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Next Super Smash Bros. discussion thread, Community Edition

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So okay, I want to make a new prediction.

So for a while there's been discussion about whether or not we're getting a teaser trailer at this year's E3. Most people are saying it's too soon and development's barely started, but some others (
Okay, mostly just Black Wind :p
) have insisted that Smash Bros is too big to go a full year without presenting something, and they'd try to outsource a CG trailer at bare minimum. I have been on the "no, too soon" side of this debate thus far, but the other side does have a little merit. I'd like to revise my statement and say that it's possible that we will get a trailer for the next Smash Bros. game.

But it'll be for the 3DS version. And only the 3DS version, with visuals that are on par with Brawl, and in fact probably reusing/slightly modifying a lot of existing Brawl assets. For example, Mario might have the exact same model. We will not see a mindblowing HD trailer that showcases Wii U graphics. Because first off, why would we if the 3DS version is coming out first? Second off, this is really the only way I can see Sakurai coming up with something presentable after starting development maybe 3 months ago.

I also still would not bat an eye if the entirety of E3 came and went without a trailer for either version. I'm just saying I think a trailer is plausible now, under the circumstances I've mentioned above.
Aww, I see lol

But no, I don't think they will simply show a "3DS" trailer and I don't remember them ever saying either game would be out before the other. I don't see why an awesome HD trailer would be out of the question.

Why? Because the awesome HD Zelda demo that was made as a rush job by some as-of-yet still unnamed team that put so many people in awwww last year was made with TP assets apparently. Not sure what tech-tricks they did to make that look so good using assets from a GC/ Wii game but if that can happen I don't see why that can't work for smash. Even more when you factor in the fact that KI has should some clear bumps in graphics from trailer to trailer and even more when you awesome it's just gonna be mostly CG like Brawl's.


I am feeling extremely confident that we are going to get at least one newcomer unveiled at E3 2012, and that one newcomer is going to be Mega Man. At this point, Ridley and Mega Man are the only true newcomers I really want to see in Smash 4. Hopefully, both of those characters are unveiled at E3 2012.
There is no way that Nintendo is going to let Sony big up All-Stars without at least showing a teaser for 3DS/WiiU Smash. That would be all kinds of wrong.

They wait until after Sony's presser...

"Now this is how you make a mascot fighter."

BANG! Amazing trailer.


On the other hand the Wii U version's going to have an enormous jump in terms of graphics regardless of what the system's final specs are, and it's going to be easier said than done to port Brawl's engine over to the 3DS to build off of (assuming they even do that as opposed to writing a new one from scratch).

In that Iwata Asks interview done post-announcement, Sakurai said they'd start with Brawl's build and build things from there. Anyway, I'll be surprised and disappointed if they actually only started Smash's development after Kid Icarus was done. It'd mean Kid Icarus took a development team as big as Smash's, and they let the game be delayed knowing that it'd affect the later title too. It just seems like a bunch of bad decisions would be necessary for that to be true.

I am feeling extremely confident that we are going to get at least one newcomer unveiled at E3 2012, and that one newcomer is going to be Mega Man.

He probably would be cheap, I guess... But I can see Capcom pushing for someone else if they do attempt to get a guest from them.
In that Iwata Asks interview done post-announcement, Sakurai said they'd start with Brawl's build and build things from there. Anyway, I'll be surprised and disappointed if they actually only started Smash's development after Kid Icarus was done. It'd mean Kid Icarus took a development team as big as Smash's, and they let the game be delayed knowing that it'd affect the later title too. It just seems like a bunch of bad decisions would be necessary for that to be true.

Even if Sakurai's team hadn't started work yet, you can bet Nintendo had done some preliminary work. After all, this is the company that put together a whole Brawl trailer with a definitive style before Sakurai even knew he was on the project. I'd be very surprised if we hear nothing at E3.


After all, this is the company that put together a whole Brawl trailer with a definitive style before Sakurai even knew he was on the project. I'd be very surprised if we hear nothing at E3.

Huh? No. Sakurai didn't know about the game in the initial title-only announcement done alongside the Wii itself. In the next E3, when we got that trailer, he already was working on it for a few months at least - which is still pretty efficient, I guess.
There is no way that Nintendo is going to let Sony big up All-Stars without at least showing a teaser for 3DS/WiiU Smash. That would be all kinds of wrong.

They wait until after Sony's presser...

"Now this is how you make a mascot fighter."

