


You know, just to break the Smash Cycle a little, you know what I look forward to in the next Smash Bros? Foreshadowing. If it's as good at that as Brawl was, it's going to be awesome.

Just a few examples:

- In the Shadow Moses stage, you can get Metal Gear Rex, Metal Gear Ray, or three Gekkos to appear in the background. But neither Ray nor the Gekkos had ever been on Shadow Moses in the Metal Gear series itself. Until MGS4.
- Pit got a new design, so did Palutena. One of Pit's colors is
Dark Pit
. Pit's Final Smash summons a bunch of centurions. All of these appeared in in Kid Icarus Uprising.
- Little Mac got a 3D redesign. Later, he appeared as a cel-shaded version of that in Punch-Out!! for Wii.

I think there are more, but the point is that a lot of the random references in Brawl were referencing games yet to be revealed. The Metal Gear one is particularly interesting as Brawl was used to foreshadow the Rex vs. Ray boss fight in MGS4.


Not so sure about having Paletuana as a character, as she's an all-powerful Goddess.
Master Hand and Crazy Hand just grew a face to face-palm themselves in disdain over the stupidity of your comment.

In Smash, a character's power is inconsequetial. They're all meeting in the middle in the Smash-verse. Same with scale. Olimar, for starters, is the size of a quarter in Pikmin. Yet in Smash, he's nearly as tall as Mario. The bottom line is, Smash is not canon. Smash equalizes all of the players. A goddess is perfectly eligible. And it's pretty obvious what they'll change Pit's Final Smash to in order to free up Palutena: either the
Three Sacred Treasures
or the
Great Sacred Treasure
(Uprising end-game spoilers).

As noted (and I don't think this is a spoiler), Uprising shows Palutena already outfitted with a full-blown moveset for Smash. She is most definitely going to be in the next game. From the massive promotional push in animes and marketing and the inside of the game case, to her sheer importance and development in a game made by Sakurai himself, Palutena will be playable in the next Smash. And it will be glorious (especially the upskirt shots and Ali Hillis trolling).


Maturity, bitches.
Brawl footage was even used for the Shadow Moses MGS4 trailer so they even hinted to it in that.

Also add Wario's victory theme being based off of music from Shake Dimension.
Master Hand and Crazy Hand just grew a face to face-palm themselves in disdain over the stupidity of your comment.

In Smash, a character's power is inconsequetial. They're all meeting in the middle in the Smash-verse. Same with scale. Olimar, for starters, is the size of a quarter in Pikmin. Yet in Smash, he's nearly as tall as Mario. The bottom line is, Smash is not canon. Smash equalizes all of the players. A goddess is perfectly eligible. And it's pretty obvious what they'll change Pit's Final Smash to in order to free up Palutena: either the
Three Sacred Treasures
or the
Great Sacred Treasure
(Uprising end-game spoilers).

As noted (and I don't think this is a spoiler), Uprising shows Palutena already outfitted with a full-blown moveset for Smash. She is most definitely going to be in the next game. From the massive promotional push in animes and marketing and the inside of the game case, to her sheer importance and development in a game made by Sakurai himself, Palutena will be playable in the next Smash. And it will be glorious (especially the upskirt shots and Ali Hillis trolling).
Agreed on all counts. I think the latter of your two options would make a better new Final Smash for Pit. I can't see the first one being all that special.

KI:U characters are kind of an odd man out in this way though: KI:U is the only Nintendo franchise that has its entire cast as super-talkative (Other M, I suppose). I wonder if, as characters, they'll be chatty.


