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Next Super Smash Bros. discussion thread, Community Edition

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As in "Heathcliff"

Dude, why bump this thread! ARGH!
Well, iirc, Ridley built Mecha-Ridley, or he let the Space Pirates build it for him or something to that degree.
If Ridley is confirmed playable, Day 1 for me.

And... Hooray, I guess? Good thing your avatars are so easy to recognize, so it won't be much of a change.
Where is the duck Ridley from?

Let me guess. Other M?


Why does he look like a duck in Other M?

That's one of the phases he goes through when growing up. You see that little fuzzball on his nose? That's basically a Ridley larva. The one its sitting on it adolescent, and he then transforms into the Ridley we all know. The guy on this picture looks off a lot, though, given its perspective. Here is how that form actually looks like:

That said, I don't accept this form of Ridley as an actual Ridley (just like Mecha Ridley isn't), as Other M's story, to me, is not canon.

I just thought the picture was awesome.
Man, Brawl is mostly what sold me on a Wii back in '06. It's really a shame that we're going into the Wii U launch in '12 with almost no information to go off of for Smash 4.

Or, really, any Nintendo title beyond NSMBU, Pikmin 3 or NintendoLand.


As in "Heathcliff"
Let's change the subject!



Hmm, Who would be more likely to be new Pokemon that would pop out of Pokeballs.

Man, Brawl is mostly what sold me on a Wii back in '06. It's really a shame that we're going into the Wii U launch in '12 with almost no information to go off of for Smash 4.

Or, really, any Nintendo title beyond NSMBU, Pikmin 3 or NintendoLand.

I know. That's why I am frustrated with Nintendo, because they expected us to buy the Wii U based on those few games announcement and trailers. I want them to announce few games that are coming next year to encouraging us to buy the system early. There are many ways that Nintendo could do it right but they didn't.


as lazy as it may be, JUst bring back the melee pokemon. Atlease 3/4 of them didn't suck, legendaries were more common, and more than 3 could be on the screen.


It'd be hilarious if Pokéballs had a rare chance of dropping an ally CPU of one of the playable Pokémon.

.....actually that was going to be in melee via ditto but it sadly didn't see the light of day. Ditto was still in the games programming and was useable via action replay but all he did was one hit and then disappeared or randomly become goldeen XD


didn't it still have it in melee. My favorite was the shock waves (earthquake?)

Tis sad that gigabowser and the hands didn't keep them for his down b and slap

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
So, I've been rethinking my roster...originally I speculated on like 25+ characters, but I realized that was a bit too much. So, I narrowed it down to 15 New Characters, 6 New Series, 6 Returning Series Reps, and 3 Guest Characters, which would bring the total roster to 50 (counting PT, Samus/ZZ, and Zelda/Sheik as one entity). The only characters dropped would be Lucario, with Mewtwo returning, and Snake, replaced by Konami's (now owned) Bomberman.

New Series- Smash Brothers, in my opinion, has exhausted most of the important roster's of the already existing series...sure, there's guys like Waluigi, Mona, and Dixie that people still want, but I really want Smash 4 to bring some new series into the spotlight. Also, for New Series characters, I wanted them to all have a bit of uniqueness to them, with unique play-styles that'd be fun to try out, so here's my idea for 6 of them. They're a mix of classic characters and cult-classics.

Takamaru * Murasame Series- Lighting-fast, and light, swordsman who has a Stance-based style of fighting similar to Gen from Street Fighter, a Sword Stance, and a Sword-Sheathed Stance. Based on how Takamaru uses his sword only when he's close up to an enemy in Murasame, and shurikens elsewise. Sword Stance has a sword block, side-step, and counter, while Sword-Sheathed Stance has shurikens, a ninja kite, and thunder bolts. To switch between stances, Takamaru either sheathes his sword, or does an Iaido quick-draw maneuver. Would give Kirby his own Samurai-style ponytail.

Little Mac * Punch Out Series- Bulky, close-ranged character with quick punches uses to rack up damage, and strong finishers. Would have a "Star Stock" system, using his B-Down Counter would stock "Stars" above his head which would power up his other B-moves, the more Stars Mac has, the stronger his B moves. Also has a boxer block as opposed to a shield, covering his front and capable of shuffling around and sidestepping. Doc Louis would have his own platform, like Pokemon Trainer, and watch the match and cheer Mac on. Would give Kirby Little Mac's signature haircut.

