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Next Super Smash Bros. discussion thread, Community Edition

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But then there's a chance we could get Heatmor or Druddigon.

Ooooooh noooooooo...
What?! Shut your trap: Druddigon is awesome. Love the rocky red head and how the teeth line up perfectly. <3

You used to be cool, ScraftyDevil. Used to be cool.

Hero said:
So am I the only one who wants to see Little Mac as a newcomer for SSB4? I thought it was awesome that he was at least an Assist Trophy and seeing as how the majority of the popular characters are in now, Little Mac could fulfill the role that Ice Climbers / Pit served as being the retro character. The Wii Punch Out game being a pretty resurgence for interest I think helps too.
I'd love Little Mac! How about this? He grows bruised and black-eyed as he accumulates damage. Down Special restores health as Doc Louis appears at his side to give him a pep talk. Forward Special has Doc Louis rush forward on his bike, Little Mac following in pink sweats. Special is Star Punch; Up Special is a third jump uppercut. Final Smash is Giga Mac, appearing in foreground, facing screen, clobbering foes Punch-Out-style. Stage is World Video Boxing Association: A boxing ring with ropes acting as bumpers, and other Punch-Out characters appearing onstage to try and hit players.


So am I the only one who wants to see Little Mac as a newcomer for SSB4? I thought it was awesome that he was at least an Assist Trophy and seeing as how the majority of the popular characters are in now, Little Mac could fulfill the role that Ice Climbers / Pit served as being the retro character. The Wii Punch Out game being a pretty resurgence for interest I think helps too.

Yes. You're the only one.
So am I the only one who wants to see Little Mac as a newcomer for SSB4? I thought it was awesome that he was at least an Assist Trophy and seeing as how the majority of the popular characters are in now, Little Mac could fulfill the role that Ice Climbers / Pit served as being the retro character. The Wii Punch Out game being a pretty resurgence for interest I think helps too.

EDIT: Apparently, I've been proven wrong. Thank you, Neiteio, for being more creative than me.
What?! Shut your trap: Druddigon is awesome. Love the rocky red head and how the teeth line up perfectly. <3

You used to be cool, ScraftyDevil. Used to be cool.

Hey, I'm STILL the King of Cool. I have nothing against either Druddigon or Heatmor design-wise, they just don't have the same amount of style and creativity that Pokémon such as Scrafty or Bisharp have. All I'm saying is they're not distinct enough to be given their own characters; i'd love them as Pokéball candidates, though.


Maturity, bitches.
Final Smash = CONFUSE RAY

Mt Moon should be a stage since it is probably one of the few Pokémon locations that is truly etched into everyone's minds. Geodude drop from the ceiling and Zubats come along and confuse the players.


eh hope sakurai make pokeballs more like melee.Only 3 pokeballs available on screen and more than half of them being useless is silly.

and the absurdly low chances of legendary pokemon.

that aside.....i demand melee peach f throw back.
I want them to just write the numbers 1-649 on a roulette wheel, spin it, and go with whichever Pokemon it lands on.



that aside.....i demand melee peach f throw back.

Wasn't Peach's Fthrow in Melee the hip drop?


Maturity, bitches.
So am I the only one who wants to see Little Mac as a newcomer for SSB4? I thought it was awesome that he was at least an Assist Trophy and seeing as how the majority of the popular characters are in now, Little Mac could fulfill the role that Ice Climbers / Pit served as being the retro character. The Wii Punch Out game being a pretty resurgence for interest I think helps too.

He's been mentioned in this thread as a character with a high likelihood than most. I wonder how you would feel if Sakurai decided to go with one of the other Punch-Out boxers instead. I mean they have the advantage of having crazy moves.


eh hope sakurai make pokeballs more like melee.Only 3 pokeballs available on screen and more than half of them being useless is silly.

and the absurdly low chances of legendary pokemon.

