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Next Super Smash Bros. discussion thread, Community Edition

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"I make every Smash game like it's the last one!"


"Smash isn't just about adding X amount of characters!"

This thread is so huge that I barely follow what is going on, but I just read the bit about Sakurai reaching a sort of limit on roster size. They probably will cut Pokemon trainer which is a shame because I loved having access to three gen 1 pokemon starters. All three of the Pokemon were fun as well. I seriously couldn't choose between Charizard, Ivysaur and Squirtle. Maybe they should just pick an iconic starter pokemon from gen 1, 2 and 3? Pikachu and Jigglypuff should both be standalone characters.

I also don't take his talk about "balance" seriously at all after that Brawl mess. It sounds like a big fat excuse to cut characters. My apologies if I unknowingly set off a bomb. I don't follow the thread and I have no idea what kinds of crazies lurk in these threads(or maybe I'd be the crazy one in these parts).


Also, there now exists the option for Sakurai's team to patch the game after its release. Heck, I believe even Kid Icarus Uprising received a patch.
"I make every Smash game like it's the last one!"


"Smash isn't just about adding X amount of characters!"

Except sakurai specifically said there isn't much room for more characters and said that 50 characters is too much in terms of balance and diversity. So it either means we aren't getting many new characters or they are trimming the fat.

Personally id be fine with removing jigglypuff, lucas, ike and wolf/falco; fixing ganondorf and toon link(making them more diverse), and adding some new unique characters. They could also easily split it up and focus on one set of characters on the 3ds and then focus on other characters on wii u.


I am going to rage when one more person suggests cutting Jigglypuff. Jigglypuff is now a staple to the Smash Bros. series. DEAL WITH IT.

Personally, I would perfectly happy if there were only nine new characters and they ended up being Ridley, Mega Man, Mewtwo, Roy, K. Rool, Dixie Kong, Palutena, Takamaru, and Miyamoto's new IP. Assuming no one from Brawl is cut, that would bring Smash 4's total number of playable characters to 48. I would be perfectly happy with this.
In my opinion, the single greatest change that could be made to the existing roster is getting rid of Pokémon Trainer's "stamina" and "switch upon death" mechanics. Squirtle is both my best and favourite character in the game, and I loathe having to switch characters and playstyles in the midst of a heated match. I know it makes sense in the context of the character and his series, but c'mon. Pikachu, Jigglypuff and Lucario aren't gimped by a gimmick that does more harm than good.
I am going to rage when one more person suggests cutting Jigglypuff. Jigglypuff is now a staple to the Smash Bros. series. DEAL WITH IT.

Personally, I would perfectly happy if there were only nine new characters and they ended up being Ridley, Mega Man, Mewtwo, Roy, K. Rool, Dixie Kong, Palutena, Takamaru, and Miyamoto's new IP. Assuming no one from Brawl is cut, that would bring Smash 4's total number of playable characters to 48. I would be perfectly happy with this.
It's like an opinion man. I personally detest the idea of K. Rool being a new character but I don't rage because others want him in. "K. Rool hasn't been in a mainline DK game since the SNES and has no place in Smash on top of an atrocious character design from a subpar platforming series. DEAL WITH IT."

I suggested cutting Jigglypuff because of popularity, series relevancy and it isn't that unique of a character which is the same reason I suggested Lucas, Ike, and Wolf/Falco. Jigglypuff's inclusion into the original 64 was because Sakurai wanted a character that had similar mobility to Kirby, now we have King DeDeDe and Metaknight. Jigglypuff has outrun its usefullness as a character and it's veteran status should not be the sole reason from preventing it from being on the chopping block if Sakurai decides to remove some characters. I also suggested splitting the roster between the two games as well. For example perhaps in SSB 3DS Star Fox series will have Fox/Falco and SSB Wii U will have Fox/Wolf apply that for multiple series.
If characters are going to be cut, the third party characters should be first. I don't think any Nintendo characters should be lost to make room for guest characters.