Jill * Drill Dozer Series- A heavy, and slow character...Jill rides around in the Drill Dozer always. Her Normal Attacks involve using the drills to punch and such, and she's a close-range character. She can alter her stats through Gear Shift, her Down-B move. When stationary and on the ground, using it cycles through three Gears...Gear 1 is slow, but attacks have more knock back. Gear 2 is medium speed, medium knock back. Gear 3 is fast, able to rack up damage, but little knock back. Her Specials also change based on which Gear she's in. Up-B is a hover, Gear 1 has longer range, but slower, and so on. Side-B allows her to drill in a straight line into her foes, with Gear 1 having a suck-in effect like Link's Sword Spin, while Gear 3 instead cuts through the foe. And Neutral B allows her to charge and dash forward, Gear 1 having a longer charge period with more power, and so on. Change Gears depending on the foe. Would give Kirby Jill's shocking pink hairdo.

Tingle * Tingle Series- Going off on his own from the Zelda Series, akin to Yoshi, Tingle is the game's resident joke character...pretty weak and comical, unless the player is skilled enough to utilize him to his fullest. He's short, heavier than he looks, and with wonky movement speeds. Tingle is interesting because alongside his Health is also a Rupee Count. Tingle starts out each match with 0 Rupees. Taking damage adds damage to Tingle's damage percentage (full damage), and half the damage amount is also subtracted from his Rupee count (1% attacks wouldn't halve though, and he can't go into the negative), while all damage he inflicts, rather than adding to the opponent's damage counter, adds an equal amount of Rupees to Tingle, up to 999. The Knock-Back of Tingle's attacks (not including items) are influenced by his Rupee count as opposed to the opponent's damage, for an interesting mix. His B Moves also are influenced by his Rupee Count, some being stronger with more Rupees, others adding Rupees, and some subtracting Rupees to power them up. Balancing his Rupee count is key, and tag-matches with him are interesting due to how he ignores the opponent's damage counter in his attacks. Would give Kirby Tingle's green hood (covering his whole body but his face, arms, and legs).

Shulk * Xenoblade Series- A slower and heavy sword-wielder like Ike (but a bit more nimble than Ike) who is capable of utilizing Buffs. Like in Xenoblade, his sword charges over-time during battle, raising faster when he delivers hits or is hit himself. When it's charging, he cannot utilize any Special Moves. However, when the Monado Activates, all his Special Moves become available and he can use one of them...they're all very powerful. Neutral B is a super-strong slash, while the other B's are Buffs that greatly boosts his stats for a short duration. So, playing as Shulk involves waiting for the right moment to attack, and choosing which Buff is the best for the situation. Since he has no "B" recovery move, he naturally can jump up to three times to make up for it. Would give Kirby Shulk's blond hair.

Mallo * Pushmo Series - Short and stubby, but decently heavy (he's a sumo wrestler after all), Mallo's normal moveset are close-range, sumo wrestling moves without a lot of flair. However, his Specials are a whole other matter...pressing B has Mallo grab onto a square part of the foreground (even in the air, but only once before touching the ground) and using Up-B or Down-B, can either push the square in, quickly ducking into the hole for cover, or pull it out, creating a wall/platform. 4 Blocks can be pulled out at once, and when another one's pulled out, the 1st one goes back in automatically. Or Mallo can push them in himself with Down-B on a pulled-out block. Thus, Mallo can adjust the battlefield strategically to his fitting. Side-B lets Mallo spin around to the other side of a block he's grabbing, allowing him to quickly dodge, or by letting go of B, Mallo uses the rotation to boost himself sideways through the air. Would give Kirby Mallo's blue mawashi.

Returning Series- More villains is what I'd like to see, basically, since, well, villains are the lifeblood of Nintendo series imo, and some two alternate versions of characters.

Ridley * Metroid Series- When on the ground he'd be super slow, and heavier (but lighter than he looks), crawling along with his wings retracted (kind of looking like the mid-stage from Other M). However, his Up-B would allow him to open his wings and fly around, making him faster and lighter, yet also making him an easy target, so it's kind of a character you need to balance out when using. His moves would slightly change depending on if he's in ground mode, or flying around, mostly in terms of their range and speed. Ground moves would tend to be stronger but slower, air moves faster but lighter. He couldn't fly for too long without tiring out, and would have to recharge. Would give Kirby Ridley's purple horns.

Medusa * Kid Icarus Series- Pretty tall (among the human-characters) and upper-middle weight, she wouldn't have many close range moves, but would instead focus on using magic...turning the foe into stone, summoning snakes, and eye-lasers and such. Also various moves allowing her to warp around, so the key with her is keeping away from opponents as if they trap her, she's in trouble. Would fight with her staff for A-attacks. Would give Kirby Medusa's head of snakes.

King K. Rool * Donkey Kong Series- Large and heavy, like Donkey Kong but, also like D.K., surprisingly fast and simple to use. Not a lot of moves to rack up damage, but strong knock-back moves. Would have a long-jump, his crown throw, throwing cannon-balls, and a move that utilizes his cape. Pretty much a longer-range DK. Also could walk at the same speed when carrying crates and barrels like Donkey Kong. Would give Kirby K. Rool's pointy crown.