BANG! Amazing trailer.
I'd say it's probably generous to assume Nintendo cares about Playstation All-Stars.

They likely view it at the same threat level as Little Big Planet Karting is to Mario Kart.
Even if Sakurai's team hadn't started work yet, you can bet Nintendo had done some preliminary work. After all, this is the company that put together a whole Brawl trailer with a definitive style before Sakurai even knew he was on the project. I'd be very surprised if we hear nothing at E3.

Whoa, no, this is totally not factual.

E3 2005 is where Iwata announced a new Smash, with intentions to make Melee+ if Sakurai did not sign on. Sakurai signed on.

E3 2006 is where the Brawl trailer came. He had been working on the game for a while at this point but the trailer was really all they had done.


I am feeling extremely confident that we are going to get at least one newcomer unveiled at E3 2012, and that one newcomer is going to be Mega Man. At this point, Ridley and Mega Man are the only true newcomers I really want to see in Smash 4. Hopefully, both of those characters are unveiled at E3 2012.

They're my main most wanted also, but I do really want Little Mac and Palutena too.


They're my main most wanted also, but I do really want Little Mac and Palutena too.

Ridley weirds me out. Is he just like, a dinosaur thing? Is he intelligent? He just kinda seems like a poor fit to me, but I've never played any Metroid other than a few hours of Prime.

Does no one else want Rayman? I figure with how Ubi is supposedly big on the Wii U, Rayman Origins success and the new Rayman Wii U game that was leaked, that Ubi would be 100% for putting him in Smash.
Does no one else want Rayman? I figure with how Ubi is supposedly big on the Wii U, Rayman Origins success and the new Rayman Wii U game that was leaked, that Ubi would be 100% for putting him in Smash.

While I like Rayman, Megaman makes a lot more sense from a "Nintendo history" point of view. But I would rather have Rayman than Snake... seriously, why even?


While I like Rayman, Megaman makes a lot more sense from a "Nintendo history" point of view. But I would rather have Rayman than Snake... seriously, why even?

Agreed totally, lol. Megaman over Rayman. But I still really like Rayman. (btw: "normal" megaman or megaman x?)

Btw I found a neat speculation roster-making program here: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=320445

Kinda neat to toy around with, prob gonna post mine in here when I'm done lol
Ridley weirds me out. Is he just like, a dinosaur thing? Is he intelligent? He just kinda seems like a poor fit to me, but I've never played any Metroid other than a few hours of Prime.

Does no one else want Rayman? I figure with how Ubi is supposedly big on the Wii U, Rayman Origins success and the new Rayman Wii U game that was leaked, that Ubi would be 100% for putting him in Smash.

Yes Ridley is intelligent. He even tricks/attempts to trap Samus on a self destructing lab station in Super Metroid. He is also the leader of the Space Pirates.

Ridley would be awesome, he's probably my most wanted addition. They just need to scale his size a bit.


Ridley weirds me out. Is he just like, a dinosaur thing? Is he intelligent? He just kinda seems like a poor fit to me, but I've never played any Metroid other than a few hours of Prime.

He's a giant purple space dragon. Not a dinosaur. Totally different. Dinosaurs don't breathe fire.

He's basically the closest thing Samus has to a Bowser or Ganon.

It'll be a damn shame if he still doesn't get in.


Considering Bowser has been all sorts of sizes over the years in various games, yeah, it would be a poor excuse.

Bowser and Ridley's sizes can both be retconned, so yeah that's not an issue. My issue was just that I didn't know anything about him and just thought he was too primal/vicious to really be a good character, didn't know he was intelligent or whatever. I mean he was in the opening to melee, that size would work fine. but yeah knowing that he should be in.



What a neat program to waste a few hours using, lol. Anyway that feels like my ideal roster with the exception of Zoroark/Krokoark. I know we need some Gen 5 Pokemon love but I'm not really in love with either of those, especially Zoroark. He's just a copier pokemon and that's too boring imo. might as well put ditto in it. krokorok would be a better character but is he big enough of a deal to put in smash bros? who knows. i'm struggling to find one or two solid gen 5 pokemon to add, although its been a while and those were the only ones with icons for the program other than genesect and keldeo. one of the other "swordsman" pokemon wouldn't be too bad actually. the green one is the leader i think? been a while since i played black and white so not really remembering all the details.