Palutena is really the only obvious newcomer in the next Smash. No one has more going for them than her. She's one of the most prominent Nintendo characters at the moment, the co-star of the 3DS killer app and darling of the media blitz that preceded it (the animes, etc). She's an extremely well-developed character, about 1,000 times the personality of Peach and Zelda combined. She's rich in moveset potential, overflowing with it, all rooted in-game. She has the legacy factor of dating back to the original Kid Icarus, and her latest game was made by Sakurai himself. No one else carries that kind of clout. All of the current major players from other major franchises have been played. About the only characters that come close are Ridley from Metroid and Little Mac from Punch-Out. They're increasingly finding themselves in a situation where major characters are slim pickings, so there's no way they -won't- pick Palutena. She'll be in.
Palutena is really the only obvious newcomer in the next Smash. No one has more going for them than her. She's one of the most prominent Nintendo characters at the moment, the co-star of the 3DS killer app and darling of the media blitz that preceded it (the animes, etc). She's an extremely well-developed character, about 1,000 times the personality of Peach and Zelda combined. She's rich in moveset potential, overflowing with it, all rooted in-game. She has the legacy factor of dating back to the original Kid Icarus, and her latest game was made by Sakurai himself. No one else carries that kind of clout. All of the current major players from other major franchises have been played. About the only characters that come close are Ridley from Metroid and Little Mac from Punch-Out. They're increasingly finding themselves in a situation where major characters are slim pickings, so there's no way they -won't- pick Palutena. She'll be in.
I feel like I need a gif of a bunch of people shouting "Amen!" at church.

Here we go:

That's how your post made me feel, and I'm a white man.
Not so sure about having Paletuana as a character, as she's an all-powerful Goddess.

She's no more all powerful than the other Gods that Pit defeats. "All powerful" isn't really a term you can use for Kid Icarus gods--they all seem to have their limits (save for maybe

To add to Neiteio's bit, Palutena is pretty much Kid Icarus's Zelda. They're both the next most important characters after their respective heroes and their franchises are both named after them (though for Palutena that's Japan only). We know that both Ganondorf and Young Link were late additions to Melee, so Zelda was their first (and for a while only) Zelda newcomer after Link, and at the time she had significantly less moves to pull from compared to what Palutena has now.


Junior Member
Neiteio has a point if I've ever seen a point. There's no way she won't be in. Whenever I tell my sister so, she loves to raise the question of what would then happen to Pit's final smash, ASSUMING they are still in come the next game. But come on, every way you see it, she would make a lovely addition to the smash bros. roster, if only to provide more character variety than anthropomorphic creatures, pokemon, manly heroes and weird dudes.

personally, I cannot wait to get my kicks on with her, the physics engine... and the snapshot mode...

qq more

Randomly stumbled across some of the "omg leaked characters!" vids while trying to get a PS All-stars blabla trailer for a friend. Laughing so hard at those. My favorite gotta be this one, though - "leaked character sketches" with art that is obviously traced from different official art, by someone who has the drawing abilities of a 5-year-old. Obviously official art from Nintendo!

What in the...

So this is how people make shitty "leaks" nowadays? God awful drawings being passed off as rumors, really? Now I've seen it all.


That fake leak is fucking hilarious. lol

Is it against the rules if I want this and PS All-Stars to both be awesome? Will no doubt make both games better/try harder.

No, I want them both to be awesome as well. Though I'm not confident PBR will be as good as Smash Bros, I really want it to be. There are so many Sony characters that I love just as much or more than Nintendo characters, so I'm really hoping the game can do them justice. If it sucks though, I guess I'll always still have Smash, but it would be really sad.
What about Star Fox and Fire Emblem?
Fire Emblem isn't voiced, is it? I've actually never played one of the games. Star Fox is a good point, but look what happened to Star Fox characters? They don't talk!

I suppose the point I was trying to get at is this: if Falco doesn't say anything smarmy, it's not that big of a deal. If
doesn't say anything, that would be really weird, wouldn't it? The Star Fox characters were cool and had personalities, but they aren't really "personalities" if you catch my drift.
Palutena is really the only obvious newcomer in the next Smash. No one has more going for them than her. She's one of the most prominent Nintendo characters at the moment, the co-star of the 3DS killer app and darling of the media blitz that preceded it (the animes, etc). She's an extremely well-developed character, about 1,000 times the personality of Peach and Zelda combined. She's rich in moveset potential, overflowing with it, all rooted in-game. She has the legacy factor of dating back to the original Kid Icarus, and her latest game was made by Sakurai himself. No one else carries that kind of clout. All of the current major players from other major franchises have been played. About the only characters that come close are Ridley from Metroid and Little Mac from Punch-Out. They're increasingly finding themselves in a situation where major characters are slim pickings, so there's no way they -won't- pick Palutena. She'll be in.

I dont know about Palutena being in it, although its very possible, even more with Sakurai pimping his own game.
But Ridley and Little Mac are the only characters right now that are truly important and known to enter the roster.
One is the main villian of Metroid, and we all know Metroid needs another character, and the other is from a franchise with a rich history, that just have been resurrected and is perfect as a fighter (and unique because its the only fighter that cant use his legs to hit).

