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Next Super Smash Bros. discussion thread, Community Edition

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I might be reading too much into it, but here's the quote from the Sakurai interview in the May 2008 issue of Nintendo Power:
Nintendo Power: There was a rumor at one point about Ridley being playable. Was that ever a consideration?

Sakurai: I think that would probably be pretty impossible. [Laughs] If we had put our best efforts into it, we may have been able to do it. But he might have been a little slow. Would that be all right? [Laughs]


I might be reading too much into it, but here's the quote from the Sakurai interview in the May 2008 issue of Nintendo Power:
Oh man, I remember that now. It's hard to read him: He could be joking, or he could be hinting at a real reason why Ridley hasn't been considered. If he shrunk down Bowser (see Sunshine, SM64) and scaled up Olimar (from the size of a quarter in Pikmin), I don't see why Ridley should be an exception. Shrink him down to Bowser's size and make him lithe like a raptor. C'mon, Sakurai!
Ridley needs to be scaled carefully. His size dichotomy with Samus I feel absolutely needs to be present. I mean, it'd be wrong if Bowser was the same size as Mario, and here I feel no different. Ridley needs to be bigger than Samus, but this is tricky as Samus is already one of the tallest Smash characters there is. Doable, but I can see where Sakurai is coming from.
I don't doubt you but I'd love to see that Nintendo Power quote where Sakurai seems puzzled about Ridley, as though he hadn't considered it before. I would find that surprising, insofar as Sakurai's own poll had Ridley ranking fairly high.

I think he wasn't puzzled, but rather said that he felt that he couldn't make the character work, but if the requests were that high, Ridley would have to be made much smaller and slow.
Not sure if the interview where he said that was on Nintendo Power, though.

Edit: Oh, ninja'd on the quote. Well.


Ridley needs to be scaled carefully. His size dichotomy with Samus I feel absolutely needs to be present. I mean, it'd be wrong if Bowser was the same size as Mario, and here I feel no different. Ridley needs to be bigger than Samus, but this is tricky as Samus is already one of the tallest Smash characters there is. Doable, but I can see where Sakurai is coming from.
I agree. I think they can fake much of his body mass by giving his wings and tail no hitbox. Then make him as wide as Bowser, but with the bulk coming from his crouching legs and thighs and his folded neck and head, rather than his torso, which remains slender. Give him lunging attacks, snapping jaws, claw swipes and flutter kicks for his physical moves. Special moves, of course, can be ranged projectiles.


Ridley should be the only prime candidate for the Metroid series. Dark Samus is great in her own right but Ridley spans the whole series.

Realistically, I hope we end up with more villains and a few more female characters. Palutena is basically a sure thing. Medusa could fill both needs as a female villain, which is pretty rare and can play a role in the story mode. Dixie Kong is up there too and was already planned to be Diddy's tag team partner. And that's about it for more females that are relevant unless you want to throw Rosalina in there for the Mario series. To add, I'll always give Syrup a mention since I believe she's the best pick for the Wario Land series....and Lyn because yea >.>

As for villains: There's Ridley, Bowser Jr, Ghirahim, and K. Rool would be alright.
I think he wasn't puzzled, but rather said that he felt that he couldn't make the character work, but if the requests were that high, Ridley would have to be made much smaller and slow.
Not sure if the interview where he said that was on Nintendo Power, though.

Edit: Oh, ninja'd on the quote. Well.

I think that was his initial response, but if request are high he's going to have to work some magic and make Ridley work. There hhave been a lot in this topic discussed about Ridley's size. I think someone mentioned that if he would be in a crouching stance or on all fours? they could make him work size-wise. He would be taller than Samus but just crouching around her same height.
Bowser may be fat, however, he is hunched over a bit. The tallest character is actually Ganondorf. Link is about the same size as Samus, and Ganon still towers over both of them. His head pokes through platforms on battlefield etc.
They can make Samus a wee bit smaller without hurting her size too much, and make Ridley about as tall as Ganon -when hunched over-, making his size a non-issue.