the only casualties were jigglypuff and shiek. shiek hasn't been used since oot and skyward's impa could just be a clone/revamp, and allow them to switch zelda over to the skyward art style rather than sticking with twilight. and i hate jiggypuff although it probably stays because of seniority at this point, even though it would fuck up my even 60. although i guess you could have pikachu/red/jigglypuff/lucario/gen5.

i also think the survival of toon link depends on the future of handheld zeldas (with one possibly announced at e3, perhaps right before a smash bros 4 teaser trailer). if they retain the toon link style for the 3DS like they did with phantom hourglass/spirit tracks, then he stays. if they use an ocarina of time art style then young link should make a return. if not, and its something new, like maybe a link to the past/link's awakening remake with a new art style then maybe that link gets in. he could still be called young link if he were to be that link too. i'm also not in love with adding ghirahim to the roster but I could see him being in it.

i'm a little worried that king hippo might play too similar to donkey kong, and k.rool might be too similar to bowser. I just wanted to add a few more villains into the game. but i trust nintendo/sakurai to make it work if they want to add these guys.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
You know a list is bullshit when it has Waluigi and Geno in it, and possibly Krystal.

Speaking of Krystal, why are people fawning over her being "unique"? Slippy has more chance than her because he's surprisingly well loved over in Japan.


You know a list is bullshit when it has Waluigi and Geno in it, and possibly Krystal.

Speaking of Krystal, why are people fawning over her being "unique"? Slippy has more chance than her because he's surprisingly well loved over in Japan.

don't hate on my boy geno


Banjo won't make it. He's been owned by Microsoft for ten years now.

Yeah, I know. I said it was my ideal roster, not the most realistic, lol. A man can have his fanboy dreams...

Nintendo should buy him back just so he can be in Donkey Kong.

I bet he's like ten bucks by now.

Yeah, really. what a waste. poor banjo is slowly rotting away over there. I think I read in the wii u speculation thread at some point that banjo might be able to appear on the 3DS, although I don't remember the specifics of what was being talked about. edit: found an article: http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2011/04/rumour_rare_looking_into_3ds_development


What. Did I type "so he can be in Donkey Kong"? How did that happen?

Oh god, Freudian slip, now you'll all know about my secret fanfics.

I meant Smash. Buy him so he can be in Smash. Because I don't care who he's owned by, it doesn't make him any less of a classic Nintendo character to me. Just like Crash and Spyro are still totally classic Playstation characters even if Sony doesn't own them.


Yeah, I know. I said it was my ideal roster, not the most realistic, lol. A man can have his fanboy dreams...

Ideal roster = baby bros...!?

I like the idea of krokorok or preferably krookodile being the gen 5 rep though; krook's my favorite pokemon design of the past three gens, and it'd be cool seeing a ground type's moveset in smash

And even though I love mega man and him being included makes much more sense I would take amaterasu over any other capcom rep any day


What. Did I type "so he can be in Donkey Kong"? How did that happen?

Oh god, Freudian slip, now you'll all know about my secret fanfics.

I meant Smash. Buy him so he can be in Smash. Because I don't care who he's owned by, it doesn't make him any less of a classic Nintendo character to me. Just like Crash and Spyro are still totally classic Playstation characters even if Sony doesn't own them.

what if the best banjo game is on 360?
what if the best banjo game is on 360?

It is.


I'm actually a big fan of Nuts & Bolts, but better than the original? Not a chance.

It's actually infuriating that if Microsoft hadn't bought Rare, Banjo would most certainly have been in Brawl. As a second-party to Nintendo, Rare would have been first on the list to get a character included.

Anyway, K.Rool, Samurai Goroh (from F-Zero), and Ridley are the only characters I'm particularly pining for (in that order). The Smash Bros. series needs significantly more representation of villains, and these three characters are popular enough to warrant inclusion. Also, of all the Nintendo franchises that have playable characters in Brawl, Donkey Kong, Metroid, and F-Zero are the only three that I feel are still a bit underrepresented.

Samurai Goroh would need to be given moves created from scratch, as there's no source material to go from apart from him using a katana. But then, Captain Falcon started out the same way, and he's now the most prolific fighter of the series in regards to his moveset.


What. Did I type "so he can be in Donkey Kong"? How did that happen?

Oh god, Freudian slip, now you'll all know about my secret fanfics.