I'd also be okay with no Toon Link, but besides that, I don't really want to see anyone else go. Plus, I don't think the roster number has reached it's limit yet, 36 really isn't that much by today's standards.


In my opinion, the single greatest change that could be made to the existing roster is getting rid of Pokémon Trainer's "stamina" and "switch upon death" mechanics. Squirtle is both my best and favourite character in the game, and I loathe having to switch characters and playstyles in the midst of a heated match. I know it makes sense in the context of the character and his series, but c'mon. Pikachu, Jigglypuff and Lucario aren't gimped by a gimmick that does more harm than good.

So would you rather them all be separate characters or tied together without any stamina whatsoever?
So would you rather them all be separate characters or tied together without any stamina whatsoever?

I'm okay with them being tied together, as it makes sense with the character and conserves room on the character select screen, but I'd like to see Sakurai do away with any stamina system for Smash 4 so that I can play my main without the fear of my moves going double stale.


I think the only character from a veteran Nintendo series that is absolutely necessary for inclusion at this point is Ridley. However, I also see Palutena as a shoe-in (primarily because I think Sakurai will want a new female fighter to include, and Palutena is the best candidate for that).
If characters are going to be cut, the third party characters should be first. I don't think any Nintendo characters should be lost to make room for guest characters.

I'd also be okay with no Toon Link, but besides that, I don't really want to see anyone else go. Plus, I don't think the roster number has reached it's limit yet, 36 really isn't that much by today's standards.

Toon/young Link is in half the series though. They just should replace his final smash and B Moves with more unique stuff. Link has tons of weapons/items that could be spread across two characters.
Toon/young Link is in half the series though. They just should replace his final smash and B Moves with more unique stuff. Link has tons of weapons/items that could be spread across two characters.

True, but I personal don't think we need two Links. If characters are being cut, then no one character should have two separate versions of themselves IMO.

Plus, I'm not super fond of Toon Link's design.
It's like an opinion man. I personally detest the idea of K. Rool being a new character but I don't rage because others want him in. "K. Rool hasn't been in a mainline DK game since the SNES and has no place in Smash on top of an atrocious character design from a subpar platforming series. DEAL WITH IT."

I suggested cutting Jigglypuff because of popularity, series relevancy and it isn't that unique of a character which is the same reason I suggested Lucas, Ike, and Wolf/Falco. Jigglypuff's inclusion into the original 64 was because Sakurai wanted a character that had similar mobility to Kirby, now we have King DeDeDe and Metaknight. Jigglypuff has outrun its usefullness as a character and it's veteran status should not be the sole reason from preventing it from being on the chopping block if Sakurai decides to remove some characters. I also suggested splitting the roster between the two games as well. For example perhaps in SSB 3DS Star Fox series will have Fox/Falco and SSB Wii U will have Fox/Wolf apply that for multiple series.

Pretty much how I feel about Puff (and K. Rool ...).
Also doesn't help that Puff means nothing to the new fans who likely have no connection to this Pokemon.

Also, I don't think we need 2 Links either if they're staying at Brawl's size.
Except sakurai specifically said there isn't much room for more characters and said that 50 characters is too much in terms of balance and diversity. So it either means we aren't getting many new characters or they are trimming the fat.
Doesn't this seem far more likely than going on a cutting spree after Brawl had a much more balanced roster (I mean representation-wise before anybody says anything) than Melee? There also aren't any characters besides arguably 3rd party characters (Snake could go either way, but Sonic seems pretty likely to come back) that seem a good fit for getting the boot, while Melee's clones were more... Clone-y, for lack of a better word.If there ever were more cuts, I still reckon Melee and Brawl are proof enough the original 12 are untouchable. That includes Jigglypuff who's both hilarious and reminds me of a time where I could recognize more than a handful of Pokemon (only major Nintendo series I don't really give a shit about nowadays).

Remember these days?

There’s a character named Ness who has appeared in the Smash Bros. series up until now, and Lucas is very similar. They are from the same family of PK users.