Palutena is really the only obvious newcomer in the next Smash. No one has more going for them than her. She's one of the most prominent Nintendo characters at the moment, the co-star of the 3DS killer app and darling of the media blitz that preceded it (the animes, etc). She's an extremely well-developed character, about 1,000 times the personality of Peach and Zelda combined. She's rich in moveset potential, overflowing with it, all rooted in-game. She has the legacy factor of dating back to the original Kid Icarus, and her latest game was made by Sakurai himself. No one else carries that kind of clout. All of the current major players from other major franchises have been played. About the only characters that come close are Ridley from Metroid and Little Mac from Punch-Out. They're increasingly finding themselves in a situation where major characters are slim pickings, so there's no way they -won't- pick Palutena. She'll be in.

Yup. Palutena is my only staple for Smash 4 right now.
Did you -really- just say the Kid Icarus movement is like the one for Kat from friggin' WarioWare? Really??

Let's review the facts:

Kid Icarus: A triple-A title by the creator of Smash Bros. himself, and probably Nintendo's highest budget adventure game to date, with five of Japan's best composers on it and top-of-the-line script and voice acting, and backed by one of the biggest ad campaigns today, with a bundled-in stand, hundreds of AR cards, serialized 3D anime shorts from top Japan studios, even the first use of the special boxes wih the interior art in North America. Nintendo pulled all the stops for this game, which has a campaign that's effectively the size of three games in one, about 10 times the content and character count of Star Fox 64, including some incredible new characters with reams and reams of dialogue. And don't even get me started on the stellar multiplayer mode, the hundreds of weapons and infinite permutations, the 360 achievements with prizes, the 400+ figurines with descriptions in the idol gallery, etc.

This, vs:

Kat: Nobody knows who the fuck Kat is.

The Kat movement never made sense. But you can most definitely expect Kid Icarus characters. There's simply no comparison. From KI, I can easily imagine them adding Palutena, Magnus, Medusa,
. Any of those would work; they're all prominent characters with designs that lend themselves perfectly to Smash. Palutena is practically a shoe-in; from marketing to the game itself, she's the biggest Nintendo character at the moment and the biggest Nintendo character in ages.

And if
is in, he'll be a character, not an assist. Also, surprised by the disregard for spoilers, with someone even posting a certain character's picture up above.
WTF at the bolded. o_O

I surely doubt KI to be the most expensive "adventure" game to come out of Nintendo and I like Palutena but I would NOT call her "the biggest Nintendo character at the moment/ in ages". Maybe you might want to explain that to me.

And I think it's likely she will be in Smash 4 ... but I don't find her anymore likely than a few other characters I think are highly likely to join in like Lil Mac and such.


Maturity, bitches.
I wonder how people would react if they used another Punch-Out boxer instead of Little Mac, like Super Macho Man.
Palutena is the best Nintendo character since that guy that owns the Pikmin freighting company.

As for
... I could see an entire Underworld level revolving around the spoilered text.


Characters I'd like to see get in include:
- Palutena
- Mega Man
- Little Mac
- Ghirahim
- Layton
- Yarn Kirby with Prince Fluff
- Felix from Golden Sun
- Rayman
- Chibi-Robo
- Dillon

I'd also like Pokemon trainer updated with three new Pokemon.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
I can see there being at least three Kid Icarus representatives next game. Maybe four, seeing what Sakurai did in Brawl.

I just hope he doesn't make Pit and Pittoo different characters. Troll-arse game designer. :/
Who's dillon?

Dillon's Rolling Western for the 3DS eShop.

Star of a Wild West tower defense game in which you use various attacks to stop rock monsters from attacking villages. The game itself has received pretty mixed review, but Dillon himself seems damn perfect for a Smash game.

He attacks with rolling spikes, claws, and dynamite.

I just hope he doesn't make Pit and Pittoo different characters.

I very much doubt this'd happen. They seemed to clamp down on "clones" in Brawl. If any KI characters, I'm hoping we get Magnus/Hades rather than Paleutana.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
He went from one Kirby character in Melee to three in Brawl. Also he made them all the stars of Subspace Emissary.
I very much doubt this'd happen. They seemed to clamp down on "clones" in Brawl. If any KI characters, I'm hoping we get Magnus/Hades rather than Paleutana.
But Wolf.