Wobbuffet completely ruined the entire Pokeball item. I've probably seen more Wobbuffets come out of Pokeballs than every other Pokemon in the game combined. I hope I never see another one of those stupid things again.
He's been mentioned in this thread as a character with a high likelihood than most. I wonder how you would feel if Sakurai decided to go with one of the other Punch-Out boxers instead. I mean they have the advantage of having crazy moves.
I'd only be happy with Little Mac or King Hippo.


Smash 64 was great because everyone was stupidly overpowered in some way or another.

Also gotta agree that Brawl's balance is way better than Melee's. Competitive Melee was mainly Fox, Falco, Marth, and Sheik, with the occasional Peach and Captain Falcon. The Brawl tournaments I've been to have had a surprising variety in the characters. There were really only a handful of characters I didn't see at this last one I went to a couple weeks ago.

Nope. Brawl is DOMINATED by Meta Knight. He has his own tier at the top, above everyone else. Of course, he was even temporarily banned earlier this year because of how overpowered he is. The last major's top 8 consisted of 4 MKs, 1 Olimar, 2 Ice Climbers, 1 Pikachu, 1 Snake and 1 Diddy. That's pretty diverse for a Brawl top 8.

The last Melee major's top 8 consisted of 1 Peach, 1 Young Link, 1 Jigglypuff, 1 Sheik, 1 Captain Falcon, 1 Doctor Mario, 2 Falcos, 2 Foxes.

Keep in mind this Melee is nearly 11 years old. At this point in Third Strike's life, the entire top 8 is consisting of Chun Li. The metagame is still evolving, which is pretty crazy.


Palindromes forever!

Dammit I'm Mad

Dammit I&#8217;m mad.
Evil is a deed as I live.
God, am I reviled? I rise, my bed on a sun, I melt.
To be not one man emanating is sad. I piss.
Alas, it is so late. Who stops to help?
Man, it is hot. I&#8217;m in it. I tell.
I am not a devil. I level &#8220;Mad Dog&#8221;.
Ah, say burning is, as a deified gulp,
In my halo of a mired rum tin.
I erase many men. Oh, to be man, a sin.
Is evil in a clam? In a trap?
No. It is open. On it I was stuck.
Rats peed on hope. Elsewhere dips a web.
Be still if I fill its ebb.
Ew, a spider&#8230; eh?
We sleep. Oh no!
Deep, stark cuts saw it in one position.
Part animal, can I live? Sin is a name.
Both, one&#8230; my names are in it.
Murder? I&#8217;m a fool.
A hymn I plug, deified as a sign in ruby ash,
A Goddam level I lived at.
On mail let it in. I&#8217;m it.
Oh, sit in ample hot spots. Oh wet!
A loss it is alas (sip). I&#8217;d assign it a name.
Name not one bottle minus an ode by me:
&#8220;Sir, I deliver. I&#8217;m a dog&#8221;
Evil is a deed as I live.
Dammit I&#8217;m mad.

- Demetri Martin


Wasn't Peach's Fthrow in Melee the hip drop?
nah it was her B-slap that could actually ko unlike the brawl version.

Wobbuffet completely ruined the entire Pokeball item. I've probably seen more Wobbuffets come out of Pokeballs than every other Pokemon in the game combined. I hope I never see another one of those stupid things again.

...Munch lax is the worse for me since it does nothing useful at all.


Hey, I'm STILL the King of Cool. I have nothing against either Druddigon or Heatmor design-wise, they just don't have the same amount of style and creativity that Pokémon such as Scrafty or Bisharp have. All I'm saying is they're not distinct enough to be given their own characters; i'd love them as Pokéball candidates, though.
All right, all right! I over-reacted. We cool. :) *motions for Old-Timey Southern Mob to duck down in the bushes and go away with their tar and feathers*

Mt Moon should be a stage since it is probably one of the few Pokémon locations that is truly etched into everyone's minds. Geodude drop from the ceiling and Zubats come along and confuse the players.
Ooo, Mount Moon would be a great stage! But I'd sure love to see a new take on Saffron City from SSB 64. The cities in Pokemon have such distinctive charm, and I'd like to see what they could do nowadays with the concept of Pokemon popping out of random rooftop doors, lol.