History repeats itself. If there are to be any cuts it will probably be the guests to got first and Toon Link, sadly. Even then I do not think we will have cuts as much as we just won't have that many new characters. Brawl's roster was pretty good. Ridley, Mewtwo, King K. Rool, Roy, and Megaman pretty much appeal to the largest group of people remaining as well as being the most unanimously agreed upon for the next game. That's only five characters right there, after that it's up to Sakurai's discretion, though I'd say Palutena is a safe bet.


Jigglypuff's Final Smash should show the clip in the anime where it sings and makes everyone asleep. Then after they are put to sleep, Jigglypuff writes all over the player characters face which causes them to explode.


I think most people would be happy if this was Smash 4's roster in a low newcomer scenario.

- Everyone from Brawl is brought back.
- Nine new characters.
- 48 total characters.
- New characters are K. Rool, Ridley, Mewtwo, Roy, Palutena, Takamaru, Mii, Miyamoto's new IP, and Mega Man.

All Characters From Brawl Return + Mewtwo & Roy brought back:
All of the characters that were introduced in Brawl were received very well and have a large amount of fans. There is generally a lot of hostility to the idea of cuts this time around, and most Smash Bros. fans would rather see the entire Brawl cast brought back. Of the cut Melee characters, Mewtwo and Roy are the ones brought up the most in regards to being brought back for Smash 4, and for many people, seeing these characters return would be a very big deal. Mewtwo and Roy may actually be the most requested characters for Smash 4 in Japan. They were also both planned for Brawl. Mewtwo was the personal Pokemon of a major character in Pokemon Conquest and is even featured on the boxart, and Roy received a slick re-design for FE13. There are also many who think Dr. Mario should be brought back as a costume as well (with some even suggesting Pichu as a model swap for Pikachu). This just goes to show how popular Smash Bros.'s cast is and how much personality and charm Sakurai puts into every character he places in.

No brainer for why he was included. He is Samus's arch-nemesis, has been in the Metroid series since the beginning, and has been in almost every game in the series to date. He is also one of the most requested newcomers for Smash 4 by the Western fanbase.

K. Rool:

Another obvious pick. K. Rool has been the main antagonist of most of the Donkey Kong platformer games since Donkey Kong Country. From his three incarnations from the DKC trilogy (as well as his role in DK64), there is a lot for him to draw from in regards to a moveset to the point that it practically writes itself. He is also incredibly popular and highly requested for Smash Bros. worldwide.

Kid Icarus Uprising is perhaps Sakurai's first big-budget project that was not Kirby or Super Smash Bros. Its possible that this game will be for Kid Icarus as Ocarina of Time and Metroid Prime were for their respective series, basically creating a whole new generation of fans who love the series. There is also the fact that there are many who want to see more female characters. Unlike most other female characters, Palutena is actually the one of the most important figures in her series, and she is probably the second most important/notable Kid Icarus character next to Pit. She is so notable that she was the only other KI character aside from Pit that was re-designed for Brawl. There are some that say that she can't be in due to already being a part of Pit's Final Smash, however, considering how much new content is being added to the series as a result of Uprising, it quite likely that there will be a few changes to Pit's moveset. Also, there is a very obvious new Final Smash for Pit:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Tl4A6pvr3g Palutena will also have two OVAs centered around her in promotion for Kid Icarus Uprising. Palutena is now by far the most wanted female newcomer for Smash Bros. and for good reason.

Nazo no Murasame is often considered the "sister game" to the Legend of Zelda the same way Kid Icarus was to Metroid. Nazo no Murasame is a cult classic in Japan, and is remembered the way Punch-Out NES is here. Takamaru has also been showing up in lately in several games since Brawl, with a NPC role in Captain Rainbow and even the inclusion of a Nazo no Murasame mode in Samurai Warriors 3 (with Takamaru being an unlockable character). There are many who would like to see a character with a katana-based moveset that uses medieval Japanese weaponry (such as shurikens). Even if the West is unfamiliar with him, he would certainly be received well. Takamaru is one of the most requested newcomers for Smash 4 by the Japanese fanbase.