Magnus would be an awful choice. He has a very limited moveset and he is there for, what, two chapters and a cameo? I would rather get Viridi than him.
He went from one Kirby character in Melee to three in Brawl. Also he made them all the stars of Subspace Emissary.

Magnus would be an awful choice. He has a very limited moveset and he is there for, what, two chapters and a cameo? I would rather get Viridi than him.

Three Kirby characters. Three. Am I counting wrong?

I just find the Gods as playable characters a silly idea. They're huge figures in the sky.


I can see there being at least three Kid Icarus representatives next game. Maybe four, seeing what Sakurai did in Brawl.

I just hope he doesn't make Pit and Pittoo different characters. Troll-arse game designer. :/

You're right. Remember how the original Smash Bros was littered with Kirby characters? That Sakurai guy sure has a massive ego, putting all his characters in the first game.

....Oh, wait, no, that was Melee. Melee was littered with Kirby characters. Sure, it might have taken him until the sequel, but he certainly overstuffed that second game in the series with an abundance of his own characters.

....Oh, wait, no, people are just idiots. We got 3 characters from arguably Nintendo's fourth or fifth biggest series, and it took 3 games for us to get them. I have no idea where this idea that Sakurai loves himself and his own creations comes from - is it just the use of non-established enemies in SSE? That's the only thing I can think of.

Palutena for Brawl. Maybe. Nobody else from Kid Icarus


Sakurai is an obvious monster, he added two important character of a multimillion selling series.

This man's ego knows no bounds.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus

I don't recall a fourth Kirby character.
I can't count, I just woke up.
I just find the Gods as playable characters a silly idea. They're huge figures in the sky.
They also have regular-sized forms, at least Palutena. I don't see what's the big deal.
You're right. Remember how the original Smash Bros was littered with Kirby characters? That Sakurai guy sure has a massive ego, putting all his characters in the first game.

....Oh, wait, no, that was Melee. Melee was littered with Kirby characters. Sure, it might have taken him until the sequel, but he certainly overstuffed that second game in the series with an abundance of his own characters.

....Oh, wait, no, people are just idiots. We got 3 characters from arguably Nintendo's fourth or fifth biggest series, and it took 3 games for us to get them. I have no idea where this idea that Sakurai loves himself and his own creations comes from - is it just the use of non-established enemies in SSE? That's the only thing I can think of.

Palutena for Brawl. Maybe. Nobody else from Kid Icarus
Well he should, the characters in KIU are all incredible.
Once again I repeat. Calling Wolf a clone is incredibly dumb.
This is like saying Ken is not a shotoclone of Ryu.
Sakurai is an obvious monster, he added two important character of a multimillion selling series.

This man's ego knows no bounds.
Fucking yes.
I hope Sakurai an "out there" character like in Game And Watch and ROB, I would have never guessed those characters.
Congratulations, you've got Mii!


Three Kirby characters. Three. Am I counting wrong?

I just find the Gods as playable characters a silly idea. They're huge figures in the sky.

Yeah. Though Palutena (or a proxy) has fought in an actual arena at about Pit-size, so who knows.

Shit. I can totally see a "Mii" character, it absolutely fits Nintendo's overall direction. Goddamnit Reg.

What I really want to see is Professor Kawashima's floating-head turn out to be the biggest boss of all. That old Hailnekoyasha/Awkward Zombie comic always rang true for me.
This is like saying Ken is not a shotoclone of Ryu.

Ken uses exactly the same moves as Ryu does, just that some of them have different properties and aesthetics.

Wolf uses an entirely different moveset from Fox. With the exception of the Final Smash, and the 4 specials. That's 5 moves out of 25. Not to mention all of them save for the reflector and tank have severely different properties.