You... You're posting Chandelure saying he's cool but impractical as a Smash Bro, right? Impractical, but still cool? RIGHT? Because Chandelure is, like, the greatest thing ever. I wanted a Ghost/Flame candle Pokemon since Gold and Silver, and rather than evolving into a jack-o-lantern as I envisioned, they one-upped it, going for a haunted house chandelier. BADASS. (Sincerely.)

Palindromes forever!
What the -- the name Girafarig finally makes sense!



He trolls people who play with items on and does his adorable thing.[/QUOTE]

... ohok and if pokeballs are the only item available, then what can he do? :P


Ugh, tier discussion.

Also why are people arguing about how diverse victories are? That doesn't normally reflect the "diversity" of tiers (e.g. SF3).

It reflects viability. Any kid could show up to a tournament using Ganon, Link and Zelda in Brawl. Just because they're seen at a tournament doesn't mean the game has better balance.

Even Brawl players would tell you Melee has far better balance. Like I said, Third Strike was in the same place (Chun Li=Meta Knight), so lack of balance doesn't necessarily make a bad game. It just hurts it. I quit Brawl because of the over saturation of MK players, defensive play, stalling tactics and time outs. I know from experience Melee has far more character diversity.

Not as much as Smash 64, though. That game is king :D
All right, all right! I over-reacted. We cool. :) *motions for Old-Timey Southern Mob to duck down in the bushes and go away with their tar and feathers*

Alright. All good.

Motions for Scrafty bodyguards to stand down.

Ooo, Mount Moon would be a great stage! But I'd sure love to see a new take on Saffron City from SSB 64. The cities in Pokemon have such distinctive charm, and I'd like to see what they could do nowadays with the concept of Pokemon popping out of random rooftop doors, lol.

Castelia/Nimbasa City would make great stages due to the distinct, divirse natures of cities and the Pokémon who inhabit them. Imagine a Nimbasa stage that lets your fighters ride Pokémon-occupied rollercoasters and the ferris wheel!

You... You're posting Chandelure saying he's cool but impractical as a Smash Bro, right? Impractical, but still cool, right?!



But then there's a chance we could get Heatmor or Druddigon.

Ooooooh noooooooo...

It appears we can no longer be friends my friend. Slow, underpowered cave dragons are the best. I'd rough skin, rocky helmet you all to death in Smash 4 if given the chance.

After playing so much Kid Icarus multiplayer, I'm not adverse to the idea of status elements in Smash 4. It'd be cool if my Scraffty's crunch could Def. drop my foe. Something like "weakening" in KI. Or if no specific status then a Def drop could greatly shrink shield size or shield recovery.
I've actually won every game of Brawl and Melee I've ever played when I would chuck a Pokeball and Wobbuffet would come out, so I consider him a good-luck charm and hope he doesn't get removed.
It appears we can no longer be friends my friend. Slow, underpowered cave dragons are the best. I'd rough skin, rocky helmet you all to death in Smash 4 if given the chance.

Geez, I just finished explaining my statement a few posts up... Why are there so many terminated friendships? T_T

I know that Scrafty isn't weak to fire, but this is just ridiculous...


sticker attributes would have been oh so nice outside of SSE.

peach could finally kill stuff without all the work. and would have made up for her having the worst air dodge and 2nd jump in brawl -_-


Geez, I just finished explaining my statement a few posts up... Why are there so many terminated friendships? T_T

I know that Scrafty isn't weak to fire, but this is just ridiculous...

Nah, we cool. Druddigon isn't even in my top 10 fav Gen 5 Pokes. Just watch out though, you insult the wrong guy in we just might come to blows. Just don't go making light of any Zen Pokemon.


I'll admit, I thought Druddigon looked like a bland Digimon the first time I saw him, but he quickly grew on me the more I looked at him. I love his design now.

But hey, what's with Doc saying Druddigon is slow? I though his 'dex entry said he quickly chases prey through caves?