If Sakurai doesnt add those two this time it will be only to troll the fanbase.

I also want a Punch-Out!! stage that is the world circuit ring, with the ropes acting as smash bumpers, and every minute having a Punch-Out!! boxer enter the middle of the ring to say a quote and make his special move. Of course Doc Louis would be at the corner of the ring shouting quotes (old and new made just to be smash bros jokes).

qq more

That fake leak is fucking hilarious. lol

The author of the video is hilarious too. Look at what he wrote:

The Slime & Ridley was from a video by a different user that I know in the 1st Video Response, don't question me on that. Search for it.

Also, it wasn't said if Nintendo drew these, that's why they're leaks. The comment is hard to understand, but no, I'm an amateur drawer, decent.

These are sketches from somewhere else, no way to be professional. The Slime & Ridley was worked on more than the others.


holy shit hahahahaha


The author of the video is hilarious too. Look at what he wrote:


holy shit hahahahaha

hahahahaha, fucking hell


I dont know about Palutena being in it, although its very possible, even more with Sakurai pimping his own game.
But Ridley and Little Mac are the only characters right now that are truly important and known to enter the roster.
One is the main villian of Metroid, and we all know Metroid needs another character, and the other is from a franchise with a rich history, that just have been resurrected and is perfect as a fighter (and unique because its the only fighter that cant use his legs to hit).

If Sakurai doesnt add those two this time it will be only to troll the fanbase.
I also want Little Mac and Ridley, and I've wanted Ridley to be playable more than anyone since I first laid eyes on him in the intro to Melee, but neither of them is nearly as likely as Palutena (who I -also- want). That being said, I think all three are most likely, Palutena having the best chance and Ridley and Little Mac being distant but strong seconds.

I also want a Punch-Out!! stage that is the world circuit ring, with the ropes acting as smash bumpers, and every minute having a Punch-Out!! boxer enter the middle of the ring to say a quote and make his special move. Of course Doc Louis would be at the corner of the ring shouting quotes (old and new made just to be smash bros jokes).
Here's a fun idea for Doc Louis -- make him part of Little Mac's moveset. If Wario can pull a motorcycle out of his ass, why couldn't Doc Louis poof onstage at Little Mac's side for a quick health-replenishing pep talk/towel down when Little Mac holds Down B? Or for Little Mac's Forward B, Doc Louis zooms ahead on the bike with Little Mac jogging behind? They've made brilliantly economical use of frame data before (again, the Wariocycle), so they could do it if they tried. Little Mac's signature move would be the Star Punch, of course. And it'd be nifty if he grew bruised, black-eyed and bandaged as he accumulated damage. Purely aesthetic, not affecting his performance, but a nice touch all the same.


The Wii has a cool factor detector. If it deems you cool enough (like me) you'll get chants every match. If not you'll have to hope the very complicated formula works in your favour.

It's very complicated. It takes into account number of attacks, number of hits, number of falls, number of laughs Sakurai has performed in the last five minutes. Really you should just hope for the best.


I dont know about Palutena being in it, although its very possible, even more with Sakurai pimping his own game.
But Ridley and Little Mac are the only characters right now that are truly important and known to enter the roster.
One is the main villian of Metroid, and we all know Metroid needs another character, and the other is from a franchise with a rich history, that just have been resurrected and is perfect as a fighter (and unique because its the only fighter that cant use his legs to hit).

If Sakurai doesnt add those two this time it will be only to troll the fanbase.[/B

Seriously this. It would be a huge wtf at this point. It's the fourth installment, they need to be in.

You know, just to break the Smash Cycle a little, you know what I look forward to in the next Smash Bros? Foreshadowing. If it's as good at that as Brawl was, it's going to be awesome.

Just a few examples:

- In the Shadow Moses stage, you can get Metal Gear Rex, Metal Gear Ray, or three Gekkos to appear in the background. But neither Ray nor the Gekkos had ever been on Shadow Moses in the Metal Gear series itself. Until MGS4.
- Pit got a new design, so did Palutena. One of Pit's colors is
Dark Pit
. Pit's Final Smash summons a bunch of centurions. All of these appeared in in Kid Icarus Uprising.
- Little Mac got a 3D redesign. Later, he appeared as a cel-shaded version of that in Punch-Out!! for Wii.