With that logic, Samus is a clone of Link. Because her 4 specials are the same as links (spinning attack for Up+B, chargeable shot for B, bomb for Down+B, projectile for Side+B) and they both have a tether grab.

qq more

I'm totally cool with Palutena and/or Medusa being playable. KIU's cast is great. Pittoo should stay as Pit's alt color however.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Yeah. Though Palutena (or a proxy) has fought in an actual arena at about Pit-size, so who knows.
What's important is, will I finally be able to look up Palutena's skirt?

Not that I have tried.
Ken uses exactly the same moves as Ryu does, just that some of them have different properties and aesthetics.

Wolf uses an entirely different moveset from Fox. With the exception of the Final Smash, and the 4 specials. That's 5 moves out of 25.
With that logic, Samus is a clone of Link. Because her 4 specials are the same as links (spinning attack for Up+B, chargeable shot for B, bomb for Down+B, projectile for Side+B) and they both have a tether grab.
Fine, you win this round.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Ken uses exactly the same moves as Ryu does, just that some of them have different properties and aesthetics.

Wolf uses an entirely different moveset from Fox. With the exception of the Final Smash, and the 4 specials. That's 5 moves out of 25.
With that logic, Samus is a clone of Link. Because her 4 specials are the same as links (spinning attack for Up+B, chargeable shot for B, bomb for Down+B, projectile for Side+B) and they both have a tether grab.

Nah Tera-chan's just toying with you.


Maturity, bitches.
Mii isn't what I consider unexpected considering how common they are in games. eShop shopping bag is unexpected.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Regarding Uprising, they should add Pyrrhon. Everyone loves Pyrrhon.
I hate Pyrrhon.
Backstabbing son of a bitch.

In an ideal world we would have Pit/Palutena/Hades/Medusa, considering both pairs are foils to each other. I would really welcome Viridi though. She was my favourite character.
Nah Tera-chan's just toying with you.
Mii isn't what I consider unexpected considering how common they are in games. eShop shopping bag is unexpected.
I'm assuming he'll go retro again, actually. It would have to be a character that was pivotal for Nintendo's early career but has since been forgotten. Any ideas?

Mista Koo

Dillon should replace Sonic, for some reason I don't want any 3rd parties in this one (which is ironic since I was badly hoping for Sonic back then).

Greetings from the future of the year 2015!
I was transported from my timeframe to the year 2012 from a group of scientist to warn of an impending danger in your timeframe, but fuck them.

Instead I'm going to tell you about the alt.costumes each character in SSBU and SSB3DS have!

each character has 2-3 Alternate costumes, 1 default one, an unlockable costume and a DLC costume, however not all of the DLC has been released because Nintendo >.>

here's what each character got.

So you post all this and forget Mr. L?!
Shit. I can totally see a "Mii" character, it absolutely fits Nintendo's overall direction. Goddamnit Reg.

I don't know, they didn't add one last time...

Anyways, here's my own personal wishlist for new characters (not a comment on the likelihood of them getting in)

- Dillon
- Hades
- Mallow (as an assist trophy, hops on a "Rest Button" which cause massive blocks to protrude from the stage and push those in front of the blocks off screen)
- Lord Ghirahim (would provide a nice alt. to Ganondorf, a Zelda enemy with a sword for once?)
- Animal Crosser
- Johto Trainer (Chikorita, Quilava, Feraligatr)

I'm assuming he'll go retro again, actually. It would have to be a character that was pivotal for Nintendo's early career but has since been forgotten. Any ideas?

Hm. Duck Hunt dog? Balloon Fighter?


I actually think a Mii character could be great, on reflection. Smash has always been a crazy mish-mash of things anyway.

I don't know, they didn't add one last time...

Between Streetpass and its minigames and customisable Miis turning out in the next Mario Tennis, not to mention just general Mii saturation (Pilotwings et al), I can see it happening.


And with the 3DS system's personal approach, it would be cool for your Mii to be personal to you, and you can customise THAT character.

I would assume the skins would be whatever Miis are loaded on your system.

I really hope to see Shulk, even if 'guy with a sword' is kinda overused. (Though in Smash it's pretty much Link and the FE guys)
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