I meant Smash. Buy him so he can be in Smash. Because I don't care who he's owned by, it doesn't make him any less of a classic Nintendo character to me. Just like Crash and Spyro are still totally classic Playstation characters even if Sony doesn't own them.

rofl those must be some pretty interesting fanfics. But yeah Banjo is a classic Nintendo character, I feel like all the 3rd party characters I put on there had a strong connection to Nintendo in one way or another making them solid candidates.

Plus if Nintendo did end up buying the rights to the IP and then adding in Banjo and a stage and selling them as DLC for $5 they might make 100x as much as Microsoft has made from the ip from nuts and bolts and the classics on xbla.

Ideal roster = baby bros...!?

I like the idea of krokorok or preferably krookodile being the gen 5 rep though; krook's my favorite pokemon design of the past three gens, and it'd be cool seeing a ground type's moveset in smash

And even though I love mega man and him being included makes much more sense I would take amaterasu over any other capcom rep any day

i like the baby bros :( i feel like they could have a good ice climbers vibe going.

krook is a good idea for the rep, I really liked him in-game and he'd be an interesting fit, like you said, with a ground and dark type moveset.

megaman, viewtiful joe and amaterasu all blend in so well with smash that it makes me ignore the fact that that would mean 3 capcom reps, lol. if i had to drop one it would be vj though.

It's actually infuriating that if Microsoft hadn't bought Rare, Banjo would most certainly have been in Brawl. As a second-party to Nintendo, Rare would have been first on the list to get a character included.
Preaching to the choir man. I know that feel.


what if the best banjo game is on 360?


It's actually infuriating that if Microsoft hadn't bought Rare, Banjo would most certainly have been in Brawl. As a second-party to Nintendo, Rare would have been first on the list to get a character included.

He honestly should've been in Melee. But then that would've made his absence in Brawl even more painful.

I think they knew the sale was coming, though, and that's why he didn't even get in as a trophy. Same reason the cloaking device trophy says Unknown instead of Perfect Dark.
Ridley weirds me out. Is he just like, a dinosaur thing? Is he intelligent? He just kinda seems like a poor fit to me, but I've never played any Metroid other than a few hours of Prime.

Bowser and Ridley's sizes can both be retconned, so yeah that's not an issue. My issue was just that I didn't know anything about him and just thought he was too primal/vicious to really be a good character, didn't know he was intelligent or whatever. I mean he was in the opening to melee, that size would work fine. but yeah knowing that he should be in.

Ridley is everything but primal. He is actually really intelligent and smart. He talks (at least in the manga), he has been leading the Space Pirates for the longest of times, has been able to turn Mother Brain against the Chozo when his pirates invaded Zebes, and he also constructed Mecha-Ridley iirc.
That said, he is vicious and destructive, despite his intelligence. But so is Ganondorf, so that's not much of an argument against him.

I'd even argue Bowser is more primal than Ridley for the most part.

He honestly should've been in Melee. But then that would've made his absence in Brawl even more painful.

I think they knew the sale was coming, though, and that's why he didn't even get in as a trophy. Same reason the cloaking device trophy says Unknown instead of Perfect Dark.

He didn't make it into Melee simply because Nintendo then hadn't even considered the option of putting in non first-party characters. Chances are if Hideo Kojima hadn't asked about getting Snake into Melee (though he was too late), we likely wouldn't have had any third-party characters in Brawl at all. After all, Sakurai has said that they never approached other developers for their characters; they waited to be approached.

The proximity mine and cloaking devices may have been nods to Rare (I think Rare were even credited for one or both of them in Melee's credits), but there's a big difference between relatively generic items and playable characters.

Well Banjo could maybe be a 3DS exclusive character since Rare still did some stuff on Nintendo handhelds.

Banjo is owned by Microsoft. They made a deal with THQ to release Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge on the Game Boy Advance one year after the buyout, but that was before Microsoft were sure of what they wanted to do with Rare's IP's, and decided to utilise him. Banjo's now one of Microsoft's "mascots" (albeit not a very prolific one), and there's no chance of him appearing again on a non-Microsoft system. It's no coincidence that Banjo and Kazooie were in the 360 version of Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing, but not the Wii or DS versions.

I'd even argue Bowser is more primal than Ridley for the most part.


- Has never had a single word of dialogue in any of the games he's appeared in
- His actual appearances depict him as a mindless monster


- Often has dialogue
- Sometimes portrayed as little more than a selfish jerk/bumbling oaf
- An ally in three of the Mario RPG's
- Plays golf, tennis, and rides go-karts with his biggest enemy

Ridley definitely deserves to be playable, and it's true that there's more to him behind the scenes (and this is even acknowledged within the Metroid games themselves), but let's not kid ourselves here.