Mewtwo * Pokemon Series- Lucario is dropped from the roster, allowing the return of Pokemon's "villain" (well, he's treated as such in Smash) Mewtwo. He's not as floaty nor heavy any more, but is still a slower, lighter character. His moves also are switched up a bit.

Genesect * Pokemon Series- A giant metallic bug made only for fighting by the villainous Team Plasma, he mixes close-range and projectile attacks. His B Move is Techno Drive, with four different variants: a FLUDD-esque water cannon, a burning flame blast, a stun gun, and a freezing beam. He can switch the Techno Drive by tapping B, while holding it is what charges it up. Unlike other charge characters, he must remain stationary while charging, but his Down-B allows him to set protective bombs around him to allow him to charge. Would give Kirby a Geordi La Forge-style based on Genesect's face.

Paper Mario * Mario Series- Even though he's an "alternate" Mario, Paper Mario is pretty different. He's light like G&W and flat like him as well, and a bit floaty too, and rather than punch and kick like Mario, his normal attacks utilizes his hammer. His Specials draw from the Paper Mario games, such as flipping flat, turning into a paper airplane, and such. Would turn Kirby's coloring into a paper-like color.

Yarn Kirby * Kirby Series- Joining Toon Link and Paper Mario as "alternate" versions of the Big 3 Nintendo dudes, Yarn Kirby, like Paper Mario, plays differently from his normal version. He lacks the Copy Ability, instead utilizing his yarn powers to morph into various forms and unravel himself. He's more nimble than Kirby, but even lighter. Would give normal Kirby a yarn texture, 3D unlike the flat Yarn Kirby.

Guest Characters- Sonic returns, yet Snake wouldn't due to Kojima's distancing himself from Metal Gear lately, as well as the focus on Raiden. Three new Guest Characters would be involved from Namco, Capcom, and Konami, chosen to fit in with Sonic and the Nintendo gang.

Pac Man * Namco's Pac Man Series- Quick moving and always on the run, his Specials actually involve the use of the Ghosts. Up-B has Pac Man following a line of dots as you control a Blue'd Inky, with Pac-Man following him through the air. B would have Blinky appear, and run towards Pac-Man (hurting all foes it runs into). And the other two Ghosts would be involved in the other Specials as well. Would turn Kirby yellow with Pac-Man eyes.

Mega Man * Capcom's Mega Man Series- The Classic Mega Man would be revived for Smash, being a character akin to Kirby with a Copy Mechanic (Weapon Get). Mega Man's B-move would be his Mega Buster, akin to Samus, but upon striking a foe with a charged shot, Mega Man would actually inherit one of the foe's moves (unlike Kirby, it'd be a different B move for each character) and his color scheme would change to match them. He uses his Taunt Button to switch colors between his default-blue Mega Buster, or the color of the foe's Weapon. Mario would give him the Fire Ball, Toon Link would give him the Boomerang, and Sonic would let him shoot out a spinning saw blade, to mimic Sonic's Spin Dash, for example. Basically, Mega Man would always have a projectile variant of one of the character's moves. His Other Special moves would include his Slide and doing the Warp. Would give Kirby his Blue Helmet (Kirby would just get the Mega Buster though).

Bomberman * Konami's Bomberman Series- Bomberman's all about using bombs, and the bombs can also hurt him, making for an interesting style of play as you throw around dangerous bombs while, like in the original Bomberman game, trying to avoid them yourself. Would give Kirby Bomberman's white-helmet + pink pom.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
No Dillon no buy

Also is Dillon Spanish

Well, Fat Princess in PSA got me thinking...Nintendo getting a character from one of their new Down-loadable titles would be pretty swell.

Dillon's cool and all, but Mallo is cute and adorable, plus Pushmo's getting a sequel too.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Yeah it kinda sucks really. I kinda wish they do the teased sequel of Dillon :(

Hmm... you think Startropics don't get noted in Smash because it didn't come out in Japan?

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Snake replaced by Pacman? Don't deal me like that, breh!

Also, you forgot this gem:


Nah, Snake makes way for Bomberman (Konami owns him now since they brught out Hudson)

Actually, I did consider Golden Sun...but I figured that, in terms of sword-wielding RPG protagonists, Shulk was more "now" than Isaac. Plus Golden Sun DS...kind of sucked. :(


As in "Heathcliff"
Spare me, it will be our third generation of debating if ridley will be in or not. I hope that he get in but I don't think Sakurai would put him in to spite us.

Mr. Fix

Why the Ridley hate? :(


To be fair, I've only played the Zero Mission and Metroid Fusion (will play Super Metroid one day!). Is there a regular sized Ridley I don't know about? The one in the SSBM was the smallest one I've seen, and even then, the wings covering up the screen would haunt me for life. I know about Bowser though, though that seems to be the limit for me.
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