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Next Super Smash Bros. discussion thread, Community Edition

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And with a better roster.
And with a better singleplayer mode.
And better online.
And actually useful non-clone characters.

uhm, brawl roster is infinitely superior to melees.

SSE & the unlock board are unmatched in the series, the unlock board especially. one of the best things ever.

online is horrible.

lucas was awesome, lucario is better than mewtwo, sad to see dr mario gone. should have replaced luigi.


uhm, brawl roster is infinitely superior to melees.

SSE & the unlock board are unmatched in the series, the unlock board especially. one of the best things ever.

online is horrible.

lucas was awesome, lucario is better than mewtwo, sad to see dr mario gone. should have replaced luigi.

everything you said was right except i want dr mario back


uhm, brawl roster is infinitely superior to melees.

SSE & the unlock board are unmatched in the series, the unlock board especially. one of the best things ever.

online is horrible.

lucas was awesome, lucario is better than mewtwo, sad to see dr mario gone. should have replaced luigi.

Melee's roster for the time crunch they were under is amazing. For the amount of time Brawl had to be developed the roster is a piece of shit.

SSE was shit, the unlock board was a step in the right direction they just need to tweak some of the requirements for unlocking some trophies.

Yes it was.

Lucas was good but I felt they needed to diversify his special moves, Lucario's concept was interesting but Mewtwo is far more important to the series, Dr. Mario needs to be an alt costume and nothing more, there's no fucking way nor reason for Luigi to be replaced especially if an even bigger fucking clone would be taking his place.


but this makes me :(

Too bad, he doesn't add anything to the roster besides a white lab coat and the doctor mirror. Make him an alt so people stop bitching, we don't need another useless clone because he does slightly more damage or his copied moves send a person in a different direction.


Too bad, he doesn't add anything to the roster besides a white lab coat and the doctor mirror. Make him an alt so people stop bitching, we don't need another useless clone because he does slightly more damage or his copied moves send a person a different direction.





I rest my case.[/QUOTE]

but that's event 40 with superior dedede and no extreme bowser

[quote="Ezalc, post: 33013153"]I already knew this when you said you preferred Mallow.[/QUOTE]

like mallow is hilarious and cries and shit
plus he can't jump

qq more

Finally somebody who (I hope) is sane.

Yeah, seriously. I just can't understand how people think Luigi should be replaced by a character who is already in the game. Seriously... 2 Marios and 0 Luigi? Besides, Luigi is a staple and has a fanbase.


Yeah, seriously. I just can't understand how people think Luigi should be replaced by a character who is already in the game. Seriously... 2 Marios and 0 Luigi? Besides, Luigi is a staple and has a fanbase.

We call such people peasants. Don't let them get too close to you.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
You don't like Vivi either?! What the fuck man. There should be a limit to bad taste. Anyways, most of the Mario RPG characters have no personality other than one little quirk. Even if they're RPGs the stories in the Mario ones don't tend to be all that deeeeep. Geno is still the only good candidate from this section of the Mario games.

I'd still use it. Sure the clones have some more differences but they're still clones to me and will always be. Just because Fox's blaster doesn't stun while Falco's does they're still using blasters and it looks too damn similar for me. Change that shit. There's no reason for them not to spend time thinking of unique characters to put in the game. I don't care if we get Krystal instead of Falco, hell I'd prefer it at least she'd be a different play style. Falco and Wolf can be relegated to alternate costumes if they don't have unique movesets. Same for anybody else who's clone-ish. Exception being Luigi and possibly Lucas.

See, here's the thing. They all have quirky personalities... that are actually fun and sorta fits the setting. Then we suddenly have a stoic, one-dimensional puppet who never fits in the whole series. Yes, even Mallow fits because he looks likes those goddamn clouds. And I ain't hatin' on Vivi - I'm hating on Vivi fans.

And yeah, Mallow can't jump.
He can fly and split himself in half though.
I won't be satisfied until I see an effigy of Geno being burned.