I think there are more, but the point is that a lot of the random references in Brawl were referencing games yet to be revealed. The Metal Gear one is particularly interesting as Brawl was used to foreshadow the Rex vs. Ray boss fight in MGS4.

It would be great to get another series like Fire Emblem introduced to us through Smash. I can also see maybe one or two characters returning with a new look sparking interest in reviving another series.

Although I'm probably crazy for thinking this, but for example if Captain Syrup was revealed to be in this game with a re-imagined Castle and Pirate Crew that was featured in parts of the story mode. Maybe that would spark interest in some platforming pirate game idea.
The Slime and Ridley artworks are actually from another leak, one that was supposedly on 4chan in December. I'm fairly certain it was discussed to death in here, but just in case it wasn't:
Link 1
Link 2

Of course, I really have my doubts this one is real.
Kid Icarus: A triple-A title by the creator of Smash Bros. himself, and probably Nintendo's highest budget adventure game to date, with five of Japan's best composers on it and top-of-the-line script and voice acting, and backed by one of the biggest ad campaigns today, with a bundled-in stand, hundreds of AR cards, serialized 3D anime shorts from top Japan studios, even the first use of the special boxes wih the interior art in North America. Nintendo pulled all the stops for this game, which has a campaign that's effectively the size of three games in one, about 10 times the content and character count of Star Fox 64, including some incredible new characters with reams and reams of dialogue. And don't even get me started on the stellar multiplayer mode, the hundreds of weapons and infinite permutations, the 360 achievements with prizes, the 400+ figurines with descriptions in the idol gallery, etc.

This game really is filled with an insane amount of content. I was put off at first by the controls, but it's got its hooks in me. I play everyday now.
I've been a big supporter of Ridley since way back, but... more and more lately I've been thinking that Dark Samus would be a better choice. It would represent the Prime series, provide another villain and be a lot easier to put in the game, honestly. Although Ridley is a legacy villain, so who knows what Sakurai will do. I mean when he wanted another Metroid representative, he skipped Ridley, Dark Samus, and all of the hunters and added another version of Samus...
I mean when he wanted another Metroid representative, he skipped Ridley, Dark Samus, and all of the hunters and added another version of Samus...

Who also is a girl, which is what he wanted to include more as well. Of course, she's like, the only new girl on the roster, so lol for "more girls".

Though I'd say that it's likely he'll aim for one or two more female characters (Palutena most likely, also possible would probably be Rosalina, Lip, Jill (from Drill Dozer), Barbara the Bat and third-party characters).
Villains might have a good chance in this extension, but I wouldn't put my money on anyone else but Ridley, Bowser Jr., and maybe Medusa (who would also be a girl).
Zero Suit Samus struck me as Sakurai wanting to give Metroid another character that it clearly deserves but being constrained by the series' lack of potential characters. The way he worded his reaction to the question of Ridley being playable in that Nintendo Power those many years back reads as if he never even considered it before then, and Dark Samus had, at that point, only appeared in one game, the least popular game in an unpopular (in Japan) side series to a series that hasn't ever been really big in Japan to begin with (Metroid Prime 3 had not yet been released in Japan by the time Brawl came out). Beyond them and a suitless Samus there's really nothing else to consider outside of the one off hunters from MPH who, well, just, no.


Zero Suit Samus struck me as Sakurai wanting to give Metroid another character that it clearly deserves but being constrained by the series' lack of potential characters. The way he worded his reaction to the question of Ridley being playable in that Nintendo Power those many years back reads as if he never even considered it before then, and Dark Samus had, at that point, only appeared in one game, the least popular game in an unpopular (in Japan) side series to a series that hasn't ever been really big in Japan to begin with (Metroid Prime 3 had not yet been released in Japan by the time Brawl came out). Beyond them and a suitless Samus there's really nothing else to consider outside of the one off hunters from MPH who, well, just, no.
I don't doubt you but I'd love to see that Nintendo Power quote where Sakurai seems puzzled about Ridley, as though he hadn't considered it before. I would find that surprising, insofar as Sakurai's own poll had Ridley ranking fairly high.
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