Miis are a phenomenon. The various Mii games (Wii Sports, Wii Play, Wii Party, Friend Collection) have sold millions upon millions of copies. The idea of a customizable avatar proved to be so popular that even Sony and Microsoft incorporated the concept into their consoles. The Miis are a symbol of Nintendo's resurrection to the top spot in the console market. The Miis have proven to be so popular that they have become regulars in the Mario spinoffs. However, by Smash Bros. fans there is a hesitancy to include them for several reasons. One is that some feel they are not true characters, while others feel that there is not much that could be done with them (aside from making them possibly customizable characters). There is also the matter of whether Sakurai already ruled out the possibility of Mii's being playable in Smash Bros. during Brawl. Mii and Starfy are the two characters I feel the least likely about in relation to the actual Smash Bros. 4. However, they definitely have a very strong resume and they do have a history of fighting (boxing in Wii Sports, fencing in Wii Sports Resort). Even if Miis do not make it as a playable character, I am fully expecting Wuhu Island as a stage in Smash 4.

Miyamoto's new IP:
This character is technically a placeholder. Sakurai lamented during Brawl that no new franchises had been created since Pikmin that had a character that would be suitable to being playable for Smash Bros. He mentioned that despite the success of Animal Crossing, Brain Training, and Nintendogs, those series did not have characters suitable for fighting. Miyamoto has also relented that he has no created a new character since Pikmin. All eyes are on what new franchise Miyamoto and EAD have cooking for the Wii U. If it does have a character that is suitable for placement in Smash Bros., he/she/it would certainly be a welcome addition for Smash Bros. If this placeholder character is not suitable for Smash Bros., I think the best options for this spot would be Little Mac or Saki.

Mega Man:
When it was confirmed that third-party characters were eligible for Smash Bros., there were two characters that came to everyone's mind, Sonic and Mega Man. Mega Man is pretty much the only third-party character that is requested for Smash Bros. Mega Man is loved dearly by Nintendo fans, and in many cases, consider him a honary Nintendo character. Mega Man is highly requested by Smash Bros. fans worldwide. If Smash Bros. 4 is to have to a third-party newcomer, it has to be Mega Man, and what better way to celebrate the series's 25th anniversary than a reveal of him as a newcomer in Smash 4.






The random icon under Wario is simply a placeholder until Miyamoto's new IP is formally unveiled.


The article already killed my hype, unfortunately. I am not interesting if they decide to cut half characters and replace it with new characters. I prefer expansion, rather than "reboot" roster.

You're still doing that prediction contest though, right? Right!?
It's like an opinion man. I personally detest the idea of K. Rool being a new character but I don't rage because others want him in. "K. Rool hasn't been in a mainline DK game since the SNES and has no place in Smash on top of an atrocious character design from a subpar platforming series. DEAL WITH IT."

He was in DK64.


Maturity, bitches.
Smash 4 needs Shulk and Geno.
OH GOD! He said the forbidden word!

"I make every Smash game like it's the last one!"
Brawl was originally going to be Melee + Online until Sakurai stepped in. Smashboards cheered that it wasn't going to be a cheap cash in. Then it came out and the silly billies at the aforementioned board cried long into the night that it wasn't Melee + Online.

What a tragic tale.

So what are the odds that this is announced as a launch game for WiiU? Pretty good, right?
About as likely as Jigglypuff being cut.
Roy and Mewtwo making a return.
Geno being introduced.
Brawl was originally going to be Melee + Online until Sakurai stepped in. Smashboards cheered that it wasn't going to be a cheap cash in. Then it came out and the silly billies at the aforementioned board cried long into the night that it wasn't Melee + Online.

What a tragic tale.

But on the bright side that lead to stuff like Project M :p

I have yet to play Project M but just looking at THIS vid shows just how cool Charizard coulda been.


I really don't think there will be a lot of cuts. It shouldnt be that hard to upgrade the models for the wii u. Some characters don't even need that much of a change anymore. The focus should be creating new characters while Sakurai works on the direction he wants to take.