Considering that Ridley has never had a single word of dialogue in any of the games, and his actual appearances depict him as a mindless monster, you're blatantly grasping to say that he's less primal than Bowser, a villain who often has dialogue, is often portrayed as little more than a jerk, is an ally in three of the Mario RPG's, and plays golf and rides go-karts with his nemesis.

Ridley still deserves to be playable, and it's true that there's more to him behind the scenes (and this is even acknowledged within the Metroid games themselves), but let's not kid ourselves here.

Exactly my line of thinking.

- Has never had a single word of dialogue in any of the games he's appeared in
- His actual appearances depict him as a mindless monster


- Often has dialogue
- Sometimes portrayed as little more than a selfish jerk/bumbling oaf
- An ally in three of the Mario RPG's
- Plays golf, tennis, and rides go-karts with his biggest enemy

Ridley definitely deserves to be playable, and it's true that there's more to him behind the scenes (and this is even acknowledged within the Metroid games themselves), but let's not kid ourselves here.

Bowser's dialogue, at least when it isn't portrayed by textboxes, is not much more than Ridley's screeching; it's growling with a slight resemblance of words.
There's also much more Mario games than Metroid games, and Bowser is the main villain in most of them, so it's pretty obvious that he got more character development than Ridley does, but honestly, Bowser's motives are really low ("I wanna bang the princess of the Mushroom Kingdom"), while Ridley's motives, usually, are depicted as much more genuine, and so is his tactical prowess.
Bowser can't even select troops that are smart enough to not walk off ledges, while Ridley was capable of invading an entire planet with a bunch of raiders (at least that's what the name "space pirates" implies), turn Mother Brain into an ally, and constructing a mechanized version of himself that would take over the space pirates should he himself (finally) die.
And the point about the Mario RPGs and spin-offs is not really a good one, either, to be honest; the spin-offs, Super Mario RPG and the Paper Mario series are in their own respective canon, and are not part of the "actual" main story.

However, that's why I said "for the most part" - I know that there have been portrayals of Bowser being actually more than just a dumb grunt with a royal title, but in comparison to Ridley, the threads in the background speak much more for the space dragon rather than the turtle king.


The proximity mine and cloaking devices may have been nods to Rare (I think Rare were even credited for one or both of them in Melee's credits), but there's a big difference between relatively generic items and playable characters.

I'm not sure about the clocking device, but the proximity mine in the original Japanese melee apparently was the one from Perfect Dark, and was credited as such.


In the international versions, they modified those items, changed their design to resemble Goldeneye's more generic proximity mine (which doesn't have any trademarked emblems) and replaced the actual game reference with just an "Unknown".


And, of course, in Brawl, it had a completely different design from the previous games. So, I think they knew that Rare was leaving, but only close to the game being finished. So, yes, they probably never planned to add Banjo there.
Bowser's dialogue, at least when it isn't portrayed by textboxes, is not much more than Ridley's screeching; it's growling with a slight resemblance of words.
There's also much more Mario games than Metroid games, and Bowser is the main villain in most of them, so it's pretty obvious that he got more character development than Ridley does, but honestly, Bowser's motives are really low ("I wanna bang the princess of the Mushroom Kingdom"), while Ridley's motives, usually, are depicted as much more genuine, and so is his tactical prowess.
Bowser can't even select troops that are smart enough to not walk off ledges, while Ridley was capable of invading an entire planet with a bunch of raiders (at least that's what the name "space pirates" implies), turn Mother Brain into an ally, and constructing a mechanized version of himself that would take over the space pirates should he himself (finally) die.
And the point about the Mario RPGs and spin-offs is not really a good one, either, to be honest; the spin-offs, Super Mario RPG and the Paper Mario series are in their own respective canon, and are not part of the "actual" main story.

However, that's why I said "for the most part" - I know that there have been portrayals of Bowser being actually more than just a dumb grunt with a royal title, but in comparison to Ridley, the threads in the background speak much more for the space dragon rather than the turtle king.

Within the actual games, however, Ridley is always depicted as a ravenous monster--all of the information of him being a genius leader are from backstory not supplied in the actual games. Even in Other M he is completely silent.

