The point is is that he has not changed his mind, what he has said is consistent with what he has always said from the time Brawl was completed. If you want relevant info than he also stated this recently:
There is nothing stopping him from doing that, but he has expressed since 2008 that he does not simply want to increase the roster without bringing something different to separate the new game from its predecessors.
It does not have to be either/or, but simply a matter of perspective.
In none of that does he imply that he's limited the number of characters down to brawl's level.
What he seems to be saying in your quotes is "Hey, I COULD just make 50 characters and a fuck ton of stages (like everyone wants) but I want to do MORE than that". This new quote? It seems to be saying that he feels that current number is the cut-off point because of the "In terms of quantity, we've probably already reached the limit of what's feasible" line coming after the "it becomes very difficult to fine-tune each character and make them feel distinctive" bit in terms of have a large roster.
And nowhere does it come across that he feels that there's just no more characters that will get people "excited".