As for the second - you're just having double standards! Wolf is no more unique than Lucas. Only thing Wolf has copying is the Landmaster, otherwise I've yet to see a Jon Talbain-style fighter in Smash. If you're gonna relegate clones into shallow similarities, then Link is a clone of Samus!

qq more

lol man, that reminds me of the time during the Brawl hype, there were people saying Mega Man shouldn't be in Brawl because he'd be a Samus clone for some stupid reason. People are such idiots.

Azure J

lol man, that reminds me of the time during the Brawl hype, there were people saying Mega Man shouldn't be in Brawl because he'd be a Samus clone for some stupid reason. People are such idiots.

This, "Ridley am too big for Brawl" & anything regarding Lip (lol too obscure [Why hello there R.O.B], she's upskirt bait [lengthen the goddamn skirt], etc.) were the source of some of the funniest and in retrospect "ugh" inducing conversations I've ever had on the internet. :lol

Also in this category is "Daisy would be a Peach clone."


luigi is a failed clone like mewtwo except lame

luigi is an alternate version of mario from the future

it's a cyber punk dystopia, so he has to run from cops all the time, so he's skinnier, and that's why he's always afraid and paranoid

it's practically canon, it's from my fan fic


he's a clone

except he plays entirely differently and has different moves with different properties


And the fact that he's a copy-paste of Fox's animations/bones/we, poorly overridden and covered up. You can see it in his clapping animation on the results screen. You can see it a split second in his idle animation before he goes into that weird feral fighting stance. You can see it in his janky animations.

Oh you mean stats and shit.


The only things I desperately want is to embrace the cool things from Melee and make them accessible (auto-L canceling, make wavedashing a regular move with a basic input), as well as giving Ganondorf a new movelist (doesn't even need to have a sword).

It still boggles my mind that Sakurai would make changes to a game to remove fun from other players that basically adds nothing to the experience of others. Completely mind blowing.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
And the fact that he's a copy-paste of Fox's animations/bones/we, poorly overridden and covered up. You can see it in his clapping animation on the results screen. You can see it a split second in his idle animation before he goes into that weird feral fighting stance. You can see it in his janky animations.

Oh you mean stats and shit.

Only his clapping and mushroom animations are "copied". Otherwise he's unique.

he has a lazer and the same side b and the same up b and landmaster and some other stuff

He's the only one who's into leather in Smash. Kinky!
SSE was shit, the unlock board was a step in the right direction they just need to tweak some of the requirements for unlocking some trophies.

I love how the game is home to some the most unique and loved licenses in gaming and yet all we get is generic forest, jungle, lake, mountain, desert, etc...(Halberd excluded). I want to storm Bowser's Castle as Link. I want to fight Dedede in his personal boxing ring as Ganondorf. I want to run through Green Hill Zone as Mario. I want to kick Mother Brain's (and the Metroids') ass in Tourian as Fox. I want to navigate Bramble Scramble as Pit. Hell, give me Bowser vs. King K. Rool on the Gangplank Galleon. I could go on forever.

Revisiting this thread and talk of 'Sakurai ignoring fans of Melee' got me thinking.

Did anybody here actually care about Ganondorf in Melee? I got the impression the official reason given for why he stayed a clone in Brawl (besides extra effort, duh) was because it'd be a pain for Melee players to adapt to a new moveset. Competitively-speaking wasn't he ranked horribly in both games anyway? Strikes me as weird that's one of the few aspects Sakurai's reluctant to change up radically with each new game, yet he's willing to invest far more time and effort in a nice-in-theory-but-boring-as-shit-in-practice adventure mode.


Revisiting this thread and talk of 'Sakurai ignoring fans of Melee' got me thinking.

Did anybody here actually care about Ganondorf in Melee? I got the impression the official reason given for why he stayed a clone in Brawl (besides extra effort, duh) was because it'd be a pain for Melee players to adapt to a new moveset. Competitively-speaking wasn't he ranked horribly in both games anyway? Strikes me as weird that's one of the few aspects Sakurai's reluctant to change up radically with each new game, yet he's willing to invest far more time and effort in a nice-in-theory-but-boring-as-shit-in-practice adventure mode.

Ganondorf was not that bad in Melee at all, he was terribad in Brawl.
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