And even within the context of the backstory his motivation doesn't seem to extend much further than "rape and pillage because I'm a pirate." It's only after Mother Brain starts using them do the Pirates start aiming for slightly more complicated goals.


Man, I re-watched the first Ridley battle in MP3 on YouTube, where you're both in free fall and he uses his claws on the walls to slow his descent when he's below you, and he goes into a dive to catch up with you when he's above you, and he holds you in the palm of his hand when he's right next to you, and DAMN, the whole deal has to be one of the coolest boss encounters ever, topped off with Samus surfing Ridley's face, firing some shots down his throat and ice-surfing away with Rundus (sp?). That's the high watermark for Ridley fights, imo.

He honestly should've been in Melee. But then that would've made his absence in Brawl even more painful.

I think they knew the sale was coming, though, and that's why he didn't even get in as a trophy. Same reason the cloaking device trophy says Unknown instead of Perfect Dark.

I think Banjo and Diddy would have been in Melee if there wasn't any buyout issues. But yeah, his loss would have been very painful. Here's to Nintendo saving him one day.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Ridley speaks to Samus in the manga, but I've always liked the idea that the two were unable to communicate, yet Ridley was still an intelligent, methodical and ruthless being. I think the concept of both characters having far reaching, conflicting goals that inevitably cross paths, yet neither being able to communicate with one-another, almost like an unspoken yet completely understood raillery, is really neat.


Bowser's dialogue, at least when it isn't portrayed by textboxes, is not much more than Ridley's screeching; it's growling with a slight resemblance of words.
There's also much more Mario games than Metroid games, and Bowser is the main villain in most of them, so it's pretty obvious that he got more character development than Ridley does, but honestly, Bowser's motives are really low ("I wanna bang the princess of the Mushroom Kingdom"), while Ridley's motives, usually, are depicted as much more genuine, and so is his tactical prowess.
Bowser can't even select troops that are smart enough to not walk off ledges, while Ridley was capable of invading an entire planet with a bunch of raiders (at least that's what the name "space pirates" implies), turn Mother Brain into an ally, and constructing a mechanized version of himself that would take over the space pirates should he himself (finally) die.
And the point about the Mario RPGs and spin-offs is not really a good one, either, to be honest; the spin-offs, Super Mario RPG and the Paper Mario series are in their own respective canon, and are not part of the "actual" main story.

However, that's why I said "for the most part" - I know that there have been portrayals of Bowser being actually more than just a dumb grunt with a royal title, but in comparison to Ridley, the threads in the background speak much more for the space dragon rather than the turtle king.

Can't really add to this other than to say I agree. Bowser seems about as primal as you can get - a creature driven by lust for the princess and conquest, and rage at Mario. As King of the Koopas, he has driven his peace loving turtle subjects to become unlikely warriors, leading to the deaths of thousands of his own soldiers. Seriously, against a foe whose strength is jumping, he consistently sends squat, slow moving soldiers whose weakness is BEING JUMPED ON. There's no brains there - it's just kill, rape, conquer.
Ridley speaks to Samus in the manga, but I've always liked the idea that the two were unable to communicate, yet Ridley was still an intelligent, methodical and ruthless being. I think the concept of both characters having far reaching, conflicting goals that inevitably cross paths, yet neither being able to communicate with one-another, almost like an unspoken yet completely understood raillery, is really neat.

I dunno, having space pirates speak differently than Samus would also fuck up their best characterization, the journal entries in Prime.
You know a list is bullshit when it has Waluigi and Geno in it, and possibly Krystal.

Speaking of Krystal, why are people fawning over her being "unique"? Slippy has more chance than her because he's surprisingly well loved over in Japan.


Within the actual games, however, Ridley is always depicted as a ravenous monster--all of the information of him being a genius leader are from backstory not supplied in the actual games. Even in Other M he is completely silent.

If Ridley were to speak, I'd imagine him having the same voice as
Mumkhar from Xenoblade
Surprised no one has posted this yet. A user has tweeted Sakurai requesting Geno,Issac, and Mega Man. Sakurai actually replied with what translates to "2 out of 3".
It could always be 2 out of 3 not in game. Issac's back...in Sticker form.

Dumb twitter question. If I were to tweet and delete the tweet that would a direct link to that tweet say. Would it say the tweet was removed by me or just a generic failwhale can't find tweet. Given the user in question probably lacks the direct URL to the status its futile...
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