On another note... I always thought a Team Rocket character would be cool. Just a generic, black-clad grunt, called Team Rocket. He plays like PKMN Trainer, but you'd never guess his lineup: Gloom, Kadabra and Haunter. All middle forms, and each supplementing the other; I.E. use Gloom's Sleep Powder or Kadabra's Hyponsis to lure foes asleep, and then Haunter comes out to use Dream Eater, restoring the team's health while dealing damage. I also picture Kadabra setting up Light Barriers and firing Psybeam; Haunter having the ability to poof in and out of air, causing enemy attacks to pass through him, or using Lick to slow enemies; and Gloom being able to inflict enemies with Leech Seed, with effects like Lip's Stick in Brawl, health slowly leeching off the enemy. Just so many possibilities, and their color schemes -- golds and browns, orange and blues, purples and reds -- just look cool together. No real rhyme or reason for it being THESE three: Just three middle forms, from the original 151, who all kind of have a dark "edge" to them. I suppose it would seem too random for anyone else, though!
Nah, we cool. Druddigon isn't even in my top 10 fav Gen 5 Pokes. Just watch out though, you insult the wrong guy in we just might come to blows. Just don't go making light of any Zen Pokemon.

As much as I'd love to see a Scrafty fight, I'm cool with Zen. I love Zen. I practice Zen gaming. Zen is fine in my book.


What if PKMN Trainer was renamed PKMN Trainer Red... And they introduced a PKMN Trainer Black? And what if the three Pokemon were Tepig, Dewott and Serperior? (My favorite final form is actually Samurott, but hear me out.)

- Tepig is a Fire-type and four-legged -- an interesting contrast from two-legged, Water-type Squirtle.

- Dewott is a Water-type and two-legged, with the whole shell-blade/samurai motif going -- a nice contrast from the four-legged, Grass-type Ivysaur.

- Serperior is a grounded, limbless Grass-type, a foil to the winged, two-legged Fire-type that is Charizard. The idea of a limbless Smash Bros., who grasps items with his mouth and prehensile tail, is cool in general. And I'd love to see his shiny eyes and intricate patterns rendered in HD. <3

I'm at work so I can't do it here, but just take the official Sugimori art for each and line them up. The trio looks great together. And the trainer itself would be the GIRL from Black and White -- again, to provide contrast to Red and his gang. (Also, the girl looks cooler and helps mitigate the sausage fest that is SSB.) As for the name Black? I don't know... Sounds better than naming someone White!


He's been mentioned in this thread as a character with a high likelihood than most. I wonder how you would feel if Sakurai decided to go with one of the other Punch-Out boxers instead. I mean they have the advantage of having crazy moves.

Yes. You're the only one.

Guys, I realize I'm not the only one, I just wanted for people to talk about him again.

I think King Hippo would also be a hilarious character for a newcomer though that's doubtful.

Glass Joe could be the Goldeen of Assist Trophies too.
i hope bowsers right b grab doesn't get changed ;)

*grabs people and dives off the stage*, love doing that when final destination was picked 3497848937432432 in a row times online.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
What if PKMN Trainer was renamed PKMN Trainer Red... And they introduced a PKMN Trainer Black? And what if the three Pokemon were Tepig, Dewott and Serperior? (My favorite final form is actually Samurott, but hear me out.)

Actually, Red is his name. Trainers after Gold and Silver have their names different from the color/gem/metal. Boy is Hilbert and girl is Hilda.



He's been mentioned in this thread as a character with a high likelihood than most. I wonder how you would feel if Sakurai decided to go with one of the other Punch-Out boxers instead. I mean they have the advantage of having crazy moves.

I don't think that's likely, maybe if this were a Capcom crossover game, but Sakurai seems to generally prioritize the protagonists over anything else when choosing the first representation of each franchise. The only exception was Pikachu, and even then Pikachu was the "face" of the franchise, Pkm trainer wasn't an easily implemented character, and he eventually made it in anyway. If there's any Punch Out representation, it'll be Little Mac. He might just pull a Ness/Lucas and give other people's moves to him if he feels there isn't enough material for a full moveset in Little Mac himself.
All I know is that Pokemon Trainer had better return with some updated Poke's to go along with him.

(although he better keep Charizard, cause he's awesome)
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