Random question: are nintendo and sakurai really that in tune with what the smash fanbases want after all these years? After sonic's inclusion I was really a believer but who knows at this point. I think Nintendo usually works better when their ideas are internally produced but smash is a more fan oriented game so there's that conflict, IMO.

Wow that charizard does look good and fun to play as


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
So what are the odds that this is announced as a launch game for WiiU? Pretty good, right?

Zero. I think they'll want to get it out as quickly as possible, and I'm sure we'll get a teaser at E3, but it's not going to be a launch game. They can probably get it done for Late 2013. I still can't believe they made Melee in 13 months.
Doesn't this seem far more likely than going on a cutting spree after Brawl had a much more balanced roster (I mean representation-wise before anybody says anything) than Melee? There also aren't any characters besides arguably 3rd party characters (Snake could go either way, but Sonic seems pretty likely to come back) that seem a good fit for getting the boot, while Melee's clones were more... Clone-y, for lack of a better word.If there ever were more cuts, I still reckon Melee and Brawl are proof enough the original 12 are untouchable. That includes Jigglypuff who's both hilarious and reminds me of a time where I could recognize more than a handful of Pokemon (only major Nintendo series I don't really give a shit about nowadays).

I definetly agree that less new characters without cuts is the more likely outcome but when sakurai mentions having a more unique and distinct roster than I think there is a small amount of fat that could be trimmed off of brawls roster.

I agree jigglypuff is funny to use at times but I've never met anyone who has mained it and the pokemon world has such a diverse amount of characters to use that I think would be better on top of other reasons. Of course I doubt jigglypuff will be cut but if there were to be cuts to the roster id hope jigglypuff would be one of them.

Also true forgot about 64

Fuck is this shit.
I love retros take on the series but I find the snes series to be terrible. They had terrible hit detection, poor level design(quite often asking me to make jumps where I can't see where I need to land or quite simply bad platforming choices), way too many gimmicky stages, generally bad enemy design and mapping the attack button and run button to the same button also was frustrating and lead to a lot of deaths. I do give it credit for its exploratory levels and the enguarde/underwater levels but that's about it.

This is all jmo but I really don't see how as many people loved it as there are.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
If Sakurai cuts characters, Ike and Lucario will be the first to go. There's no doubt in my mind about that. Sure, Lucario's still regularly promoted, but his position as the latest generation's mascot has effectively been taken up by Zoroark. Similarly, Krom is the new Ike.

Nah, Lucario came out earlier than Zoroark, so objectively he has more "popularity power" so to say.

How about this; if he can get his buff shirtless wolf in the game, you can have Candy Kong.


Keep in mind you don't have a say in which version
but both designs are equally terrible and horrifying so

oh god why did you remind me that show

the songs are catchy tho
I had no idea Mewtwo still held sway in Japan and at Nintendo. I gotta admit that I was annoyed when I found out that Mewtwo was not in Brawl. Megaman should also get a spot on Smash 4. He is a total shoe in for the game. Capcom may just lock him in a vault if Nintendo approaches them with such a good idea though...

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Some dreams/stuff regarding 64, Melee and Brawl for the next Smash

- Brawl's amount of content + more
- Melee's speed
- 64's style of SFX. I really hate Melee's SFX, especially the slash effects. Brawl pretty much nearly captured 64's awesome sounds but it's not there
- Brawl's character definition - i.e. only borderline clones, intros in the stage, etc.
- mix of Brawl and Melee's air dodge - that is, allow air dodge once, but still allow movement and attack
- 64's Classic Mode
- Melee's Adventure Mode
- 64's Bonus Mode (Board the Platforms!)
- Melee's trophy unlock
- Brawl's audio. There's something really off on Melee's audio output. Also I prefer Brawl and 64's style of music rather than Melee's music which feels like they're all played with the same set of instruments
- Brawl's BGM selection being tweakable and random being tweakable
- Brawl's pinball item, which itself is found in 64. Melee's paddle is horrible
- L-canceling should be there... but not infinitely usable; see: Guilty Gear X series
- progression from Brawl's character aesthetics. I really hate the plastic-y look in Melee (don't give me that they're trophies reason - they become REAL that they lose their trophy-ness)

Of course, character tweaks and stuff are there.
- Brawl's audio. There's something really off on Melee's audio output. Also I prefer Brawl and 64's style of music rather than Melee's music which feels like they're all played with the same set of instruments

Well, given how Melee's soundtrack was performed by an orchestra, that's pretty obvious?

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Well, given how Melee's soundtrack was performed by an orchestra, that's pretty obvious?

They could've spiced it up a bit. I recall Norfair and SMB3 themes having electric guitar.

Also orchestra can be good... but somehow it feels too soft in Melee. I really love 64's Gourmet Race and hate Melee's version, for instance, because 64's version really clicks.


Some dreams/stuff regarding 64, Melee and Brawl for the next Smash

- Brawl's amount of content + more
- Melee's speed
- 64's style of SFX. I really hate Melee's SFX, especially the slash effects. Brawl pretty much nearly captured 64's awesome sounds but it's not there
- Brawl's character definition - i.e. only borderline clones, intros in the stage, etc.
- mix of Brawl and Melee's air dodge - that is, allow air dodge once, but still allow movement and attack
- 64's Classic Mode
- Melee's Adventure Mode
- 64's Bonus Mode (Board the Platforms!)
- Melee's trophy unlock
- Brawl's audio. There's something really off on Melee's audio output. Also I prefer Brawl and 64's style of music rather than Melee's music which feels like they're all played with the same set of instruments
- Brawl's BGM selection being tweakable and random being tweakable
- Brawl's pinball item, which itself is found in 64. Melee's paddle is horrible
- L-canceling should be there... but not infinitely usable; see: Guilty Gear X series
- progression from Brawl's character aesthetics. I really hate the plastic-y look in Melee (don't give me that they're trophies reason - they become REAL that they lose their trophy-ness)

Of course, character tweaks and stuff are there.

this so much....whats the point of knocking someone off when they could dodge just about everything on the way back.

oh and I approve of everything else.


I don't really care about the wavedashing "technique", I'd just like Smash to be faster and without the floatyness Brawl had. Although the ability to go in any direction with it was nice.

Also, although Ganondorf is pretty bad in Brawl, I like the choke slam move they added and I wish I could use that in Melee.
They could've spiced it up a bit. I recall Norfair and SMB3 themes having electric guitar.

Also orchestra can be good... but somehow it feels too soft in Melee. I really love 64's Gourmet Race and hate Melee's version, for instance, because 64's version really clicks.

Melee's Gourmet Race is my favorite. :< It's so nice.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I dunno, I guess orchestra isn't the first thing that comes in my mind when I think of Gourmet Race.


fountain of dreams should have been in brawl instead of dream land.

would have been more fun to battle on.....hacks withstanding.
Wait, so why do people want Roy back in Brawl? I mean the last three FE games starred a new guy, Marth, and Ike, and we know Marth is probably gonna be back, so even assuming they have three FE characters, it makes more sense to have a new guy to hype the new game and Ike since every single match I've played online has been against at least one Ike.

It just seems to me that if they're going to include a Marth-like swordsman it might as well be the new character, which also lines up with Roy and Ike being added to Melee and Brawl respectively; because they were the newest characters.


Wait, so why do people want Roy back in Brawl? I mean the last three FE games starred a new guy, Marth, and Ike, and we know Marth is probably gonna be back, so even assuming they have three FE characters, it makes more sense to have a new guy to hype the new game and Ike since every single match I've played online has been against at least one Ike.

It just seems to me that if they're going to include a Marth-like swordsman it might as well be the new character, which also lines up with Roy and Ike being added to Melee and Brawl respectively; because they were the newest characters.

Mewtwo and Roy should stay gone. They were cool back in the day but everyone who wants them back is just living in the past.

It would be cool if there were 4 pokemon characters, two being Pikachu and Lucario, and then two being a Gen 2/3 rep and a gen 5 rep.
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